Friday 31 May 2013

Yoga Challenge with Grow Soul Beautiful - June 2013

Welcome to the June Yoga Instagram Challenge. I am so happy to be partnering with Grow Soul Beautiful as I did their challenge back in October 2012 and simply adore Yoga!

For your chance to win a Yoga Bible book and $10 iTunes gift card please leave a comment below with the way Yoga makes you feel. 

June Instagram Challenge
How you can join:
  • Follow @GrowSoulBeautiful on Instagram -  They will be posting a daily reminder photo of each pose on Instagram as well as all the photos on Facebook.
  • Save the graphic above to your phone or computer for easy access- Grab a quick photo with your phone or right-click on the photo to save to your computer
  • Each day, snap a photo of yourself in the asana - Use an app with a timer to make it a self-portrait or grab a buddy to double the fun
  • Tag them in your caption!  Tag @GrowSoulBeautiful and add the hashtag #YogaADay
  • Connect with others- search for the #YogaaDay hashtag to find others having fun with yoga photography
  • This year, they are adding their #YearOfYoga poses to their Instagram challenges! To learn more about Year of Yoga, go here.

Close ups of the daily challenge graphics are posted here so you can plan ahead.

June Yoga Day 1June Yoga Day 2June Yoga Day 3June Yoga Day 4June Yoga Day 5June Yoga Day 6June Yoga Day 7June Yoga Day 8June Yoga Day 9June Yoga Day 10June Yoga Day 11June Yoga Day 12June Yoga Day 13June Yoga Day 14June Yoga Day 15June Yoga Day 16June Yoga Day 17June Yoga Day 18June Yoga Day 19June Yoga Day 20June Yoga Day 21June Yoga Day 22June Yoga Day 23June Yoga Day 24June Yoga Day 25June Yoga Day 26June Yoga Day 27June Yoga Day 28June Yoga Day 29June Yoga Day 30

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Phenocal Reviews: Ignite Faster Fat Burning with Phenocal

Advanced supplement that can tear down the barriers to losing and maintaining your ideal weight!
  • Are you lacking the energy to finish even the most simple, routine tasks?
  • Do you feel like you keep adding weight despite your efforts to the contrary?
  • Does shopping for clothes, especially bathing suits, fill you with dismay?
  • Are you feeling soft, plump, bloated, or simply not in good shape?
  • Has every mirror become an adversary because you dislike what they reflect?
  • Are lumps, bulges, pudginess, and flab making you blue?

It might have taken you years or even dozens of years to form your current physical shape. When it seems like you have so much fat to get rid of, it can be incredibly daunting, leaving you almost without hope. But there is good news, don’t give up hope! Phenocal can throw your weight loss into overdrive right away!

Discover How Phenocal Can Change Your Life!

Why would anyone choose to endanger their health by taking toxic stimulants, side-effect causing prescriptions, and risky diet pills? You want something that will safely and effectively support greater weight loss. Phenocal is your solution. Designed to be integrated into your healthy weight loss regimen, Phenocal is intended for use by individuals that know how to lose weight healthily. This does not mean Phenocal isn’t as powerful or influential as supplements that contain huge amounts of caffeine! Phenocal is a synergistic blend, meaning it is a formula that combines ingredients that work together and enhance the functionality of each other to achieve results. This completely natural recipe will deliver heightened weight loss to melt the fat away. Today, Phenocal has earned a place as one of the most trusted formulas of its kind on the market!

weight loss with Phenocal

Phenocal contains a proprietary blend of carefully selected properties proven by research to:

  • Assist you with taking charge of your hunger in order to avoid extra calories and fat with ease
  • Boost your energy so you can achieve optimum results, even with energy left over for fun!
  • Ignites your metabolism, transforming your body into a 24hr fat melting machine
  • Helps diminish unhealthy food cravings so you can resist snacks and desserts
  • Addresses every aspect of losing weight in order to achieve incredible results
You can achieve all of this without risking the uncomfortable side effects experienced by many users when taking prescription medications and super-charged stimulants!

What Revolutionary Formula Makes Phenocal the Most Successful Natural Product for Weight Loss?

When you begin to notice a spike in energy and a drop in size, you’ll probably be overjoyed but also wonder a little about what Phenocal contains. We carefully selected only the most potent and promising ingredients while creating this 100% natural yet incredibly successful formula.

