Sunday 30 June 2013

Revitol Skin Brightener Cream Reviews

About Revitol skin brightener

Revitol Skin Brightening cream supports brighten up pores and skin areas influenced by aging signs. Some indication of ageing consists of: sunlight, grow older spots, Hyperpigmentation. Revitol Pores and skin Brightening cream comprises of botanical elements and will not make use of unsafe ingredients in its composition.

How Revitol skin brightener Works:

Lots of people are going to try out pores and skin whitening as well as other methods , however many of those methods wind up destructive your skin layer and which makes it appear more painful . Revitol, alternatively, might have an outstanding solution for individuals who pimple and/or possess these types of scary spot scars – The Revitol Pores and skin Brightener. There are lots of components which are possibly harmful which help brighten up the skin. Hydroquinone is a very common component which is possibly harmful and might cause harmful negative effects.

Ingredients :

  • Carbomer
  • Ethoxydiglycol, Tricaprylin
  • Glyceryl Stearate
  • PEG-100 Stearate
  • Aminomethyl Propanol
  • Dimethicone, Liposome
  • Imidazolidinyl Urea
  • Water, Arbutin
  • Allantoin Shea Butter
  • Lumiskin Squalene
  • Evening Primrose Oil
  • Vitamins A, C and E
  • Grapefruit Extract
  • Z Whitener.


  • Hydroquinone-free


  • No clinical studies
  • If pregnant consult a doctor before use
  • Manufacturer releases little information on product


User testimonials and reviews collected from the net recommend that the outcomes differ from individual to individual. Nevertheless, it is often discovered that many individuals would do expertise fairer skin texture after few weeks of utilizing Revitol Skin Brightener.

Directions for Use:

Apply a thin amount to areas affected by signs of aging. For Maximum results you can use this two times a day.


Our study staff member’s experiences that after searching for Revitol Skin Brightening reviews, that Revitol Skin Brightening lotion is not a great skin brightening product in the marketplace. Revitol Skin Brightening cream might work to decrease the physical appearance of freckles, moles, and sun spots. Revitol Skin Brightening cream is risk-free to use on private parts of the skin. Revitol Skin Brightening cream roll-outs small Information of the product. In case you are pregnant it is strongly recommended to seek the advice of a doctor before making use of Revitol Skin Brightening Cream.

July is a month of no sugar and squats!

Here we go again!!! 6 months already gone and it's time to get refocused and re-write our goals. I know my irregular exercising and eating an entire block of cadbury marvellous creations chocolate hasn't been my goal this year. So I need to get back to exercising regularly and eliminate those sugars, so what better way than to kick off July as our NO SUGAR challenge. To top it off, we are going to get our butts into shape at the same time. So lets add some squats to the mix!!!!

Make sure to grab your copy of I QUIT SUGAR for amazing recipes. 

K.I.S.S (keep it simple sweetie) 50 squats every second day

Squat challenge 50 every second day for 31 days

Let's not over complicate things and not over work our butts too much as I want you to continue your own exercise regime. So 50 squats today, rest tomorrow, 50 squats the following day and rest etc...

Many of you have seen my transformations and the one after I did after our 14 days with No Added Sugar challenge in February.

Let's just say that's not how my body is looking right now. Winter has got me in a rut real bad and I haven't been watching what I have been eating. I haven't been doing my Fit Yummy Mummy workouts regularly and it's showing, super soft, no more definition and don't get me started on this chocolate habit. 

Here is also my results from my Christmas squats, 25 squats every day from the 1st to the 25th December. It's not a huge difference but it's all about consistency and that's what I need right about now.

I asked many of you about what you would like to see this month and I got so many butt and tummy, no sugar, arms workout and just general ways to eat healthy and to be sugar free. So this month will capture all that. You firstly need to be following your own fitness regime whatever that may be. Moving 3-4 times per week for at least 15 minutes should be your goal. 

I know some of you follow the same Fit Yummy Mummy workout I do, so for those that wish to do the same I would encourage you to spend the $19 on the ebook (if it's affordable at this time) which is jam packed with the 12 week fitness program, meal planners, nutritional info and much much more! It even gives you 30 days free at Clubfym through my blog link.

Otherwise simply follow the guidelines from our NO ADDED SUGAR challenge in February and most importantly get a partner and help one another along the way. I will be here posting my day and if you wish for my support, please leave your daily comments here or my Facebook FF&S challenges group.

