Saturday 15 February 2014

How Can Genital Herpes Affect Your Daily Life?

Genital herpes is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections in the UK. It is caused by a virus known as the herpes simplex virus, which is also responsible for cold sores, which develop in the corners of the mouth.

How Is Genital Herpes Spread?

Genital herpes is spread through skin to skin contact and you do not have to have sexual intercourse with somebody to develop the infection. If you have intimate contact with an infected person, it is possible that you will contract the virus. It is also possible for the virus to be spread through sharing sex toys, but most cases are caused by anal, vaginal or oral sex. It is very rare for genital herpes to be passed through sharing towels, clothing or other objects, as the virus is unable to survive outside of the body.

What Are The Symptoms Of Genital Herpes?

Many people do not develop symptoms of genital herpes and some may not even know they have the infection until weeks, or even months later. The most common symptom of genital herpes is the development of small, blister-like sores in and around the genitals. The sores tend to be red and painful and they burst to create open wounds; they are most commonly found in the genitals, but may also develop in the rectum and on the thighs. In women, sores can also develop on the cervix.

Additional symptoms of genital herpes include a high temperature, generally feeling unwell, abnormal discharge and experiencing pain when you urinate. These symptoms are shared by many different sexually transmitted infections.

Coping With Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a chronic condition because the virus remains in the body. It is common for symptoms to flare up now and again, when the virus is activated after lying dormant. If you have symptoms of genital herpes and it is a recurrent infection, you may be advised to take antiviral medication and adopt some self-help techniques to help ease pain and discomfort.

Recurrent bouts of symptoms can be triggered by several factors, including illness, exposure to UV light, stress and consuming an excessive amount of alcohol.

If you have genital herpes, it will probably have an impact on your day to day life, especially in your personal relationships. You will need to take extra care when you have intimate relationships with others and be honest with other people, as they are at risk of developing the infection if they choose to have intercourse with you. The virus lies dormant for long periods of time and it is likely that you will be able to live a normal life; however, you will experience bouts of symptoms from time to time and this can be unpleasant. If you have any concerns or questions about living with genital herpes, your GP can help and there are many resources online that provide information about the infection and how to cope with symptoms.

Treating Genital Herpes

It is not possible to cure a genital herpes infection; however, treatment is available to ease symptoms and make patients feel more comfortable. You can find discreet and helpful private genital herpes treatment here.

In the first instance, when there is a primary infection, a course of antiviral medication will be prescribed. This medication, usually aciclovir, helps to slow the spread of the virus throughout the body. If the infection is recurrent, it may be beneficial to take medication or your doctor may simply advise you to adopt self-help techniques, such as:
  • Keeping the genital area clean
  • Avoiding wearing tight clothing and choosing clothes made from light, natural fabrics
  • Drinking plenty of water to reduce stinging when you pass urine
  • Apply ice packs (covered in a cloth or towel) to the affected area, to ease itching and pain
  • Apply petroleum jelly to the affected area of skin

Friday 14 February 2014

5 Anti-Aging Techniques from Around the World

The world is obsessed with looking young. It can be seen everywhere from the products we buy to the media we consume. Women especially strive to look younger and keep their beauty. From generation to generation, anti-aging tips and techniques have been handed down through families, friends and communities. It’s a common topic on talk shows such as Oprah, and can be seen in every beauty magazine. Americans are often sold beauty products and plastic surgery or injections to preserve their age, but there is always the question as to how long these injections will last and the fear of becoming disfigured due to “botched” work. Maybe Americans should take a look at some the other non-surgical anti-aging techniques that are used around the world.

North America: Canada

Canadians, known for being fervent skiers, look to sun protection as their number one anti-aging technique. Harsh UV glares that reflect off of the bright white snow can cause significant skin damage and cause a woman to appear older. Canadian women protect themselves from the sun in an efficient manner. They use a broad-spectrum sun block with a high SPF, and apply it to their face and lips whenever they are exposed.

Asia: South Korea

Not specific to only South Korea, but all Asian countries use tea as an anti-aging technique. Tea is drunk on a daily basis by all ages in South Korea, and the detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effects result in luminous skin. It can also be used topically; when tea powder is mixed into brewed tea, the result is a lovely facial mask.

Africa: Nigeria

Women have long used African shea butter as a moisturizer to maintain their skin's health and appearance. It prevents wrinkles, increases the texture of the skin, and feels amazing.

Europe: France

Many French women take grape seed extract supplements as a means to prevent premature aging. Grapes are very high in antioxidants and have been proven to help maintain the skin's elasticity. There have recently been some American studies about the effectiveness of this technique.


Emu oil is the Australian woman's go-to anti-aging product. Applied topically, emu oil prevents wrinkles, moisturizes and helps keep the skin supple.

