Friday 31 January 2014


Society really needs to stop the glorification of busy, and I am not one who is going to listen and accept all the excuses of not having enough time to care about making health a priority in life.  Let me rephrase that, I may listen to the laundry list, but I will definitely provide the tough questions in response and offer that better time management choices and priorities need to be addressed.  So many people create too much “busy” in life that every second of every hour is consumed by work, overtime, functions, social, social, social, volunteer work,  more work, more functions and the “YES” list goes on and on.  How can anyone pull themselves out of such a drowning pool of stuff, and many times all those so called important things consuming every minute are not even necessary.  Further, many of the things that fill those precious seconds are ways to avoid or hide from just “being”.  What is wrong with society to feel guilty sitting still for an hour alone in a contemplative state, relaxing, meditating, or exercising.  Has it got so bad that avoidance of looking at ourselves is too scary, disappointing, and living in denial has become the “norm”? 

I am convinced that people think it is impressive to be over busy and brag about it ad nauseam like some sort of “busy” award should be given.  I hope this ruffles a few feathers and causes people to think about their “busy” in the whole big scheme of life.  I mean what is this so “busy” mentality that good health is kicked to the curb and illness is accepted, and further taking pharmaceuticals to take care of the illness and stress caused by the “busy” and that being accepted.  Can you tell I am on a “soap box” on this subject?  I have worked in the health industry for over 30 years, and am strongly stating that the tiresome laundry list of busy needs a good washing out.  I am not talking about busy that may come from handling a temporary crisis, but years of putting off a healthy lifestyle all for the glorification of meaningless busy.   

The hard truth is that good health does not care about busy, and all those things that are cluttering up our time, creating stress, and keeping us from a healthy lifestyle WILL bring the consequence of illness.  Maybe not today or even tomorrow, but all that procrastination of not taking care of YOU will rear its’ ugly head in the form of illness, obesity, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, joint and spinal issues, depression, and that list can go on and on as well.  It is the blow of illness that can rattle a person and finally cause a wake-up call to adapt a healthy lifestyle. Sadly, and many times at this point, permanent damage to body processes have already taken place, and the person that once was can never be again, to the extent of 100% recovery anyway.  It is at that point that the “things” in life become unimportant as the struggle to become healthy, and the regret of not taking care of oneself surfaces to the forefront of one’s life. 

We are all at a point of being able to prevent or greatly reduce illness, and I am and always will be a very candid health professional with you, my family, and all of my clients.  I can write all this to you and hope that you listen, but this is your journey and your decision.  I fear for those who choose to let this go in one ear and out the other, and if I have reached and shaken the limbs of others to start now to live a healthy lifestyle, then I have accomplished the goal I set out to with this write. 

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!


Thursday 30 January 2014

Freeletics Mystery Transformation Athlete

Our athlete sends her apologies for her absence these past 2 weeks due to a ankle injury, she has taken this time to heal. She will be back on deck next week even more determined and committed.

Thank you all for your queries and concerns.

Much love & friendship,

boostULTIMATE Reviews

boostULTIMATE has been the demonstrated answer for instantaneous and long haul development for a huge number of men. Manufacturer offers the as good as ever equation of boostULTIMATE to you. This propelled form has been reformulated to furnish you much greater increases! Processed in FDA sanction offices and supported by a 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, boostULTIMATE uses a compelling mix of clinically mulled over elements and outlandish plant concentrates that have been indicated to enhance male erection quality, drive and stamina.

How boostULTIMATE Work?

boostULTIMATE is controlled by the measure of blood you hold in your erectile tissue chambers (Corpora Cavernosa). When you get stirred, blood enters the penis and fills these assembly of the Corpora Cavernosa until an erection is accomplished. The more blood you can hold in these chambers the greater your penis will be. Our multi-stage, male expansion recipe utilizes an exceptional mix of pharmaceutical evaluation elements that work in two stages; first by radically expanding the blood stream to the penis and second by extending the dividers of the Corpora Cavernosa, expanding the volume of blood your penis has the capacity to hold and get harder and firmer erection for your penis.

