Tuesday 17 April 2012

Lose Weight Using an Exercise Stepper Machine

Exercise steppers or exercise stepper machines are great, low impact, types of workout equipment which really can help you to lose weight and improve your cardiovascular health and fitness. When you take regular exercise (at least 3 or 4 half hour sessions per week) your fitness levels increase, your resting heart rate is much lower (which causes less strain on your heart) and your stress levels can be seen to be much lower. These are just a few of the potential health and fitness benefits of working out and using an exercise stepper machine is a great way of exercising because it is low impact.
What does "low impact" mean? Low impact refers to the actual wear and tear that can occur to the joints and other moving parts of the body when exercise takes place. Walking, for instance, is considered to be a low impact form of exercise because the actual movements that are taking place are smooth and the body isn't jolted with any sudden, fast or hard impact with any surfaces. Fast jogging, or running, on the other hand, are both considered to be quite high impact forms of exercise and so a certain amount of conditioning must take place or injuries can occur. Conditioning involved not over doing it and simply building up to more and more rigorous exercise. The secret is to just work up to running great distances as opposed to jumping in head first, being over-enthusiastic and potentially ending up with injuries which certainly hinder progress and delay goals.
So exercise stepper machines provide a low impact method of working out. This is great because those who aren't used to exercising can pretty much start straight away (after being checked out by their doctor/GP of course). They are much less likely to experience ill effects of exercise such as muscle rips and tears like you can get when you are jogging or running.
As for losing weight, this will certainly happen as long as you burn more calories per day than you consume. It really is as simply as that. Stopping eating isn't the answer and can be bad for your health because your body may be deprived of nutrients. You might even stop losing weight this way because your metabolism might slow down because your body might go into starvation mode. This occurs when your body doesn't know when it will receive more food (usually when people are skipping meals) and so the body starts to conserve the energy that it currently has and burns less calories.