Saturday 31 December 2011

Healthy & Easy Recipes for Busy Jocks (Part 1)

I frequently blog on the importance of proper nutrition, but the truth of the matter is I am not a very good cook. I prefer to spend my leisure time riding my bike, hiking trails, playing with my kids, and writing. However, I am acutely aware of the importance of proper nutrition, proper macro- and micro-nutrient proportions, and the foods that can fulfill those requirements.

My knowledge of nutrition has evolved and expanded over the years, beginning with my two pregnancies when I was obsessed with eating the right foods for my growing fetus, continuing through my kids' lives and dealing with the special dietary needs of a daughter who is diabetic and a son who is a vegetarian, and finally, being validated when I aced the Nutrition sections of my 3 CPT exams and my PES exam. Today, I continue my research on nutrition every week (if not every day) because I find it fascinating. When someone asks me whether mushrooms contain any nutrients, I feel compelled to find the answer, and more often than not, I pass that information onto my readers in the form of another post.

But as I stated earlier, I am not a very good cook, primarily because I have limited time, so I need recipes that are quick, easy, and healthy. For some time now, I have contemplated a series of blogs that feature such recipes, but I have shied away from posting them because the real cooks out there would simply laugh at these recipes, and that is why I am going to warn you right now: These recipes are for Busy Jocks, not Seasoned Chefs (excuse the pun there)!

My primary criteria in selecting recipes for this series of posts was ease of preparation and taste, although they are all good for you, as well! I want to show the jocks of the world that you do have time to eat healthy so for the next 4 days, I will feature 2 new recipes each day. Today's recipes include a low-calorie vegetarian chili dish and a heart-healthy salmon recipe (those who read my blog regularly know that salmon is high in Omega 3 fatty acids).

4 cups water
1 can crushed tomatoes
16-ounce can pinto beans
16-ounce can pumpkin
1 cup chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 cup bulgur wheat
2 tablespoons chili powder

Boil all ingredients in Dutch oven or 5-quart kettle. Reduce heat to simmer. Cook uncovered for ~30 minutes. Garnish with low-fat sour cream. 6 servings.

NOTE: If using fresh pinto beans, soak beans in water overnight and then simmer beans separately from other ingredients for ~2 hours prior to adding other ingredients.

Two ½-inch thick salmon steaks
¼ cup low-fat mayonnaise
¼ cup low-fat yogurt, plain
1 teaspoon fresh dill, snipped
1 cup fresh parsley
Juice of one lemon

Broil, bake, or pan fry salmon steaks until done, about 5 minutes each side. Whirl remaining ingredients in a blender and pour over salmon steaks. 2 servings.

NOTE: If possible (and I know it's hard) try to find fresh, wild-caught Pacific salmons, such as Chinook, coho and sockeye, with their distinctive deep red flesh because they are much higher in Omega 3.

And finally, I will leave you with one of my favorite links because I want YOU to eat healthier: This is the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, which provides details of the specific nutrient content of all of your favorite foods and I rely upon it heavily for all of my nutrient data.

Happy eating!

~Lori Dotson, CPT, CPFT, PES, BA, MS
President and Trainer, DotsoFit, LLC

Copyright © 2011

Wednesday 21 December 2011

Ultra Ultra Marathon

Think you know the record for the longest running race?  
In 1929, long before running even became popular in this country, race participants ran from New York City, NY, to Los Angeles, CA, a distance of 3,635 miles. Johnny Salo of Finland won in 79 days, with a time of 525 hours, 57 minutes, and 20 seconds. Second place was captured by Pietro “Peter” Gavuzzi of the United Kingdom, with a time of 526 hours and 7 seconds, an unbelievably close finish.

Are those runners crazy or what?
Dotso will return with her regular blog posts on December 27th. Please have a safe and happy holiday!

~Lori Dotson, CPT, CPFT, PES, BA, MS
President and Trainer, DotsoFit, LLC

Copyright © 2011

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Soccer Records

Those of you who know me well, know that soccer holds a special place in my heart. I played competitive soccer in the 1970s and 80s until I was sidelined with a knee injury. However, I continued to play in recreational leagues through the mid-1990s. I've coached youth soccer throughout my life, and today, I am still involved in soccer as an AYSO Regional Soccer Referee. That is what makes today's post so special for me. In the next couple of paragraphs, I will lay out some soccer trivia (world records) that you may not be aware of. Enjoy!

