Thursday 28 July 2011

Flaxseed Pancake Recipe

My blog will be short today because I have a date with my road bike and it doesn’t like to be stood up. I am going to share with you a great recipe that I have for flaxseed pancakes. Flaxseed is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and incredibly, 99% of Americans are deficient in omega-3.

My kids are the pickiest kids in the world when it comes to food,  and they love these pancakes and so do their friends:

¼ cup milled flaxseed
2 tsp baking powder
1 cup whole wheat flour
½ tsp baking soda
1 tbsp Splenda® (optional)
½ tsp salt
1 cup organic skim milk
1 whole egg
1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil

Combine dry ingredients in large bowl. Combine remaining ingredients in smaller bowl and whisk. Pour contents of small bowl into large bowl and mix to make batter. Spray skillet with non-stick spray and cook at approx. 350 degrees.

My kids eat these with sugar-free syrup, but I prefer to cover them in all-natural peanut butter. Try it!

~Lori Dotson, CPT
President, DotsoFit, LLC

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