Tuesday 8 October 2013

How To Have A Powerful Zen Mind

Being back in China and staying close to the birthplace of Zen made me think about the Bodhidharma, and how much influence this solitary Indian monk has had upon the world. Zen has become a common word used as a marketing tool to sell all manner of things. But the true essence of Zen is to cease the endless craving 

"You might think you can find a Buddha or enlightenment somewhere beyond the mind but no such place exists." This is a very comforting quote for me because it stops the constant search and quest and puts us right where we are now. We often crave things as a way to avoid what's going on inside our mind. 

"The mind is the Buddha. Everything comes from our mind." You don't need to be a Buddhist to understand this. We all have a mind, and it's the same mind whether we follow a religion or none at all. Our mind can be very tricky at times. We all want to be happy, to feel peaceful, and whole. So, although  Damo is talking about Buddha's mind as the enlightened mind.  Because I'm just a beginner, I think of Buddha mind as the positive mind. The mind that is open and is in harmony. 

Damo spent long hours meditating every day in a cave about the Shaolin Temple, and he saw how the body got tired and affected the mind, which is why he created Qigong.Cleanse the body and the mind will follow. Even a beginner following 8 Treasures from The Way Of Qigong Volume 1 will feel the mind settling down, and a feeling of harmony will follow. 

This settled mind then goes out into the world with far more power as it's not leaking energy everywhere but has a focus and purpose. What Damo is saying is, you don't need to go to a temple in China. I practice the same Qigong in London as I practiced in China with the same mind. Whatever martial arts you do, just do it. Wherever you are is the perfect place for you. "The Buddha is a product of your mind so why look for a Buddha beyond the mind?"

For more information please visit:http://www.shifuyanlei.co.uk/