Saturday 31 December 2011

Healthy & Easy Recipes for Busy Jocks (Part 1)

I frequently blog on the importance of proper nutrition, but the truth of the matter is I am not a very good cook. I prefer to spend my leisure time riding my bike, hiking trails, playing with my kids, and writing. However, I am acutely aware of the importance of proper nutrition, proper macro- and micro-nutrient proportions, and the foods that can fulfill those requirements.

My knowledge of nutrition has evolved and expanded over the years, beginning with my two pregnancies when I was obsessed with eating the right foods for my growing fetus, continuing through my kids' lives and dealing with the special dietary needs of a daughter who is diabetic and a son who is a vegetarian, and finally, being validated when I aced the Nutrition sections of my 3 CPT exams and my PES exam. Today, I continue my research on nutrition every week (if not every day) because I find it fascinating. When someone asks me whether mushrooms contain any nutrients, I feel compelled to find the answer, and more often than not, I pass that information onto my readers in the form of another post.

But as I stated earlier, I am not a very good cook, primarily because I have limited time, so I need recipes that are quick, easy, and healthy. For some time now, I have contemplated a series of blogs that feature such recipes, but I have shied away from posting them because the real cooks out there would simply laugh at these recipes, and that is why I am going to warn you right now: These recipes are for Busy Jocks, not Seasoned Chefs (excuse the pun there)!

My primary criteria in selecting recipes for this series of posts was ease of preparation and taste, although they are all good for you, as well! I want to show the jocks of the world that you do have time to eat healthy so for the next 4 days, I will feature 2 new recipes each day. Today's recipes include a low-calorie vegetarian chili dish and a heart-healthy salmon recipe (those who read my blog regularly know that salmon is high in Omega 3 fatty acids).

4 cups water
1 can crushed tomatoes
16-ounce can pinto beans
16-ounce can pumpkin
1 cup chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 cup bulgur wheat
2 tablespoons chili powder

Boil all ingredients in Dutch oven or 5-quart kettle. Reduce heat to simmer. Cook uncovered for ~30 minutes. Garnish with low-fat sour cream. 6 servings.

NOTE: If using fresh pinto beans, soak beans in water overnight and then simmer beans separately from other ingredients for ~2 hours prior to adding other ingredients.

Two ½-inch thick salmon steaks
¼ cup low-fat mayonnaise
¼ cup low-fat yogurt, plain
1 teaspoon fresh dill, snipped
1 cup fresh parsley
Juice of one lemon

Broil, bake, or pan fry salmon steaks until done, about 5 minutes each side. Whirl remaining ingredients in a blender and pour over salmon steaks. 2 servings.

NOTE: If possible (and I know it's hard) try to find fresh, wild-caught Pacific salmons, such as Chinook, coho and sockeye, with their distinctive deep red flesh because they are much higher in Omega 3.

And finally, I will leave you with one of my favorite links because I want YOU to eat healthier: This is the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, which provides details of the specific nutrient content of all of your favorite foods and I rely upon it heavily for all of my nutrient data.

Happy eating!

~Lori Dotson, CPT, CPFT, PES, BA, MS
President and Trainer, DotsoFit, LLC

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