With each dose of Phenocal, your body receives a synergistic blend of the following:

  • Chromium Picolinate assists in lowering the desire to eat carbohydrates and balancing blood sugar
  • Biotin supports the synthesis of essential fatty acids and amino acids while boosting digestion
  • Folic Acid helps to release fat from deposits in order to burn it permanently
  • Fucoxanthin increases the internal temperature of your body, thus heightening thermogenesis and optimizing your fat burning capabilities
  • Glucomannan delivers beneficial fiber to make you feel full more rapidly
  • Cocoa Extract works to block the decomposition of carbs and fat in the body, lessening hunger, and boosting energy and focus
  • Hoodia Gordonii helps to shrink your appetite so you can resist snacks and deserts
  • Green Tea Leaf Extract is composed of incredible substances, namely catechins, which assist in burning fat and calories

The potent proprietary formulation of Phenocal is 100% natural!

Phenocal is absolutely safe and appropriate for continual use over a long period of time. Many Phenocal users fall in love with the energy increase it delivers and keep taking it solely for this reason, even after they’ve met their weight loss target! Thanks to Mother Nature, getting rid of fat is usually a gradual battle, but thanks to Phenocal some users have enjoyed many other positives from the formula as quickly as within 12 hours of use!

Choose The Most Successful Natural Product for Weight Loss on Today’s Market!

Phenocal delivers rapid results and is formulated to boost your weight loss capabilities without relying on harsh drugs, unnatural stimulants, or laboratory chemicals. While some products merely suppress your appetite or boost fat burning or enhance energy, Phenocal does all three! Stop fantasizing about your perfect bikini body and start your efforts to actually realize your dream today!

Phenocal gives you control over your hunger, allow you to choose smaller portions, and help you say no to snacks and pastries. It converts your body into a fat and calorie shredder by igniting your metabolism and providing the strength and endurance you need to keep in line with your exercise and diet regimen. Once you use Phenocal, you have absolutely no reason not to lose those extra pounds to unveil a svelte new you!

How To Buy Phenocal?

Phenocal can be purchased from its official website: It comes with 60 days money back guarantee.

Below mentioned packages are available:

Starter package: $69.99 a unit with 1 FREE bottle of our Green Tea Energizer
Total Body Balance System: $149.99 a unit with 1 FREE bottle of our Green Tea Energizer somes with free shipping
Three Bottle Phenocal Plus: $228 value with 1 FREE bottle of phenocal and our Green Tea Energizer with free shipping
Five Bottle Phenocal Plus: $259 value with 1 FREE bottle of phenocal, Colopril and our Green Tea Energizer with free shipping

There are discounts and other free offers available with this product. To know more about it, please visit:

Thursday 30 May 2013

5 Sensational Natural Repairing Homemade Face Mask Recipes

We all have those days when we wake up and feel like our skin is not its usual plump, rosy glowing self and instead it’s a parched, dull and tired looking version to match how the rest of us feels. Hectic lifestyles and harried work and family commitments have left us with hardly any time to wash our skin, let alone look after it.

Environmental factors, pollution and toxins from a modern lifestyle, along with bad food choices, not enough whole foods, too much junk food, wine and too little water, along with a good dose of sun, are enough to make anyone’s skin make you look older than you really are.

There are however, plenty of ingredients that you can find in your pantry to mix together to make superb and rejuvenating homemade face masks that will restore your skin to a glowing, healthier version that is even better than its former glory. 1)

Natural Exfoliating Face Mask

This face mask is perfect for pumping your skin full of anti-oxidants and scrubbing off old, dull and flaky skin, leaving your skin protected, repaired and glowing with health.

