Monday 30 September 2013

Weight loss story on Transformation Tuesday with Meg

I love receiving transformation submissions from my readers from all walks of life and varying ages. Here is the adorable Meg, she has said goodbye to 15kgs and has turned her health around. No longer is she eating take away or junk foods, she's now eating healthy and exercising 3-4 times per week.

Give Meg a virtual round of applause!!! You look great sweetie.

How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date?
I am 15 years old, I have been large and over weight my whole life. My dads side of the family are large too and I didn't want to be known as a 'Thomas' so I decided a year ago to turn my health around.

What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then?
I ate what ever I want. Junk food, lollies, sugar. I'd eat it when ever I wanted and portion to me didn't matter but now I see how bad that is for me and I try to eat as healthy as I can.

Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching?
I play basketball at school

What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile?
I love helping people. I love singing and acting. I strive to help as many people as I can in life

What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change?
Feeling bigger than my friends for my whole life. Not being as fit

What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months?
To lose about 13 more kilos. If that doesn't happen I just want to become overall more healthy

What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation?
To never give up! My weight kept going up and down for that whole year making me want to give up but my biggest tip is to just keep going!

* * * 

If you would like to follow Meg, she can be found on Instagram @meg_thomas10. Keep up the amazing work, we are all here to cheer you along the way!

Much love and friendship,

Saturday 28 September 2013

Rocktober Challenge - 15 week Freeletics transformation challenge

Hello everyone! Ready for this months Rocktober fitness challenge? YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE THIS!!!

I just recently came across Freeletics (as most of you are aware, I don't have the flexibility to go to a gym with 4 kids under 8 years) so the beauty with these workouts is, the only equipment required is YOU!!!! 

Fitness Food And Style joins Freeletics

Workout wherever you are at home, at the office, park etc... How cool is that? That is why I had to share it with you. You have a choice of which program suits you. My husband Adrian is also joining me along with my brother Daniel and a few other friends. We are pumped!!!!

The first set of exercises are pretty intense!!! 5 rounds of burpees, squats and sit ups. You start with 50, 40, 30, 20 & then finish off with 10 reps. As fast and hard as you can.

Aphrodite is a cardio and strength based workout

Freeletics is all about perfecting your time with each workout. There are two types of training: Workouts and MAX. The exercises have to be completed in the exact same order and number as stated. You need to complete your workouts as fast as possible. 

These workouts are global. So many male and female "Free Athletes" across the globe wanting to reach a specific fitness goal. What I love the most about it, is WE are all connected and share the same goal orientated plan. 

So that's our plan this month to start our 15 week transformation. Will you join me?

If yes, please visit register and buy your preferred workout guide. Have a look at some of these amazing transformations for some inspiration;

Are you ready for your Freeletics transformation? Let the countdown begin.

Much love and friendship

Thursday 26 September 2013

DotsoFit Health and Fitness

Now available in Paperback and Kindle at and

A superb collection of 75 of the most popular posts from the DotsoFit Health and Fitness Blog, revised, updated, and referenced to serve as a resource to the reader.
Amazon Prime Members read for free
Click to Buy

This is the story of a mother's experiences and struggles the three years following her daughter's diagnosis with type 1 (or juvenile) diabetes. Written in a narrative format, this book retells actual events and reveals the author's personal feelings of guilt and helplessness and how it affected, and ultimately changed, her life.

Paperback: Click to Buy

This is the original 1989 Master's Thesis from the New Mexico Institute of Mining in Technology in Socorro, New Mexico. The research evaluated the effectiveness of different types of natural cover materials in reducing infiltration, and subsequent leachate from, a copper mill tailings waste pile.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

6 Home Remedies for Psoriasis That Will Naturally Heal Your Skin

People dealing with psoriasis know just how much of a frustrating condition it is. This skin condition causes your skin to develop scaly, dry, inflamed, and red patches in various locations. As you can imagine this condition can easily make you feel embarrassed and self conscious about how you look to other people.

Other than the symptoms, what makes this condition the most frustrating to deal with is the fact there is no cure for it. The only thing you can do is reduce the flare ups when they arise.

Check out 6 home remedies you can use right now to keep your symptoms under control. The best part about these home remedies is that you probably already have some of them in your kitchen right now.