While our cultures may differ, striving to look one's best is a universal desire. Every country has its own unique and useful anti-aging techniques that we all can learn and benefit from. Successful anti-aging techniques have the ability to boost a woman's confidence and help her feel her best, wherever she may live. Learn more about how long American facial fillers typically last.

Enzyte 24/7 Reviews

Enzyte is a natural male supplement that claims to improve or grow a man's penis, sexual stamina and sexual arousal. The business, which was prior claimed by Berkeley Premium Nutraceuticals, however, which is currently possessed by Vianda product LLC, has languished thundering feedback over its claims. The producer bragged that its supplement is the ideal answer for male's penile improvement and therefore, it’s a great support for the sexual performance problem in men to naturally improve.

While there is some evidence from the people who have been taking this product, affirming that the product truly improves their erection and sexual performance; Enzyte 24/7 still fail to offer any investigative certainties to substantiate its attestations. When you need to use the pill to get penile improvement, you'll be a mite baffled for it won't provide for you what you require. Be that as it may before you settle on if to strive for Enzyte 24/7 or not, you have to examine what it’s produced out of and how it work?

How Enzyte 24/7 Work?

Enzyte 24/7 is figured out the particularly to backing solid erectile capability and male enhancement supplement. Enzyte 24/7 holds influential male support ingredients such as Epimedium (Horny goat weed) and Muira Puama (Potency wood), effective cancer prevention agents to make preparations for supplement lacks that may affect volume, and intense regular fixings incorporating Korean Red Ginseng, Ginkgo Biloba, and Grape Seed Extract. The natural blend in Enzyte has been considered for their part in improving blood stream, NO (nitric oxide) generation, and supporting in general erectile disability.

Enzyte ought to be taken day by day like a vitamin, and you can anticipate that comes about will expand after some time as it advances in your performance. Men who take Enzyte for a full 90 days may notice best erections, elevated arousal and sexual sensation, improved erection quality and stamina, and also support in sexual spontaneity.

Enzyte 24/7 Ingredients

  • Korean Red Ginseng
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Grape Seed Extract
  • Horny Goat Weed
  • Muira Puama
  • Niacin
  • Zinc

Enzyte 24/7 Vs. Enzyte Which One Is Best?

The shift of the accepted tablet with a case has permitted Enzyte to streamline its exclusive mix and increment the measurements of the most powerful demonstrated blend, while disposing of optional parts, for example, folios and fillers. So you can get a greater amount of what you need, and less of what you don't.

Since the new product holds a higher measure of the strongest fixings, results with Enzyte 24/7 ought to be more sensational and predictable.

How To Take Enzyte 24/7?

Take once in a whole day just like a vitamin supplement. You must have to take daily to achieve best results.

Does Enzyte 24/7 Improve Penile Size?

According to Enzyte 24/7 official website, this product will improve the blood flow in your penis which may be naturally improve your size in erecting state, but it will not be improved your penis size in non-erected state.

Enzyte 24/7 Advantages

  • 60 days Money Back Guarantee
  • 30 Days Free Trail Pack
  • Free Gift with every order
  • Natural Product
  • Ingredient listed online
  • Customer support number available

Enzyte 24/7 Disadvantage

  • Not approved By FDA
  • Clinical trials not mentioned
  • Not worth ingredients blend
  • 30 days free trail need your card detail
  • May be an auto shipment program

Does Enzyte 24/7 Causes Side Effects?

Although the manufacturer of Enzyte 24/7 claims that this product is 100% natural and only contains natural herbs, but it may cause some allergic reaction due to some ingredients for a few men. You must have to stop to take this supplement, if you notice any allergic reaction.

Enzyte 24/7 Final Verdict

Enzyte 24/7 is all natural supplement and its manufacturer is well known (Vianda products LLC). The manufacturer also provided the customer support number (1-866-834-1715) and claims to improve sexual vigor naturally. The ingredients are well known and listed very clearly in the official website that how it will improve your sexual performance, but the size of your penis will improve or not, it’s quite confusing because business only claims to improve the blood flow in the penis. Although we all men’s know that blood flow can make your penis erected and it is very common appearance that an erected penis are long 2 times more than non-erected then, what about the small penis size which erect but doesn’t get the bigger appearance. The improved penis size is really confusing after taking this supplement that it will improve or not. However, this manufacturer provides 30 days free trails offer by putting the card detail while claim to use free which is also a confusion to the customer that it may be scammed like auto shipment program. Overall, this supplement is average in all male sexual supplements

Thursday 13 February 2014

How a Facelift Can Improve Your Appearance and Confidence?

Of all the questions about facial plastic surgery, the most asked question is probably whether a facelift is right for you or not. Before you are able to answer this question, you may have to consider the reasons for getting the facelift, the expected results and learn the specifics of what is involved in the actual process. You should also be able to identify the exact facial areas that you would like to change or improve.