Mix together:

  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tbsp. yogurt
  • 1 tbsp. molasses
  • A generous helping of crushed berries
  • 1 tbsp. paw, pineapple and kiwi fruit - crushed
Apply to freshly washed and damp skin in a generous layer and leave on for no longer than 10 minutes. The natural stimulants and enzymes pack a powerful punch and act as a natural chemical peel. Emulsify off, rinse well and moisturize immediately afterwards. 2)

Oily Skin Face Mask

Two egg whites – whipped into stiff peaks Half a freshly squeezed lemon or a few tablespoons of lemon juice Just before you are ready to apply the mask, briskly whisk in the lemon juice to the egg white – as it will separate if you leave it in the bowl too long. Get into a nice hot bath after washing your face. Allow the steam to work its magic and start opening up your pores. Apply the mask generously over the face and neck. This mask will give oily skin a zingy wakeup call and help to cleanse away excess oil build up. The natural cleansing ingredients in the lemon can be drying to your skin if the mask is left on too long, so don’t leave it on for any more than 10 minutes. And make sure you moisturize well afterwards. 3)

Hydrating Avocado Face Mask

Mash up half a ripe avocado and add in:
  • 1 tbsp. heavy cream
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tbsp. coconut oil or almond oil or you can even use olive oil
  • 1 tbsp. mayonnaise or yogurt
  • 1 egg yolk (optional)
This is a very nourishing mask and if you want to make it richer, just adjust the levels of oil that you mix into the avocado. You can even add in 1 tsps. of avocado oil on top of everything else.

You can leave this mask on for up to half an hour, and then cleanse and moisturize after washing it off. 4)

Sun Damage – A rejuvenating face mask – no rinse

Mix together the following oils: Equal amounts of carrot seed oil, olive oil, sea buckthorn oil, walnut oil and avocado oil – about a tablespoon of each.

Add in a blend of 2 tbsp. of rose hip oil, calophyllum or tamanu oil and coconut oil.

Sun damaged or mature skin desperately needs oils that are rich in fatty acids and regenerative qualities. The firming properties found in anti-aging oils such as carrot and walnut oils will provide a rich base that will repair and replenish tired and aging skin.

Keep this combination of oils on hand in a bottle and apply it to the neck, face, bust area, arms, and hands – wherever it is needed – twice a day. It can be applied underneath day and night creams and will soak into the skin and does not need to be rinsed off. 5)

Healthy Glow Scrub Face Mask

Mix together:

  • 1 tbsp. brown sugar
  • 1 tbsp. Honey
  • 1 tbsp. oatmeal – finely ground or almond meal
  • 1 tbsp. molasses
  • ¼ tbsp. baking powder or salt
  • 1 tbsp. almond oil
  • 1 tbsp. avocado oil for dry skins OR 1 tbsp. lime juice, lemon juice or grapefruit juice for oily skins
  • If it is too dry, add some yogurt or olive oil to the mix
Apply generously to your freshly washed skin. Rub gently in circles – clockwise first then anti clockwise and leave on for 5 minutes. Rinse well by emulsifying and rubbing gently to remove dead skin cells and gently exfoliate the skin. It can also help to lighten scars and reveal a fresh, glowing and healthy skin. You can use it all over your body up to 3 times a week – just moisturize with your favorite moisturizer afterwards.

Author bio:

Korah Morrison, working for – the best student’s helper. Get 20% discount with -blog20- promo code.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Mental Health Support for Students

Mental Health as a Student

One in four people will experience some form of mental health issue this year. So if you’re feeling isolated, embarrassed or alone and it’s stopping you from getting help, try to realise that mental health issues are so much more common than you would think.

Your university days can be some of the most fun and rewarding of your life, but they can also cause a lot of stress and anxiety, exacerbating underlying mental health conditions.

Students understandably feel pressure to perform given the less than promising job prospects they face. Many are worried about the debts they’re racketing up and some students struggle with loneliness after being suddenly plucked from their home and their support network of friends and family.

Most students aren’t taking enough care of themselves either. Student life often involves eating unhealthy food, not doing enough exercise and drinking heavily, which can be a depressant in itself.

A new survey by the National Union of Students (NUS) has found that 26 per cent of the students they spoke to don’t get any treatment for their mental health and even fewer make use of their university’s counselling services.

So what help is available?

Help for students

  • Get moving
Although going for a run is the last thing you feel like when you’re feeling blue, it’s exactly what your body needs. This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week which took place in early May focused on the benefits exercise can bring to people suffering from a mental health issue.

Exercising releases endorphins into our body (happy chemicals), flooding us with instant feel-good chemicals naturally. And exercising in a group gives you the added benefit of interacting and bonding with people, so try to sign up for a team sport or join a running group instead of flying solo.

