Thursday 12 September 2013

BodiShape Skin Firming & Cellulite Reduction Cream Reviews

BodiShape Overview:

Cellulite makes your skin to have a dump and weird look. It makes your skin to loss the smoothness and gives it a dull look. So if you want to get rid of these cellulites, the cellulite cream is the best option for you. These creams will make your skin free from cellulite and then you can confidently wear all that what you want.

BodiShape Skin Firming & Cellulite Reduction Cream claims to have all natural based ingredients, which helps to reduce the cellulite from your body by burning the excess fat. It not only claims that it helps to get rid of cellulite, but also claims that it helps you to slim down and have trim tummy and buttock.

The manufacturer of Skin Firming & Cellulite Reduction Cream is Bodishape. This company also offers a slim wear, so that you wear this and look slim. It claims to be a comfortable fit wear.

BodiShape Skin Firming & Cellulite Reduction Cream cost you 29.95$ for 4fl. Oz. It comes with 45 days money back guarantee.

BodiSahpe ingredients:

The official site mentions about one ingredient that is Coenzyme A. Coenzyme A helps to promote fat burning easily and it is said to maintain the metabolic processes. The other site says that it may also have these ingredients Glaucine and Theophylline in its chemical composition. Both these ingredients help to treat cellulite by burning the extra fat deposited beneath the skin. Theophylline is one kind of caffeine.

Caffeine, if taken orally is mainly attached with many side effects. But in cream form it is said to reduce cellulite by adequately dehydrating your skin. It also claims to contain retinol which makes the skin free from any type of wrinkles.

As the ingredients detail is not mentioned on the official site; then the question of mentioning its quantity is out of scope.

What exactly Bodishape do?

The Bodishape Skin Firming & Cellulite Reduction Cream when applied by gently massaging the cream on the desired skin area helps to improve the skin appearance. It reaches deep into the skin so that it tightens the skin pores. As the skin is tightened and the extra fat deposited is burned it leads to having thigh, arm, buttocks etc. to be free from cellulite. But to prove it's working there is no clinical studies mentioned on the official site. Plus no ingredient details and its quantity mentioned on the site.

The recommendation is to apply twice daily on the affected area. It is also said that to massage the cream on that skin for 10-15 minute so that it gets completely absorbed into your skin.


  • Has 45 day money back guarantee.
  • Not only helps to get rid of cellulite but also helps to burn excess body fat.
  • The company has also manufactured a comfortable slim wear.
  • It is an affordable product.


  • Doesn’t have any clinical proves.
  • The ingredient list is not mentioned on the official site.
  • It doesn’t have any consumer testimonial and FAQ’s on the official site.

Wrap up:

BodiShape Skin Firming & Cellulite Reduction Cream claims to reduce the cellulite from your body. It also helps to burn the extra fat from your body which leads to have cellulite. It claims that it works and is effective. But it doesn't mention its whole list of ingredients and its quantity. It doesn’t have any clinical studies done on either the ingredient or on the product itself. So giving a try to a product which doesn’t have any clinical studies is not a wise decision.