High Scorer
Brazilian Edson Arantes do Nascimento, better known as "Pele," was a household name when I was a kid. "Soccer" and "Pele" were nearly synonymous and no wonder, Pele managed to score a record 1,279 goals in 1,363 games throughout his career, which spanned from September 7, 1956, to October 1, 1977.

Biggest Paycheck
David Beckham, midfielder for the Los Angeles Galaxy, earned a record $40 million in 2009. However, nearly $33 million of that came from sponsorships.

Old Guy
Roger Milla of Cameroon, who was born on May 20, 1952, played in the 1994 FIFA World Cup finals against Russia at the age of 42 years, 39 days, becoming not only the oldest player in a FIFA World Cup but also the oldest scorer in a FIFA World Cup final.

Too Many Kicks
The record for the longest soccer penalty kick shootout was set in the 2005 Namibian Cup when 48 penalty kicks were taken before KK Palace defeated the Civics 17-6, following a 2-2 tie in regular time.

Fastest soccer shot
See Friday, 12/16 Post!

~Lori Dotson, CPT, CPFT, PES, BA, MS 
President and Trainer, DotsoFit, LLC

Copyright © 2011

Monday 19 December 2011

Another Tennis Great

Martina Navratilova of the USA holds the distinction of being the oldest tennis player, male or female, to win a Wimbledon Championship. In 2003, at the ripe old age of 46 years, 261 days, she won the mixed doubles championship with partner, Leander Paes of India.  

Martina Navratilova and Mark Woodforde on their way to winning the 1993 Wimbledon
Mixed  Doubles Championship where a decade later she would go down in the record
books as being the oldest Wimbledon champ (Photo courtesy of Lori Dotson, July 1993)

While I was not fortunate enough to return to Wimbledon in 2003, I have included some of my favorite pictures from the 1993 Championships where Ms. Navratilova also won the mixed doubles championship but with then partner Mark Woodforde. Ms. Navratilova would likely have won both events regardless of partner. It is always fun to watch her hit winner after winner with such ease.

Winners celebrate their 1993 victory (Photo courtesy of Lori Dotson, July 1993)

Stay tuned for soccer tomorrow!

~Lori Dotson, CPT, CPFT, PES, BA, MS
President and Trainer, DotsoFit, LLC

Copyright © 2011

Sunday 18 December 2011

More Andre Agassi

For those of you who were thrilled with yesterday's picture of Andre Agassi endowed with a full head of hair, I have included a few more pictures from my personal archive. These were all taken during my trip to Wimbledon in 1993, one of the highlights of my trip to Europe that year.

1993 Wimbledon Men's Quarterfinals (Pictures courtesy of Lori Dotson)

Stay tuned for another tennis great profiled in tomorrow's blog for her record-breaking accomplishment.

~Lori Dotson, CPT, CPFT, PES, BA, MS  President and Trainer, DotsoFit, LLC

Copyright © 2011

Saturday 17 December 2011

A Tennis Great, Both On and Off Court

Those of you who followed professional tennis over the past couple of decades probably remember Andre Agassi as a cute, fun, and very colorful player, both on and off the court, but do you know what record of distinction he holds?

No, you don't need to wait until tomorrow's post. I will tell you right now. Andre Agassi was the oldest male tennis player to be ranked #1 by the Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP). Andre, who was born in the USA on April 29, 1970, became the highest seeded men's player on May 11, 2003, at the age of 33 years, 11 days. Agassi held the #1 ranking for a total of 101 weeks over his career span.

I was lucky enough to have had an upfront and personal view of Agassi during the 1993 Wimbledon Men's Quarter Finals where he was defeated by Pete Sampras. Sampras went on to win Wimbledon that year, and ironically, Agassi's future wife, Steffi Graf, was the female champion.

Completion of the Men's Quarterfinals, Agassi vs. Sampras
Wimbledon, July 1993 (Photograph taken by Dotso)
~Lori Dotson, CPT, CPFT, PES, BA, MS
President and Trainer, DotsoFit, LLC

Copyright © 2011

Friday 16 December 2011

Sports, Fitness, Olympics Trivia Week!

