Friday 29 May 2009

One Of The Best Natural Treatments For Gout

Thinkstock Single Image Set

By John Horner

Grapes are incredible natural treatments for gout. They are
very good at helping you reduce or eliminate painful gout
symptoms. While grapes alone will not get rid of this
painful condition, they will greatly benefit you if combined
with other treatment therapies.

Grapes have several ways they contribute in treating gout.
These include quercitin, water, potassium, vitamin C, and

Grapes use quercitin to help treat gouty arthritis.
Quercitin is a powerful flavonoid. Flavonoids help address
the symptoms of this painful disease. They are able to do
this because they contain anti-inflammatory properties.
Inflammation is the main reason for gout pain.

This swelling starts when your uric acid levels get out of
balance. The extra crystals enter your joints and cause
damage and pain. Quercitin helps reduce this swelling.

Grapes are great for helping with hydration. They consist
of around 2/3 water. Eating water dense foods help you in
fighting gout pain. When you are properly hydrated your
body is able to help you eliminate extra uric acid crystals
more efficiently.

Potassium is a major factor in treating gout. This is one
reason grapes are good for helping with this painful
disease. Grapes contain only 5% of the daily allowance for
potassium, but when you add it to other potassium filled
foods, you can get the proper amount you need. Potassium is
helpful because it helps your kidneys function more properly
when eliminating excessive uric acid crystals.

Grapes are able to assist in reducing or eliminating gout
pain because they are filled with vitamin C. Grapes consist
of approximately 20% of your daily needs for this potent
vitamin. Vitamin C is very effective at fighting this
arthritic condition.

A study published in Arthritis and Rheumatism
(2005;52:1843-7) found taking Vitamin C during a 2 month
period at 500mg per day reduced uric acid levels by
approximately 10%. They found vitamin C helps prevent
purines from turning into uric acid. Being able to control
uric acid is important because most gout patients are unable
to keep their levels under control.

Anthocyanins are another reason grapes are great treatments
for gout. Anthocyanins are flavonoids and help control
swelling. Does the color of the grape make a difference?
Some would say yes. The higher the anthocyanins found in
the grape, the more beneficial the grapes are in reducing
swelling. Darker grapes would be better as they contain a
greater amount.

Grapes are so important when you are trying to treat gout
naturally. However, they are best used when combined with
other fruits. Many fruits, such as cherries, contain a lot
of these healthy properties that help you get rid of gout

John Horner can show you more
natural gout treatments you can use and other
( gout treatments so you
can learn how to get rid of gout naturally.

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Thursday 28 May 2009

How To Maximize Your Weight Loss Results

Silver dumbbells

Most of us want to lose weight and get fit. Starting an
exercise program or joining a gym always seems like a great
first step but if you have ever spent any time at a gym you
will notice that not everybody there makes progress on his
or her fitness goals. It is not being at the gym that helps
you to get fit but it is how hard you work at fitness that
makes the difference.

You are going to have to break a sweat in order to see any
real results from an exercise program. You will need to get
your heart rate into the training zone and make sure that it
stays there for a time. There have been some studies in the
past that have shown that exercising for longer periods of
time at a lower intensity will actually burn more fat than
carbohydrates. However good that sounds unfortunately it
does not translate to fat loss.

Burning fat as you exercise is important but not nearly as
important as just burning calories. For example if you are
doing a cardio workout and you keep your heart rate at the
lower ranges for 60 minutes you may burn 350 calories but if
you do that same 60 minute workout and add in some high
intensity interval training or HIIT, you will burn closer to
750 to 1000 calories. So which one will help you lose the
most weight?

High intensity interval training is extremely effective for
fat loss. The idea is to get your heart rate into the target
heart training zone and then for 30 to 60 second intervals
work really hard and raise your heart rate to the higher
ends of the zone and then let it come back down to the lower
ends and repeat a few times. If you do high intensity
interval training you can even cut your workout time by half
or more and still burn more calories and have more success.

In order to determine your target heart rate training zone,
take your age and subtract it from 220, then take that
number and multiply it by 60% and 80%. This gives you a
target heart-training zone. In order to see the best results
you will need to keep your heart rate in that zone while you
are doing your workout.

Another important aspect to losing weight and maximizing
your fat loss at the gym is to lift weights. The fact is
that in order to burn the most calories by just living
everyday you must have more muscle. Muscle is biologically
active and it helps your body to burn more calories just by
being there. Fat is basically an inactive substance and it
does not help your body burn any calories at all.

Exercise is important but you won't see any results from an
exercise program unless you also have a good diet. Abs are
built in the kitchen, not at the gym. Making sure that you
consume a healthy and nutritious diet is undoubtedly the
most important aspect of any fitness program. You will never
see results unless you follow a healthy diet, no matter how
much you exercise.

If you want to maximize your fat loss the most important
fundamentals should be to incorporate some HIIT into your
cardio routine, start a good weight-training program and
improve your diet. If you do all of these basic things you
will see results quite quickly.

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The Mental Side Of Fitness Continued

Think your only support is in the house or only with your friends…WRONG…It is healthy to have your own interests……
Are you waiting around for your family to be active with you….waiting for spouse, teen, etc….guess what…YOU are in charge of YOU. I realize that being by yourself can be a bummer, feel lonely, and even scary…hell…I have more fun working out with a friend, but it is absolutely up to you to love yourself enough to make “ME” time for you regardless of your couch potatoes. Check out the classes at your local gym or recreational facility….You have nothing but good health to gain from the experience. Are you single and using the EXCUSE of… I have no one that will go with me to work out at the gym, or walk. This kind of thinking will never get YOU going. It is important to LOVE yourself enough to do it for YOU….eat healthy, enjoy exercise for the sake of moving your body…forget about waiting for someone else…think about it….that other someone may never come through for you…then what…give up…continue to make that your EXCUSE (yes, I am a hard ass here)….I say STOP today, put on your walking shoes and get out and absorb some vitamin D, breathe some fresh air, and MOVE!!! Love yourself THAT MUCH!!!

