Wednesday 1 August 2012

August 2012 Newsletter

DotsoFit Health and Fitness Newsletter
Visualizing Food Consumption May Reduce Appetite
“Thinking of a food—how it tastes, smells or looks—does increase our appetite. But performing the mental imagery of actually eating that food decreases our desire for it,” according to Carey Morewedge, assistant professor of social and decision sciences at Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh. read more »
Got Bad Feet? It May Be Genetic
Many people believe that musculoskeletal dysfunction is an inherited trait, and a recent research report on foot disorders seems to support that claim. The study, presented at the 2010 American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting, suggests that “bad feet” may be genetic. read more »
Fiber Choices for Active People
You can barely pick up a health magazine without reading an article about how wonderful fiber is. Yet many people struggle to consume the recommended amount of fiber. Learn why eating fiber is so beneficial, how athletes should add fiber if they need more and what foods are rich sources of fiber. read more »
Healthy Recipe: Creole Tomato Salad
It’s summertime, and the tomato vines will soon be as heavy as the humidity in the air. Here is the perfect recipe to try when the tomatoes in your garden are ready for picking. This simple salad features flavors of the Creole style of cooking from New Orleans. read more »

Video Move of the Month: Plank With Pike on Elbows
Trainer: Keli Roberts
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