Thursday 10 October 2013


 In the feature film I've just shot, Shaolin Temple students practice this form in the mountains of China, and students in the UK practice in their urban environment. One of the things I love about kung fu is how it connects us from one side of the globe to the other. One of the things I love about this form is how grounding it is, strengthening the mind as well as the body.

This deceptively simple form  uses only two stances, mabu and gong bu. It builds:
Strengthens the legs
Acts as a gateway to Iron Leg
Centres and grounds
Do the form slowly and check it in the mirror.
Is your body relaxed?
Are you knees slightly pushed out so they are over your knees when you're in mabu?
Are your eyes strong?
Is your centre of gravity in the middle?
Are you gently grabbing the floor with your feet. 
Don't tip the body but keep it straight.
If you have knee or back problems then you need to keep your stance high. If you find the stance is aggravating the problem then you need to stop. There should be no pain when you do this stance.
How to improve your form
Start by doing it slowly, checking that your form is correct then begin to speed up. Practicing with a partner is a good way to push yourself but if you don't have a partner then use a stopwatch instead, do five rounds and see how long it takes you. If you don't get out of breath then you're doing it wrong! Make sure your stance  is low and don't allow yourself to rise higher.
It's a good idea for Qigong and Kung Fu students to spend some time working on this form. Our body's tend to be lazy and want to find an easy way out but regular check ups will keep us on the right path. It's also easier to feel the Qi in the Dantian when we do this form which is why even a few minutes of doing this stance will help us to feel grounded and energised. 
Want to learn more?
I teach this form in my DVDs: Shaolin Workout 1
I teach Shaolin stances in Instant Health: Qigong Workout & Rou Quan