I'm taking a break from my usual blogs this week to provide you with unique trivia to keep your mind off of the stress of this holiday season. Today I'd like to start with "heavy hitter" speed records:

Speed Record (mi/hr)
Record Holder, Country, Date
Cricket bowl
Shoaib Akhtar, Pakistan, February 22, 2003
Baseball pitch
Lynn Nolan, USA, August 20, 1974
Ice hockey hot
Denis Kulyash, Russia, February 5, 2011
Lacrosse shot
Paul Rabil, USA, July 8, 2010
Soccer shot (UK)
David Hurst, UK, September 16, 1996
Tennis serve
Ivo Karlovic, Croatia, March 5, 2011
Jai alai throw
Jose Ramon Areitio, Spain, August 3, 1979
Golf drive
Jason Zuback, Canada, December 1, 2007
Badminton smash
Fu Haifeng, China, May 15, 2005
*Source: Guinness Book of World Records 2012,

~Lori Dotson, CPT, CPFT, PES, BA, MS
President and Trainer, DotsoFit, LLC

Copyright © 2011

Wednesday 7 December 2011

What’s All This about Surviving the Holidays

Now This is ME during the Holidays
I mean really…surviving the holidays??? What the heck is this all about…I can see wanting to survive an illness or some other grave situation…but the holidays…really…NOT.  I look forward to the holidays…spending quality time with family and friends…all the decorations, lights, music, the tree, the smells …WOW…this is all GOOD stuff in my book.  It is also my time to create fabulous foods for the Christmas morning breakfast…life does not get better than this.  I am seeing so many articles, tips, commercials, etc…on how to survive the holidays and a big YUCK.  If you have been following my Blog, you know that I am always candid and share my life and thoughts…well what a peeve.  Really a Darla soap box moment here…I do not use any holiday as an excuse to set aside my healthy lifestyle to gorge on unhealthy crap…I mean really…WHY?  Do I sample things, and enjoy treats throughout the season…a BIG YES…but I certainly do not make a 3-month adventure out of it…meaning Thanksgiving to the New Year…Hell to the BIG NO.  My healthy lifestyle is what maintains me and the word “lifestyle” says it all…holiday or not.  If I did not live this way, I certainly do not feel I could walk the shoes of teaching fitness to so many fabulous people…practice what I preach all the way or nothing.   

Christmas Morning Breakfast Table
Am I a scrooge…NO…as I shared, I do sample this and that…but sitting and eating let’s say a whole plate of mash potatoes and gravy…do not think so.  I am really not fond of that anyway, but sampling fabulous home baked Christmas cookies…well…now that deserves a nibble or two;)  Everything in moderation and I do not plan cheat days or even cheat meals.  If the desire strikes me to sample a cookie…well, I sample a cookie…simple as that…tasted, swallowed, DONE…moving on.   Why has it come this far to say that a holiday needs to be survived…what marketing hype…YES…it really is.  Has everyone gone completely off their rocker to not realize the meaning of the Christmas holiday and what really matters in this life?  I am talking about the shopping hoopla as well…I am definitely NOT a black Friday girl or any kind of shop-till-I drop woman…that sounds so overwhelmingly NOT FUN and not the way I want to spend the day…now give me a meet for tea with hubby or girlfriend and having my list in hand to purchase something at a nearby that is fabulous.  I actually prefer the comfort of online shopping in my jammies with no shipping charges or tax…a WIN WIN…plugging Amazon here. My son turned me onto this site and I must say… I am impressed with the savings on the items, not to mention the wear and tear on my vehicle…and the gas prices…NO WAY.  I mean really…the Christmas season is truly not about how much money I can make, spend, most expensive toys,  or how much food I can eat…really???   

The holiday is such a special time for me to spend with my family and friends, to make wonderful memories, look forward to laughter, board games, and cozy fires…this is what I enjoy about my life around the holidays.  Is this something for me to survive….NO…I am a simple girl who is deep into the meaning of being healthy all the way around….so I will not gorge for days on end until I feel sick, depressed and guilt ridden, or spend dollars until I am stressed and worried about how I will pay the bills…IS THIS HEALTHY…NO…so…I guess what I am trying to say in a healthy way is Happy Holidays…join me in taking the time to reflect on all the fabulous things to be thankful for…enjoy that quality time, take some time off from work, sample some goodies in moderation, do not neglect your health, your family, or overburden your  finances…I believe that life is a precious gift and I plan to soak up every meaningful moment I can during the holiday….NO REWINDS IN THIS LIFE AND NO REGRETS! Stay Healthy!

