Monday 2 July 2012

Staying Fit as You Age

On a warm July morning, I head out with four other women for a 6-mile trek through the Sandias in the Cibola National Forest. The average age of our group is about 48, two of us have already hit the big 5-0 (as in Oh-No!). On this particular day, we are taking it easy—socializing, breathing the fresh mountain air, and just enjoying the beauty of the day. We are runners, cyclists, swimmers, coaches, and moms. We live very active lifestyles and we are proud of the way we live our lives.

We stop briefly to appreciate one of many beautiful views from Sandia Crest, and as we do, three women about ten to twenty years our senior, stop to do the same. They are fit, alert, and very happy.

So, what is the secret to remaining fit as you age?

Quite simply, it is living a healthy, active livestyle. It is within your power to change what you do not like about yourself or your life. For starters, become more physically active. And I'm not talking about becoming a Weekend Warrior. Incorporate physical activity, such as gardening, walking, bike riding, etc., into your life every day. Then gradually incorporate higher and higher levels of activity into your daily schedule.

Next, start eating better. And contrary to what you might think, foods that are good for you actually taste better than junk food. Not only that, these foods make you feel better, as well.

Finally, if you smoke or use tobacco, drink excessively, or even do drugs, it's never too late to quit and add years to your life. Not to mention, improving the quality of those years.

My friends and I agree that the key to remaining fit and active as you age is dependent on the following factors:

  • Moderation
  • Consistency
  • Rest
  • Nutrition

As I so frequently blog, being fit has many positive benefits, including keeping your mind sharp and alert, reducing risk of depression or other psychological disorders, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, many cancers, and reducing the risk of premature death from all causes. And I think it goes without saying that a fit and healthy person looks great, too!
