Monday 28 October 2013

7 Facts That Will Transform Your Training

1) Skip stretching before your workout, your ligaments will thank you.

Latest research shows that stretching before a warm up has no benefit and doesn't bolster performance.  Start with a gentle warm up and when the muscles feel warm and loose do two types of stretching: static and dynamic. If you already train with my DVDs then you'll be already doing it this way.

2) Your body is smart.

Qigong and Kung Fu helps us to go beyond our small individual selves and find a connection with the very fabric of the Universe. It doesn't give us anything new; it simply connects us with the body’s internal power and automatic wisdom that already exists within us.
3) Not all workouts are created equal.

Shaolin Forms teach the many muscle groups in our body to work together. They are the only exercise I've come across where every muscle is engaged and we simultaneously build flexibility, strength, endurance, balance, and power. They then teach us how to move in our modern life, whether that's carrying our groceries home or climbing the stairs to the subway. Everything becomes part of our training: total mind-body wellness

4) Balancing Yin and Yang is the key to health and longevity.

It's vitally important for people of all ages to combine physical exercise with Qigong. This is like the two wings of a bird, The Qigong changes your internal body and the Kung Fu changes your external body. Qigong takes you to the peak of your power without fear of burn out.

5) Self-massage matters.

Massaging with the 108 bamboo rods of the Instant Health Massage brush create vibrations which relieve stress and tension in the muscles, help the Qi and blood to flow properly, detox the lymphatic system, and act as a natural battery charger for the body.

6) What you give, you receive.

Think of food as a medicine and fuel for our body rather than something which gives us pleasure. This helps us be more disciplined about what we eat. What we give to our body, we receive. We give it fast food, we receive energy slumps, sluggishness and sugar drops. We give it wholesome food, we receive high energy, vitality and stable sugar levels.

7) No Mud, no Lotus

Lotuses grow from mud. It's the same with us. All of our problems, all of the stuff we don't like about ourselves make up the mud so that our lotuses can take root and bloom. Beautiful lotuses can only grow from the unbeautiful. Everything we experience can be turned around and help us to become better people.
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