Merry Christmas from My House to Yours

Bake My Stay Healthy Chocolate Pumpkin Brownies over the Holiday!!!

Stay Healthy Flourless Chocolate Pumpkin Brownies

When it comes to chocolate…one of my favorites hands down is a fresh baked scratch brownie…nothing in a box for me.  I believe in quality and the taste has to be out of this world FABULOUS.  I spent the holiday season baking and pureeing pumpkins and set out to create recipes that would satisfy all of the above.  I was so pleased with how these turned out…one of the BEST brownies I have ever eaten…no kidding.  The pumpkin adds the perfect dense moistness necessary and the rich chocolate flavor is incredible.  I utilized Blue Agave Syrup as studies show this natural sweetener to be low on the Glycemic Index.  Also, I was happy to reduce the carbohydrates by omitting any flour, increasing the protein with the egg whites, and adding a few dark chocolate chips for antioxidant…this is a WIN WIN recipe to satisfy my chocolate craving.  I guarantee this will be a keeper in your kitchen!

1 cup fresh or canned pumpkin
½ cup almond butter
4 egg whites
1 cup organic Blue Agave Sweetener (Syrup)
1 tbsp vanilla
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tsp. baking soda
1 cup extra dark chocolate chips (at least 65%)

Preheat oven to 325 degrees F.

Step 1 – Into a large mixing bowl, add each ingredient one at a time.  Whisk each ingredient until completely mixed before adding the next.  Continue this process until you have batter ready to pour and bake.  It will be a light and airy batter similar to a cake mix…this will not be thick. 

Step 2 – Pour into prepared oiled square baking pan and bake for 35-40 minutes. I start checking the brownie at 30 min.  Insert knife into center and when it comes out clean…the brownies are done. 

Step 3 – Let the Brownies rest for 15 minutes before slicing. These will be very moist and light.

Step 4 – Enjoy with some vanilla N/F Yogurt!!!

This recipe along with many others under the “In My Kitchen Tab, Stay Healthy Recipes” at the top of the page!
 Original recipe created by Darla Leal, Stay Healthy Fitness 2011

My Holiday Workout Challenge:
I Have Been Trying This Out: I add in order one exercise for 100 reps per day to complete the challenge within 10 days…so far so good.  



Tuesday 6 December 2011

Fix It With Massage

Babies need to be held and touched, when we become adults, we still hold and touch each other, whether that's hugging goodbye to a friend or shaking hands with a business partner.

When our body is tired, we want to be massaged. When we go to the spa, we step into the Jacuzzi to help our muscles relax. The need for touch and massage is instinctive. Massage is one of the oldest healing practices.

The Shaolin Temple has a long tradition of self-massage, using the bamboo Instant Health Massage Brush and progressing to the heavier metal brush. Shaolin disciples train as much as Olympic athletes but we don't have an army of massage therapists or physiotherapists, self-massage along with Qigong is the only thing we use to reduce the risk of injury and keep us fighting fit. 

The Qigong massage doesn't fit any types of massage that are given person to person, for example: sports, acupressure or deep tissue. It combines all of the above and even more, the end aim is to use the vibrations of the brush to penetrate and detoxify the bone. By doing this massage we feel empowered because we are taking charge of our health.

Because the self-massage is convenient and cheap - it's only the cost of a brush -  you can do it on a daily basis or at least a few times a week. The more you do, the more effective your massage will be.

When you do this massage,  don't be afraid to use power. You will feel a little pain but not too much. Each day you use it, your massage will get stronger and stronger. The aim of the massage is to keep the Qi and blood flowing properly, open the meridian channels, reduce any muscle tension,  detoxify the body, increase the immune system, and open the joints. 

In the UK, we don't have much sunshine and especially in winter, the cold can be a problem for people's joints especially when they get older.  Doing the Instant Health massage can help to reduce this problem.

The signs that you are doing the self-massage correctly is that your body skin will be incredibly soft. You will feel energized when you have done this massage. You will sleep better at night and have more energy throughout the day. You will get colds less often and you will feel stronger. 