Are you ready???


Saturday 29 June 2013

Fitness Food And Style turns ONE

Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday to me! Happy birthday dear Fitness Food And Style. Happy birthday to me!

Fitness Food And Style turns 1

I can't believe it's been an entire year since I googled Blogger and created my blog. I had several girlfriends tell me I had to share my new healthy and fit lifestyle with the rest of the world. I told them who would want to follow me? Low and behold over 100,000 followers later!! THERE YOU ARE! So thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your love and support. 

Here's a quick snapshot of the last 12 months.

June 2012
I created my blog and Facebook page. This face now goes out there in the world wide web as Daniela Stevens Creative Director of Fitness Food And Style

Dani Stevens Fitness Food And Style

I share all my post baby transformations and hope to motivate others that you can get your body back after having babies. I have, after 4!!!

Post baby number 2

Post baby number 3

Post baby number 4

I started getting better with my food choices and no longer gained over 30kgs over my pregnancies. Hence wanting to share the 15 minute workout program I have been following for the past 6 years and healthy eating. No more yo yo dieting. 

July 2012 
I start my own 6 week Transformation Challenge and document what I eat and the 15 minute workout program I follow.

Fit Yummy Mummy Transformation Challenge

August 2012 
We celebrate two birthdays. Our first born Noah turned 7

Skylanders birthday party

and baby Zali had her 1st birthday.

1st birthday party baby pink

To ramp up my 6 week transformation challenge I pick up the pace and do a mini ab challenge to see if I can motivate myself and YOU to eat healthy and eliminate sugar within 12 days.

I also start to train for my first ever Ballarat fun run. I am no runner, so this was a huge challenge for me.

Run Ballarat

September 2012 
I get really excited about blogging and can't believe there are 60,000 page views in 3 months and my readers/followers on Facebook start growing from 20 people to 1,100. I am truly grateful that you are all enjoying my blog and my fitness, food and style journey xx

Fitness Food And Style reaches 60,000 page views

October 2012
Busy birthday month again with 2 parties and I officially complete my first ever Ballarat fun run and take a picture with Olympic champion Steve Moneghetti.

Steve Moneghetti and Dani Stevens

I even appear on the front cover of The Ballarat Courier which totally blew me away!!!!

Our sweet darling Mietta turns 3 and has a star party!!!

3 little tin cakes 

and we finally get to celebrate my darling husbands birthday

November 2012 
Our pool project is slowly coming to an end, I participate in a yoga challenge for the month and realise how much love and passion I have for this particular movement and we celebrate Oscar's 5th birthday and have a pirate party!!!

Pirate party

December Finally we wrap up the year with no more birthdays (except for JC's on Xmas Day). I kick off my first official challenge and run a #xmas25squats challenge on my blog, Instagram and Facebook which took off!!!!!

I also clock over 100,000 pages views on my blog and have 2,000 plus followers on Facebook and over 5,000 followers on Instagram. Really enjoying what I am doing.

Squats challenge #xmas25squats

We took some fun squat pictures and Christmas is always a great time of the year with our kids, friends and family.

January 2013
I now get hooked and start challenging you all to join me in my monthly fitness challenges, on top of our normal workouts we do. This month it was all about planking and we had some amazing pictures under the #planksjan2013 hashtag. My results weren't too bad either.

Planks challenge 2013

I also gain a lot of Instagram followers with 15,000 from people tagging my challenges and sharing with their friends.

February 2013
This month was HUGE!!! I had so many of you participate in my No Added Sugar 14 days challenge and even got a mention in the Lorna Jane Move Nourish Believe blog.
The I Quit Sugar by Sarah Wilson ebook was a fabulous recipe book, with so many options to assist to curb my sugar cravings.

No added sugar challenge

I also get an exclusive 10% discount for all my readers for the awesome 180 Nutrition protein powder I use. I love it!!! Don't forget to use the promo code 264464 at checkout any time. 

March 2013
This month it was all about push ups and eat more greens. I collaborated with @tonedtannedandfitness from Instagram  #pushupsgreens, celebrated my 39th birthday and clock 39,000 Instagram followers. I also go to my first ever blogger event Digital Parents and meet Klaus Bartosch who invites me to be part of the Vision Crusaders team.