Most universities have sports clubs and gyms on-site which are either free to join or are subsidised, so why not make use of them?

  • Speak to somebody
As the NUS survey has found, most university counselling services are underused. But they can be an invaluable source of support when you need it most, without long waiting times. Most offer free support in group or individual sessions to help you work out some of your problems or cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT); a technique that has helped many people address negative thought patterns. As well as providing you with a listening ear, they could even give you practical help by speaking to your tutor or another university department.

If you have a persistent mental health problem, you should speak to your GP about your issues. They may prescribe you something if they feel it’s appropriate or refer you to the right person.

If you don’t feel ready to speak to somebody face to face, you could call a counselling helpline (which is often included in many health cash plans) if you’d like to talk things over anonymously with a trained medical professional.

There are also some great charities which can provide you with a bit of extra support. The Samaritans are always on the line to hear you out, but they are staffed by well-meaning volunteers, not trained counsellors or psychiatrists. And mental health charity Mind’s website is full of resources to help you understand your condition more while their network of volunteers across Britain can help you with anything from getting a job while living with a mental illness to arranging for you to speak to someone.

Have you or someone you know been affected by mental illness?

Lorna Jane and MOVE NOURISH BELIEVE BLOG interview ME :-)

How thrilled was I to feature on "A Day In The Life Of Dani Stevens" on the Move Nourish Believe blog last week.

Really excited.

Here's just a snap shot!

6-7am: Typically I will either do my workouts before my husband leaves for work or while one of our daughters is asleep.
day-in-the-life-of-dani-stevens_038-9am: Breakfast and the kids morning routine + my green raspberry smoothie on the go!
Raspberry Smoothie Recipe:
  • 1 cup of spinach 
  • 1 scoop of 180 Nutrition coconut protein powder
  • 1 cup frozen berries 
  • Handful of walnuts
  • Drizzle of honey
  • Yogurt or splash milk until you get your preferred consistency
  • Blend away this amaze-ness on-the-go smoothie!
day-in-the-life-of-dani-stevens_0412-1pm: It’s lunch time… for me it is toast, poached eggs & asparagus – YUM!
Strawberry & Orange Muffin Recipe: 
  • 2 1/4 cups wholemeal flour
  • 1/4 cup honey or your choice of natural sweetener 
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 1/2 cups milk
  • 1/3 cup macadamia (or your preference) oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/4 cup orange juice
  • Zest of one orange
  • 1 1/2 cups fresh strawberries, chopped
  • Preheat oven 180C degrees
  • Coat strawberries in flour.
  • Whisk wet ingredients together with baking powder & soda.
  • Add wet mixture with dry & mix to blend.
  • Pour in muffin tray liners
  • Bake until cooked. Approx. 20mins.   
day-in-the-life-of-dani-stevens_052-3pm: Fun times with Mietta and Zali as we play princesses.
day-in-the-life-of-dani-stevens_063-4pm: School pick up, snack time & bike ride with the kids.
day-in-the-life-of-dani-stevens_075-6pm: Prep and cook dinner, tonight is turkey balls with herbs.
6-7pm: Adrian helps out with bed time routine as I train for my bike ride and stretch afterwards.

Super thrilled to be chosen to share my mnb lifestyle with like minded women. For more info you can read all about here.

Lorna Jane is one inspirational woman and we both share the same philosophy. Through her 3 pillars of Move, Nourish and Believe this is fundamentally what my journey is all about. It is why I blog my story to share with people across the world. Lorna's book (same title as the blog) is an amazing read, which a dear friend of mine Meg sent me recently. Thank you Meg x

I hope one day, I can meet both these beautiful woman who inspire me daily.

How do you Move, Nourish and Believe on a daily basis and do you think dreams come true?

Happy Thursday everyone!


Tuesday 28 May 2013

9 Rules For a Stress-Free Life

You’ll likely be able to resolve your stress much more productively.

See the Positives

Seeing the positive aspects of what is around you can help to relieve stress for many. This will help you to change your perspective and remember what you're thankful for, in spite of the negatives.

Avoid the Negatives

Once you have determined what is positive in your life, you might want to assess the negative forces at work as well. When able to, avoid these particular things. They could be people, certain places, or situations that you know won't lead to anything positive.