Reach out to others if your partner is not motivating you…..
OK…as much as you may want that perfect workout partnership….guess what…it may take time to happen. It is really OK and a fabulous idea to reach out to friends that share your interest in getting healthy, and getting in some great “ME” time with someone other than whom you live. You will probably be pleasantly surprised on how this will actually spice up your relationship because you will have new fun experiences to share. Do you feel guilty leaving your loved one behind or like you need permission to do something without them? Why? How healthy is this type of thinking…..not very….if it is keeping you from getting healthy. You will have to be your own motivation here, face any insecurity or fear, put the excuses in the trash, and call a friend today. If you do not have a friend that will help you be accountable and visa versa, try checking out your local gym for classes, or recreational facilities. I say start today by putting on your walking shoes, and MOVE…..enjoy the moment, take some deep breathes, appreciate your surroundings, and SMILE!!!!

Be strong in light of the pizza being offered….
You want chicken salad and he or she wants pizza….do not succumb to the temptations of your non supportive partner. This will be hands down the HARDEST part of getting healthy especially if you are accustomed to eating the same unhealthy foods together to begin with. Most pizza places also have salad bars and even deliver….imagine that. Stick to your guns, and set the example of good health with your nutrition. I realize it will not seem fair to have two different ways of eating going on at the same time…but think about it…YOU are the one who wanted the change, right? OK…so your eventual benefit will include an overall health improvement inside and out, and there is no greater reward than that:)

Unable to feel good about self….
This can be a difficult one. You may be in a very down place mentally, unable to get self motivated, and may not even want to see anyone. In this situation, start by letting some nice sunshine in your home, and take the first step to call a friend. There is nothing like the wisdom and support of a good friend to get you on the road to feeling better. You may also want to get in touch with your doctor for a few counseling sessions. It may take a while, but YOU are worth it. You are worth being happy and healthy….ask your friend for help in keeping you accountable. Take your chats outside for a power walk/talk…..a few sessions like this should boost your motivation and hopefully help get you on the path to feeling the best you have ever been!!!!

Talk yourself out of going to the gym…
Why Why Why!!!! This is what I call a big EXCUSE, and not acceptable…I am being the accountability police here. I can’t go because my work, my husband, my wife, my child, my chores, my school, blah blah blahhhh already. These are usually the same people that are getting in the TV programs, not missing social events, and simply wasting time doing other things while life is passing them by. I say if you have an extra hour watching TV….and usually it is hoursssssssssssssss, if honestly added up over the course of the week, you HAVE the time to exercise. Time to get honest, stop the EXCUSES, and get healthy!!!

TV over fitness…
I can’t emphasis this one enough….this society is technology driven, and media based. The television offers so much at the touch of the fingertips….let me ask you are you visiting the FIT TV channel and joining in on a fun workout? The answer to that question is usually NO. I challenge each and everyone of you to limit your TV watching to one hour per day for just ONE WEEK, and get to know yourself, be active, talk with your family, husband, wife, your girlfriend/boyfriend, meet with friends, take walks, play with your pets, and enjoy being active and real quality time that very often gets pushed to the side. After that fabulous walk and conversation, pull out a fun board game and laugh laugh laugh. Life is too short not to. I would love to hear how this experiment goes....

Stay Healthy!!!!!


The Most Powerful Muscle Building Concept On The Planet

Shirtless man flexing muscles outdoors at dusk

By Josh Owen

If you're looking for an easy way to finally build muscle
, you've found the perfect article. I'm not sure why
anyone wouldn't want to build muscle. Muscle makes life so
much easier. You feel better, have higher energy levels,
you're stronger, and you're healthier. You can use this one
simple but powerful technique to build muscle quickly.

Building muscle doesn't 'just' help you look much better.
Muscle improves your appearance, and we all want that, but
do you know the true benefit of greater amounts of muscle
mass? Can you imagine feeling 100 times better? Imagine high
energy levels when you wake up. Imagine not feeling down or
tired any more. Body fat weighs you down while muscle mass
helps your body. You need more muscle and less body fat.
Then you'll feel better!

Okay, it's easy for me say you need more muscle mass and
less body fat, but how do you accomplish this? I'm going to
tell you about the most powerful muscle building concept on
the face of the earth. This is the secret to building

Of course, the first thing you must do is start lifting
weights. Weight lifting is required. Once you have
everything you need to start lifting weights, you must start
eating healthier. You need to eat lean protein sources,
natural carbohydrate sources, and essential fats with every
meal. Eat more often. You've got to eat enough food to gain
weight in order to build muscle. But these things are not
the powerful concept I want to tell you about. I want to
discuss a plan for your weight lifting program.

Start your next weight lifting program with very light
weights. I don't care how easy the set may be. Do higher
reps starting out with lighter weights. I then want you to
increase the weight each workout while decreasing the number
of reps. For example, you could start out lifting 95 pounds
for 15 reps and end your program with 305 pounds for 4 reps.
That huge weight increase over the weeks will ensure that
you've built plenty of muscle as long as your body isn't
accustomed to those weight loads.

This allows you to constantly provide your body with a
muscle building stimulus. This means you get quick results
from each and every weightlifting workout when you eat
correctly and optimize your rest from each weight lifting
session. You begin to see results and huge increases in
muscle size.

After you use this method of increasing the weight each
weight training session, you'll soon reach a point in which
it's hard to increase the weight. Fight hard for a few more
weeks only increasing a small amount each workout, and
then take a one week break from weight lifting. Then start
over! It's that simple. That is the quickest way to gain
muscle size.

