Tuesday 1 January 2013

January 2013 Newsletter

DotsoFit Health and Fitness Newsletter
Exercise May Serve as “Medicine” for Depression
Supporting the interconnection between mind and body, a recent study has found that exercise can serve as a supplemental treatment for 50% of patients with depression who have not been cured by a single antidepressant medication. The amount and type of exercise, much like the dose of a prescribed medicine, needs to be customized to the individual. read more »

Habit Makes Bad Food Go Down Too Easily
Do you snack in the car while waiting to pick up the kids from sports? Do you routinely munch on crackers or chips while cooking dinner? Do you ever find yourself eating mindlessly simply because it fits a ritual you have? University of Southern California (USC) researchers recently showed why poor eating habits persist even when the food we’re eating doesn’t taste good. read more »

5 Food Websites and Apps to Chew On
Whether or not you agree with the idea of “gambling,” you have to admit this idea is novel. HealthyWage™ (www.HealthyWage.com) is offering Americans the opportunity to make money from losing weight. read more »

Recipe for Health: Chunky White-Bean Soup
Perfect for a busy weeknight dinner, this hearty, nutritious—and fast—soup will have your family and friends lining up for more. Pair it with good, whole-grain crusty bread and a salad, and you’re all set! The next day for lunch, the leftovers (if there are any) are possibly even tastier than the soup from the night before. Consider making a double batch and freezing half. read more »

Video Move of the Month: Obliques Abdominals on Stability Ball with Opposite Knee Lift
Trainer: Anthony Carey, MA
watch now »

IDEA Health & Fitness Association (2012)