Virgin Coconut Oil

There are a number of different oils you can use to treat psoriasis, but virgin coconut oil is really good. Coconut oil is made by hot pressing the dried coconut pulp.

This oil helps psoriasis internally and topically. You can apply it topically to the affected areas and your skin will quickly absorb the oil and the coconut oil will nourish and strengthen your skin.

This oil also helps get rid of any dead skin left on your skin and makes it smooth. Take a couple tablespoons of virgin coconut oil each day. You can consume it as it is or mix the oil with your food before you eat it. Also, apply the oil topically to the problem areas on your skin three times daily.

Baking Soda

You can take a baking soda bath to reduce the symptoms and appearance of your psoriasis. You can add the baking soda to your bath water or you can apply it to the affected areas on your skin.

Get in the bath and start scrubbing the areas with the psoriasis. This bath will immediately help with the itching but you might experience some redness and burning once you're done. So when you get out of the bath apply some coconut oil or olive oil to your body and then rub on some cornstarch. The cornstarch will stop any burning and make your skin soft.

Olive Oil

Olive oil is very beneficial for inside your body, and it can definitely help on the outside of your body too. Apply the olive oil to the affected areas on your body where you have scales or patches. The oil will get absorbed by your skin and lock in moisture and nutrients stopping dryness, itching, and other symptoms of psoriasis.

Vicks VapoRub

A compound found in some plant sources known as thymol makes vicks vaporub ideal for treating this skin problem. Moreover, it has great antiseptic, antibacterial, and antifungal properties that make it effective. Apply the Vicks vaporub to the affected areas each night before you go to bed.

It will immediately go to work stopping the itching, burning, and irritation. Along with soothing your skin it will help get rid of the plaques or patches on your skin. After applying it to the skin regularly each night the appearance of your skin will improve dramatically. Only apply a thin film of the vaporub to your skin and avoid putting too much on it.


Fish oil, milk thistle, evening primrose oil, and vitamin D supplements can help you ease your psoriasis symptoms. Take the recommended dosage of the supplement daily and you should notice an improvement in your skin condition.

Salt Baths

Salt baths that use either Epsom salts or dead sea salts can help your psoriasis skin condition by stopping the itching and removing scales. Create the salt bath solution and then soak in the tub for about fifteen to twenty minutes. Once you get out of the tub use a moisturizer or an essential oil like coconut oil to keep your skin from drying out.

Even though a lot of people look at psoriasis and think it is contagious, it is not a contagious skin condition. These home remedies will help you ease your symptoms and reduce the appearance of this skin problem.

Keep in mind that not every home remedy will work for everybody the same. It is up to you to try different remedies until you find the one that works the best for you and your skin.

Joseph is a medical expert that focuses on a variety of different topics such as home remedies for ringworm. Visit this to check out more of his articles and health advice.

Rave Reviews on Fitness Food And Style

There's a bit going on here at Fitness Food And Style. So much so I want to share everything I have access to. That is why we have created "Rave Reviews" for all my FF&S readers. Interested?

Fitness Food & Style is giving you the chance to become part of our ‘Rave Review team’!

How does fitness, food and style related give aways sound? Ranging from fitness gear, popular kitchen appliances to stylish homewares. Well if you’re excited, we are TOTALLY EXCITED!! All you have to do to participate is subscribe to FF&S and enter your details on our reviews page, and we’ll add you to our ‘Rave Reviews’ list!

The Rave review form will give us the information we need relating to selected trials based on what you’re interested in and where you live. Even if you’re a single gal cooking for one or a yummy mummy cooking for 5, you get the drill!

How does it work?

As soon as you’ve signed up and we start getting our review requests, we will select the 5 most appropriate ‘Rave’ reviewers for each trial (randomly). If you’re selected then we will contact you and have the business send you their product directly. Once you have the product you have a week to play with it, use it, wash it, eat it….whatever!! Then you must come back to our review page and leave your review/comments. There is however a criteria. We will give you 3 points to cover, based on the company's request and each point must be reviewed by at least 2 sentences or more. All up we expect the process to take 4-5 weeks from beginning to end.