In order to build muscle with this powerful concept, you
have to focus on gaining weight each week. But you want this
weight to be muscle and not body fat, right? You must focus
on eating the proper foods. Have 6 meals each day, and make
sure you're drinking enough water and eating plenty of
veggies. You should always strive to gain about 1 to 2
pounds of muscle each week. I recommend 1 pound of muscle
per week as any more than that will be body fat, and you
don't want that. Be patient. One pound per week is 52 pounds
each year!

How would you like a
weight lifting program intelligently designed around this
powerful muscle building method?
( Weight Lifting
Complete is the home of the program designed to build muscle

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Tuesday 26 May 2009

Exercise - Why You Need a Support System

Friends Stretching

When it comes to any kind of working out, having a support system is very important. Most people use exercise to stay healthy and lose weight, or to even gain weight. There are a number of people who can be a part of your support system in order for you to be as healthy as possible. These people will help you stay motivated so that you aren’t tempted to skip your workouts and watch television instead!

First, a health care professional should be at the head of your support systems. Doctors will be able to give you suggestions about your exercise routine as well as point out anything you are doing that could be bad for your body. When you have your doctor on your side for your workouts, you know that you are being safe and making good health decisions. Make sure that you visit your doctor regularly to chart your progress and also check with him or her when you drastically change your fitness program.

Also at the top of your list of support group members should be personal trainers. If you can afford it a personal trainer is the best way to meet weight loss or maintenance goals. A personal trainer will also be able to correct your form and give you tips to making your workouts as successful as possible. He or she will be mental support as well, urging you to do better at all times.

Your family can also provide a great support system. Even while you are at home and not doing exercise, you and your family can together work to live a healthier lifestyle by not smoking, eating healthy foods, and getting outside more often instead of sitting on the couch every day. You can take your whole family to the gym or on walks or cycling. This is a great way to bond as well as do something right for your bodies together.

Lastly, look to others who are exercising to round out your support system. You can work out with a partner in order to stay motivated. Find someone who does similar workouts as well and go to the gym, or attends the same classes. This can be great motivation. You can also look to more wider workout partners by joining an aerobics class. After your class and showering, hang out with these new friends and you’ll find that living a healthy life is rewarding and easier to do than you may have first thought. When you are starting a fitness program having a good group of support people can truly make all the difference.

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Monday 25 May 2009

Why You Need A Body Detox

Cornucopia with fruit and vegetables

By Isabelle S. Mihajlov

Getting a body detox is gaining popularity in many health
circles. Because of the toxic build up in our bodies,
getting clean on the inside is a must. A typical American
has years of poor eating habits, exposed to poor air
quality, and has low fiber diets. Also, stress can attribute
to the increase of toxins being formed in our bodies. If our
bodies do not properly and regularly eliminate this build up
in our colon or other organs, we are prone to sickness and

Generally, our body does a good job in trying to eliminate
the toxins we are exposed to daily. But it is a challenge to
handle this onslaught of toxins. The toxins will adversely
affect the functioning of vital organs like the liver, kidneys,
and the colon. Poor health is usually a result of a toxic
colon which leads to a toxic liver, thus polluting the tissues
and the bloodstream. For optimal health, our bodies must be
free of dangerous toxins.

How Do I Know I Need A Body Cleansing?

You need to take action if you have one or more of the
following problems. Diarrhea, impaired digestion,
constipation, fatigue and low energy, gas and bloating,
hemorrhoids, excess weight, food allergies, bad breath, foul
smelling stools. These are only some of the symptoms.

Just like you car needs the oil changed regularly or your
outside of your body regularly needs a washing, so does your
internal body. Waiting too long or till you start
experiencing some symptoms listed above, is not a wise idea.
You will increase your risk of developing much more serious
problems like cancer the longer you procrastinate.

Our bodies today simply cannot keep up with the extreme
exposure of ingested or inhaled toxins. The toxins that are
not eliminated simply accumulate in fat cells, tissues,
blood, organs, and remain stored indefinitely resulting in
all kinds of health issues. You can change to a high fiber
diet and eat less acidic foods, but a simple solution is to
regularly get a body detox or body cleansing.

Isabelle S. Mihajlov is blessed to be a stay at home mom
with five healthy children. She loves sharing "remedies"
with others how to
strengthen your immune system to prevent getting ill. Get
( free health advice

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How To Treat Crohn's Disease

Thinkstock Single Image Set

Crohn’s Disease is and IBD—Inflammatory Bowel Disease—that mainly affects the small intestine. It causes both chronic pain and diarrhea and is similar to ulcerative colitis, which causes ulcers in the intestinal lining. Crohn’s Disease affects both men and women and can show up in children or in later adulthood. No one is quite sure what causes Crohn’s Disease, but there are a variety of treatment options.

One of the main symptoms of Crohn’s Disease is vitamin D deficiency, because it is not absorbed regularly into the body due to the active inflammation in the intestines. Vitamin D is necessary to help regulate the amount of calcium in the body. You normally get vitamin D through the foods that you eat and the sun, which causes you to absorb vitamin D through the skin. However, for Crohn’s Disease patients, a vitamin D supplement may need to be taken.

If you don’t get enough vitamin D in your system, osteomalacia is the result. Osteomalacia is a condition in which your bones are weaker than they should be. In children, this can cause rickets and in all age groups, osteomalacia means that you can very easily fracture your bones. If you add vitamin D supplements to your diet and spend more time in the sun, you should be able to get the levels of vitamin D your body needs to prevent this from happening.

Vitamin D supplements are usually not classified as drugs and can therefore be purchased over the counter at a pharmacy or health food supply store. However, just because they are not technically drugs doesn’t mean you shouldn’t use precautions when taking these supplements. First, ask a doctor if it is safe for you to take. Because of your Crohn’s Disease, you are probably taking other daily medications. Sometimes, a supplement can interact to cause side effects or decrease the potency. You should also ask your doctor how much you should be taking every day. Too much vitamin D leads to overdose or vitamin poisoning, which can lead to problems with your kidneys and liver. It is best to only take the recommended amount.

