Saturday 21 September 2013

Top 3 Homemade Recipes For Acne Treatment

Using natural products nowadays has brought awareness to many people, because they found that it’s very beneficial for their health and for their skin. Some people have opted to use natural products over synthetic ones. Home-made products are the most popular, because they are cheap in comparison to paying out the expensive prices of skin care/medicine products that are available online and through retailers.

For people with acne problems, one reason to go natural is that it is gentler to the skin. It is also true that the ingredients needed to make these home-made remedies are easily found staples of the home or their kitchen.

Here is the list of suggestions which may or may not effective to all, but since they are natural, trying any of these options won’t pose any risks to your health- or your wallet for that matter!

Neutralize Face Oils

Clear skin starts with a clean face and with the reductions of oil, dirt, and grime. Did you know though that you can avoid harsh cleansers and detergents and utilize natural oils to clean your face and skin-pores.According to some users who use oil to clean their face, it does not only help them to clean their makeup off, but it really gets the skin clean.

To begin with, prepare the ingredients and materials to be used in this method. Two different kinds of oil are recommended~ olive oil and jojoba oil are both great for all skin types. Jojoba oil is specifically best for acne. Depending on the skin type, an oil blend ratio is required. Wash cloth and hot water are also needed.

Skin Care Tip: Stop Acne Breakouts By Applying Moisturizer Immediately After Washing Your Face  
Below is the ratio that will suit the skin type (olive oil: jojoba oil)
  • Dry skin – 3:1
  • Normal skin – 1:1
  • Oily skin – 1:3
After preparing everything, just oil the face and massage a little then wipe it with the wash cloth with hot water to remove the excess oil. Applying a small amount of oil may be necessary especially if there is a feeling of dryness in the skin. It will then act as a moisturizer.

Wash it with honey

Raw honey is popular with its anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties. It also has a healing property which can help heal the scars and the acne-caused the sores. Just like olive oil and jojoba oil, honey is also useful for all skin types.

Washing your face with honey is the same as using any normal facial was where it is poured into the hand and rubbed against the hands. The only difference is that honey does not make foam, where a typical facial wash does.

Why rub the honey, anyway? Well, rubbing the honey will warm it up, before massaging it into the face. Unlike facial wash, honey can sit up to 5-10 minutes in the face before washing it. After massaging is done, rinse the face thoroughly.

Add cinnamon and nutmeg

If the problem is blemishes, zits, and sores caused by acne, adding cinnamon and nutmeg to the raw honey scrub/wash will work. This time, including the cinnamon and nutmeg forms a paste which is definitely not the same consistency as a common facial wash. Adding the two ingredients is necessary to make a mask.

When applying the mixture, rubbing is not recommended as the mixture itself is rough. The paste is intended to sit on the face between 15 – 25 minutes, before washing it off. The paste is sticky which may require you to gently pat your face with water repeatedly, until it is washed off.

Author Bio -

Susie is a blogger with a niche in skin care products. When she was young, she battles the devastating journey of having an acne problem. When she learned that natural product is just the key to solve her problem, she decided to create a blog to help others in their skin problem. She does yoga in when she’s not writing. Visit her blog lifecellfacts to get ideas for acne free skin.