Active Ingredients Used in boostULTIMATE

  • Tongkat Ali – 400mg
  • Maca [0.6% Extract] – 250mg
  • L-Arginine – 250mg
  • Ginseng Blend – 125mg

Other Ingredients

Saraparilla (powder), Pumpkin Seed powder, Muira Puama powder, Oat Straw (powder), Nettle (powder), Cayenne pepper (40M HU/G), Astragalus (4:1 Ratio), Catauba Bark Powder, Licorice (4:1 Ratio), Tribulus Terrestris (powder), Orchic, Oyster Extract and Boron (Amino Acid Chelate).

boostULTIMATE Advantages

  • 30 Days Cash Back
  • Natural Supplement
  • Secure Online Service to purchase
  • Available to purchase via reputed sellers like
  • Fast Acting for Erection

boostULTIMATE Cost and Offer’s

  • 1 bottle $22.99 at contains 60 Capsules Free Express Shipping
  • 2 Bottles + 1 Free at $59.99 contains 180 Capsules Free Express Shipping
  • 3 Bottles + 3 Free at $99.99 contains 360 Capsules Free Express Shipping
  • 5 Bottles + 7 Free at $139.99 contains720 Capsules Free Express Shipping

boostULTIMATE Disadvantage

  • Business not BBB Accredited by 16 factors.
  • New Product In Online Market
  • Few Consumer Feedback
  • No Before and After to see Size improvement
  • Less info about manufacturer

boostULTIMATE Possible Side Effects

There is no major side effect reported yet by manufacturer business side but a recently posted a comment on that this supplement has side effect like; headache and migraine problem. The ingredients Tribulus Terrestris is safe to use within 8 weeks but long term consumption can cause gastric problem, stomach irritation, headaches, Prostate problems or prostate cancer or may be some other unknown side effects. If you have any medical condition, you must have to speak with your doctor before using it.

The manufacturer of BOSSTULTIMATE claims by comparing the product with Vigrx Plus, Vimax, Extenze and Enzyte that BOOSTULTIMATE have no side effect but Vigrx Plus, Vimax and Extenz have side effect without any detailed information of how these causes side effects. I think this is an old cheap idea to gain customer faith.

Customer Testimonial on boostULTIMATE

"Man, I was skeptical at first about this pill. I've used other pills in the past with minimal results so, you could understand why I might doubt the effectiveness of using your pull. Well, I'm a skeptic no more! I am really starting to notice a change in the appearance of my Penis when it hangs soft. My erections are also starting to feel harder again. My girth has increased and also I am "in the mood" more. My wife is very happy! Thanks guys!" By, B.C. From TN

"My wife gave birth to our last child and the fit was not like it used to be, if you know what I mean. My main concern was a thicker penis. Thanks to boostULTIMATE I got my wish, and also some length too! No more loose fit with the wife. Things fit nice and tight now. Thanks boostULTIMATE!" By, William, UK

Amazon Reviews

boostULTIMATE , Gets the Boot! does'nt work at all ready to send it back waiting for return lable thank you. By, Paul Torres [January 29, 2014]

Be Aware! This Seller is Fake! All his review is not real. We tried his pills and got a headache and migraine, then a few days later we noticed that he got 10 more positive reviews! Look carefully on all reviews - 10 reviews over 2-3 days after he got complaints? It’s a fake statements from fake consumers! BE AWARE!!!!! By, A & L "A & L" [January 29, 2014]

Final Verdict

boostULTIMATE is a new product in online male enhancement pills market. There is few customer reviews online available, I have listed a couple of customer feedback by manufacture web site and also from This supplement is all natural no doubt but the formulation is pretty unknown because of less explanation of each ingredients on manufacturer website. Although, the cost of this supplement is very interesting just $22.99 for 60 capsule, which is beneficial for man’s who want to take a try. You can take this supplement with best offers but if you have medical condition, speak with your doc before taking it.

Wednesday 29 January 2014

Body Science Great Aussie Swim and Nokia Lumia 1020

Over the Australia Day long weekend I was thrilled to be invited to The Body Science Great Aussie Swim series. It was an awesome event organised and hosted by one of the best Ironmen in the history of Surf Lifesaving. Ky Hurst, 7 times Australian Ironman champion did a wonderful job facilitating the weekend and provided extra motivation and inspiration for all participants.

