Friday 31 December 2010

Want To Lower Your Cholesterol? Try Oranges And Grapefruits

By Miranda Laranjo

In the United States, it is estimated that nearly 20 percent of all adults suffer from some degree of high cholesterol. With much public health focus upon the risks of cardiovascular disease, there is a drive in our society to find ways in which to promote a healthier outcome without significant prescription medication usage.

To prevent life threatening cardiovascular events, there are a variety of diet, exercise and lifestyle choices that must be made. The ultimate goal, however, should be to reduce blood cholesterol levels. With this information in mind, many adults are focusing upon natural methods in which to promote a healthy lifestyle, consuming more fruits and vegetables.

When choosing fruits and vegetables, it is important to understand that specific types of fruits may have a more advantageous impact on the lowering of blood cholesterol when compared to other types of fruits. In fact, the specific consumption of flavanoids and limonoids, found in citrus juice, may be the key component of food that naturally reduces cholesterol. In fact, the flavanoids found in oranges and grapefruits, known as hesperetin and naringenin, respectively, may be the two most profound natural components in the fight against high cholesterol. To be effective, however, it is necessary to consume three servings of these fruits per day, over a four week period.

If your physician has advised that your LDL cholesterol levels are too high, it is important to find ways in which to reduce those levels. With proper diet and exercise, you can manage your cholesterol levels more appropriately and reduce your risk for a cardiovascular health complication. For immediate results, consuming three servings of oranges or grapefruits may provide a powerful impact. However, for some cardiovascular patients, especially those with ulcer or prior gastrointestinal complications, the consumption of high levels of citrus fruits may lead to other health complications. For this reason, ask your health-care professional about the use of liminoids and flavanoids in your cholesterol-fighting diet.

With cardiovascular disease a leading health concern in the United States, many adults are turning to natural ways in which to promote health. Since cholesterol levels are significant in the gateway to cardiovascular disease, it is important to manage your cholesterol levels in a smart way by consuming healthier food choices. If your physician clears your use of citrus fruits, try consuming three servings of oranges or grapefruits, over a four week period, to lower your LDL cholesterol levels significantly.

This guide will help you with raising HDL Cholesterol Levels to ensure you remain heart healthy.It is essential that you
regulate your cholesterol levels by taking care of your food intake. Visit

Monday 27 December 2010

3 Super Foods To Get Rid Of Cellulite For Good

By Sean T Mcdade

So, you aspire to cure cellulite without going to the gym, without cream, and without expensive surgical treatments -- is that right? Well, then you've come to the right place! Right below here you'll discover three amazing foods which can not only cure cellulite into submission, they'll actually keep it from ever coming back too!

3 Foods That Protect Against & Cure Cellulite...

1. Fish: Fatty fish and fish oils consist of a plethora of essential amino acids that work on strengthening and fortifying skin cells. Stronger, more fortified skin cells will lead to improved tone & texture for your skin. In layman's terms, ingesting fatty fish and fish oils daily can minimize the appearance of cellulite (dimply skin).

2. Peas & Beans: Weakened connective tissue is a MAJOR reason why cellulite bumps and dimples start showing up. What beans, peas, & legumes do is they improve these tissues extensively. When they get strong enough, cellulite will no longer be able to push through and produce that dimply look, referred to as "orange peel". Add beans or peas to every one of your daily meals to give an extremely big boost to your connective tissues.

3. Nuts: Healthy fats, protein, and fiber are what makes nuts an incredible anti cellulite food. 1 or 2 handfuls every day -- Pecans, Walnuts, Peanuts, Almonds, etc. -- ought to be good enough. It's also necessary to keep in mind that most kinds of nuts can be VERY fattening if you do not control yourself. The last thing you'd want to do is to trade your cellulite deposits for REAL fat, right?

Are these the only three foods which can cure cellulite? No, of course not. There are at least a dozen other foods that can be eaten in order to protect against & get rid of cellulite deposits, but these are three of the best.

Looking for information on the absolute best ways to reduce cellulite? Then head on over to, one of the most trusted and informative cellulite treatment websites on the web.

Tuesday 21 December 2010

4 Step Plan To Get Rid Of Acne Scars Easily

By Sean T Saunders

Acne Scars may most certainly put a damper on an individual's social life. In some instances, individuals suffer from very frustrating and embarrassing breakouts which make a total mess of their face and make them want to keep indoors and not socialize in any way, shape, or form. Should you be a victim of seriously bad breakouts, you must take control and find out how to remove acne scars so you may gain your confidence back.