People think about getting a facelift at various ages since not everyone ages at the same rate or in the same facial areas. Some may not like the wrinkles on the forehead while others may detest the under eye bags or large nose seen in the mirror.

Whatever facial issues you are experiencing, a facelift is a personal choice. However, knowing whether you should proceed or not, it is best to have a sit-down consultation with a reputable and skilled cosmetic surgeon. If you are considering the surgery, be sure to research your options carefully and do it only when you are certain that this is the ideal choice. The ideal candidate for a facelift is typically someone with obvious signs of aging, but with some skin elasticity – between the ages of 40 and 70. This may include people who suffer from these conditions:
  • Facial birth defects
  • Facial deformities
  • Excess sagging skin
  • Unbalanced chin
  • Protruding ears
  • Droopy eyelids
  • Large nose with bump in the center
  • Deep wrinkles on the forehead
  • Jowls
  • Double chin
  • Flat cheekbones
  • Excess tissue on the neck

What is the Ultimate Reason for the Facelift?

Once you define the real reason, everything will become clearer and you will know for sure that you are making the right decision. In fact, it will be easier to make the decision. You will be able to make definitive goals and have a better understanding of what to expect before and after the surgery. Be as honest as possible with yourself because sometimes a need for plastic surgery may be a symptom of a much bigger issue such as very low self-esteem or trying to please someone else. You don’t want to get a facelift done for superficial reasons.

What are your Expected Results?

Be aware that plastic surgeons don’t perform miracles; therefore your expectation should be within the realm of likelihood such as a smaller nose or eliminating the under eye bags. Discuss all of your options during the consultation. Most plastic surgeon will be able to give you an idea of what you will look like after the surgery. Be sure that you are specific about your needs in order to achieve the best results. If your expectations are too high, you may end up having serious mental issues afterwards and possibly blaming the surgeon unfairly.

Are You Prepared for the Process?

Many times, a lot of people only think about the results and not the process, which usually includes the procedure and the recovery time. To know whether a facelift is right for you, it is important to understand the entire process. Are you prepared to endure a longer recovery time if necessary? Even though not all procedures are painful, are you prepared to experience pain, bruising, swelling, bandages and stitches that may be unavoidable?


Before going under the knife, be sure to find out if there are any non-invasive treatment options available to you such as Botox and Derma Filler. If you are not particularly interested in these temporary solutions, then a facelift could be right for you. Prior to surgery, visit your primary care physician to ensure that your health makes you a viable candidate.


As Valentine’s Day is upon us tomorrow, I think about commitment and how it not only matters in my marriage but also in my fitness and overall health.  They both take dedication and work right?  Think about that: if you cheat on your marriage, it will not work…if you cheat on your health, it will not work…see what I mean.  In order to maintain a happy, healthy relationship, it takes commitment, effort and work on a daily and consistent basis.  

In this journey of life, I have learned what I do and do not want, and I certainly have found a gem in my husband and cherish our relationship as top priority.  I feel the same way about my fitness and realize that my life is a precious gift worthy of my time and attention to reduce the risk of illness and maintain a healthy quality of life.  Commitment is a word that I do not use lightly and is a promise that I will maintain my relationship in a healthy way with my hubby and with myself. 

Really, I do not need a special Hallmark day to tell me that, because every day is Valentine’s Day in my life with my honey and my health.  I treat both with tender loving care, appreciation, time and attention.  Commitment to the things that matter is important and believe me, there are plenty of “busy things” in life that just do not matter.  I like that motivational saying “when you are committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results”.  I believe in seeing positive results in my marriage and health and if I do not take the healthy action steps to make that happen, that is on me.  I have worked too hard and long in my life to not make the most of each day, and  appreciate what good health and true love feels like.   

I will be fifty soon, and it has taken half my lifetime to reach the maturity of emotional, spiritual and physical well-being that I understand today.  The bumpy road along the way was difficult, but through patience, perseverance, and commitment to want more for me in every aspect of life, the journey was meant to be and is always a “to be continued” story.  The importance of commitment is also patience through the process as nothing happens overnight.  There is no such thing as here today and gone tomorrow and rushing life to get no-where is certainly not on any page that I am writing.

I dedicate this Blog to the love of my life, my best friend, prayer partner, and greatest support I have ever known.  To my husband:  I love you “Forever and a Day” and every day is Valentine’s Day with you. 

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!


Friday Fitness with our Mystery Freeletics Athlete - Week 8

Where are the weeks going? 8 weeks already? Really? We are just over the half way mark and I think our mystery Freeletics athlete is doing a mighty fabulous job. Someone made a comment that they didn't see much progress in her pictures, little did they read how she has changed her lifestyle around and living more healthier and making a conscious effort to incorporate regular exercise within her week supported by great food. That deserves a 10 outta 10 in my book! You go girl, I am so proud of you.

