Monday 2 July 2012

Day 2 - no sugar

How will you break your sugar habit? I have double checked my labels to ensure there is NO ADDED SUGAR and eating my 4 serves of fruit. Only 12 days to go!!!! WE CAN DO THIS

I'll be back to post more. Have a sensational day!!!!!

xx Dani

OKAY I'M BACK ;-))))

missed this as I was still dreaming Zzzzz......

Morning snack
pear porridge (x1 fruit serve)

Bolognese sauce with wholemeal pasta and grated cheese

Sugar free strawberry muffins x1 (next time I will blend my almond meal) these were so yummy and fresh. Even the 9 children we had today wanted MORE!!!! Check out the pictures on Celeste's page as her camera will make these muffins look even better ;-)

Afternoon snack
Green smoothie (x2 fruit serve)

Chicken soup

I will add more pics for those that enjoy the visual effect. XxDani