Get Rid Of Your Acne Scars Easily...

Shed Your Dead Skin: It is vital to find ways to clear away your dead skin to ensure that new skin may grow. With that said, you really should begin using lemon juice as you clean your face. This will assist in shedding more layers of dead skin quickly and make scars less noticeable to the eye. Each layer that's removed is yet another step towards your acne scarring being totally wiped out.

Smooth the Skin Surface: Olive oil is known to be very efficient at smoothing the surface of the skin. This is of particular interest to individuals whose acne scars have caused an extremely rough skin surface. Dabbing olive oil over the areas a couple of times each day will help to smooth out those acne scars so you can reclaim an even skin tone and texture.

Healing Your Skin: Juice from cucumbers can be used to overcome acne breakouts. However, what many people fail to realize is that it's also a great method of healing the skin and getting rid of acne scars. Apply cucumber juice to your face daily and you should notice that acne scars are starting to slowly fade away.

Rejuvenate the Skin: One very powerful and all-natural way of rejuvenating the skin is by using tomato slices on the areas with acne scarring. Just put tomato slices on your face, and then leave them there for approximately 15 minutes. Tomatoes have wonderful healing properties since they're loaded with antioxidants; those of which help to repair the skin. Once you eradicate any & all dead skin (previous step), the tomato slices will help you attain a healthier looking skin surface soon after.

You now know exactly how to remove acne scars with 4 easy steps. Are these steps sure to eliminate acne scarring? Regrettably, no -- however, that doesn't mean they won't help. And besides, if these techniques don't work for you, there are still plenty of other, more effective ways of how to get rid of acne scars.

Whatever types of acne you might have, can help you to get rid of them fast! Their powerful natural remedies can cure acne breakouts in no time at all. Guaranteed!

Thursday 16 December 2010

Shaolin Skype - Making Authentic Shaolin Accessible To All

I am passionate about Shaolin not only as a martial art but also as a powerful tool to help people live longer, be happier, fitter, healthier. I am always looking for ways to help people master the Shaolin Arts and get closer so they can experience the real Shaolin. My aim is to take away any obstacles that may get in the way. This is why I make  books and DVDs. I hope that wherever you are in the world, you feel as if you are training in the temple alongside me.  

When I first came to study at the Shaolin Temple I was confused by the different forms and training. I studied a myriad of different forms before I found the true jewels of the training. My training and experience means your time is not wasted. When you train with me you are being handed my twenty-five years of experience. I only teach what is relevant. Time is precious. I don't want to waste your time in learning something that isn't. This would be a waste of my time too.

In accordance with the Temple of Zen, I aim to teach as clearly and simply as possible but I recognize that as a student's training deepens there may be aspects of the training that can't be answered through my DVDs and books. This is why I am now offering Shaolin Skype sessions.

Who are the Shaolin Skype sessions for?

Do you have a niggling doubt that you may be doing the breathing or some of the movements incorrectly?
Are you struggling to stay motivated and committed to your health and fitness program?
Do you want a personalized program tailored to your health concerns?
Do you want more detailed specific advice?
Is there a martial application that you want to learn that I don't teach in my DVDs?
Suffering from injury and want help in recovering?

If you've answered yes to any of these questions then these sessions may be for you.

How does it work?

A Shaolin Skype class is the same as if you were coming to see me for a one2one. The Shaolin Skype Session last 45 minutes and is available exclusively to subscribers of my newsletter.

What do I need?

A Skype account. If you don't have one already then you can sign up for free.
A web cam.
A Wi-Fi connection.

What do I need to do?

Wear loose comfortable clothing
Be in a quiet private space with phones switched to silence
Log on a few minutes before the designated time

How do I book?

If you haven't already then subscribe to my mailing list
Follow the link to buy a voucher and receive a Shaolin Skype session for £60.00
Once you have made the payment you will receive a pdf gift voucher together with instructions as to how to book.
The vouchers are non refundable and valid for twelve months.

What happens after I've bought a voucher?

You can make an appointment to have a session with me at any time within the next twelve months.
Bookings are made up to three months in advance.
Simply email my team and let them know when you're available.
They will then book you in, and send you a series of questions via email.
Your answers will be strictly confidential and help me to tailor my session for you.

Only subscribers to my mailing list can receive a Shaolin Skype Session. Subscribe today and receive 20% off.