See you again next week!

Weekly journal update

Freeletics week 8

This week I feel I needed a big kick to keep me going.  I loved the exercises but I was feeling a little sluggish and felt like I needed to cleanse my insides!  So I added a 3 day juice cleanse to my program.  I must say the first day was ok, the second I could have eaten my arm off and the third has been great.  I thought I would lose my energy and wouldn’t be able to do my freeletics but I actually have just as much energy. Now that is over I feel great and I am looking forward to getting back to the eating guidelines from Freeletics.

I can see my hips shrinking in the pics and I love it. My motivation for next week is seeing my hips in these pictures.  You can see that the layer of fat on them is slowly shrinking. I will always have hips, I just want to get rid of the fat layer on them! I do want to tone my stomach more as I feel that those images are hard to see any changes.  I wonder if there has been so much stretching from 2 kids and lots of excess weight that I will never get it toned and smooth again. I am not stressing over that, but it would be nice!

Food Diary:

Chia pudding with a piece of fruit

Morning snack
Yogurt with fruit & nuts

Tuna salad 

Afternoon snack
Banana and tea

Grilled salmon with blueberry pear salad

Hard parts this week:

Adding the juice detox and just juicing for 3 days, that was HARD! I love my food so it was hard to not eat, especially when I am making yummy meals for my kids and husband! Freeletics workouts were great this week.

Love FMA (Freeletics Mystery Athlete) xx 

Wednesday 12 February 2014

Is Bigger Always Better?

There is a simple truth that can be applied to every aspect of life: bigger is always better. After all, we live in a land, time, and country of competition. To keep up, you need to, "Go big or go home."


Forget reasonable size portions, healthy choices and calorie counts, today's food market is all about the extreme experience: largest, spiciest, tastiest, and oddest. Deep fried hamburger wrapped in bacon? Yes, please! Two pound enchilada covered in atomic wing sauce? How could I refuse?! Thankfully, Americans fashion industry has teamed up with the food industry to ensure that our widening girths will always have stretch pants to be jammed, crammed, and stuffed into.

Breast Implants

A very smart person once said, "Beauty is pain." Truer words were never spoken when it comes to super-sized breasts. Forget going au naturel. In today's world, it is no longer all about having the largest pair of fun bags on the block; now your tatas need to have their own center of gravity. If jumbo breasts are in your future, you can kiss being comfortable goodbye. After the procedure, back pain will be your new best friend. Additionally, you should consider increasing your liability insurance, as you are likely to cause car wrecks whenever you bobble your ample bosoms down the sidewalk. Plastic surgery has been popular than ever before in history, as everyone is in a mad scramble to not only get the biggest breasts, but breasts that look better than the other girl’s.


Nothing is more depressing in life than living in a less than elephantine home (not even a crushing mortgage). In the 1950's, a 1,000 square foot house was more than enough space for a family of four. Now, the average home is almost 2,400 square feet. But why go for average? These days you can have a mansion so large you never need to see your family. It can be a great excuse for not getting anniversary presents: Honey, I did not buy you anything because I thought you were on a business trip.

Golden Parachutes

Executives would seem to bring a lot less value to a company if their salaries were more reasonable; so it makes sense that they would make even more money when being fired. These "golden parachutes" need to be monstrous if they are to give the over-paid Bigwig time to slow down after his fall from the top. However, it stands to reason that businesses could save a lot more moolah if they would just fire their next CEO before even hiring him or her; just pay out the golden parachute before ever putting him or her on the payroll.

So, the next time you find yourself asking, "Is bigger always better?" give yourself a big (or bigger) slap across the face and follow with a resounding, "yes!" Bigger is always better and that is a great philosophy to live by in life. Read more about oversized breast implants and what plastic surgeons think about this “bigger is better” craze.

Getting Back Into Your Fitness Routine After Surgery

If you are someone who enjoys working out and staying fit, needing to have a surgery done on your own body can be beyond painful. A lot of people workout for not only the physical benefits, but also the physiological benefits It has been scientifically proven that people who work out more tend to be less stressed and happier. Overall, working out is a highly positive experience. But what happens when you have a surgery and haven’t been working out for some time? How do you get back to your regular routine? Are there any tips or tricks to accomplishing this?

Let’s take a look.

Beginning Stages

At first, it might seem impossible to get back to the strength that you were once at. However, don’t let this stop you. No one is saying that it will be easy, but we know that it is worth it. Not only is it worth it, but working out after you recover from a surgery is an essential key to a full and speedy recovery. After you are beginning to see some recovery from your surgery (and after your doctor says it’s okay) you can slowly begin working out. Now, one of the most important things to remember is to take it easy and don’t rush into anything. If you were sprinting before, start out by walking. If you were lifting 315 pounds, start out with just the bar. Don’t rush into anything and make sure that your body feels okay before you start trying to go over-the-top with your workout. Most doctors recommend NO heavy lifting for the first seven weeks you’re recovering. This means that any weight about 20 pounds (depending on your surgery and strength before surgery) should be avoided.


