Monday 25 March 2013

How to Avoid Colon Problems?

Many people suffer from colon problems every now and then. This is because of the unhealthy diet people have today. Because of the availability of delicious yet unhealthy food choices like fast food, junk food and high calorie beverages, colon problems are now widespread. These include everything from simple problems like diarrhoea and constipation to serious problems like diverticulitis and colon cancer.
The good news is that there are many ways you can do to avoid colon problems. Again, the root cause of colon problems is the diet. Even simple modifications can prevent serious diseases in the long run. Here are the best tips for the prevention of colon problems. 

Eat Lots of Fruits and Vegetables:

Instead of consuming a diet high in processed food, you need to consume a diet high in unprocessed food like fruits and vegetables. It may be difficult in the beginning especially if you’re not used to it but it will become enjoyable and fulfilling quickly.
Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and other essential digestive nutrients that can make the digestive process more efficient. Fruits and vegetables are amazing for improving colon health. You should also eat whole grains and other food high in fiber. Fiber is very effective in cleaning up the colon and treating/preventing colon cancer. 

Avoid Junk Food:

As stated before, junk food is bad for your colon health. This kind of food is usually high in preservatives, sodium and other ingredients that can cause colon problems. Fast food should also be avoided since these are usually high in saturated fat, sodium and sugar. 

Watch What You Drink:

If possible, avoid carbonated drinks, diuretics and alcohol. These beverages can disrupt the normal functioning of your digestive system including the colon. It can cause bloating, gas and other colon problems that can leave you feeling weary and lethargic.
Instead, you can drink as much water as you want. Water helps cleanse the body and get rid of toxins. Water is also very important in the digestive process. Lack of water intake can lead to constipation and other colon-related problems. 

Regular Colon Cancer Screening:

If you are among the many that are at high risk of colon cancer like if you have family history of the disease, you need to undergo regular screening before the age of 50. You also need to be aware of the symptoms of the deadly disease. Of course, you need to extra take care of your colon health. Colon cancer is highly treatable during the early stages.