Crohn’s Disease may be a difficult medical condition with which to live, but little things like vitamin D supplements can make life easier. Talk to your doctor today to learn how to make vitamin D supplements a part of your daily life routine to help battle Crohn’s Disease.

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Friday 22 May 2009

Is a Vitamin Supplement Necessary For your Kids?

Spoonful of dietary supplements

When it comes to your kids and vitamin supplements, you should know that most children do not need extra or supplemental vitamins or minerals. If you base your children’s diet on the food guide pyramid, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you shouldn’t need to give your child vitamin supplements. However, it is important to know that of all the age groups, children can be the one that is the hardest to control when it comes to diet. Children don’t understand what it means when something is essential for their bodies, and they are much more prone to being picky eaters or having poor diets. If you child is eating a special diet, they might need more vitamins or minerals. These can include vegetarians, children with allergies, or children that have religions which state certain foods shouldn’t be eaten.

The most important thing for you to keep in mind when it comes to making sure that your child has a healthy diet is to ensure that they are getting the proper amounts of the right kinds of vitamins and minerals. If this isn’t happening because of what they are eating, you either need to change what they are eating, or make sure that they are getting the vitamins in another way. Vitamin supplements can be purchased in kid-friendly shapes and flavors, so it shouldn’t be a problem to have your child take them.

There are several vitamins and minerals that are going to be important for your child to have enough of. These include, especially, iron, which is needed in children to prevent anemia. This usually happens if children aren’t given enough extra iron after they are six months old, which happens often if a baby drinks cow or goat milk instead of formula. Young and adolescent girls are also at a risk of having an iron deficiency.

Another important thing that children need is calcium. This is something that is completely necessary for healthy bones and teeth. If children are drinking milk and eating dairy products, they are probably getting enough calcium, but if they aren’t, you might need to supplement this in their diets.

It is also important that children are getting fluoride. This helps to build healthy teeth. However, it is important that they only get enough fluoride, and not too much, so don’t add to their intake unless your dentist or doctor thinks that you should.

If you don’t think that your child is getting enough vitamins or minerals, you should consult with your doctor to make sure that you can find a good balance and a good children’s multivitamin for them to be taking. However, it is crucial that you realize that a vitamin is not a replacement for food and is not a substitute for a varied diet.

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Stress On The Job - How To Cope

Frustrated Businessman

Face it. Even if you are stressed beyond your limits in the
office, you can't do anything about it. After all, what job
does not involve any stress? The secret is to make sure that
you can manage on the side the job of managing your stress!

Managing your stress however can be really tricky if you are
inside the office. The work environment limits the ways that
you can manage your stress. For instance, if watching TV or
movies relieves your stress, you cannot very well do that
inside the office. Neither can you play badminton or sing
with a karaoke. The most that you can do is to play some
quick computer game, hoping that somehow it can relax you.
For some people, this is enough; but for others, it is not.

But there are ways to relieve the stress while sitting on
your office chair. Often, the trick is to not wait for the
stress levels to go up. As they say in medicine, an ounce of
prevention is more than a pound of cure. Don't wait to get
stressed, avoid it like the plague! Here's how.

1. Eat healthy. People who are basically healthy will have
more energy levels on which to work on. They are more able
to withstand late nights and are more able to keep up with
long brain activities as compared to people who are not. To
do this, you've got to eat healthy foods especially those
that are rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. Besides,
having all the energy that you need will help you cope
better with stress when it happens.

2. Sleep. Sleeping provides the body the rest that it needs.
Brain activity and bodily functions slow down when people
are sleeping. Muscles also relax. When the body lacks sleep,
energy levels go down and the brain becomes disoriented.
This results in poorer concentration, which in the long run
can become detrimental to your job functions. Thus, one way
to avoid stress altogether is get the requisite 8 hours or
more sleep. It will do you good.

3. Exercise. Another way to combat stress and to prevent it
from happening altogether is to have a daily run or an
exercise routine. Experts say that a person must work out 30
minutes each day to successfully keep the body in shape and
healthy. Exercise strengthens our resistance and
surprisingly increases the energy levels. It helps keep the
stressors at bay as it relaxes the muscles and keeps the air
flowing freely through breathing techniques.

4. Manage time. Nothing can make you more stressful than not
managing your time well. Just ask people who are used to
cramming for exams or for work assignments. Planning your
time right and doing what you are supposed to do on time
will help keep the stressors away. Besides, by doing your
assignments and work load piece by piece allows you to relax
while doing it and gives you enough time to really work on
it should the boss decides to have it real early.

5. Smile. Being happy and optimistic is the number one stress
buster there is. Do you know that smiling can help keep the
muscles in the face relaxed? It actually uses less muscles
than when you are frowning. So laugh on the job and keep it

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Thursday 21 May 2009

Can't Stick To Your Weight Loss Program? Here's Why

Woman Sad about Dieting

By Erin Upshaw

Many people are very similar to you. They are tired of
constantly trying new exercises and diets that just will
never work. You're motivated at first, but as time progresses
you become tired of it, and you feel as if you have failed

Does this sound like you? Are you wondering why you cannot
stick to your weight loss program? Well, so are many others.
There are many factors that could explain why you cannot
stick to your weight loss program, and this article will
examine a few of them in depth.

Your program may have been a bad program that resulted in
failure. Maintaining an extreme diet will fail on you
because it is too difficult to maintain. Eating specific
fruits or performing weird exercises or workouts for long
periods of time is eventually not sustainable. If you're
looking to stay slim, you've got to pick a routine that you
can maintain consistently for the long-term.

