Friday 3 August 2012

Kind People

The world really is filled with kind people. It may not always seem that way because the mean and nasty amongst us can inflict so much damage relative to their small number that it is easy to become jaded.

According to Dr. Martha Stout, author of The Sociopath Next Door, approximately 4% of the population lacks a conscience. That is not to say they will become a murderer, rapist, or hardened criminal, but they can perform acts that the average person would not even consider. And they can do so without feeling normal human emotions and without remorse.

Anyone could be a sociopathyour neighbor, your doctor, your business associate, even your newspaper boy. This is a mental disorder that does not discriminate on the basis of intelligence, wealth, or celebrity. See Also: CNBC Article on "White Collar Psychopaths"

What can you do? Just always be careful. Be kind to those who are kind to you. Avoid those who hurt you or others, emotionally, physically, or otherwise. Don't become a victim. You are no match for the sociopath's complete and utter lack of respect for human life and human emotions so you must avoid them.

But most importantly, do not become jaded by them. Practice random acts of kindness and your life will be fulfilled.

~Lori Dotson, CPT, CPFT, PES, BA, MS
President, DotsoFit, LLC

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