Sunday 28 July 2013

Natural Ways to Fight Acne

Acne is the most prevalent skin disorder, and affects between 40-50 million people in the United States. And while acne doesn’t always indicate a health issue, it can be the result of an unbalanced diet or a response to stress. If you can’t wait for a blemish to disappear, a dermatologist can administer a cortisone injection to reduce the swelling and redness. In the meantime, here are some natural ways to treat/prevent acne.

Basil Leaf Splash – Basil is an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory herb. Stew basil leaves in boiling water, then leave in the refrigerator overnight to use as a morning face splash in the morning. You can also make a basil leaf face mask with fresh basil leaves, sea salt, and egg whites.

Green Clay and Geranium Oil Mask – These ingredients balance oil and unclog pores. Create an at home mask with green clay and a few drops of rose geranium oil. The green clay absorbs dirt, oil, and bacteria.

Diet – Dermatologists used to say that there were no studies that demonstrated that diet had an effect on acne. But now they are saying what we all already knew—that what you eat has a direct effect on the skin. Try a diet rich in zinc with foods like turkey, brown rice, or shellfish while avoiding sugar and saturated fats. Also look for fruit and vegetables containing beta-carotene such as tomatoes, carrots, and squashes. And don’t forget to take omega-3, omega-6, and vitamin D supplements.

Drink Tea – Burdock, Dandelion, and Red Clover Teas are said to help purify the liver and blood, leaving the liver free to deal with hormones efficiently and therefore decrease breakouts.

Charcoal – Did you know that charcoal is used to treat poisoning in hospitals? It keeps toxins in the stomach from being absorbed in the bloodstream. It also happens to have a skincare benefit. Charcoal acts like a magnet to draw out the impurities from your skin that cause acne. Try a self-warming face mask with this ingredient. Masks work better than cleansers as the charcoal needs time to stay on the skin.

Oil – It may sound counterintuitive, but some oils can actually help acne. Mandarin oil can help refine skin. Tea Tree oil has antiseptic properties, which is very useful in treating acne. Oily skin? Use grape seed oil to control oil. Peppermint oil is a natural anti-inflammatory which can help with redness and swelling. And oils aren’t just good at preventing or treating acne. The essential fatty acids and Vitamin A in Rose Hip Seed Oil help reduce scarring.

Sulfur – It may not smell great, but sulfur draws oil out of pores, dries out pimples, and regulates oil production. Sulfur is typically used as a spot treatment—it’s a bit too drying for overall coverage.

This post is contributed by, a website dedicated to connecting people with information on the latest personal care tips, beauty products, and free beauty events across the country.