A lack of support from family and friends causes many to
quit their diets. Maybe your family and friends didn't
provide the support you needed in order to say no to that
bite of rich dessert. It could be possible that your
friends had no faith in you or your diet. A fact of life is
the fact that support is critical when focusing on weight
loss. Try joining a weight loss group with others that are
in the same situation, or consider hiring a personal trainer
that will keep you motivated towards your goals.

You could have been dieting incorrectly while exercising too
much, or even dieting without doing a single exercise
routine. The results you expected didn't happen and led you
to quit what you were doing and loose focus. Both diet and
exercise are a necessary combination when doing a workout
program in order to lose weight. No matter what plan,
program, or diet you choose, you must combine a balance of
diet and exercise.

Another reason was that you expected results far too
quickly. Diets take time to work, and your body may take
even more time to adjust to your new diet before weight loss
is noticed. Your body is resistant and will require you to
use diet and exercise to steer it to shed pounds. Stick to
a well designed program, and the results you want will be

A final reason for you to quit your weight loss program
could be that you lacked a bona fide commitment. It is
impossible to begin a new lifestyle with only half the
motivation. Diet and exercise plans require full mental
commitment. You will find yourself taking shortcuts around
your diet and become frustrated when the scale goes up not
down. Personally commit to this workout plan from day 1 and
don't look back. Remember that if you continue to do what
you always did then you will get what you always got.

Most people advertise all kinds of secrets to weight loss,
but the secret never really was a secret. It's the one
truth that we all know: a lifestyle with a healthy diet and
exercise are what will help us all lose weight and stay in
shape. There are no secret tricks or shortcuts to becoming
healthy. You've just read the trick for yourself. You will
not find a "fat buster" cure besides a healthy diet and
exercise. Do your research, pick a workout plan that you
will enjoy, and stay with it. Remember to aim for realistic
and achievable goals and you will be sure to shed those
unwanted pounds.

When you need to study more on
( lose weight exercises check
for more at ( body fat lose.

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Wednesday 20 May 2009

Peer Pressure And Healthy Eating - How To Say No

Man Holding Drink and Pointing

If you are on a diet or simply enjoying a healthy lifestyle, then you probably know that peer pressure to eat foods that are not good for you is a major part of your life. If you are worried about the food that goes into your mouth, don’t worry—there are ways to overcome peer pressure. It simply takes a little know-how to get people off your back!

Parties are a major source of peer pressure, especially with alcohol. However, remember that alcohol contains hundreds of empty calories in just one drink. When you go to a party, people might be pressuring you to have a drink and relax, and it can be difficult to say no when they are constantly trying to convince you. Instead, offer to be the designated driver. This way, people won’t want you to drink and, in fact, they will probably be purchasing you waters and maybe even helping to pay for your gas. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

Another time when you may feel pressured to eat is at work when the boss orders lunch for everyone at a meeting or when you have to visit a client. Instead of giving in to temptation, simply politely decline the food by letting your boss know in advance or order a meal that is healthy and split the portion in half so you have a meal for tomorrow’s lunch as well.

Baby showers, weddings, birthday parties, and other special events can also wreak havoc on your diet, even if you are good at resisting temptation on your own. When someone hands you a piece of cake and won’t take no for an answer, it can be difficult to know what to say! Here, little white lies might be appropriate. For instance, saying that your stomach was upset earlier in the day will convince a person that you don’t want to eat at the moment or pretending to have a chocolate allergy will get people to allow you to enjoy the party without a hassle surrounding food.

Remember, however, that while refusing bad foods is fine, you should be eating good foods. If you do not, dangerous eating habits and disorders can develop, which will give you, your friends, and your doctor a real reason to worry. It’s ok to say no to peer pressure, but don’t say no to food in general!

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Monday 18 May 2009

How Crucial is Healthy Eating?

Fruit Salad and Spoon

Have you ever heard the saying you are what you eat? In some sense, this is true, because if you eat unhealthy foods you are prone to be an unhealthy person. The foods we ingest are extremely important to our ability to grow, maintain function, and prevent illness. Therefore, if you value your health, you should learn as much about healthy eating as possible.

Healthy eating is important from the day we are born. As a child, we grow quite rapidly and this is due in part to the foods we eat. Foods all contain nutrients that provide us not only with fuel to live our daily lives, but also with the very substances that build our bones, muscles, and organ tissues. Not getting enough of one nutrient or another can cause a variety of problems, including stunting our growth. For mothers who are nursing, nutrition is important because breast milk contains the nutrients a child needs to grow and develop properly. Upon growing older, these nutrients are then found in food, but don’t think that healthy eating isn’t important for growth after you’ve gone through puberty. Cells continuously break down and rebuild, so healthy eating for growth continues to be important until the day we die.

Healthy eating is also important for maintaining body function. In out daily lives, we use energy to think, walk, talk, breathe, and perform any other action. The energy it takes our body to do these things comes from two places: fat reserves in the body or our daily food intake. If you don’t eat healthy foods, you will find that you are storing more fat than necessary or that you aren’t getting enough and you feel sluggish or weak. Along with energy-providing nutrients, like fats and carbohydrates, we also need the right nutrients to allow our organs to do their jobs. Hormones and other substances in the body make sure that everything is working properly. If you don’t eat the right nutrients, your body cannot produce these hormones and, as a result, cannot function properly.

Lastly, healthy eating is important in order to prevent illness. When we do not get the right nutrients, our body’s natural defense system against diseases weakens, allowing viruses and bacteria to attack the body. It’s like a well-trained army—if the army doesn’t have enough to eat, it will not do well in battle. Without healthy foods and plenty of water, our bodies simply could not operate on a day-to-day basis. Learning how to eat healthy foods is therefore and important lesson, and one which we should begin learning as children.

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Porn is Harmless to Relationships….Right?….WRONG!!!!