I teach how to do this massage in all of my Qigong DVDs apart from Volume 1 and also in my book Instant Health: The Shaolin Qigong Workout For Longevity.
The massage equipment is available from my website.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Activate Your Environment To Support Your Goals

It's a good idea to have some small things in your home to remind you that you need to train. Whenever I travel, I always wear a Jade Buddha amulet. This isn't just for good luck, this also reminds me to be peaceful. If something difficult happens, I tell myself to calm myself down. I also carry a small Buddha with me. Before any important decision, I meditate for twenty minutes to clear my mind.

I also take my Instant Health Massage Brush with me, and a skipping rope in case I can't find a place to run then I can find a small park to skip for half an hour. This means, I never have an excuse not to train. 

In my office I have a Jade Energy Stone and a  Wooden Star Palm Massager in front of my computer. When I work at the computer a lot, I stop and use this to massage my hands for a while.

These are all powerful things to remind myself to have a positive mental outlook and to keep training. These positive things I surround myself with, make me feel that I'm not even training, this is just my routine, this is part of my life.

Different things inspire different people, think about what inspires you. Can you see it every day? Small changes in our environment can help us to activate our health and fitness goals and make them real. Research has shown that even simple things like using a smaller plate helps us to eat less. 

If you're environment isn't positive then change it so it is.  Make sure that your environment is supporting and not hindering your goals.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Body Conditioning & Qigong Self-Massage - Metal Massage Brush

For many years, my on-line students have asked me to provide them with the metal brush they have seen me using in my book and DVDs. I have been reluctant to do this without seeing the student first because this metal brush is not like the bamboo brush, if used incorrectly, it can cause damage to the body.

The person who uses this brush needs to be trained correctly and train with responsibility. But now that many of my students have followed all of the training from my first DVD through to my fifteenth, I feel, if their body is telling them they are ready to use this brush, then they are.

This is a professional brush, only to be used by highly trained martial artists, fighters, Qigong masters. It is not suitable for anyone under the age of 18, pregnant women, old people or health seekers. The Instant Health bamboo massage brush is perfect for most people and they should continue to use this rather than change to this metal brush.  The bamboo brush is safe to use for all people.

I had this metal brush hand-made to my specific specifications. It was difficult to find someone who could make it for me, and I only have a limited number available. This is a very heavy metal brush, it weighs about 1.6 kg and has 108 metal rods. Shaolin Temple is carved in Chinese on the end of the brush. If used correctly, it will last a lifetime.

Safety Guidelines for Using The Metal Massage Brush

1) The brush needs to be cleaned with a soft cloth before use. 

2) The brush must never be used on the head, face or any other sensitive area.

3) Keep the brush in a private place away from children and adults.

4) Never share the brush with another person.

5) Never use this brush without doing Qigong first. 

6) Warm up with the bamboo brush first then move onto the metal brush.

7) Do not use this brush for body conditioning unless you have had direct training from a qualified master.

8) Only use this brush for self-massage after the Qigong Forms that I teach on my DVDs.

9) Your body should feel happy when you massage. Listen to your body. If something feels wrong or there is any pain, stop immediately. 

10) Exercise extreme caution. Remember, this brush has the potential to damage your internal organs. Make sure you know and understand what you are doing. If in doubt, seek advice from a qualified instructor. 

I teach five Qigong forms that can be used with this brush. They can be found on the following DVDs:
The Way of Qigong Volume 1,2, & 3
Qigong For Upper Body & Lower Body
And in my book:
Instant Health: The Shaolin Qigong Workout For Longevity 

I also teach Iron Shirt for advanced practioners.

Apart from Qigong Volume 1, all of the above give precise instructions as to how to do the Instant Health Massage. The instructions are the same for the bamboo brush and the metal brush. If you are using the metal brush, warm up with the bamboo brush first. The metal brush gives a deeper vibration to the bones.

I've also made this video to give more clarification on the different uses of the brushes. This is only for a guide and is not a teaching video. Please refer to my teaching DVDs and books for correct instructions on the self-massage.

The metal massage brush is available from my website.

Friday 18 November 2011

Five Easy Toning Exercises you can Do Anywhere

Exercise is an important part of our lives. Staying in shape is one way to increase your life expectancy. Weight bearing exercises are important also for increasing muscle mass and bone density as you age.

