Wednesday 5 June 2013

Tips To Prepare Your Skin For Autumn

Finally autumn is back again and it's time to pack those summer clothes back into the wardrobe and prepare for harsh, chilling, short days of winter. The change in temperature and humidity mostly affects human skin than anything else. Skin, being the exposed organ has to cope with these changes and hence she needs extra attention and care. Besides revolving the wardrobe, you have to take several other steps to protect your skin from the harsh winter. Let's discover how you can take care of your skin during autumn to stay healthy even in the unfavorable winter season and the upcoming summer. Tips to prepare your skin for autumn: suggestions from the skin specialists and medical dermatologists If you don't know how to prepare your skin for fall, it can be very difficult for you to protect your skin from the adverse, hostile winter atmosphere around. Expert dermatologists, skin care specialists and beauty experts have been researching on the techniques and finally figured out few effective methods that one can adopt to maintain proper skin health even in the most adverse environment.

1 Keep Your Skin Hydrated

In most cases, skin undergoes severe dehydration during fall. The environment becomes dry and the skin becomes irritated and peeling. Sun heats up the atmosphere and sebaceous glands seem to reduce normal secretion. As a result, skin cells suffer from undernourishment and there is immature destruction of the dehydrated skin cells. In this condition, you have to focus on re-hydrating the skin cells. Try to drink plenty of water and fruits to restore normal hydration level. Make sure, you include more leafy and juicy vegetables in your meals. This will help you stay away from alarming dehydration.

2 Nourish and Moisturize Your Skin

Another important method of preparing skin for the autumn is to nourish and moisturize the external layer of skin. You can apply moisturizers and skin care creams throughout the year, but during fall, you should try and maintain a routine. This way, you can monitor skin health regularly and pay extra attention when needed. You should do some research while purchasing a moisturizer. Explore the ingredients and some reviews from the users to learn about the effects and unwanted

3 Protect, Exfoliate and Repair

Several skin exfoliating products available in the market can help you protect and repair the skin cells from the environment. Make sure these skin repair products have special ingredients that facilitate exfoliation such as glycolic and salicylic acid. These ingredients will help the skin look fresher and smoother. In most cases, skin starts appearing dull and loses the natural glow. If you want to retain the natural look, you should concentrate on exfoliation and repair more than anything else.

4 Opt for Skin-Nourishing Diet

finally you have to focus on the lifestyle and dietary factors. Skin needs proper rests and dietary nourishment to prevent unwanted makeovers in the hostile atmosphere of winter. You should include fruits, green leafy vegetables and plenty of liquids in your diets. This will help you stay off the changes effectively. You should also consult a skin specialist to find out a perfect dietary plan that maintains skin health.

Once you have adopted the practices discussed above, you'd likely reduce most of the unwanted changes in your skin during winter. But at the same time, you should closely observe and notice any unruly change during this time. Consult with a dermatologist, if the skin is not being able to cope with the environmental changes in the end of autumn.

Author Bio:

Julia Taylor is a blogger who contributes her knowledge on skin tag treatment and beauty. Actively attending affiliated seminars and networking events in the world of beauty.