Wednesday 15 December 2010

How To Choose The Correct Protein Powder Supplement For You

By Jim Duffy

The average diet has more than enough protein to meet daily needs, however, there are often times when the average diet becomes less than normal and may not be as adequate as it should be. Between the busy life that the average person leads and constant yo-yo or fad dieting, the fact is that what we should be eating quickly becomes what we do not eat and what we sorely miss.

For optimal health, every diet must contain the right amounts of the three macro-nutrients, protein, carbohydrates and fats. There have been many diets that have tried to severely limit or even eliminate one or the other of these vital building blocks of life, with little success. Yes, there are bad food choices among these three categories, but there are excellent food options among them too. While it is best that nutrition come from healthy, whole food choices whenever possible, it is not always feasible. We live on the run and on the road. Many of us spend most of the day with the steering wheel in one hand and a cell phone in the other. Eating healthy foods is hard enough, let alone trying to shop for and cook these options. We succumb to the lure of the drive-thru and then bemoan our chubby tummies. There is not enough time in the day to sit down for a meal that does not involve packets of ketchup or interruption by a cell phone call or the need to check our Facebook or our Twitter. When in our busy day are we going to fit in exercise?

While it should be next to impossible to have inadequate protein in the average diet, it is possible for those who are simply not eating at all because they think they can finally manage to get their weight under control if they do not eat solid food. What they succeed in doing is shutting down their metabolism all together. But, then what are they using for the energy to continue to live? Their body is burning energy stores, that is true, but only in limited amounts. What their body is actually burning might be their own lean muscle mass.

It is important that we not only become more educated about our health and nutrition needs and, but also about metabolism and weight loss. There are 34 million people in the United States who are medically obese. (Source: ) At any one point in the year, there are over 20 million people who are starting, in the middle of or giving up on a diet. (Source:

Many of those people will try sensible diets that are nutritious and have the right amount of calories for optimal health. Unfortunately, many more of them will choose a fad diet that will sadly fail for them. There are countless reasons that these people will give for the diets that they choose, with some of them using the lack of time as one of the reasons that they do not eat well. For them, opting for protein supplements might be a better way to protect their health and to make sure they are getting enough of this important nutrient each day. Whether they are looking for a protein supplement that can serve as a protein booster or a meal replacement, they need to know what the different types are, the advantages and disadvantages of each and what makes them different from one another.

If you are interested in finding a good protein supplement, there are a few things that you should be looking at, including the ingredients and the nutritional value. Here are some suggestions for the best protein supplements, including choices for vegetarians and vegans as well as for those who have food allergies.

A final note: if you have any medical conditions, including serious food allergies, it is important to make sure that you are consulting a doctor, a dietitian or a nutritionist before adding protein supplements to your diet plan.

The Protein Supplement Options

Protein supplements come in many different forms, including powders, bars, liquid supplements, shakes and even pudding. There is a weight loss program that suggests eating a pudding "shot" before each meal so that you eat less while enjoying your favorite foods. The protein in the pudding shot fills you up and protects against muscle loss. The choice of which protein supplement is right for your will depend on a number of factors. Obviously, a powder would have to be mixed before you consume it, making it more suitable for use at home. There are portable, battery operated mixers that you could use for these powders, or you could mix and take along your supplement. Premade protein shakes and drinks might be handy to use, but can sometimes come in larger sizes that are not easy to carry around or might be too large for a quick boost. Profect, a liquid supplement shot from Protica, is fast and easy to drink, with only 100 calories and a full 25 grams of protein per serving.

No matter what type of protein supplement you are looking at, consider its cost and its ingredients before making a final selection.

The Protein Powders

There are four kinds of protein powders: whey, soy, egg and rice. Among these, there are some that are single ingredient and some that are combination. It is important to read the ingredients of these powders, especially if you are allergic to one or the other of these types of proteins. If you are not sure about an allergy, stick to single ingredient powders until you know that they are safe.

Whey Protein Powder -- Whey protein is derived from milk and is the most common type of protein powder. There are two types of whey protein powder, a concentrate and an isolate. The concentrate is the most common and the least expensive in most cases. The concentrate contains 30-85% protein while the isolate has around 90%. The isolate also has less fat and less lactose than the concentrate.

In addition, the whey protein isolate has 50% more leucine than soy protein, which has the advantage of building more lean muscle tissues and lowering body fat.

The benefits of whey protein powder are that it boosts immunity, is an optimal source of amino acids, including the essential amino acids, it enhances muscle recovery after workouts and prevents muscle loss after workouts. It increases glutathione, an antioxidant that is important for a healthy immune system. Whey protein releases hunger suppressing hormones as well.

