Saturday 4 May 2013

May 2013 Newsletter

Walking Boosts Brain Health
Walking approximately 6–9 miles a week is associated with increased gray matter in the brains of older adults, according to a study published in Neurology (2010; 75 [16], 1415–22). read more »
Exercise Harder to Live Longer?
Lately, lots of studies have focused on short-duration, high-intensity exercise. A recent contribution claims that the training type may help you live longer. Researchers from Copenhagen, Denmark, wanted to examine the association of exercise intensity and/or duration with mortality rates. read more »
Resistance Training Benefits Mind and Body
You probably know that strength training has many physical health–related benefits, but did you know that it can also help with your mental health? read more »
Recipe for Health: Pistachio-Rosemary Crusted Tuna
If fish isn’t a favorite meal in your house, this recipe might change some minds. Loaded with healthy sources of protein and potassium, and low in sodium and fat, it could easily become a go-to favorite on your table. read more »
Video Move of the Month: Plank to Knee With Elbow (On Hands)
Trainer: Keli Roberts
watch now »

Courtesy of IDEA Health & Fitness Association /