Push ups challenge

So many cool pics with people doing their push ups all over the world.

Push ups challenge

April 2013
With all the greens we pushed up in March what better way to continue this by eating fully raw!!!  Stand up and be RAWESOME was a very challenging month for me to say the least. I really had to increase my calories & fruits a lot more but didn't manage to eat enough, so I ate a 80/20 fully raw diet as my beautiful Kristina at Fully Raw coached us along the way.

Fully Raw and Fitness Food And Style

Our kids loved this challenge and their Incredible Hulk AKA Shrek smoothie.

May 2013
We take a little bit of detour from fitness challenges and we focus on every day things and a little on style with my #photoadaychallenge.

Photo a day challenge - Fitness Food And Style
I also feature in the Lorna Jane move, nourish believe blog and meet Lorna Jane herself.

Lorna Jane and Fitness Food And Style

I have a busy month campaigning for my Vision Crusaders Ride To Conquer Cancer and I meet so many amazing people online that are helping me achieve my goals. Special thanks to Andrea for making this clip for me by Biz Promo Video.

June 2013
This is wind down month where we focus on our spirituality and connecting our mind body and soul. I have collaborated with Grow Soul Beautiful with this months yoga a day challenge. Facebook fans nearly clocks at 10,000 followers and Instagram hits 83,000 followers. I am blown away!

I also started my #richardbransonproject and appeared on Win 9 News and our local newspaper The Courier with our kids primary school holding up the sign.

Source: The Ballarat Courier

So many signs across the world holding up this sign asking Richard to come ride with me. I am blown away and can't wait to receive his reply.

Richard Branson Project

This has been the best 12 months EVER! I thank every person that has contributed to making this such an awesome year! Even if you are not listed by name here, you are never forgotten as you are the reason why I am here. You mean so much to me and I look forward to more adventures in 2013 and beyond!

Which reminds me, have you a spare $5 you can dontate to my Ride To Conquer Cancer please? You will be making such a difference by contributing to this amazing cancer research benefiting the Rio Tinto Queensland Institute of Medical Research


Much love and friendship,
Dani xx 

Thursday 27 June 2013

Aspirin's Anti-Colon Cancer Effect

A recent study about Aspirin revealed a fact that it can reduce the risk of colon cancer, some of our very well-known medical giants like WebMD,,,, and various news sites back this new study.

By Ryan Jaslow is's health editor writes:

Aspirin may dramatically reduce risk for colon cancer, according to a new study. But, the effect seems to be limited to people who lack certain genetic mutations tied to tumor risk.

The study that looked at nearly 130,000 people adds more evidence to the cheap, chalky white pill's disease-fighting properties and its limitations.

Aspirin is a drug known as a no steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and is taken for fever reduction and reducing pain and muscle aches. Many people also take aspirin daily to prevent heart attacks and other cardiac problems.

The drug has also been linked to anti-cancer properties. A Stanford University study in March found regular aspirin use reduced risk for developing melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. Studies have also found aspirin may protect against cancers of the liver and colon, and reduce the risk of cancer death.

"If validated in future studies, these findings add to the body of evidence that suggest certain patients with colorectal cancer may greatly improve their odds of survival with an aspirin regimen," he told UAB News.

By Robert Preidt, HealthDay Reporter on WebMD News writes:

Specifically, regular aspirin use was associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancers characterized by the "typical" form of BRAF, but not with the risk of colon cancers with mutated forms of BRAF.

These findings suggest that BRAF-mutant colon tumor cells may be less sensitive to the effects of aspirin, according to the study in the June 26 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.

The researchers also found that taking a higher number of aspirin tablets a week -- more than 14 tablets -- was associated with a lower risk of colorectal cancer with typical BRAF, but this was not seen with BRAF-mutated cancers, according to a journal news release. Source: WebMD.

While author Andrew T. Chan, M.D., M.P.H Mention the whole study facts

According to Andrew T.Chan, the association between aspirin use and risk of colorectal cancer was affected by mutation of the gene BRAF, with regular aspirin use associated with a lower risk of BRAF-wild-type colorectal cancer but not with risk of BRAF-mutated cancer, findings that suggest that BRAF-mutant colon tumor cells may be less sensitive to the effect of aspirin, according to a study in the June 26 issue of JAMA.