Its sole disadvantage is that it is not meant for those who are lactose intolerant.

Soy Protein Powder -- Like whey, soy can be either a concentrate or an isolate, with the isolate providing more protein. Soy is the only plant based protein that is complete, meaning that it contains all eight of the essential amino acids. (The human body makes many of its own amino acids, but cannot make leucine, isoleucine, valine, threonine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan and lysine). Soy protein powder is derived from soy flour and is highly digestible.

The benefits of soy protein powder are that it improves the nutritional value of foods, lowers cholesterol and lowers the risk of heart disease. Soy protein powder is one of the few protein supplements that is appropriate for a vegetarian or vegan diet.

The disadvantage is that it is not meant for those who are allergic to soy or soy products.

Egg Protein Powder -- Eggs are the perfect protein source, and are the protein that all others are judged and evaluated against. Eggs are complete proteins, meaning that all eight essential amino acids are present. The protein powder is created from egg whites so that it is fat free. Egg protein powder is the highest source of the amino acids alanine, argine, glycine and methane.

Its disadvantages are that it is not meant for those who have egg allergies, and it is not for vegans.

Rice Protein Powder -- Rice protein powder is derived from brown rice and is a complete protein source. The biggest advantage of rice protein powder is that it is hypoallergenic and is perfect for those who have any kind of allergies. It is also perfect for vegetarians and vegans.

Its disadvantage is that it may not be easy to find.

Protica Research (Protica, Inc.) specializes in the development of Capsulized Foods. Protica manufactures IsoMetric, Pediagro, Fruitasia and over 100 other brands, including Medicare-approved, whey protein bullets for bariatric patients. You can learn more at - Copyright

Monday 13 December 2010

The Seven Laws Of Success - How Your Daily Workout Can Help You Achieve Your Dreams

Working Out The Mind & Body

Before I came to the West I only knew what was taught in the four walls of the Shaolin Temple. I knew there were other martial arts outside of Kung Fu and Qigong but I had never seen them before. When I came to the London I was curious and went to many classes to study. I wasn't so much interested in the different techniques. I was interested in how the mind worked. Would the mind of a Muay Thai fighter work differently to a Sanda fighter?

But the most important mind that we need to get to know is our own. It saddens me to think of the many people who workout without using their mind. At the temple, our training is always seen as a meditation. The mind and body work in a unique way and by using our workout as a meditation we infuse our self with a deep sense of spaciousness and peace. So next time you are running, swimming, weight lifting, practicing Qigong or doing a kung fu class either through a DVD or in a class, use my  seven laws to help you achieve success not just in your workout but in your life.

Now Is All We Have

Our mind is a muddy glass of water. It's only when we allow our mind to be still that the mud can settle to the bottom and we can have clarity. The present moment is changing fast and our mind is constantly darting between the past, present and future. To calm it down, we give our mind an object to settle on. The object is our breath and our movement. Once our mind is calm it can then gain the powerful focus of a laser.

Star In Your Own Movie

There are some places in this world that give us great peace. For some people, it may be a Buddhist Temple, others a church, others may find peace in nature. Before you begin your martial arts session, take a few moments to close your eyes. Approach your workout as if you are about to enter that place that gives you peace. Then, begin to imagine yourself at your best, in peak health, flexible, and relaxed. If you're doing bag training, picture your self kicking the bag with power and speed. If you're going through my Qigong DVD then you're staying completely focused on the movement. Runners imagine yourself running effortlessly, your body as light as a feather.

 Believe You Can

" Believing in something beyond the self can have a hugely psychological impact, even if the belief is fallacious." Bounce by Matthew Syed.

Faith is vitally important. Give me a fighter with faith and a fighter with good skill and the fighter with faith will win. We need to believe in our self and in a bigger wisdom than our self. Belief is the first step of our training. A belief that we can do this.

Shaolin Kung Fu Training is hard. It challenges us. This is why we gain in confidence. We are now doing something we never thought possible. We look back and see how far we've come. Our workout has taken us out of comfort zone. It didn't just challenge our body, it challenged our mind. We are taking part in a tradition that is thousands of years old. We are keeping it alive and applying it in our life so that we can become an urban warrior.

Let Go

Shaolin Training is an effective tool to deal with worries and problems. But how do we apply this? Using our workout as a meditation gives us a mini holiday from the circle of our thoughts. It allows us to let go of our worries and problems. This crucial mini holiday helps us to get a bigger perspective so we can deal with our problems more effectively because we no longer feel swamped by them.


