Friday 1 February 2013

February 1, 2013 Newsletter

DotsoFit Health and Fitness Newsletter
Happy New Year!
Stress Management May Help Skin Conditions
As you know, yoga, meditation and other mind-body practices provide many stress management benefits. Better skin might be the latest addition to that list. Your skin’s health can reflect the connection between your emotions and your body and how effectively you manage stress.
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It’s Not Just What You Eat But How You Eat
Most of us have been told what to eat, but rarely does anyone talk about how to eat. After conducting several studies, Brian Wansink, PhD, director of the Cornell University Food and Brand Lab and author of Mindless Eating (Bantam 2006), has concluded that eating with a smaller plate, cup and utensils can help you lose weight without even thinking about it. read more »

The Commuter’s Workout
According to the American Public Transportation Association, Americans took 10.7 billion trips on public transportation in 2008. While many riders snooze or catch up on reading en route, a commute can also offer an opportunity to improve physical activity levels. read more »

Shrimp Ceviche for Lovers
Instead of focusing on indulgent sugar-laden sweets for Valentine’s Day, consider trying a lean, savory, aphrodisiac dish like this ceviche from New York University nutrition sciences professor and chef Lourdes Castro, MS, RD. The shrimp, chiles, tomatoes and avocados all have aphrodisiac qualities and combine for a healthy, sexy starter (or main dish) and visually beautiful plate to tantalize your sweetheart.
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Curtsy Lunge
Trainer: Keli Roberts
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