Here’s the catch...if you don’t come back and we have to chase you forever….. then you don’t get anymore freebies and lets face it we all LOVE freebies! So make sure, if you are lucky enough to be selected you do the ‘right thing’ and leave your review according to the timeframe.

So please click here and fill out your details with your preferred products to trial and keep, and submit your expression of interest TODAY!

Happy Thursday.

Much love and friendship,
xx Dani

Tuesday 24 September 2013

Workout Wednesday

Can I just tell you how sore I am? Muscle awareness BIG time. This Freelectics Aphrodite workout is totally cool. I am really enjoying it. So happy for those that have joined me, it's so cool having access to all your times and being able to connect with all the Free Athletes out in the world wide web.

For those that want to grab their free Aphrodite guide please register with Freeletics. Make sure you keep tagging your pictures to #ffs_fitness for our challenge this week.

Yoga tree pose wearing Electric Yoga top from Stylerunner and Onzie leggings

Today is a day of rest. So I got into my yoga gear (don't forget to include your ffs_friends 10% discount code when shopping with Onzie) and attempted a tree pose. I purposely do it over our pool to concentrate on my balance and to challenge me. I especially enjoy the look out as I try to get a little "me time" during the school holidays in Australia. 

I also announced our $100 Stylerunner gift box on Instagram today. So a huge congratulations to Robyn Sharpe for all your pictures and for participating in our #ffs_style challenge last week. Your gift pack will be coming your way and I look forward to seeing more of your pics in your Stylerunner gear!!!

Did you manage a work out or is it a rest day for you as well today?

Happy Wednesday! 


Monday 23 September 2013

Weight loss story on Transformation Tuesday with Levent Oeztuerk

Who tried our Freeletics workout yesterday? Did you love it? Well this Freeletics bizo is getting me super excited. Especially when I see transformations like this. Let me introduce you to Levent, he has struggled with obesity his entire life and got himself to a point where he was fit but still struggling to maintain his weight. Now he has found Freeletics and has a strong and fit physique and never turning back.

Levent's 15 week Freeletics transformation

How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date? 
25. I've been overweight all my life. Started Freeletics and lost a lot of weight and gained a good amount of muscle. I'm feeling better than ever! 

What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then?
 Fast Food. A lot of greasy food with lots of carbs. 

Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching? I love football. Used to play when I was a little kid. Now I'm doing Freeletics.
 What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile? Spending time with my new found freinds through Freeletics. Love their company. 

What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change? I was sick of feeling unhealthy and seeing how I looked in the mirror. 

What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months? I want to get even better workout times. Build more muscle. 

What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation? Nothing good in life comes easy. Stick to a healthy diet and work out as often as possible. Just keep to it. Everybody who keeps pushing will have great results. No exeptions. Also, try Freeletics! See my 15 week transformation below.

Thank you so much Levent for sharing your new fit and healthy lifestyle with us and your YouTube video is totally inspiring. I can't wait to join the Freeletics team and show my before and after 15 week transformation video like you!!! Bring it on!!!

Stay fit and healthy!

Saturday 21 September 2013

Top 3 Homemade Recipes For Acne Treatment

Using natural products nowadays has brought awareness to many people, because they found that it’s very beneficial for their health and for their skin. Some people have opted to use natural products over synthetic ones. Home-made products are the most popular, because they are cheap in comparison to paying out the expensive prices of skin care/medicine products that are available online and through retailers.

For people with acne problems, one reason to go natural is that it is gentler to the skin. It is also true that the ingredients needed to make these home-made remedies are easily found staples of the home or their kitchen.

Here is the list of suggestions which may or may not effective to all, but since they are natural, trying any of these options won’t pose any risks to your health- or your wallet for that matter!

Neutralize Face Oils

Clear skin starts with a clean face and with the reductions of oil, dirt, and grime. Did you know though that you can avoid harsh cleansers and detergents and utilize natural oils to clean your face and skin-pores.According to some users who use oil to clean their face, it does not only help them to clean their makeup off, but it really gets the skin clean.

To begin with, prepare the ingredients and materials to be used in this method. Two different kinds of oil are recommended~ olive oil and jojoba oil are both great for all skin types. Jojoba oil is specifically best for acne. Depending on the skin type, an oil blend ratio is required. Wash cloth and hot water are also needed.