One of the most important things to keep in mind while you are working out is that you need to be constant. Consistency can single-handedly be the reason for success or failure, and this applies especially to working out. Now take the importance of consistency, and multiply it by two. Why? Because it’s twice as hard to work out when you know you are stopping from the bottom again. Just keep at it and don’t stop focusing on the end goal – whatever that goal is for you.

Weight Loss vs. General Wellness

One of the biggest differences between working out while you are healthy and working out while you are recovering (or have just recovered) from a surgery is that one focuses on weight loss (or build), while the other focuses on general health. This distinction between the two is extremely vital to understand, In fact, if someone doesn’t understand this concept it can be painful because they won’t be seeing results in the areas that they won’t. For example, if someone is trying to see weight loss when really they should be looking for the ability to walk a mile without stopping, they are focusing on the wrong goal. Make sure to stay focused on the real goal – your overall health.

Plan Ahead

You can’t always know when you will need a surgery, but for those of you who are planning no a surgery (such as a tummy tuck or breast augmentation) you have complete control over how you plan ahead for staying fit. If you are mentally preparing yourself for the surgery and you are prepared to become weaker for some time, it won’t have such a negative effect on you. Now instead of focusing on being weak, you start off your recovery by focusing on becoming stronger and healthier.

About the author: If you are looking for new ways to maximize your weight loss, you can learn about long-term weight loss benefits with the Tummy Tuck procedure here.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

How To Get Rid of Back Pain in Less Than 15 Minutes

Back pain can occur suddenly and without any warning. As fast as it can occur as fast do you need it to disappear, which is why you need quick solutions. If you’re one of the many millions who suffer from back pain from time to time and in need of removing the pain immediately, try out the following tips. In less than 15 minutes, you can easily prevent your back pain and prevent it from getting back.

Take a pain killer

Pain killers are mainly the first pill recommended by doctors to relief back pain, as they work right away and allow you to resume to normal activities while your back heals. Because different pain killers work for different types of pain, you should carefully choose the ones created for back pain relief. Most companies offer a range of pain killers, such as Tylenol which has developed “extra strength” and “forte” specifically targeted those suffering from back pain.

Exercise while lying down

After taking a pill, you can rest on your back with your knees bent. Depending on whether you have pain in your upper or lower back, you can use a pillow to support the right places. Next, pull one knee into your chest and hold it for ten second. This exercise should be repeated three times on each side and release the pain dramatically in your lower back. In order to get rid of pain in your upper back, you can do a neck roll seated in your chair. Neck rolls can relieve many of the symptoms of your upper back tension, including pain and stiffness. Sit upright in your chair and relax in your shoulders and arms while you gently drop your head forward from side to side. Repeat this exercise ten times and you feel the difference.

Exercise while sitting down

Whenever you have the possibility, try to leave your chair and stand up for a bit or go for a little walk. Never sit longer than 30 minutes at a time when working and reduce also the time spend on sitting down at home. Whenever you sit down, aim for a good posture. Remember to sit up straight with your back against your chair, while you keep your legs 90 degrees bend and your feed placed flat on the ground. If you work with a computer, it should be placed 45 cm away from your eyes and a little below them.

Exercise while standing up

Opposite from sitting down for too long periods, it can also cause back pain to stand up for too long a period. Stand right and keep your knees relaxed and your shoulders back. Another trick is to shift your weight from one foot to the other in order not to put all your weight to specific parts of your body.

Read more about back pain and how you can get rid of it the best way possible, by visiting websites offering professional and authority tips.

My home style

It's renovation city at our place. Well it seems like it's been like that for the past 8 years since having 4 kids!!! We have moved 3 times and we have extended and created more space and parts of our home that we can poke a stick at! From a skate ramp park, pool deck area, kids creative room to my soon to be home office.

Maybe one day The Design Files can come photograph our home. That's if they'd like to loan me an interior designer to do a style make over in our entire home. Maybe one day.

Or shall I just ask Lucy? :-)

The Design Files has been one of my fave places to visit on a daily basis especially when it comes to home inspo. In fact here are some stella's I have adored over the years. All pictures are from their website. 

Melbourne home of Simone and Rhys Haag

I love the simplicity and stylish decor of this home. The soft and cosy cushions, rug and neutral tones. Such a calm vibe. 

The Coolangatta Home of designer Leah Bartholomew.

I love the garden, the light and the colours throughout this home. Oh yeah it's also near a beach which is a plus! Hubby loves the surfboard too :-)

The Brisbane home of Geraldine Cleary

Cool pad and superb open space connecting with the outdoors. I love the low seating lounge suite, the chairs and outdoor setting. All very minimalist but super stylish.