During my time in Sydney, I thought I would take the opportunity to start using some of my new technology. I am fortunate enough to be selected to participate in the Microsoft Connections Programs which means I get to trial and assess some of Microsofts latest and greatest technology. For me it is all about simplicity, efficiency and ease of use. My work demands devices that can speak to each other making multitasking easy and of course I need storage (and plenty of it). I am testing out Microsoft Office 365 suite and the new Nokia Lumia 1020 which is a Windows phone and provides the most amazing photos I have seen from a phone. Below is a sample from the weekend using the Lumia 1020.

Commando Steve and Michelle Bridges

Fresh coconut water and protein balls

The beautiful Candice Falzon and cricket superstar Dave Warner

Organic toasted muesli

Olympic champion Grant Hackett 

Protein smoothies and green revitalising juices

Open Water Swimmer and superstar Emily Brunemann all the way from the USA.

Yogurt, berries and honey

In love with the healthy breakfast Ky provided
Total legend Ky Hurst

Ky marshalling the kids and getting them ready

Ky Hurst and Grant Hackett kick off the junior kids 300m swim

BScGASS Kids 300m swim

No matter how old or young anyone can enter this event

Surf Rescue heroes are right beside you

Over 1,000 participants entered the BScGASS

Sipping on my green juice and admiring this awesome event

The line up

Swimmers in action


That's a wrap! I hope you enjoyed my snippets of the weekend and can't wait to bring you more events this year.

Much love and friendship,

Tuesday 28 January 2014

Kids creative space and choosing the right style

I don't know about your place but mine desperately needs a revamp of organised space. With 6 bodies in this house things get thrown from here to there and nothing gets put back in it's place. I guess because nothing really has it's place and isn't organised.

All this is coming to an end shortly when we convert our "Zebra Room" (which is just a painting that hangs in our lounge room) into the kids creative space. I figure, what's the use of having our formal lounge or the good room when we have so many kids that need their own space. So goodbye "zebra room" and hello "kids creative room".

Here's some room inspirations from my Pinterest board Kids Creative Room that I am getting ideas and hopefully pull something off that works for our 4 little munchkins. Watch this space.

How organised is your home?

Leave me some of your home storage tips and how you stay on top of things. For more of my kids creative room ideas and source pics above, you can find them here.


Monday 27 January 2014

Fitness Transformation Tuesday with Andrea Allen

Let me introduce you to Andrea. A mother to twin baby girls born 7 months ago. Read her story on how she got her body back after giving birth only 7 weeks after having them. There were some struggles conceiving these precious little angels but with turning her eating habits around she was able to focus on leading a fit and healthy lifestyle.

Thanks for sharing your healthy journey with us Andrea. You look amazing! Keep up the fab work! 

Much love and friendship,

Andrea from Deliciously Fit N Healthy 7 weeks post baby

  • I started my journey as a freshmen in college. I had a rough breakup and I went to the gym one day to get 
    out of my apt and clear my head. I felt invigorated and alive for the first time in a long time. That 
    developed my love for exercise. I got certified as a fitness instructor shortly afterwards.Then after tearing 
    my ACL playing lacrosse I realized I needed to eat better so I started my healthy food journey. I enjoyed 
    learning so much about health that I changed my major to Public health education! 6 years later my 
    husband and I had to do fertility and the doctors told me to stop exercising and to eat more junk. It was so 
    hard to feel not in control but I had faith if I followed my instructions I would conceive. A year and a half 
    later after 3 inseminations I became pregnant through invetro with baby girl twins. I was still restricted for 
    the first half of my pregnancy but I always did all I could no matter what. Once I was ok'd I continued to 
    exercise up until labor day. My determination helped me recover fast as well. So now I am back on my 
    journey free to push myself to my limits and experimenting in the kitchen again. Its sooo exciting!
  • I use to eat cup of noodles everyday after school in highschool and when I went to collage I would eat a 
    PB&J sandwich and then go crawl in bed. I use to make pans of brownies all the time and eat diorites and
    hamburger helper alot as well.
  • I played sports all through high school and collage and club lacrosse for BYU. Thats when I tore my knee 
    and my healthy food journey started. I also enjoy watching football with my hubby!
  • I love my hubby and two baby girls. They bring a smile to my face everyday and remind me any sacrifice 
    was worth having them. I love traveling and enjoying trying new places to eat at. I am totally a foodie!
  • The breakup started my fitness journey and my torn ACL started my health food journey
  • I hope to inspire other people that getting fit after pregnancy is TOTALLY possible. I to help people know
    they are not alone and if they have questions they can ask. I have an instagram account where I post 
    healthy recipes and workouts and have started a blog to assist with anyones fitness journey.
  • It takes work. I didn't use being pregnancy with twins to be an excuse. I tried my best every day before
    they were born and after to get my fitness on and it was so hard some days. But i kept trying! Its easy to 
    find excuses but its hard to find solution. (my transformation photo is 7 weeks after labor)

