Saturday 1 June 2013

The Effect of Menopause on Hair Loss

Hair loss in women is slightly different to men. While men tend to inherit their hairline, women’s hair loss tends to be an effect of stress, poor nutrition or a hormone imbalance.

An oestrogen is directly related to hair growth, when oestrogen levels are high, women have thicker, healthier hair. Oestrogens levels are particularly high during pregnancy, causing plenty of unexpected hair growth! After pregnancy though, the sudden drop in oestrogen can cause thinning and bald patches to appear.

As a result, many women notice thinning hair during menopause. This is not an irreversible sign of age though, there are several ways you can help slow it and, in many cases, reverse it.

Stay Hydrated

Along with the hot flushes, you may notice drying skin. This is nothing much to worry about, it is a perfectly normal effect of the hormones imbalance. It can however, because hair follicles to weaken, meaning that they cannot withstand the daily punishment you inflict on it.

Activity such as washing and drying will cause hair to fall out. Again this is normal, we lose on average one hundred hairs per day. In a healthy person these are quickly replaced, but during menopause this takes longer, meaning you need to better preserve what you already have.

To keep your hair strong, make sure to drink plenty of water and use products specially designed for dry hair and split ends.

Fuel Up

Make sure you take on all the essential nutrients for hair growth. Protein is the single most important mineral, and many women do not get enough in their diet. Make sure to eat plenty of meat, fish, nuts and dairy.

Having your recommended intake five fruits and vegetables a day will also help. Vitamin C is a natural antioxidant which protects cells from decay. Minerals such as iron and zinc form the other building blocks for hair; do make sure you get plenty of these.

This may seem a bit idealistic, sticking to a diet is a lot easier on paper isn’t it? If you struggle to take in enough nutrition, a supplement such as Nourkrin can help.

Hormone Replacement

If the above two steps have not produced results, you may be considering hormone replacement therapy (HRT). This is prescribed for many symptoms of menopause, only as a last resort though. HRT is a highly effective treatment for menopause induced hair loss, but is known to have some adverse effects.

Increased risk of heart disease and strokes are just two of the many observed side effects. If you are certain you want to go ahead with this procedure, make sure you talk through every benefit and risk with your doctor.

Whatever course of action you take, the most important thing to do is relax. Stress inhibits hair growth by causing follicles to fall dormant, which in turn causes more stress! You need to stay off this downward cycle. Take time out to unwind, don’t let your hairline worry you, remember, it will grow back in time.