Wednesday 2 October 2013

Top Five Health And Fitness Apps

The progression of mobile technology has given us the power to improve so many aspects of our lives, and our health and fitness is no exception. At just the touch of a button, you can download a handy little resource that can be carried around in your pocket, with the potential to make a massive difference to your life. Let’s take a look at the top five health and fitness apps available on the market today.

Couch to 5K

The prospect of running 5k just nine weeks from now may seem like a mammoth feat, but this app promises that you’ll be able to do just that, even if it’s years since you last dusted off your trainers. It’s free and available on Android and iOS.

Pocket Yoga

Yoga can be excellent for both body and mind, and it’s easy to see why so many people like the idea of being able to do it on the go. With this app, you can try out 27 different routines, all with their own guidance and instructions. It costs £1.89 for Android or £1.99 for iOS.


Building muscle can be tough, but this app helps you to understand exactly where you need to target for the very best results. The detailed animations are great for making sense out of the instructions, and means that the app is suitable for all levels. It’s £2.99 on iOS.


This is the app for you if you aren’t making the most of that costly gym membership! You can actually earn money by reaching your self-set targets, though you’ll be fined if you decide to give the gym a miss. It’s extremely motivational and is free on iOS.


MyFitnessPal helps you to understand how many calories you’ve consumed each day, making weight loss a much more manageable process. You monitor what you’ve eaten by scanning the barcode of your food item or choosing from the database of over 3 million foods. It’s free on Android and iOS.

If you’re serious about making positive changes to your health and fitness levels, why not download these apps today? For less than the price of a cup of coffee, you could build a toolkit full of support, knowledge, and encouragement.

Always remember that it’s wise to consult a doctor before commencing with a new training programme, especially if you’ve experienced health issues in the past. It’s also recommended that you have a first aid kit ready in case of any accidents, which can be purchased from a supplier such as CareShop.

Have you ever used any of these apps? We’d love to hear about your experiences!