By John Gever, Deputy Managing Editor, MedPage Today

He while reviewing these study mentions Some Key points in a Title called “Action Points”;

Action Points

Note that this analysis of two large cohort studies confirmed aspirin's mildly protective effect against colon cancer, but only in reducing the risk of BRAF wildtype cancers.

Be aware that the absolute risk difference with aspirin usage is quite low; the potential clinical benefit of this agent should be weighed against risks of chronic aspirin usage.

Aspirin's preventive effect on colorectal cancer is limited to tumors without BRAF gene mutations, researchers said.

"In summary, these results identify biomarkers of response to aspirin administered either preventively or therapeutically and are likely to help tailor the use of aspirin in the prevention and treatment of colorectal cancer."

The study is published in the June 26 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. It was funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH); the Bennett Family Fund for Targeted Therapies Research; and the National Colorectal Cancer Research Alliance. Chan has previously worked as a consultant for Bayer Healthcare, which manufactures aspirin.

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Capsicum Pure Reviews: Effective Weight Loss Supplement or Not?

Capsicum, a clean natural organic fruit, is the forename of tropic pepper herbs that could develop in a variety of shapes or dimensions across the world. The term Capsicum, represents the fresh fruit present in cayenne, jalapeno and tangy dry peppers.

What is capsicum Pure?

Capsicum Pure is a warm pepper extort health supplement that promises the dieter can easily shed weight utilizing the energy of hot peppers without the negative effects of consuming the peppers. There exists certain medical assistance for the outcomes of very hot pepper extorted on weight reduction, however is the formulation for Capsicum Pure risk-free and useful or are available components that might result in possible negative effects? According to the component instructions revealed on the official website, there are actually potentially harmful ingredients that diet plan participants must prevent.


  • Capsicum Frutescence
  • Conjugated Linoleic Acid
  • Garcinia Cambogia Extract

How it works?

Capsaicin can provide the "heat" you flavor whenever you eat foodstuff which contains these types of chili peppers. This similar ingredient which supplies that warmth in your mouth can even help you clear up fat, by means of thermogenics. Thermogenics is the method in which your whole body in fact burns up its own fat tissues as heat up.


  1. Hot pepper extort might help encourage weight-loss.
  2. The extort in dietary supplements just like Capsicum Pure is not going to burn off the mouth like hot peppers.


  1. Garcinia cambogia may cause negative effects in few hopeful dieters.
  2. CLA is not clinically recognized to endorse weight-loss in over-weight and bulky dieters.


Capsicum Pure provides slimmer a beneficial website that shoves the potential of hot pepper extract, yet is unable to talk about the possible negative effects just lately connected with Garcinia cambogia. Although absolutely no immediate connectivity has become created by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), while Hydroxycut recalled almost all dietary supplements that contains the ingredient in a voluntary recollect, the FDA was right there supervising the recall. Any kind of dietary supplement with possible negative effects is a health supplement we think the dieter must avoid. You will discover secure and efficient alternatives like green tea extract, caffeine and chromium available than might have been included with the hot pepper extort to improve performance of the health supplement.

ZzzQuil Sleep-Aid: A Complete Review

About ZzzQuil Sleep-Aid:

ZzzQuil Sleep-Aid is presented by the private sector king who makes such widely used models as Nyquil and Vicks cool treatment. With a single effective ingredient, these products are well-liked in the category industry of users who would like to get asleep, yet are not concerned with the quality of their sleep.

ZzzQuil Sleep-Aid Product details:

ZzzQuil and non-prescription sleeping aid which contains the common medicine diphenhydramine, is utilized to tackle individuals going through trouble sliding or remaining sleeping. So how exactly does ZzzQuil deal with sleeplessness? Which are a few of the possible typical and severe negative effects from utilizing ZzzQuil? Find out about ZzzQuil, and just how it might enable you to get to sleep much better.

