Friday 5 July 2013

How To Calculate Your Menstrual Cycle

Menstruation is one of the developmental changes that girls go through when they reach puberty. This only means that they are already mature enough to carry and bear a child. The menstrual cycle is actually divided into three phases namely the follicular phase as the first, the ovulation phase as follows, and the next one is the luteal phase, which after then goes back to the first cycle. The moment the woman’s body increase the hormone called estrogen, the body signals the walls of the uterus to slough off if no implantation happens.

It is important for one to calculate one’s menstrual cycle especially when you are planning on using the calendar method as a way of contraception or when you are trying to calculate when you will be due when you are pregnant. This is also a way of telling whether your menstruation is regular or not. If there happens to be changes on the cycle, this could mean that there could be underlying conditions in your body that you do not know of. So here are steps that would teach you how to easily calculate your menstrual cycle:
  1. So first thing’s first, you would have to take note which date you first had your menstruation and half that as Day 1 of your menstrual cycle. Most of the time the regular days of period would be 3 – 5 days, but others vary according to what is regular for them. Others may menstruate for a period of 1 week but they experience it on a monthly basis, so that is still considered as regular.

  2. If you want to know when your ovulation would be, you should have to count up to the 14th day from the 1st day of your menstrual cycle to get to the point when you are ovulating, this means that you are fertile and that any implantation of sperm on your ovaries would entail impregnation. The eggs of the females only last 1 – 2 days before it dies, so any union of sperm before that will not be mature to an embryo. If within this 1 – 2 days a sperm comes, the egg would travel down to the fallopian tube to imbed itself on the uterus’ walls, ready for pregnancy.

  3. Usually the menstrual cycle lasts only for 28 days, so you should expect your next period to come on the 28th day and that would already be considered as another start of your menstrual cycle. The period comes when no implantation of egg happens on the walls of the uterus.
Calculating your menstruation cycle is really important in order for you to find out when to expect, when is the best time to conceive if you are planning on getting pregnant, and when’s the best time to avoid coitus when you don’t plan on getting pregnant. You must also remember that not all women have the same menstrual cycles so you should not compare yours with them. Women’s periods vary so you must do your own calculations as well.

Ana Jasko is a blogger who has been writing about women health topics for years. You can learn more about the menstrual cycle at here blog