What a subject on a fitness and health website….got your attention right? After you read the article you will see just how this fits into getting healthy and staying healthy. I have been researching this topic for a few days and of course my need to help people, women, men, couples, etc is at the frontline of my mission writing this blog. What I will be sharing is very candid, may shock some, offend some, and put some on the defensive. My intention is to inform you on a topic that has been proven to be at the very heart of ruined relationships, broken marriages, lost jobs, loss of family, lost lives, and loss of self. Many remain in denial of the damaging affects that porn, especially online porn, is having on their ability to function in reality. If you see yourself described in any way within this blog, I encourage you to seek professional help today. I will be citing from specialists in the field and reputable publications to start the blog off:

“it is coloring relationships, both long-and short-term, reshaping expectations about sex and body image and, most worrisome of all, threatening to alter how young people learn about sex” Time Magazine, The Porn Factor, Jan 2004, Health

"The Internet is the crack cocaine of sexual addiction," says Jennifer Schneider, co-author of Cybersex Exposed: Simple Fantasy or Obsession?

I realize that both men and women utilize pornography but studies show that the largest percentages are males “71% Nielsen/Net ratings 2003”.

"Men become like computers, unable to be stimulated by the human beings beside them," he says. "The image of a lonely, isolated man masturbating to his computer is the Willy Loman metaphor of our decade." Mark Schwartz, director of the Masters and Johnson clinic in St. Louis, Mo.,

Men became, in the words of Dr Margaret Redelman, the president of the Australian Society of Sex Educators, Researchers and Therapists, "lazy lovers". In the end they could not be bothered with real-life sex. In other cases, sex lives became porn-like, male-focused, extreme and lacking in intimacy.

Women feel as if “They can’t compete, and they know it. For how can a real woman—with pores and her own breasts and even sexual needs of her own (let alone with speech that goes beyond “More, more, you big stud!”)—possibly compete with a cybervision”…. The New York Times, The Porn Myth, Naomi Wolf

“A man can easily be drawn into porn, where he never fails in the fantasy and where he can be sexually stimulated without facing the issues with his wife. But the truth is, pornography neuters a man. He becomes so wrapped up in this fantasy world that he is no longer capable of being excited by his own wife. She cannot possibly compete with the airbrushed models in the magazines and on the computer screen, so the husband simply loses interest in her.” Dr. Dave and Donalyn Currie, Help, My Husband Does Not Want to Have Sex

“women are feeling the consequences of porn in numerous ways. We see eating disorders, body loathing, plastic surgery, and unrealistic expectations in girls and young women. We seem women equating their worth to their form and its sexual attractiveness. We see depression and sorrow as the acceptance and normalization of objectifying women spreads throughout the world.” Jennifer Jones, Mental Health Therapist, Does Pornography Help or Hurt Relationships?

What are your thoughts after reading the citations? What the hell is going on? A man struggles with being able to achieve and maintain an erection and to his probable embarrassment have an orgasm with a real woman. A woman feels inadequate, has body image issues, and feels the pressure to be a porn star with a man. A man feels insecure about having a relationship with a real woman, and retreats to his fantasy cyberchick over and over again until the fantasy becomes his sexual gratification. A woman takes on the feeling that she is not good enough to arouse and satisfy her man….he does not desire me, what else could it be? Well ladies and gentlemen…hold onto your seats…A team of American researchers from Stanford and Duquesne Universities has called cyber-sex compulsion a "hidden public health hazard". Sexual counselors and psychologists in Australia are less colorful. Brett McCann, a senior lecturer in the sexual health program at the University of Sydney, says it is a growing problem "with big implications for the public health dollar. There's no quick fix, and by the time the problem is uncovered, there's usually a crisis in the relationship."

Are you in a relationship where things do not feel quite right? As women have you been rejected by your husband or boyfriend and find yourself being the initiator of all intimate contact? As a man, do you find yourself scared to date, or initiate sex with a woman because of anxiety around non-arousal? Do you find yourself in front of your computer screen on a regular basis searching out cyber sex/pornography? Are you lying to your partner about your cybersex activities? As a woman, out of intimacy desperation, are you performing uncomfortable sex fantasies with your husband/boyfriend? As a woman are you feeling disconnected during the sex act with your husband/boyfriend? As a man do you find yourself having to recall a fantasy during sex in order to achieve orgasm? As a man, have you lost desire for your wife/girlfriend? As a woman, have you felt your partner become distant physically and emotionally? Do you see your partner preoccupied with the computer and brushing it under the rug?

Just a few questions to think about as you try to figure out what is going on. “The secret use of pornography is the true home-wrecker, according to most of the psychologists contacted. The most common pattern is for one partner to eventually discover the other's obsessive use. "When it's consensual use in a limited way, it's unproblematic," says Eric Hudson, the national president of the Australian Association of Relationship Counselors. "But where it is secretive, it is experienced as a betrayal of the relationship." Further, once the intimacy has reached a point where typically the husband/boyfriend has started withdrawing from his spouse/girlfriend, the fantasy addiction has reached its peak and brain chemical release no longer desires/responds to what his “real” partner has to offer.

This opens the door to explain just what is going on with the “WHY” your husband/boyfriend is not desiring you. First of all….it is not YOU!!!! I have had the recent opportunity to read numerous heart wrenching stories and cries for help surrounding the compulsive use of pornography and the damage it has caused to women and men.