Sunday 26 January 2014

FFS next challenge is FEBFAST are you in?

You all know this time last year we were planning for our no added sugar challenge in February and we did another one in July with our squats challenge. Well….this February we are going to raise the bar a little and help the most vulnerable of people, our young people and families who are tackling serious alcohol and drug issues.

Next month I will be doing the Febfast 28 day detox challenge to kick some bad habits!

Join our Febfast Fitness Food And Style team

Picture and article source: Febfast detox challenge

Sugar is considered by some to be the plague of a generation, with overconsumption of this sweet foodstuff linked to obesity, tooth decay and diabetes.
While we all know it is best to cut down on sugary treats, how do you tell if your reliance on sweets has gone past the point of an unhealthy habit into a full-blown addiction?
When you go beyond the point of wanting something sweet into the point of needing it, you should consider whether you are addicted to sugar.
Those who are addicted to glucose may find themselves losing control and eating more than they had planned to and could notice specific withdrawal symptoms if they skip their daily fix.
This could include feeling shaky, nervous or even having a cold sweat, according to webmd.
Since our bodies turn carbs into sugar, don’t count yourself out as a sugar addict if you’d prefer chippies over a cupcake.
A 2007 study by Princeton University backs up the claim that sugar can be addictive and researchers explain how our bodies’ neural pathways were designed to motivate and encourage our ancestors to forage for food.
This function, reward stimulation, has been linked to modern day drug-seeking and self-administration and it is believed this pathway also lights up similarly to sugar as it does when stronger drugs, such as cocaine and opiates, are taken.
The study redefined addiction so it is now synonymous with the term dependence and used to describe a psychological need rather than a physical ailment.
Dependence has three stages, according to the study – bingeing, withdrawal and craving.
If you decide to do a sugar detox as part of a February Fast, you might suffer from these symptoms at first, but in the long run you will be doing your body a favour.
Giving up sugar for a month could help you to retrain your tastebuds and you might be able to cut out sugar in unexpected places come March.

PLUS!  You get a chance to be in the draw to win the ultimate detox!! A luxury spa holiday for two people in Bali!!!! How cool is that?

So make sure you register on the website and join our FFS team here and don't think you have to do this on your own. Not only will I be here for extra motivation but there are local communities in your area getting together to help you over the 28 days of detoxing, so check out some of your local support groups here
All funds raised over this challenge go to the Youth Support and Advocacy Service and Family Drug Support.
Let's all make a better future for our younger generation as a collective, we can influence change together. 
Will you join me?

Friday 24 January 2014


Change can be necessary, change can be a challenge, change is inevitable, and what do we do with all this change?  Whether the change is to adapt a healthier lifestyle through nutrition and exercise, modifying exercises to accommodate injury, or going through the changes that naturally occur to the body as we age, it is a fact, that change is a big part of this journey of life.  None of us are exempt from a constant state of change in this life in one form or another.  Our bodies change at every level each day without our knowledge that it is even happening for the most part.

Personally, I have undergone a lot of change in this life and have to say that I embrace the positive that has come through incorporating a healthy lifestyle.  The tough physical changes that challenged me were the rehabilitation from injury and the will to persevere and not give up, and finally accept through it all that I am forever changed and require modification of exercise to fit the body that is under the skin I wear.  The inevitable change that seems difficult for me in the present is the changes that occur with the aging process.  No amount of exercise is going to stop hormonal shifts and the overall body requirements that scream loud and clear…CHANGE. Acceptance and embracing of the inevitable change I have discovered is also going to be a challenge.   

