Tuesday 22 October 2013

Enthrallment lost - Ectopic Pregnancy

In a normal pregnancy, egg and sperm meet in fallopian tube from which they travel towards uterus and get settled there for 9 months. But in ectopic pregnancy, fertilized egg denies leaving its fallopian tube abode and stays there. In rare cases, it can attach itself to ovaries or other abdominal organs even cervix and the problem begins. Unless the case is exceptional or the surgeon is very skillful, the embryo cannot survive till the end of 9 months. If the fallopian tube ruptures, it causes severe bleeding which can put mother’s life into danger.

This condition is usually discovered by the 8th week of pregnancy hence mother’s life can be saved. Earlier the detection, greater are the chances of maternal survival. Diagnosis is done with the help of Pelvic exam and ultrasound. Vaginal ultrasound may also be used to know the details of location of growing fetus.

Symptoms of an Ectopic Pregnancy:-
• Vaginal bleeding and spotting
• Nausea and vomiting
• Lower abdominal or one-sided abdominal pain
• Pelvic pain and abdominal cramps
• Fatigue and dizziness
• Pain in shoulder, neck and rectum
• Tissue popping out of vagina.

• Age above 30 years
• Damaged fallopian tube
• Congenital abnormality of fallopian tube
• Use of IUD during conception
• Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
• STDs such as Chlamydia and gonorrhea
• Previous occurrence of ectopic pregnancy
• Unsuccessful tubal ligation (surgical sterilization)
• Infertility treatments (Medications or IVF)
• Smoking

Treating an Ectopic Pregnancy:-
• Medications: - This option is used to stop the growth of fetus in fallopian tube. It can be administered only when pregnancy is at initial stage and fallopian tube has not yet ruptured.
• Surgery: - Embryo can be removed by Laparoscopic surgery. If the fallopian tube is ruptured, emergency surgery is performed to stop the bleeding. In extreme cases, fallopian tubes and ovaries are needed to be removed (salpingectomy).
Blood test to detect hCG hormone is performed after surgery. It is to make sure that the pregnancy tissue has been removed.

Emotional management:-
Ectopic pregnancy is like having a miscarriage. Do not feel guilty about the incidence. Grief of losing a baby can be managed by talking to counselor, your partner or joining a support group. It is particularly worse if the child is first baby. Give yourself time for bodily and emotional healing.

Conception possibilities after the incident:-
Conception possibilities depend on cause and course of treatment. If the trauma is caused by STDs or some treatable infections, pregnancy is possible after administration of proper medicines. If one fallopian tube is removed and second is intact, chances of pregnancy are higher. However, if both the fallopian tubes or ovaries are removed, chances of conception are nil.
Decide the course of action with your medical practitioner’s advice. Usually, doctors recommend a waiting period of 3-6 months.

Camili Smith is the author of this article, He is working as a Free Lancer for various online health care pharmacies, and he is currently working with Zeepharmacy.co. He is associated with many Pharmacies for whom he writes articles based on health issues and generic drugs like Mifepristone, Forzest, Mifegyne, Zenegra.
- See more at: http://www.freearticleforyou.com/Health-and-Fitness/Women-s-Health/enthrallment-lost-ectopic-pregnancy.