Skin Care Tip: Stop Acne Breakouts By Applying Moisturizer Immediately After Washing Your Face  
Below is the ratio that will suit the skin type (olive oil: jojoba oil)
  • Dry skin – 3:1
  • Normal skin – 1:1
  • Oily skin – 1:3
After preparing everything, just oil the face and massage a little then wipe it with the wash cloth with hot water to remove the excess oil. Applying a small amount of oil may be necessary especially if there is a feeling of dryness in the skin. It will then act as a moisturizer.

Wash it with honey

Raw honey is popular with its anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties. It also has a healing property which can help heal the scars and the acne-caused the sores. Just like olive oil and jojoba oil, honey is also useful for all skin types.

Washing your face with honey is the same as using any normal facial was where it is poured into the hand and rubbed against the hands. The only difference is that honey does not make foam, where a typical facial wash does.

Why rub the honey, anyway? Well, rubbing the honey will warm it up, before massaging it into the face. Unlike facial wash, honey can sit up to 5-10 minutes in the face before washing it. After massaging is done, rinse the face thoroughly.

Add cinnamon and nutmeg

If the problem is blemishes, zits, and sores caused by acne, adding cinnamon and nutmeg to the raw honey scrub/wash will work. This time, including the cinnamon and nutmeg forms a paste which is definitely not the same consistency as a common facial wash. Adding the two ingredients is necessary to make a mask.

When applying the mixture, rubbing is not recommended as the mixture itself is rough. The paste is intended to sit on the face between 15 – 25 minutes, before washing it off. The paste is sticky which may require you to gently pat your face with water repeatedly, until it is washed off.

Author Bio -

Susie is a blogger with a niche in skin care products. When she was young, she battles the devastating journey of having an acne problem. When she learned that natural product is just the key to solve her problem, she decided to create a blog to help others in their skin problem. She does yoga in when she’s not writing. Visit her blog lifecellfacts to get ideas for acne free skin.

Friday 20 September 2013


Photo op Road to Hana
Last week was an off week, away from my studio, my workouts, my food, and everything that felt routine to me.  I was more excited than stressed about it because I was going to Maui for the very first time in my life.  Last week was my wedding anniversary and we planned our vacation time to celebrate in Hawaii.  The “old” Darla would have worried about missing workouts, not being able to eat like I usually do, stressed about money if I took time off, and through all that nonsense not have been able to enjoy the moment.  I am so glad to have shed that girl years ago, and now fast forwarded to what life and health is really about.

I was off routine and on VACATION, well-deserved, and off the clock.  I literally took my watch off as soon as my work day prior to leaving for Maui was done.  What a free and fun feeling to go, do, and be without restrictions.  I think my clients were just as excited for me as I was, and that made me feel over-the-top GREAT. 

Being off routine did not mean that I was not active, and in fact, hubby and I snorkeled for hours, hiked for hours which included climbing, walked and ran on the beach, played in the ocean, swam in the resort pool, and that became our gym for the week.  I am definitely not one to lie in the sun for hours and for some reason, that makes me feel sick, but I do like to play in the water and outdoors so I got plenty of vitamin D.  My favorite active part was snorkeling and swimming with huge turtles and checking out tropical fish.  Talk about a workout!  Swimming against an ocean current for a couple of hours until your lips are pickled from the salt is quite the tiring event.  Top that off with the hike back to the resort, and I was ready for a shower, food and relaxation. 

Don and I at the top of the falls, Seven Sacred Pools

Mai tai at Feast LeLe
We did have a plan, a budget, and we were pretty pleased with ourselves to stay under budget.  The first stop off the airplane was to Costco where we stalked up on organics, yogurt, quinoa, nuts, veggie burgers, and tequila to stash in our room. Yes, I indulged in a few cocktails on vacation.  We ate fairly healthy the entire trip and allowed for treats of our choosing as we were out.  The Feast LeLe was our choice of Luau and the food was spectacular and surprisingly pretty healthy.  The portions were such that I did not feel overly full, but very satisfied.  I really enjoyed that we had a healthy food supply in our room, and made a quick dash there many times to eat between adventures.  We dined out a couple of times without concern of what we were ordering, simply enjoying the tastes of the island to include dessert.   We were so active each day, that I am sure the calorie consumption matched the activity calorie output…I came home weighing the same, and so did my husband.  The best part was that we were not worrying about it in the first place.


