If you’re trying to lose weight and not succeeding, part of the problem might be that you are eating mindlessly. Mindless eating means that what, when and how much we eat runs counter to both the body’s true needs and our own health goals. read more »
If you must avoid gluten because of Celiac disease or if you’re interested in adding different whole grains to your diet, experiment with these gluten-free options. In their nutritional profiles, these ancient grains surpass the staples of wheat, corn, oats and rice in the American diet. read more »
Many fitness experts maintain that exercisers must work within the 8- to 12-repetition range to initiate muscle hypertrophy. However, a study published in PLoS ONE (2010; 5 [8], 1–10) suggests that low-load, high-volume strength training can also impact muscle growth. read more »
Potatoes get a nutritional boost when combined with millet in this filling casserole. The nutritional yeast lends a cheesy flavor, along with B vitamins. Look for yellow, large-flake nutritional yeast in the bulk section of your health food store. The preparation method of this recipe is based on a traditional Lebanese dish called kibbi. read more »
Trainer: Anthony Carey, MA
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~Lori Dotson, CPT, CPFT, PES, BA, MS
President, DotsoFit, LLC