The Surry Hills apartment of Virginia Mesiti and Scott Otto Anderson

Loving the koala, all that colour and it shines personal style and character. Super cute home especially when you see there are children living in it. 

What's your fave home style?


Post Weight Loss, What Should You Do?

People can put in enormous amounts of times, energy, and work into losing weight and becoming healthier – but what about after they lose weight? There are plenty of articles out there that give tips and tricks on how to lose weight and all of the necessary things that you need to do in order to accomplish your weight goals, but there aren’t very many articles that explain what happens after you lose a good amount of weight. If you think that you just need to lose 20 pounds and call it good, you’re in for a treat. Although it is an accomplishment to lose a lot of weight, it’s equally important to not forget about the post-weight loss process.

Here are some things that you can do after you lose a significant amount of weight to remain healthy.

Remain Active

One of the biggest mistakes that one can make when they have reached a certain weight goal is to think that it will last forever. It’s simple: hard work will GET you to where you want to be, and hard work will KEEP you where you want to be. Does this mean that you shouldn’t celebrate your wins (or rather, loses)? Absolutely not. However, it does mean that you should prepare yourself for creating consistently healthy habits. Making healthy food choices, exercising regularly, and getting enough sleep are all examples of what you should continue doing, even after you lose weight.
  • Take a fitness class
  • Find a workout buddy
  • Alternate between various exercises

Build Muscle

Now that you have lost some fat and extra weight, maybe the next goal you can have is to gain some muscle? Not only does muscle improve your health, but it also allows your body to really begin taking form. The best part about building muscle is that while you are doing so you are also losing fat! So, don’t be shy to start adding on a little bit of extra weight and build in some strength exercises into your routine (don’t forget to grab a spotter, too!)
  • Go for 6-8 reps instead of over 10
  • Add weight throughout each of your sets
  • Don’t sacrifice form for a higher weight


One of the most underestimated workouts or parts of any workout is stretching! It’s incredible how much more productive your workout can be if you just take an extra 10-15 minutes to stretch before you begin. Not only will you feel like your workout is more productive, you will also be preventing a lot of injuries and strains that can occur because of your body not being completely ready to exercise. So before you begin your workout don’t forget: STRETCH! STRETCH! STRETCH!
  • You don’t have to stretch at the gym, you can stretch when you wake up
  • You don’t have to go over-the-top but challenge yourself to stretch farther every day
  • Mark stretching as an important task so you don’t skip it!

Continue To Watch Your Diet

Not everything that happens with weight and fat loss happens in the gym, in fact, a lot of it happens where you eat. I’m sure that if you have lost a significant amount of weight you already know how much of an impact food can have on your weight in general, but it’s important not to get too carried away with the junk food and desserts after you have lost weight. Some simple things that you can do to help watch your diet are:
  • Keep before and after pictures of yourself to remind yourself what you don’t want
  • Just say NO to fast food
  • Have specific days where you reward yourself for eating healthy
If you have had massive weight loss remember that there is usually excess skin left over. If you are in this position, remember that liposuction is the best solution. Liposuction is meant to get rid of excess skin so you don’t have the droopy look.

Monday 10 February 2014

Fitness Transformation Tuesday story with Matt Weiss

  • Hey everyone my name is Matt Weiss and I am 22 years old. I started my transformation journey July 2011. I weighted 212lbs and had 21% body fat. I was very unhappy with the way my physique looked and I wanted to make a change. I am a college baseball player so I wanted to improve my athletic ability by getting more physically fit. I started working out 5-6 times a week and started to eat healthier. Diet was a huge part of my transformation. I would always lift weights before but my diet was terrible and I never saw good results. Once I tightened up my diet my weight andbody fat percentage just started to melt off. Now I weigh 182lbs with 5% body fat. I am so glad that I made the change become healthier and I will continue to improve my physique daily.
  • Growing up I use to eat tons of junk food. Foods very high in carbs and unhealthy fats. Stuff like McDonald's, Taco Bell, and Hardees were places I enjoyed eating. In high school me and my buddies would go out then get fast food late at night. I didn't think anything of it but then I started to know a change in my body. I found myself being tired a lot. When I got to college I ate the cafeteria food. They had buffet style which I loved. I would get pizza, fries, soda, etc. This is how most college kids ate so I didn't think anything of it, plus I enjoyed eating like this. A lot has changed since then with my diet. I know eat things like chicken, ground turkey, ground chicken, eggs, brown rice, oatmeal, almonds, etc. Now I am eating way less greasier foods. Diet is key if you are looking to transform your physique. You will never be able to out train a bad diet.
  • I play college baseball player.
  • I love hanging out with my friends and family. I also enjoy helping people out with diet and workout plans through my online personal training. Something that makes me smile is when me and my family are all together. Family time is very special to me.
  • Well freshman year I played baseball at Arkansas State. Everytime we did conditioning I would always finish last and be gasping for air. It would make me so mad because I was giving it my all and I still would finish pretty much last. I ended up redshirting their and when I had my going away meeting the coach told me if I didn't come back next year in shape then I wouldn't play. This made me so angry! I ended up not returning to Arkansas State. So I would say my coach their telling me that I needed to come in the next year in better shape. I am actually very thankful that he said that to me because that is what truly sparked my lifestyle change.
  • Since I have transformed my physique a lot of doors have opened for me. I am officially a sponsored athlete with the best supplement company in the world (Inner Armour). I plan to start doing fitness modeling and men's physique competitions also. Right now I am a semi-finalist for the bodyspace spokesmodel competition. I really hope that I make the finals and compete for the title in LA.
  • Something that I want everyone to know is that never listen to negativity. During my transformation process I had friends always trying to get me to go out and drink. Also sometimes even my family would give me a hard to because of the way I was eating. Stick to a plan and keep fighting through it, because in the end you will come out a champion.
  • Instagram: mattweiss_fitness
    Facebook: Matt Weiss Fitness
    Email me at if you're interested in my online personal training.