Reconnect with Friends

Healthy relationships can go a long way to help you manage or even eliminate stress. Not only can they be great sounding boards, they can help you find solutions for what's stressing you. They can also provide a much-needed positive aspect to a life marred by stress.

Get a Hobby

Hobbies are great stress-relievers, because they allow you to pour your stress into something productive that you enjoy doing. This can take your mind off of what ails you, increase your confidence and provide a lift to any day in which you participate in it.

Have Some Fun

It won't kill you to get out there and live a little. You just might find that by adding a little fun into the rotation, that old enemy stress has less time to bother you.

Someone Else's Stress

A good thing to remember is not to take on someone else's stress, because it doesn't help either one of you. If a friend or family member has issues of their own, help them to determine how to alleviate their woes without making them yours as well.

Out of Your Hands

Some stressors are just out of your control. Learn how to differentiate between things you can change and thing you can't. You cannot dwell on the things that are out of your hands, as hard as that is to understand.

Dramatic Changes

Sometimes you might find yourself at crossroads, where you need to make a dramatic change for yourself. If your job is too much to deal with, or whatever the case might be, it might be time to take a new path that keeps you from being bogged down with stress. If you can manage, it might be worth taking the time to figure things out before jumping into anything.


Channel your stress into something that makes you work harder for what you are aiming for. For example, you could redirect the stress to focus on your job and earn an upcoming promotion you've been eying.

Author Bio

Jessica Ramirez writes about stress management and happiness. Her recent work is about the best online counseling degrees in the US.

Weight loss story - Transformation Tuesday with Eli Sapharti

You know how much you all inspire me, some of you send me daily messages that I inspire you. It's all a circle of love and for that I am truly humbled and I absolutely love what I do.

This next story will blow your mind. A dear new friend of mine, who I only just recently met, has ONE inspiring and amazing journey. He has recently launched his first book "One Step At A Time" and has been kind enough to offer one as a giveaway to one of my lucky readers.

Let me introduce you to this gorgeous man Eli.......


1. How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date? 
In August I will be 44 yr old. 

My name is Eli Sapharti, aka FAT Boy FIT Man. Five years ago I weighed in at almost 140kg (300 pounds) and suffered with many ailments associated with obesity including high blood pressure, pre-diabetes, severe anxiety and depression. I suffered with obesity much of my life and as many of us that have battled with being overweight, tried almost every diet in existence and even "joined" the gym quite a few times, which is not the same as GOING
to the gym and actually exercising.

After many failed attempts at these, in 2008 I had an epiphany while traveling on business. I was at the airport in Miami and before boarding my flight, I went to buy a bottle of water. The clerk at the kiosk, a cute girl, said to me "You're really good looking for a BIG guy." Most obese guys would have taken that as a compliment. All I heard was "You're FAT!".
The entire trip I kept hearing her voice saying "You're FAT! You're FAT!" I was disgusted with myself. It's not like I didn't know I was fat before, but at that moment it just HIT me!

As I thought about all my previous failed attempts is when I got my epiphany and realized that "dieting" and impulsive joining of a gym didn't work and was not going to work....EVER! That is when I decided to make 2 small changes to start to improve my life. First thing I committed to was walking for 15 minutes EVERYDAY. And I also committed to stop drinking the 2 litres of regular soda I was accustomed to drinking everyday for at least 1 week. At the end of that week, with just those 2 changes, I lost 2 pounds. I was ecstatic! 2 pounds lost with just these "small" changes? WOW! This is how I came up with my "One Step at a Time" approach to weight loss success.

I am now a FIT 81kg (180 pounds). My walking 15 minutes has turned to running half marathons at a respectable 1:44 finish time, I have transformed my body from obese and sick to fit and healthy. But the most important change for me has been that I have found my passion in helping to inspire, motivate and help others achieve their own weight loss success. 

"One Step at a Time" through my weight loss coaching and my motivational speaking. I have recently published a book that will be officially released on June 2, 2013, but it is already available on and  "From Fat Boy to Fit Man-A One Step at a Time- Story of Success"  It is my wish that those who read the book will find inspiration, motivation, hope and most of all they should know that they are not alone in their journey to a healthier life.

