Friday 1 March 2013

March 2013 Newsletter

Is There a Best Way to Build Muscle?
Some experts believe a 3- to 5-rep strength-power protocol is best. Others argue for a much higher number of repetitions and less resistance. The endless research can be confusing. Is there really one best method for building muscle? read more »
How to Chop an Onion
If there is one basic ingredient at the heart of almost every savory dish, it is the mighty onion. However, you can’t unleash the power of this aromatic root vegetable as the base of a recipe unless you know how to chop it properly. read more »
Quick, Healthy Dinners
Take heart: here are some simple but effective tips that will have you whipping up healthy fare at home in the time it would take to have a pizza delivered to your door. read more »
Recipe for Health: Asian Black Rice Salad
When you think of “superfoods,” typical associations you make are likely leafy dark greens, fish, beans, berries and other types of fruit. However, now you can add black rice to the list. Try this delicious recipe for Asian Black Rice Salad or experiment on your own with this versatile ingredient. read more »
Video Move of the Month: Crossover Step Ups
Trainer: Anthony Carey, MA
watch now »