Sunday 9 February 2014

Feb fast 28 day detox challenge

How's everyone going with our Febfast challenge? Don't ask me why but I thought I would do the trifecta and go without added "refined" sugar, coffee and alcohol this month. How am I going? So far so good. Besides the dull headaches for a few days, I haven't had many cravings.
Day 10 and still going strong.

Thank you to our amazing FFS team members that have joined thus far. If you haven't had a chance to register for our Fitness Food And Style team challenge this month, it's never too late to detox your body and soul. Click here, support an amazing cause and lets get started.

Picture courtesy of Fully Raw

So why do we need to detox & what happens?

I have been told by health practitioners that we need to eliminate waste or toxic materials out of our body. In return we get a toxin-free body which may lead to good health. We all want to be healthy right?

Our body goes through a process which removes toxin or waste materials out of our body through use of natural methods i.e: detoxification. There are so many kinds of chemicals that get deposited into the fat cells of our body through ingestion of food and water, and simply breathing the air around us. With peoples busy lifestyles these days and so called high cost of healthy living, people tend to buy and eat food with low or lacking with nutrient content. Or the classic pre made and processed foods.

What are we actually wanting to detox?

Anything that enters through our body externally let it be pollution, smoking, drugs, processed foods, additives or preservatives the list is endless. This impairs our immune function, hormone imbalance and we become nutritionally deficient and get a low metabolism. Some people refer this to "body burden" which may also cause chronic muscle pain, indigestion and bad breath.

Benefits of detoxing?

There are so many different detox diets out there. When I started on my clean eating journey 6 years ago, I stumbled across The Elimination Diet by Dax Moy which really allowed me to;

- Listen to my body with the particular foods I was eating
- It cleaned my body system
- Improved my digestion
- I had clear and clean skin
- It kept me super focused
- Not to mention the buzz and energy it gave me

Some people also get rid of their muscle aches and pains, lowered immunity, dull skin, fatigue and here's a winner, weight gain.

Who can detox?

Anyone that consults with a health professional as it's not for everyone. Women who are pregnant, mothers that are breastfeeding and children should not go on a detox diet. Anyone with a eating disorder, anaemia, diabetes, thyroid disease, autoimmune disease, cancer are not recommended to go on any detox program.

What foods can I eat?

Loads of fruit and vegetables and foods that are not processed. These foods are high in fibre and rich in vitamins, which exterminate the environment toxins that get transferred into the body. Typically during a detox diet you would normally eliminate any kind of meat, fish, alcohol or stimulant drinks such as coffee. Of course once you finish your detox diet, you may slowly incorporate your meats and make sure you continue to have heaps and heaps of fruit and vegetables!

Have you ever been on a detox diet? What was your experience and how did it make you feel?

Much love & friendship,

Thursday 6 February 2014

Freeletics Friday with our Mystery Transformation Athlete Weeks 6 & 7

She's back!!!

Even our Freeletics mystery athlete didn't let her ankle let her down, she persisted and she shares her journal with us for the last few weeks she missed. So we are playing a bit of catch up hence 2 weeks in the 1 post today.

Please show her some support by leaving words of encouragement, it's a tough gig being out there in the world wide web and having us cheer her along keeps her so motivated.

Thanks for sharing and we look forward to reading from you next week!