It was great to be off routine and experience a tropical paradise gym setting, and to try foods that are not in my normal daily food intake.  I do not consider vacation to be about food though, and constantly wanting the next meal to be here.  I simply listened to my body as I usually do, and ate when I felt I should.  My portions remained as I usually intake, but the indulgence was there with eating foods that I typically shy away from. 

Being on vacation also provided my body and mind a rest from my every day work, workouts and environment.  It was a beautiful place to recharge my mental and physical batteries.  Moving my body in different ways like swimming in the ocean felt more like play than working out, and lying on a hammock listening to the ocean was relaxation that I have never experienced before this trip.  Life is simply not healthy or balanced if the busyness of life does not allow time to appreciate such beauty, to take in a moment, dump the brain battery, and to just “be”.  Off routine can be as simple as in your own backyard, nearby park, beach, or within a planned vacation.  I have learned through the journey of my life how important it is to get off routine once in a while and to enjoy the ride.



Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding! 

Stay Healthy~ Darla 

Thursday 19 September 2013

Feel Good Friday with a Stylerunner $100 gift pack

Day 5. Workout 
#ffs_style challenge

Another Friday. Bring on the weekend, I say!

Here's another chance for you to get your hands on a little something nice from Stylerunner. How's a $100 gift pack sound?

Win a $100 Stylerunner gift pack

For those that are new to my monthly challenges, all you need to do is;

1). Subscribe to my blog
2). Like my Facebook page and invite your friends to join in
3). Leave me a comment below (less than 25 words) why do you love to workout?

You can also hashtag #ffs_style and post your workout picture anywhere in social media land and if you don't have any, send it to me  A random winner will be notified by email Monday 23rd September 2013. Open worldwide.

I can't wait to see your workout pics!!! So get snapping!

Friday Fitness

Here's a little ab core workout to keep you moving today from my beautiful friends over at Get Above The Bar.

Core challenge workout

For more information go check out Get Above The Bar and their awesome pages on Facebook TwitterInstagram and YouTube. A young group of college kids making a difference in the world of fitness and changing the way the world views health.

Have a beautiful weekend,

How To Select The Best Lip Plumper

A lip plumper works through topical application. The ingredients trigger minor irritation, which causes the lips to swell slightly and increases blood flow to the area. The effect is not as marked as the results from lip augmentation procedures, but it is enough to cause a "bee stung" appearance. Typically, the results last for two to four hours, but there is some variation which is due to the type of lip plumper used and your personal responsiveness to the ingredients contained in the product.

Plump lips are currently a popular trend in the beauty industry, with many women seeking to look younger or more alluring. One of the options for achieving this look is to have lip fillers injected, but the cost, discomfort and potential risk can be daunting. Therefore, many people are choosing lip plumpers, as a safer and more affordable alternative.

Some lip plumpers are more effective than others, so it worth spending a little time researching what you should be looking for and checking the ingredients list on products. Two of the key ingredients to look for are dipalmitoy hydroxyproline and palmitoyl oligopeptide, which are peptides. Peptides are absorbed very easily by the skin, and stimulate the production of hyaluronic acid and collagen in the lips. Hyaluronic acid produces an almost instant effect through triggering minor irritation and swelling. Collagen stimulation can help your lips to appear naturally plumper in the long term.

In addition to this, lip plumpers may also contain ingredients which will further encourage the flow of blood to the lips, to make them appear more prominent. Ingredients to look out for include menthol, camphor, l-arginine and Vitamin B. The best lip plumpers are unlikely to contain all four of these, but you should select a product which at least contains one or two of them.

If you are prone to chapped lips or dry skin, also check the ingredients list for Vitamin E, which is very nourishing and moisturizing. Candelilla wax and ceramides will further help, by locking in some of the moisture. These ingredients are also good for women who have fine lines around the mouth, as products with moisturizing properties will diminish the look of wrinkles. If this applies to you, also look for lip plumpers containing retinols such as retinaldehyde, which promotes the synthesis of collagen.