ZzzQuil Sleep-Aid Ingredients:

  1. Active Ingredients (in each LiquiCap®)
  2. Diphenhydramine HCl 25 mg

Inactive Ingredients:

FD&C Blue No. 1, FD&C Red No. 40, Gelatin, Glycerin, Polyethylene Glycol, Purified Water, Sorbitol, Sorbitan Solution, Titanium Dioxide

How ZzzQuil Sleep-Aid Works:

As ZzzQuil’s primary ingredient is diphenhydramine, it is a member of the list of medicines known as antihistamines. Antihistamines prevent the uptake of the chemical substance histamine into tissues, leading to an accumulation of histamine in the areas between neurological cells. Histamine is an inorganic messenger, or neurotransmitter, that will result in drowsiness. Diphenhydramine and histamine operate within the human brain along with other areas of the entire body. Diphenhydramine could also decrease cough, queasiness, and out of control actions called dyskinesias.


  1. The name ZzzQuil is pretty awesome.
  2. Nice warming feeling in my belly. The color purple is nice. Wacky Packages.
  3. No groggy feeling in the morning.


Some of the most common side effects that may commonly occur like:
  1. Confusion (delirium)
  2. Clumsiness
  3. Drowsiness
  4. Dizziness
  5. Increased pressure within the eye
  6. Headache
  7. It was seldom effective.


  1. Take only one dose per day (24 hours)—see Overdose warning.
  2. Adults & children 12 yrs. & over: 2 LiquiCap’s® at bedtime if needed or as directed by a doctor.
  3. Children below 12 yrs. need not use.


Consuming in excess of the recommended dose, or making use of it with alcohol, may result in overdose and critical health outcomes. If you find any issues in the use of ZzzQuil, you have to be in close get in touch with your primary health provider.

Tuesday 25 June 2013

2XU giveaway and the #richardbransonproject

Here's a little thank you to all my readers, followers on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.

2XU giveaway

My great friends at 2XU have been extremely generous by offering one of my FFS friends to win a $200 x-card. They want to show their support with my Ride To Conquer Cancer and my recent #richardbransonproject. The winner be based on creativity. Enter as many times as you like. Simply take a picture holding up a sign "Please Richard come ride with Dani and the" and post on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and if you don't have any of those social media's, email me with the subject line #richardbransonproject.

Please ensure you use the hashtag #richardbransonproject

Here are some ideas;

OPSM #RichardBransonProject

Polly Shoes #RichardBransonProject

Mannequins #RichardBransonProject

Workers #RichardBransonProject

Skin Ski Surf #RichardBransonProject

Sovereign Hill policeman #askRichard #RichardBransonProject

So use your imagination. I will announce the winner first week of July. Have fun and thank you ALL for your love and support with this amazing cause.


Alteril Reviews: Is It Really Effective Sleeping Aid?

An improper night of can cause you a severe difficulties in nest daytime. Whenever sleeping disruptions are becoming the norm, we handle; friends and family way of life as well as overall health is going to be affected. Right now there may be a lot of prescription medications, over-the-counter. Herbal and natural solutions readily available for stress comprehensive sleeping, but a majority of individuals tend not to really realize what to seek and exactly what to avoid in a sleep aid product.

Alteril advertises itself as an all-natural sleep aid. Does Alteril work? Alteril is an average sleep aid that is way overpriced. It also contains one of the shadiest money back guarantees on the market (read below). Let’s take a closer look at Alteril.

Alteril takes advantage of three different ingredients for the ideal night your sleep. The pill consists of four vital components that stimulate and manage get to sleep , which includes amino acids such as L-Theanine to decrease anxiousness , and the melatonin hormone to motivate the entire body to control the sleeping sequence .


  • L-Tryptophan
  • Melatonin
  • Valerian
  • L-Theanine
  • Chamomile
  • Lemon balm
Alteril also offers a unique combination of all natural herbs and spices which were proven to encourage sleep, improve comfort, decrease emotional stress, and minimize uneasiness amongst others. The specific natural herbs are chamomile, hops, lemon balm, and passion flower.

The suggested dosing is 2 pills approximately an hour-and-a-half before night time even though simply only one pill might be adequate for various other users. To allow you to figure out the performance of the item, I additionally looked at every one of its details. Depending on their web-site, Alteril’s formulation is a blend of medically verified all-natural sleep inducers and regulators.


  1. Regulates sleep cycle for long-term results
  2. Non dependency-forming and no withdrawal symptoms


  1. Little bit hangover or wooziness after sleep.
  2. It causes Certain Unidentified unwanted effects.

Is Alteril worth purchasing?

