Tuesday 5 March 2013

Weight loss and Transformation Tuesday how to lose weight and maintain it!

Here it is everyone, a before and after shot after baby number 2!!!!!

Transformation Tuesday body after baby number 2

Yes, I know, I know..... too much eye make up but hey how often do you get a chance to get all glam'd up and pose for your hubby and be like one of those girls in a magazine??! Now my hubby has his own  cover girl :-)

How did I get my body back???? 5 years ago I stumbled on this sensational workout system and I thank that day as I only workout 90 minutes per week (along with my fun challenges I run with you). This fitness regime suits me perfectly as I am not in a position to pay a baby sitter nor could I be bothered working out for an hour in my day. The results I am getting have been successful for ALL of my pregnancies and you can read them more here.

Are you getting the results you are after? If you are great! If not and you are seeking an exercise regime that will target and burn your baby body fat, I highly recommend this program. In fact if you click on my link you will receive a 50% discount off the ebook and 30 days free trial at Clubfym. Seriously, you have nothing to lose, except that stubborn fat that is just hanging around.

What's your fave workout? Leave in your comments below.


I would love to share your transformation on Tuesdays, so please email me your pre and post pictures to dani@fitnessfoodandstyle.com.au and attention in the subject line TRANSFORMATION TUESDAY. I will then send you back our interview questions.

#PushupsGreen Challenge

Push ups and greens challenge Fitness Food And Style

My super simple green juice;

  • 1 apple
  • 2 celery stalks
  • 1 cucumber
  • handful of spinach
  • 1/2 lemon

Mind you it always changes depends on what I have in the fridge, some days there's ginger and berries, others mint etc....just mix it up as you please. The aim of this month is simply to incorporate more greens in your day or at least have one serve!

This challenge has been super sensational and so many ideas on greens recipes. I can't wait to collate all this info for you and get a free ebook happening!!! So many inspirational people out there with so many refreshing and creative ideas, I love it!!! I too, surprise myself as well :-)

Once again though Kristina has caught my eye with her fullyraw recipe. Check out her latest recipe which she will post on her Youtube channel on Wednesday. I asked her to be creative and boy! she never ceases to amaze me!

Kristina with her amazing fully raw Cinnamon Beetroot Basil Marinara 

I am really happy that my male friends have also embraced this challenge and are doing their push ups. Take a look at @d_stinto and his superman push up!!! Ama-ZING!!!

Superman push ups @D_Stinto

I am super excited about my friends over at 180 Nutrition as they too are running an IG competition this month in conjunction with our #pushupsgreens. Simply tag your food recipes to #realfoodrevolution for your chance to win a months supply of 180 Nutrition products. How unreal is that?

180 Nutrition IG competition

You know you don't need me to brag about these guys and how much I love and stand by there products, so much so that ALL my readers have an exclusive 10% discount promo code which you can use at check out. If you haven't tried 180 Nutrition, they also have a 4 starter pack bundled in chocolate and coconut flavours, so give it a go. There is also a vegan range. Only $14.99 Free delivery (anywhere in Australia) shipping will become available to our friends overseas very soon. For those that can't wait and want to try some now, please email me as I am more than happy to arrange the shipping for you.

They have their monkey bites coming really soon which is nut free and user friendly snack for our kids at school and for those with nut allergies. I will post more information about this when the product is launched.

I hope you all had a great day! I spent majority of my day beside the pool as we have had a ripper week. Here are the girls today enjoying their time in the pool.

Leave me your comments and let me know how you are going with this months challenge and what else you would like to see in the over the next several months as I bring more challenges to make health and fitness fun for all of us!!!

♥ Dani