Picture a person viewing cybersex or pornography and then look into their brain and body as the visual stimulation creates a release of chemicals; epinephrine, an adrenal gland hormone responsible to “lock-in” what created the experience occurring at the time of high arousal; adrenaline, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), noradrenaline, norepinephrine, testosterone, among others. This instant chemical hit or high created during the cybersex session can be created over and over again at the push of a button. Unfortunately the brain has created a memory or trigger that sexual release correlates with cybersex and eventually after habitual use responds only to that trigger. This also explains why men who view pornography habitually suffer sexual inabilities that they are usually embarrassed to admit: erectile dysfunction, inability to maintain erection, or inability to orgasm. Typically they will choose the fantasy cybersex for the “sure” sexual high that can be achieved rather than take a chance on feeling insecure or embarrassed being intimate with the “real” deal. As a man you may feel duped not having full disclosure of the side affects to compulsive porn use, and are struggling inside to even talk about it. I encourage that you can be better and recapture what was lost….the first step, if you are with a wife/girlfriend is to be honest. Your mate will probably be more understanding than you realize as she will also regain a part of her self esteem, not feeling to blame for the physical distance. Also, seek the guidance of a licensed therapist.

Men, I understand this is a very sensitive issue, one that many of you keep hidden, are ashamed about, and feel guilty to admit. Let me ask you… this good health? Do you want to hide behind a secret life that consumes you, distorts the true picture of intimacy, promotes lying and betrayal, robs your finances, puts you at risk to lose your job, and your family? Or do you want to be a man who lives a fulfilling, successful, happy life enjoying and KNOWING a true and REAL intimate relationship? I know this is laying it right on the plate and the answer probably is easy to say but not so easy to do, especially if you are already deep into compulsive using. My hope is to inspire you to reach for that healthy life….….

Women, I realize that you may feel like you have hit rock bottom if you are on the receiving end of rejection and betrayal caused from compulsive porn use. I understand how feelings of sexual inadequacy, feelings of why am I not good enough, pretty enough, horny enough, and why doesn’t he want me, can be so overwhelming. You may be putting your self worth aside just to be with your partner doing and saying things that make you feel uncomfortable. Tell me….are you happy? Are you physically satisfied? Are you emotionally happy? Are you loving yourself? Are you being the porn police? I ask you…..are you living a healthy life? I am here to tell you that you are good enough, that your sexual needs do matter, you do deserve respect, and to inspire you to love yourself and let go of those things that you just can not control. You do have a choice to live a healthy life filled with happiness, success, and true REAL intimacy. If you are enabling a compulsive porn user….why? What are you getting out of the transaction? Why are you not setting boundaries? I will say the same to you…I know this is laying it right on the plate and the answer probably is easy to say but not so easy to do, especially when you love someone. My hope is to inspire you to reach for that healthy life as well…..

Although this message may be one some of you may not want to hear, I am an advocate for good health, and healthy relationships, and the negative impact porn is having on many marriages and committed relationships is a matter that needs to be addressed. Further it is at the core of many health issues today: depression, eating disorders, body image issues, stress, not to mention ED. This article is not meant to judge or condemn, but a message to inspire you to be honest about where you are with your life, and to get healthy……..……

Stay Healthy!!!
I wanted to add a couple of helpful links

Organic, Natural etc - Understanding Food Labels

Organic food product

When you head to the grocery store, shopping for products like eggs, meat, fish, milk, and produce can be very tricky. Signs are posted everywhere labeling food as natural, organic, and a number of other things—but what’s the difference, really? Learning what specific names mean can help you decide if you should shell out extra money on a product or if its simply a marketing ploy.

Natural is a term associated with a number of fruit and vegetable products. Typically, this is simply a marketing ploy to convince you to buy the product. After all, all fruits and vegetables are natural, right? Unless it’s a new kind of food that has been developed and processed, the product is natural. What you really probably want is organic. Organic foods are grown without chemical pesticides and fertilizers.

There are two main benefits to organic foods. First, you are helping the environment because those chemicals are not being introduced into nature. Secondly, you are avoiding ingesting chemicals and are therefore eating more healthy foods. However, organic products are usually more expensive. If you’re on a budget, skip over organic fruits and vegetables that you can peel, like oranges and bananas. After all, once you’ve discarded the peel, you’ve also discarded the chemicals. Instead, opt for organic items like apples, where you eat the peel. No matter what you buy, however, make sure that you rinse off the food when you get home.

Another tricky label you will see is “no hormones.” This is usually in regards to milk or meat products and is false, since all animals naturally produce hormones. Hormones are what helps an animal (even a human) regulate body organs, have young, and otherwise function. All meat products have hormones. What the labels really mean is that no hormones were unnaturally given to the animal, which is sometimes done to increase milk production. Regardless of hormones, however, the milk and meat is safe for a person and not a violation of an animal’s rights.

Lastly, a label on eggs and meat can indicate if the animal was caged or penned. This does not make a difference in the quality or nutritional value of the meat, but is simply a matter of animal rights. These products may be a bit more expensive, but if you want to make human decisions, that is the way to go. Reading the label and making healthy choices can sometimes be difficult, but learning how to do so can help you make the best choices for you diet.

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Friday 15 May 2009

Breastfeeding - Consider Your Diet

Mother breastfeeding baby girl (0-3 months), close-up

By Kim Allissa

It takes nine months for babies to grow inside their
mothers. During this time of pregnancy, you pay careful
attention to what you eat and drink as you know there is the
potential to affect your unborn baby. When you are
breastfeeding, what you eat continues to be an important

However, a breastfeeding diet is not as strict as a
pregnancy diet, although it is still important to know what
you should be ingesting during this time. That way, you can
rest assured that you will only be making the very best milk
for your baby.

Luckily, when you follow a diet that will help your baby,
you are also helping yourself! The foods that you will be
eating should give you the nutrition you need to deal with
your hectic schedule. By being conscious of what you are
eating, you can also make better choices that will allow you
to take off some of the weight that you have accumulated
during pregnancy.