If you are shopping for a lip plumper, you should also be looking for ingredients you should potentially avoid if you have sensitive skin. Peppermint oil, cinnamon leaf oil, niacin and ginger root extract can all produce an appearance of plumpness, but can also trigger redness and irritation if your skin is prone to sensitivity. Long term use can have negative effects, even if the initial results of the lip plumper seem good.

Because everyone will have their own individual response to certain ingredients, you may have to shop around a little to find the perfect lip plumper for you. If you have a history of skin sensitivity, always test unfamiliar products on a small area first.

Author : Jerry Lee has been working in medical supply industry for more than five years. He loves to write about the medical supply industry for different blogs. He is currently working for EMedItems in City of Industry, CA.

Wednesday 18 September 2013

Celluvera VS. Revitashape - Get the Best Cellulite Cream for You


Cellulite is the unusual or dimpled appearance of the skin. It is most commonly seen near the thighs, buttocks and hips. This dimpled appearance is due to the excess deposition of fat beneath the skin.

If you have these cellulite, you feel uncomfortable to wear the beach outfits, you then tend to hide these cellulite by wearing that outfit that hides these ugly cellulite.

Cellulite cream has emerged as a solution to all these problems. It has the unique combination of ingredients, which gets easily absorbed deep into your skin and works to improve your skin tone and make your skin free from cellulite.

There are lots of varieties available in the market. Here we are just listing two and comparing them to each other for your benefit.

Celluvera Reviews:

Celluvera is manufactured in The U.S.A. It claims that it has a unique mixture of ingredients which helps to reduce the cellulite appearance. It claims that it has been clinically proven to show the results in a short duration of time.

It claims that when the cream is applied, it releases the fluid deep into the skin to reduce the appearance the cellulite for making the skin smooth and more elastic. It is advised to apply the cream twice daily for maximum result.

The active ingredient in Celluvera is caffeine and elderberry with the combination of Vitamin A by the name Retinyl palmitate. A single bottle of Celluvera cost $69.99 from the official site.

Revitashape Reviews:

RevitaShape claims that it not only makes your skin free from cellulite, but also claims that it helps to improve blood circulation and helps to reduce inflammation. It reduces the cellulite by boosting the skin to produce collagen and elastin so that you get toned skin and a reduced appearance of the cellulite.

The main ingredient is Caffeine, Glaucine and L-carnitine which works and helps to tighten and firm skin by getting you rid of these cellulites. It is advised to apply twice daily. It cost you with $89.95 from the official site.

Celluvera VS. Revitashape

Cellureva offers no money back guarantee to you. It also has not mentioned the details about its ingredient quantity. It claims that the clinical studies are done but fails to provide links to prove its research findings. It mentions its detail FAQ’s and contact us tab, but has not mentioned it consumer testimonials on the official site. The manufacturer name is also hidden.

Revitashape also has not mentioned its manufacturer name, but offers you a 60 days money back guarantee. It also fails to give details about the ingredient quantity, though mentions about the ingredients and it’s working. It has FAQ’s, contact us tab and also has consumer testimonials present on the official site. But what it doesn’t have is the clinical studies, neither has it claimed that the product is clinically proven.


Both these products Celluvera VS. Revitashape have their own space and share in the market. They claim that they work to get rid of cellulite. They have their own price depending upon their ingredients and other aspects. But the larger question is whether these cellulite creams are said to be good for cellulite reduction. The answer is somewhere in between with many pros and cons.

Feel free to search; you can search more creams that are claimed to be more effective than the others. Here we have just mentioned you the guideline for comparing various cellulite creams available in the market.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Style Challenge day 3. RED and Birdsnest $100 gift voucher

What makes you feel red hot? That's the hot question over on my Instagram and Facebook page, so head on over there now. If you don't have any social media handles, you can leave yours below. Birdsnest and I have collaborated for this weeks style challenge day 3. RED and giving a $100 voucher.

Birdnest $100 voucher for my Fitness Food And Style rockstars

Q. What makes you feel red hot?

One entry per person. The winner will be decided from among the people who have met the entry requirements and most creative response wins! Ends in 24 hours.

How red hot is this?

WINNER: Zorza Goodman. Congratulations and enjoy your shopping. Please tag your Birdsnest outfit to #ffs_birdsnest

Much love and friendship,