Freeletics Week 6

So…. This week I fell off the bandwagon… well actually I think I jumped off it whole heartedly!  I was tempted by everything and because I felt like I had been good then I deserved to slack off and eat what I wanted and drink what I wanted. Just take a look at my pics, I think that you can tell. I am embedding this feeling into my mind.  It’s the feeling of disappointment.  I am disappointed in myself for giving in. Don’t get me wrong, I had a great time eating and drinking and playing up with my mates.  However my body didn’t appreciate it.  I feel sluggish and guilty.  I don’t like those feelings so back on the band wagon next week, actually squat jumping back onto that bandwagon!

Hard parts this week:

All of it!  I just didn’t make time to prep meals or exercise so I went back to my old ways of quick and easy food and not as much exercise as I would have liked. I blame my injured ankle for playing a part in my social and party week this week. Oops!

Freeletics Week 7

Bandwagon going along full steam ahead! I have been really good this week, I have been having salad plus protein most days and nights. One night I made a delicious couscous with almonds sprinkled through it.  That was delicious! On the exercise front, there have been less burpees this week and I think that has helped motivate me to do the exercises. The pics this week show a slight improvement over last week. My hips are where I am really seeing the difference. My muffin top is slowly melting away.

Hard parts this week:

Actually nothing!  I was really motivated this week, I am wondering if my slack week last week was what I needed to get me back on track?

Wednesday 5 February 2014

A change for the better with a Fitness First giveaway

Hi everyone, it's a brand New Year and I am super excited that we are all focused on reaching our new goals for 2014. A new year gives us the opportunity to re-evaluate and refocus our attention to what we want to achieve.

As you all know, I was extremely fortunate to go away to the Gymea Retreat recently. The retreat was facilitated by the amazing Amber from Bloom Wellness and was just an experience I cannot recommend highly enough. I met some amazing people and totally got inspired by the health practitioners and professionals that were there to help us reach our goals.

WOWZA!! What a really relaxing time, I highly recommend it and a retreat is exactly what a health practitioner ordered! 

If you have never been to a wellness retreat, you may be wondering what to expect and think it is geared up specifically for hippies. Not the case and here's what I experienced - it was a total escape outta this world, solace, a haven for getting away from the grind and reflecting inward. It gave me a chance to reconnect with myself, solve some challenges I had prior to attending, gave me a fresh outlook and perspective on life. It restored my health and hey, I even dropped a few kilograms with eating all that raw food :-) 

I know we're all busy, trust me I know. With 4 kids under 8 years I am constantly on the move so this came at exactly the right time.  A retreat gives you time to reflect on your life, ponder your next move and questions whether your lifestyle supports your wellness aspirations.

Although I was able to attend an offsite retreat, I understand this is not physically or financially possible for everyone. With this in mind, there are other ways to achieve this goal.

To find nirvana, you need the tools of the trade along with a quiet space to put this into practice.

To coincide with my recent collaboration with Fitness First NEW YEAR, NEW YOU, I wanted to take this opportunity to "share the love" by giving back to my loyal readers. All you need to do is tell me what your health and wellness goals are for 2014.

x1 Lululemon Weekender Warrior Bag and 

x1 The Pure Mat 3mm by Lululemon

You always need a great bag when working out and a handy place to store your yoga mat. Gotta love the 2-in-1 combo.

x1 iPod shuffle

Music is my life, it motivates me so I want it to do the same for you.

x1 Jawbone UP Activity Tracker Wristband

This is one über cool wristband which measures your lifestyle throughout your day. Let it be movement, water intake, sleep you name it! This baby is for you.

So how do you enter?

Terms & Conditions
  • Entries will close on 6th March 2014, and a winner will be announced shortly thereafter.
  • Tell me what your health and wellness goals are for 2014 & include your IG or FB name beside your comment below.
  • You must be an Australian resident to win.
  • The winner’s answer will be judged on most creative response.
  • Please ensure you have subscribed to my blog, as the winner will be notified by email. If the prize remains unclaimed for 72 hours, a new winner will be selected.
  • Ensure you tag your pictures on social media with #changeforthebest showcasing your New Year, New You. 
  • Only one entry per person.
  • All color options of products limited by availability.

Some exciting news from Fitness First!

1. Fitness First is changing. Fitness First Australia today launched two industry- first initiatives, Pay As You Go (PAYG) and Fitness Guarantee, bringing significant improvements to its members’ fitness experience, as part of the company’s ongoing transformation.

Change is seen in every aspect of the business from the new look and logo, to new equipment in state-of-the-art gyms, through to new services that optimise the member experience

2. Fitness first launches New You awards to help motivate Australians to keep their New Year’s health & fitness resolutions. 

Registration for the Fitness First New You Achievement Awards open in July and close at the end of August 2014. New members of Fitness First can pledge their goals online at 

Find out more about what is happening at Fitness First click here.

Connect with Fitness First on their social media, website and Facebook page to keep updated: 

Pretty cool huh? So leave me your comments below with your #changeforthebetter health and wellness goals for 2014 and please add your Instagram and Facebook username if you have one.  

Much love and friendship,