2. What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult?
I didn't reach a body weight of almost 300 lbs from eating vegetables and fruits.  As a child AND as an adult I ate everything from sugary cereals, potato chips, LOTS of pasta with LOTS of cheese, french fries, fast foods, A LOT of bread, ICE CREAM (My kryptonite even until today) and the worst thing in my old way of eating has to be the 2 liters of regular SUGARY soda (soft drinks) that I would have DAILY!  YUCK!

-What has changed since then?
SO much has changed from 5 years ago!  I slowly started making changes "One Step at a Time" in 2008 that has lead me to a much more conscious way of eating.  I most definitely do NOT drink any soda anymore, I do NOT eat fast foods and I am careful about my sugar intake.  Everything else, I enjoy in moderation and only OCCASIONALLY.   

3. Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching?
I love watching NBA basketball.  GO MIAMI HEAT!  As far as practicing a sport, I am an avid runner with MANY 5K, 10K and Half Marathons under my belt.  I am currently training to run my first FULL Marathon!

- favourite workout?
Besides running, I also weight train at the gym.  I am a firm believer that weight/resistance training is VERY important in order to burn fat and build muscle tone.  Many folks make the mistake of doing ONLY cardio and although they lose weight, they do not necessarily lose fat.  My favorite body parts to work out are my chest, biceps and shoulders.  

4. What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile?
I have varied interests, ranging from outdoor activities to wine tastings, but my passion lies in being able to help others realize their potential to succeed through my coaching and public speaking.  It makes me smile BIG when I receive a message, a call or an email from someone telling me how I have helped to guide them towards a new healthier life.
But the thing that makes me smile the BIGGEST are my 3 amazing children!  They bring so much pride and joy to my life!

5. What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change?
In 2008, I had what many people call an epiphany of sorts.  I relate the entire story in detail in my book.  (I'd hate to ruin it for those who haven't read it yet)  :-)

6. What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months?
My dream is to see people changing their lives and getting healthier and happier with themselves.  I dream to help end  the obesity epidemic worldwide.  
In the nest 12 months I look forward to traveling to promote my book and spread my message of hope and inspiration through my speaking and teaching of the "One Step at a Time" approach to weight loss and fitness.

7. What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation?
There are MANY tips I could share, but I would have to say that the most important thing in order to succeed at weight loss and fitness is to break down the seemingly impossible into possibilities.  Do not take an ALL or NOTHING approach, instead take things "One Step at a Time".  The famous Buddhist philosopher Lao Tzu said it best with this quote: "The journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step." 

Eli is one man that I have connected with on a fitfam level and I look forward to getting to know him even better. If you wish to connect with Eli, buy his book and continue to follow his journey, click below;

Twitter: FatBoyFitMan
Instagram: elisapharti
Here's a link to a short 4 minute video that YOU WILL find totally inspiring:

Thank you once again Eli for sharing your story with us and I can't wait to read your book!For your chance to win Eli's book, simply leave a comment below based on what changes you made or are making to improve your lifestyle?


Iovate Xenadrine Ripped - Maximum Hardcore Reviews

Iovate Xenadrine Pulled Optimum Hardcore continues to be the best retailing body fat burner from the time its launch, still exactly why? In an oversaturated market today, what might make Xenadrine completely different compared to all of the other body fat burners available?

It consists of tested energy improving and fat-burning components that aren’t based upon beliefs or rat trials, but actually real human being tests. Look at the testimonials and you’ll observe that everybody confirms, Xenadrine will give you the energy to retreat from plateaus and destroy body fat in those extremely tough places. In simple terms, Xenadrine Ripped Maximum Hardcore will give you the outcomes you wish and desire. It provides you the strength, inspiration and dedication to exercise for a longer time and diet plan actually more difficult. In case you’re serious regarding your weight-loss endeavors and searching for an really useful body fat shredding health supplement, then simply you’re on the site.

A couple of weight-loss researches were carried out making use of the active components and the outcomes were statistically noteworthy. In the effort and time to produce synergies between components and enhance weight-loss prospective, Xenadrine bears a great kick of caffeine to deliver your energy ranges into overdrive.

