Sunday 27 October 2013

Hemorrhoids Information and Treatment Solutions

 Hemorrhoids Information and Treatment Solutions

by Henry Riffiles

Hemorrhoids are one of the most colon diseases. It’s not usually a serious medical condition but it can be very painful and irritating to sufferers. What happens is that the veins in the anal region come under stress and sort of gets a blow out, causing a tiny bulge to form in the vein. Once the bulge forms, it then can come under further stress from passing stools, daily cleaning, sitting, and rubbing from clothes, all this irritation only helps to exacerbate the discomfort. Usually the hemorrhoids that are located at the opening of the anal canal are more subjected to these daily stresses while internal hemorrhoids are less painful.

 However, if internal hemorrhoids get so swollen that they begin to protrude from the anal opening, this is considered a complication called prolapsed and may then become more painful. Common symptoms of external hemorrhoids include bleeding, itching, swelling, and burning, while internal hemorrhoids may only have bleeding as a symptom.

The good news about hemorrhoids is that for most patients if they are caught early enough and treated then complications can be avoided and symptoms minimized. There are a lot of excellent hemroid treatment creams readily available at most drug stores that can help quite a bit with minor hemorrhoid symptoms. Another excellent solution for dealing with minor hemorrhoids is to start with an improved diet high in fiber. Fiber will help control constipation and reduce straining while using the rest room which is the most common cause of hemorrhoids.

If diet and non-prescription creams alone aren’t enough to get your hemorrhoids under control then more aggressive treatment may be required. Once a hemorrhoid get to a Grade III or IV then prescription strength medications or surgery may be the only option. The key is to start treating your symptoms ASAP in the hopes that your condition won’t get this serious, but this is not always possible. If you do end up in the small minority of hemroid surgery, the good news is that there are excellent office procedures such as the rubber band ligation that offer excellent results with a minimum of risk. These newer procedures can be done outside a hospital, patients experience a minimum of pain and the recovery times are must faster than with the traditional hemorrhoidectomy.