Most of us have learned what to do when it comes to exercising. The problem is where and when to get the job done. With a busy lifestyle, making time for exercise is a challenge.

Weight bearing exercises aren’t just for bodybuilders. As you age, especially once you hit the

easy toning exercises

Thursday 17 November 2011

It Has to Be QUALITY


Quality Food is a MUST
QUALITY life…WOW…doesn’t that sound absolutely FABULOUS...well of course and I really believe in that all the way around.  I am into quality relationships, quality healthy foods, quality splurge meals when I have them, quality time, a quality simple life, and YES…QUALITY moves during my workouts.  If it is not quality…forget it…I mean really.  I am not going to waste my time performing an exercise that will get me nowhere and in fact, would probably injure me in the process…A BIG NO THANKS. I am into QUALITY over quantity…maintaining my physique is not a competition of how much I can lift or rep…it is about creating and being the BEST ME with my quality exercise and with the new modified body that I have.   Society today is so caught up in fast this and fast that, competing with him or her….YUCK…I would love the whole world to get a good wallop on the head, slow down, and enjoy just BEING, enjoy the gift of moving their bodies for the health of that body and who the hell cares what he, she, or all the other somebody else’s are doing…being healthy is not a competition…it is a lifestyle…and a glorious one at that.  Quality has so much to do with that…if I did not live a quality life how could I be a quality person taking care of myself…I would be one of those rush in and out of the gym and maybe get it right…WRONG…NOT for this fitness girl.  What kind of example would I be setting for anyone, and especially those that I train/coach…YIKES?  It has to be QUALITY…it has to be GOOD FORM, TECHNIQUE…and everything that creates a MORE than great workout experience.  When it comes to my QUALITY workout, I concentrate on proper posture, always drawing my navel into my spine…this makes me wear my STRING (if you have followed my Blogs, you know that my String is my pretend connection from my sternum to the ceiling and ensures that I am standing in proper posture). 

Posture is key to Quality Exercise
I put my mind where the muscle is, think about that muscle moving through its range of motion (ROM), and the joint actions that are involved in the move…if I am performing a biceps curl for example…I will not be moving my shoulder joint, and definitely not swinging at the hips to get the weight up…OH MY…HURT MYSELF gosh.  Having a private studio is great because I definitely cringe going into public facilities where injuries are going to happen due to non-quality moves…this is a whole other story though…so back to my QUALITY workouts.  The point I am trying to bring home here, is that life is too short not to do things right….to be a quality person, eat quality foods, enjoy quality time with friends and family, and definitely perform QUALITY workouts…all these things done in a quality way…are truly a big part of happiness, success in health and a balanced life…and the QUALITY workouts…well…this 47 year young body says a BIG THANK YOU! Stay Healthy!

MOTIVATION OF THE DAY:  Quality Exercise Produces Quality Results

My Nutrition of the Day:
Meal 4
Coffee, one cup ~ splash of n/f creamer
1-Stay Healthy Harvest Protein Muffin
2-Post Workout Shake & ¼ pumpkin seeds
3-Four Egg whites on Thin Bun & Apple
4-Small sweet potato and ¼ cup N/F Plain Greek yogurt
5-Scratch Chicken Vegetable Soup
6-1 Tbsp peanut butter on Rice Cake

My Workout of the Day:
ARC Trainer for 20 minutes
HIIT Program (repeated 2 xs)
Move 1: Squat, Curl & Press
Targets: Quads, delts, glutes, biceps, & triceps.

Move 2: Walking lunge & Oblique twist with dumbbell/medicine ball

Targets: Quads, core/obliques

Move 3: Overhead Triceps Extensions
Targets: Triceps

Move 4: Low Rows
Targets: Back

Move 5: Medicine Ball/Dumbbell Pullover

Targets: Back, chest, shoulders, and abs

Move 6:  Pop Squats

Targets: glutes, thighs, and burns fat all over!!

Move 7: Calf Raise
Targets: Calves

Move 8: Seated Medicine Ball Twist
Targets: abs/obliques

Stay Healthy Harvest Protein Muffin..FABULOUS
Check out my Stay Healthy Harvest Protein Muffin Recipe perfect for the holidays or anytime…Newly Added to the In My Kitchen Page!!!


Stay Healthy!