Iovate Xenadrine Ripped - Description from IOVATE

A focused group of supplement experts has blended this new weight-loss powerhouse - Maximum Hardcore Xenadrine Ripped. The new maximum hardcore liquid formula is produce to assist you shed weight to show the sharp definition in the hard-earned muscle you've workout for. In fact, the powerful formulation is engineered with proven components, which is proven in 2 clinical studies and is designed to help you get absolutely shredded.

Maximum Hardcore Xenadrine Ripped also contains ingredient caffeine that's been proven to increase energy.

Iovate Xenadrine Ingredients:

Other ingredients: sesame oil, gelatin capsule (FD&C blue no 1, FD&C red no 40, gelatin), tricalcium phosphate, ink (shellac, propylene glycol, sodium hydroxide, povidone, titanium dioxide), gelatin, polysorbate 80.

Manufacturer's Recommendations

Gradually Begin with 1-1 pill at morning and at bed time with a full glass of water before half an hour of meals, Please Do no snack in-between meals , from the day 3 continue below plan with a healthy and calorie reduced diet plan to get optimum results.

Day 1-2: 1 capsule 2x daily. Day 3-4: 2 capsule 2xs daily. Day 5 & beyond: 2 capsule 3xs daily.

Iovate Xenadrine Advantages:

  • Iovate Health Sciences is a trusted name in weight loss supplements.
  • Some products are created with proven ingredients.

Iovate Xenadrine Dis-advantages:

  • Some products are overpriced.
  • Clinical research is not available for all products.


Iovate Health Sciences continues to be around ever since 1996. The organization puts weight-loss investigation to the boundaries, consistently developing brand-new and appealing weight-loss products. Past products included Ephedra as well as other harmful components, yet this is not something some other companies may not have lasted. All in all, the organization provides high-quality formulation and unhealthy formulation, however outside medical investigation is missing for the majority of health supplements.

Monday 27 May 2013

What Every Man Should Know Before A Cosmetic Procedure

Think only women obsess over their looks? Think again. With more men opting to go under the knife, it’s important to separate fact from fiction.

What Every Man Should Know Before a Cosmetic Procedure

For years, women and their looks have been under the microscope, scrutinized at every turn. Men seemingly escaped the pressure said to age like a fine wine. However, more men are turning to cosmetic surgery to regain their youthful looks. Before the first cut, know what’s true and what’s false.

Myth #1 – Men only get surgery on their bodies; they don’t mess with their faces.

False. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, in 2011, the top five male cosmetic procedures were:
  1. Nose reshaping (rhinoplasty) – 62,000 procedures
  2. Eye Lid Surgery – 29,000 procedures
  3. Liposuction – 23,000 procedures
  4. Breast Reduction – 20,000 procedures
  5. Facelift – 11,000 procedures
Only 317 pectoral implants were performed in 2011. Chin implants are also on the rise with a 76% increase from 2010 to 2011. It seems “rugged” is no longer a good look for men.

Myth #2 - To get rid of man “boobs”, just lose weight.

False. Enlarged breast tissue in men actually has a medical name. It’s known as gynecomastia. And losing weight isn’t always the answer to get rid of them. Even with weight loss, male breast reduction is often needed to return breast tissue back to its natural appearance. Weight gain is one reason for it, but it can also be caused by genetics, hormones, and medications. While a man having breasts can be embarrassing, it isn’t physically harmful.

Myth #3 – Men who receive plastic surgery are vain.

There will always be those who seek cosmetic surgery for vanity reasons, but not all men opt for procedures just for their looks. There are several medical reasons for cosmetic surgery. For example, while gynecomastia itself is not an issue, it may be a catalyst for an underlying medical issue such as cirrhosis or testicular cancer. Rhinoplasty may be necessary if a man has a broken nose and the bones don’t mend correctly, causing breathing issues. Men with a deviated septum may also need rhinoplasty as part of a sinus procedure.

Myth #4 – For a man, any plastic/cosmetic surgeon will do.

This myth can be dangerous. As with any other surgical procedure, time and care should be paid to who is going to be doing the work. Some men are notorious for just getting the least expensive item as long as it is functional. Men, this is not an area you want to skimp on. Find out how much your insurance will cover and be prepared for anything else out of pocket.
It is also important to know what type of training your surgeon has received. A board certified doctor is best to have, but be sure to know what they are truly certified in. Some surgeons may be certified in another specialty and ended up in plastic surgery. Cosmetic surgeons are not recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties. Be sure to look for a board certified plastic surgeon. There is a difference. Ask questions and don’t assume. You wouldn’t have a board certified orthopedic perform surgery on your liver would you?


