Monday 3 June 2013

Five Ways Surgery Has Gotten Safer This Decade

In the fairly recent past the prospect of surgery, even a minor procedure, was cause for patients to ponder their own mortality. Luckily for the general public, this is no longer the case. Procedures that once held a low probability of survival and recovery are now commonplace. In recent years medical advances have come at an exponential rate, making surgery safer, quicker and less invasive, with five major developments leading the charge.

1. Treatment of Staph infections

Infection developed post operation was a once a massive problem for patients and led to serious complications. Antibiotics were used to combat post op infections with varying success and greatly improved prospects. In recent years new procedures and refined antibiotics have come into play that nearly negate the potential for Staph and related infections.

2. Advances in Anesthesia.

Anesthesia and sedation was for many years more of an art than a science. The 20th Century brought about specific procedures and drugs for the process, greatly reducing risks. In the new age of medicine however, anesthesia procedures and drugs have been dialed into an exact science making the sedation process extremely safe.

3. Revolutionary micro and robotic surgical technology.

Surgery, by definition has often been associated with invasive procedures and scaring. With the help of today’s technology this association is a thing of the past. Robotic tools and smaller instruments have reduced the need for invasive procedures and it’s associated complications. This new technology is especially prevalent in the Toledo plastic surgery industry and surrounding areas. The new procedures and instruments minimizing scaring, pain and recovery time.

4. Revolutionary surgical training.

Surgeons of today have access to the most advanced training procedures and tools the medical world has ever been privy to. The advanced learning processes surgeons have access to have exponentially cut the rate of medical errors and complications. Training on life like materials with actual instruments allows surgeons to continually refine and hone their craft.

5. Completely non-invasive surgery techniques.

Just recently surgeons have developed the technology that allows some surgical procedures to be performed without making a single cut. Ultrasound surgery relies entirely on sound and vibration to make changes within the human body. This revolutionary process drastically cuts down recovery and healing time and almost completely does away with scaring.

Surgery is no the longer a process to fear and loathe. While it’s not something most look forward to, it is often a necessity in life. Developments in techniques, instruments and drugs have made even major surgical procedures much safer. The future promises to bring even more innovations to further cut risk and complication.