So what breastfeeding diet should you follow? As at any
other time, you should be eating a diet that is
well-balanced. It is recommended that you eat all four food
, but mainly focus on whole grain products, protein,
vegetables, fruit, and foods that are high in calcium and
iron. And do not forget your fiber! You are likely to be
less physically active after the birth if you are spending a
lot of time seated to nurse your baby. However, if you are
not used to eating a lot of fiber, begin gradually!

Even though you plan to eat a well-balanced diet, it is also
advised that you take a good prenatal multivitamin/mineral
supplement. This will ensure that your body gets everything
that you may be missing in your diet, and results in less
chances of your body having to tap into its own reserves to
make good-quality breast milk.

When it comes to breastfeeding diets, you have no doubt
heard that you should avoid certain foods that can make your
baby fussy or gassy. However, no two babies are alike and so
what bothers one baby is not necessarily going to bother the
next one. Some babies do not even seem to be bothered by
foods their mothers eat. Some, but not all, suspicious
foods to monitor your baby's responses to are onions,
garlic, cabbage, and broccoli. These foods can alter the
taste of the breast milk resulting in rejection by your baby.

Continue not to eat fish such as king mackerel, swordfish,
and shark, to name a few, as they contain the most mercury.
Instead, consider eating fish (in moderation) that contain
less mercury, as their fish oils are important for your
baby's neurological system.

The last point I want to mention is that of drinking alcohol
beverages. Alcohol drinking mothers are better off not
breastfeeding their children, as there are known long-term
effects. But if you want to have a drink every now and then,
most experts would agree that there are certain precautions
you can take in order that you reduce the effects on your child.
This can include drinking immediately after your baby has just
breastfed, or saving expressed breast milk earlier that week
that can then be fed to your baby after you have an alcohol beverage.
Obviously the best thing to do is not drink alcohol at all.

In conclusion, there are not too many restrictions on a
breastfeeding mother. Most of it is common sense, and
mostly involves good judgment. Just remember that a
breastfeeding diet can benefit the mom and the baby.

My name is Kim Allissa, and I have been a breastfeeding
mother. Check out my blog,
( Breastfeeding Baby , for
more practical information and tips.

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5 Basic Steps Daily To Look 5 Years Younger

Woman washing face

By Charlotte Field

Our skin's primary purpose is to protect us. When we don't
take care of our skin, it can't do its job properly - and it
looks faded and dull. To look years younger, you must take
care of your skin each and every day. However, this does not
mean spending hours each morning in front of the mirror, or
purchasing a closet full of expensive gadgets and products
all promising to make you look 18 again.

By doing 5 basic steps each and every day, your skin will
begin to recover its luster and even its youthful glow.
Let's see what these 5 steps are.

1. Cleanse properly.

Your face needs to be cleansed both in the morning and again
in the evening. Your cleanser should be matched to your
skin type; a gel is often preferred for oily skin; a cream
is better for dry skin types. Your cleanser does not have
to foam to be effective, although if a sudsy face makes you
happy, go ahead and get a cleanser that foams. When you
apply your cleanser, be sure to follow the directions, using
a light touch, and washing gently for at least 30 seconds.
Then rinse well with clean water and pat dry. If you wear
make-up or heavy sunscreen, be sure to wash and rinse twice;
once to remove the make-up and the second time to get down
to business and cleanse your skin.

2. You need a good toner.

In order to fight those damaging "free radicals" we've been
hearing so much about, you'll need a good toner. Your toner
should create an antioxidant shield, balancing the skin's
protective barrier. Look for ingredients like hyaluronic
acid, which holds 1,000 times its weight in water, giving
your skin a real hydration boost. Other ingredients to look
for are vitamin C and white tea, both restorative and
calming. Be sure your toner is ph-balanced, especially if
your cleanser is not.

3. Exfoliate regularly.

A gentle, non-abrasive exfoliation is necessary to clear
dead skin cells from your skin's surface. Exfoliating helps
the skin renewal process and reveals a brighter, clearer
complexion. Exfoliating also allows moisturizers to
penetrate deeper into your skin. Exfoliation is good, but
more is not always better. Be careful not to over-exfoliate
or scrub your skin harshly. If you have oily skin,
over-exfoliating will cause the oil glands to over-produce
oil to compensate for the oil that you have stripped away.
Obviously this can cause more clogging and more shine on an
already oily face. So, exfoliate often, but gently, and your
skin will love you for it.

4. Keep that moisturizer coming.

Hydrate and feed your skin with a good moisturizer. Choose
a quality moisturizer that offers protection from the
elements for your skin , plus offers your skin a good dose
of nutrition along with moisture. Look for vitamins A, C,
and E, yeast, and other ingredients that would "feed" your
face just like you feed your body. Even if your skin is
oily, you still need a good moisturizer to give your face a
healthy dose of nutrition.

5. Sunscreen is for every day.

The daily use of a good sunscreen is your number one defense
against aging skin. About 99% of all the signs of aging can
be directly linked to sun damage. With a little bit of
prevention, you skin can look younger longer. Even simple
day-to-day living exposes you face to the sun, even walking
to your car and, yes, driving in your car. The windshield
is not a sunblock! Check your morning moisturizer to be
sure it contains a sunscreen of 15 SPF. If it does not, be
sure to add a good sunscreen on top of your moisturizer
before you leave the house. If your plans have you outside
for a longer time than normal, be sure to apply one of the
FDA-approved sunscreens. Look for titanium dioxide or zinc
on the label.

What else can you do to look and feel years younger?

Now, just add a bit of regular exercise, healthy food, and
plenty of water to your diet, and you're well on your way to
a glowing complexion. Follow this daily skincare routine
and treat your skin to monthly professional analysis and
treatments with your Skin Care Specialist and that person
smiling back at you in the mirror will look younger and

Charlotte Field is a Skin Care Specialist offering
( Facials in Pensacola,
Florida. She specializes in Anti-aging, Relaxation and
Results. Call her today to schedule an appointment at

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