We are all aging each day, our bodies changing through the process and when I was younger I did not think too much about it, but as I stare 50 in the face, I find my mind consumed by the “different” feelings of heading into menopause.  Both men and women face the inevitable changes that occur with the aging process, whether prostate issues for men or night sweats and lowered libido for women, it is a situation that can SUCK.  I am straight up open about everything health related and I feel issues, even those topics that may fall into the “taboo” not to be discussed in public are fair game.  In fact they need to be addressed and shared because so many people are searching for answers or at least support that they are not alone in their experience.  If Dr. Oz can openly share the perfect “poo” shape, vaginal dryness, and orgasms, then for crying out loud, I am surely going to talk about it. 

All change can feel difficult, or extremely fantastic depending on the situation.  Adapting a healthy lifestyle through eating “real” nutrient dense foods and regular exercise will bring about a body that feels better, functions better, and that change can be embraced and celebrated almost immediately.  Although the process can feel like a challenge, eventually the change will provide an overall healthy state of mind and wellbeing.  The challenge change that occurs with injury or illness is harder to accept and embrace, at least in the beginning.  I found that it takes hard work, lots of patience, faith and a will to WANT the best of me in all areas of health, no matter what that looks like.  Moving into the inevitable change of aging is also an area that I now realize will require my patience, and continued research into natural ways of transitioning into another “new me” so to speak.  Changes are a part of aging and transition into another part of our life, not that we need to feel great about them, but important to realize and accept them, and I am now on this journey.  I am not going to sit here and celebrate hot flashes, night sweats, and changes in libido…are you kidding me, this is where I long for the young Darla because outwardly, my brain says what the heck is going on, and this should not be going on.  This is where I reach for new goals of discovery of the woman I am now, and embrace that woman with full understanding, grace, love and adventure of this new chapter. Am I there yet…not quite…but I am working on it.  

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding!



Niwali Health Store Launches Alpha Male Club Site - News

MIAMI, FL--(Marketwired - Jan 24, 2014) - A new year, new resolutions and a new online source to make your life better and easier: The newly launched Alpha Male Club is a success community for men, covering the five most important areas for a happier, more fulfilling and successful life: Money & Wealth, Women & Sex, Health & Fitness, Relationships & Networking, and Happiness & Fulfillment. In each section readers will find interviews from some of the most influential entrepreneurs and business people across the world, brilliant minds helping men achieve success in each of these topics as well as transcripts and worksheets. On top of that the website provides video challenges to put what men are learning into practice and be able to become more successful. The basic idea? Getting advice from men who already made it, who already achieved what you want to achieve and who already are where you want to be.

Take the area of Relationships & Networking, for example. On the Alpha Male Club websites, founded by Niwali health store, a well-renowned provider for health supplements, you will find more than the generalized platitudes that cover so many men's magazines. The Alpha Club recruited experts from different fields to give you hands-on advice, such as Alex Allman, a sex expert who knows how to stoke the fires of a woman's sexual mind, Marni Battista, a dating coach who found the secret to attracting and dating beautiful women, Adam Gilad, a romance expert who can tell you what the five make-or-break moments with women are, Jordan Gray, a relationship coach who has tips on how to break barriers to intimacy and Julien Blanc, an attraction guru who can help you to create deep attraction in mere minutes.

Niwali knows that a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. But even a healthy body needs a little boost sometimes. The online store offers a variety of supplements especially developed for the needs of the male body. The most popular products are OrvigoMAX, a male virility booster, AminoMuscle, which is perfect for any metabolism, Glutathione, a formula that provides your body with all the building blocks it needs, EstroDetox, which works miracles in restoring your healthy hormonal balance as well as their Advanced product, specifically created for men who want ripped, muscular bodies, lower body fat and more energy.

Niwali health store was founded out of a burning desire to impact the lives of one billion people around the globe. The name was inspired by the beautiful life-giving Niwali waterfall in the Indian state of Maharashtra. The company's mission is to optimize human performance, health and beauty. Life is a gift best enjoyed in radiant health and Niwali looks to provide the best product mix and education in the world in order to help you enjoy the pleasures of a healthy life. Niwali health store is all about creating positive change that impacts the future of the world as we know it. Their experts source the most clinically studied plants, herbs, vitamins and minerals in proven combinations to achieve powerful results though their products. And their coaches and mentors offer the best education in the world to reach your goals and live the life you deserve.