Saturday, 4 February 2012

Exercise Improves Your Sex Life

A 2008 study revealed a significant correlation between exercise and sexual arousal in women. The study showed higher levels of alpha-amylase (a marker of sympathetic nervous system activity) in women who exercised versus those who did not1.

A 2010 study revealed that healthy men who engaged in moderate physical activity (such as a brisk walk 30 minutes per day 4 days per week) were two-thirds less likely to experience sexual dysfunction than their sedentary counterparts2.

Life's short, have a blast!

~Lori Dotson, CPT, CPFT, PES, BA, MS
President, DotsoFit, LLC

1Hamilton, L.D., Rellini, A.H., and Meston, C.M. 2008. Cortisol, Sexual Arousal, and Affect in Response to Sexual Stimuli. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 5(9), 2111-2118.

2McNamara, E., Alfred-Thomas, J., and Freeland, S.J. 2010 Exercise Correlates to Higher Sexual Function Scores in a Cohort of Healthy Men. Presented at the 105th Annual Meeting of the American Urological Association.

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