Alteril is not the worst type of sleeping support available on the market, yet doesn’t deliver nearly anything to the table to standalone on its own from the package. Thinking it is way expensive and possesses a deceiving 100 % money back guarantee, Alteril is undoubtedly not purchasing.


Even, if not a serial insomniac, latest rising stress has piled me lacking sleep and grouchy. The multi facet ingredients put together in the Alteril sleep system has allow me to uninterrupted sleep easily, and for a lot longer. However after using it for a few weeks I found, I was dizzy and groggy in morning; it may be the effect of pill; so this is the only issue with this product so far. The significance of an excellent night’s sleeping cannot be over-emphasized; I really feel well-balanced and going back to regular with this particular method.

The most awful section of the Alteril concern is the fact that the whole listings of ingredients in Alteril are not outlined on the web-site or packaging. That single-handedly could have already been the merely red-colored flag I required. Almost any manufacturer which does not list product ingredients is protecting something. They are also recognized as violating FDA code which mandates comprehensive showing of each and every ingredient in a product or service. It only deserves 5 out of 10 on efficiency scales.

Banana pancakes

Life should always be this easy. Got some bananas? Got some eggs? Check this out...............

Banana passiona (pash-i-ona) pancakes

Banana pancakes with passionfruit yogurt 

All you need is 1 banana and 2 eggs. Of course there is 6 of us so I tripled the ingredients and here is baby Zali showing you how simple and easy this recipe truly is.

I use a hand blender to ensure the mixture is blended perfectly hence the little bubbles appearing when I pour the mixture in the fry pan (which has been lightly oiled with olive oil).

Be very careful when turning them over as they are pretty delicate but once you get the hang of it, you will be a pro. Unfortunately you can't flip these pancakes like I do in this picture but you will enjoy eating them.

Here's a birds eye view of these little beauties.

Banana and passionfruit pancakes

There you have it! Experiment with different toppings (of course with no added sugar) we mixed passionfruit with some natural yogurt and the kids had some maple syrup. We have done them with blueberries, check them out here.

What is your quickest and easiest recipe?

Xx Dani

Monday 24 June 2013

Weight loss story with Jessica Florie on Transformation Tuesday

How good is this. I love photos, they tell a thousand words and without further adieu here is amazing Jessica.

How old are you and please can you share your health and fitness journey to date? 

I’m 26 years old. I hated how used to I look and feel. I decided to commit myself to working hard, no matter what it took, to love the person I saw in the mirror.

What types of foods did you used to eat as a kid and young adult? What's changed since then? 

When I was a child I ate lots of junk food and lots of processed foods. My family didn’t have a lot of money, and as a result we had to buy cheap food. We were rarely able to purchase nutrient rich, fresh foods. Today I have made a better life for myself. I eat clean, wholesome, nutritious, fresh foods every day.

Do you play any sports or what sports do you like watching?

I like to play volley ball and tennis in my free time at my university’s recreational facility. I like to watch football, basketball and soccer; both college and professional teams.

What are your interests, passion and what makes you smile?

My current interests are anything that has to do with completing my MBA degree. I’m ready to start making a much more interesting career for myself. Other than school, I like to spend time with my family and my fiancĂ©. Anything we can all do together always makes me happy.

What was the catalyst that sparked your lifestyle change?

An annual doctor visit opened my eyes to how I was leading my life. I stepped on the scale and was completely baffled and seriously hurt by the number it read. I could not believe I had let myself get to that point. I took a few days to comprehend my current state, then something clicked and I realized I had to change. By the next week my pantry had been cleaned out and I made a commitment to working out five days a week.

What are some of your dreams/goals you hope to achieve over the next 12 months?

I hope to help as many people as I can realize that they can also change their lives and reach their fitness goals. I would like to finally reach my goal size and starting training to compete in figure competitions.

What tips would you like to share with my readers about your transformation?

No matter what anyone tells you, no matter what size you are, you are valuable. You are worth every effort it takes to make yourself realize your value. During weight loss there will always be days when you want to give up; there will be days when you fall down. The trick is to pick yourself back up off the floor and keep going. Every goal takes time to achieve. Remember no matter how long it takes it can be done. You can’t give up on yourself.

Please follow Jessica's amazing journey @jess_lynn4287 I have been a huge fan of hers these last few months and am truly grateful she agreed to be featured on my blog. Thank you Jessica.

Much love and friendship