Dr. Simopoulos is a cosmetic surgeon based in Beverly Hills. You will find more information about laser body sculpting on his website.

Sunday 26 May 2013

Richard Branson will you ride with us to conquer cancer?

I need everyone's support.
Please LIKE this Facebook picture

Please like this picture HERE

Hello everyone, you may remember my post HERE about my surprise photo shoot? My lovely friends at Lorna Jane were super kind to let me wear their active gear for a photo shoot I was doing for Richard Branson.

I have signed up for something very amazing. Yes. It's truly amazing. I am riding with thousands of cyclists to conquer cancer once and for all.

Our sensational captain Klaus Bartosch along with other phenomenal cyclists are called THE VISION CRUSADERS. We are attempting something that has never been done before. We are all dreamers and I have been told I can't do this but you know what? I WILL DO THIS!!!! 200kms, 6 races nationwide (and New Zealand) and per person we need $2,500 per ride to enter the fundraiser. I will do Every. Single. Ride. The Grand Slam and need your support as I start my campaign.

Here they all are!!!!

Rides to be Completed and seeking sponsorship:

(click on links for details or to donate)

Ride to Conquer Cancer (Brisbane) August 17-18*
Ride to Conquer Cancer (Perth) October 19-20
Ride to Conquer Cancer (Melbourne) October 26-27
Ride to Conquer Cancer (Auckland) November 17-18

To sponsor my final ride in Adelaide November 30th & December 1 CLICK HERE

So what's this cycling stuff really all about? Well here is a letter to the amazing man himself who inspired me as a young adult "Whatever business you are in, every company can shoot for the stars in their own way".

Sir Richard Branson will you come ride with us?

So here's me shooting for the highest star out there.....

Dear Sir Richard

My name is Daniela and I'm a fitness blogger based in Australia. My blog is only young and I've 80,000 people following me on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter & Pinterest. I love that my food and fitness challenges are inspiring others worldwide to make great changes in their lives, much like reading your Screw it, Let's Do it did for me 7 years ago. Thank you!

Currently I'm involved in a massively exciting campaign to fight cancer, a cause I have great passion for. I've joined with an amazing team of cyclists - all ordinary people, some cancer survivors - and we are riding to rid the world of Cancer. It's a big and bold goal but our team is determined to make a difference through completing all 6 of the Ride to Conquer Cancer events being held across Australia and in New Zealand this year.

Our team -  Vision Crusaders Grand Slam - will ride in all 6 of the RTCC events this year which will mean more than 1200km,  pedaling over 12 days through August to November. Each rider has to raise at least $15,000 plus cover their travel costs, and to date there are 27 riders wanting to ride in the Grand Slam team. There's expected to be total of around 12,000 cyclists participate across the 6 rides. Awesome, don't you think?

During your visit here in Australia, I'm hoping that you might help us do what could become your biggest achievement yet, helping to rid the world of cancer! Can you imagine how wonderful a world with out cancer would be!

Completing the RTCC Grand Slam is a massive challenge and we already have some Virgin brands supporting us, but knowing that you are personally contributing your interest would ensure that we actually pull it off. Primarily what I am asking is to have your encouragement but cheekily this is an invitation to have you join us for one or all of these rides as a member of our Vision Crusaders Grand Slam team. Are you keen?

I do hope that this is something you might consider and I look forward to hearing from you.

Much love and friendship from Australia,
Daniela Stevens 

Thank you for your time my beautiful friends. Please LIKE this page and picture. I want to reach 1 million likes and make a YouTube video to follow up with this picture to Sir Richard Branson.

Please like our Facebook Book page Vision Crusaders Grand Slam


PS: for those wondering why I am doing this? I don't want to be a statistic. I have had family members die and thankfully others survived. I need you to help me so we can raise as much ridiculous funds to conquer cancer once and for all. For those reading this and know of any sponsors that would love to personally sponsor me, please email me with the subject title: CHARITY SPONSORSHIP. I will love you FOREVER!!!!

Proudly sponsored by