It takes many hours to become a master of something. Once the sport is mastered, a different part of the brain is being used and this is when the workout begins to feel like an instinct. But this only happens with very purposeful practice. Doing the thing that you're bad at makes you into a champion. Failing over and over again makes you into a champion. If there's a certain kung fu kick you struggle with then keep practicing it. Spar against people who are better than you, this is the only way you will learn. Struggling with stamina? Do interval training and hill running.  


When you can easily get through your workout, it means it's time to move on. Never stop believing in yourself and never stop challenging yourself. If you are lazy in your workout, are you being lazy in your life? If you're limiting yourself in your workout, in what ways are you limiting yourself in your life?


Your Shaolin Kung Fu Workout is a blueprint for your life. From success in your workout, you can go and achieve success in your life. And remember it's not about winning or losing. It's about doing everything with passion and mindfulness so it has meaning for you. You can't control the outcome but what you can control is having fun in the process.

If you like my blog posts then please sign up to my newsletters to receive more tips and exclusive offers.

Thursday 9 December 2010

What Are The Health Risks Of A Vitamin D Overdose?

By Victor Properties

Vitamin D is essential to your good health, but like everything else, it should not be overdone! It is possible to experience a vitamin D overdose, especially since we actually need fairly low levels of vitamin D in our bodies to function.

What causes a vitamin D overdose? Exposure to sunlight is the primary source of vitamin D, and as little as fifteen minutes of sunlight "therapy" three times a week is all you really need for your body to produce the vitamin D you need. You cannot overdose on vitamin D by getting too much sun, though, as your body only produces what you need.

You will probably also not experience a vitamin D overdose from food sources. Too many supplements are often to blame for excessive vitamin D intake, as your body cannot shut down the absorption of vitamins from supplements. This can cause the build up of vitamin D to toxic levels. Ironically, toxic levels of vitamin D are often the result of therapeutic prescription of the supplement due to an original deficiency - high levels may have been prescribed for patients with rickets, for instance.

A vitamin D overdose is never the result of a single high dose, rather the levels of toxicity in the body builds up in the body's fat cells over time. Most nutrients that we consume too much of, the body simply gets rid of; however, with vitamin D it has no such mechanism, but stores the excess in the fat cells. It is the stored vitamin D that eventually leads to toxic amounts in your body.

The upper intake levels for babies are 25 micrograms, while for older children and adults, 50 micrograms per day are sufficient. Children will suffer from toxicity more quickly than adults.

What are the health risks of a vitamin D overdose?

1. Because vitamin D has primarily the function of encouraging calcium absorption, high levels of calcium in the blood is possible. This could lead to excessive calcium in the intestinal tract.

2. High levels of phosphate and calcium in the lungs, heart and kidneys, which can damage your organs permanently.

3. Loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and weight loss.

4. High levels in the kidneys can lead to kidney stones, renal failure and excessive production of urine.

5. If you are pregnant, a vitamin D overdose can cause deformities in your baby.

6. Other symptoms include bone pain, fatigue, excessive thirst and dehydration, itchy skin and deafness.

An overdose can be treated by simply stopping the intake of supplements, and lowering the amount of calcium you ingest until the symptoms stop.

Always consult your doctor before taking vitamin supplements, and in the case of vitamin D, when you get a lot of sun exposure, you will probably not need to take vitamin D supplements at all. Vitamin D in the correct amounts is essential to good health.

Learn more about Stop by Victor Properties's site where you can find out all about and what it can do for you.

Tuesday 7 December 2010

The Zen Koan Workout

The world of Western traditional physical exercise is beginning to catch up with what  martial artists have known for thousands of years. Fitness is not just about burning calories and sweating. It’s about being healthy from the inside out and using breath and movement as a way to gain a deeper understanding of ourselves.  Research is revealing that this mind-body fitness not only keeps us healthy but also greatly helps to banish stress and is aids longevity.

Planting the seed

As martial artists, we trust that our final goal of conquering ourselves will be reached effortlessly. The goal is the seed. Through being in the moment and turning up for our martial art’s training sessions we carefully nurture that seed. When we are ready this seed becomes the goal we planted all of those years ago without us having to tinker with it or turn our thoughts to it. It’s almost like something we put away in a drawer and forgot about. 

But training is not possible without some basic level of health. Most of us take health for granted and it’s only when we get a cold or an injury that we are reminded how lucky we are to have the good health to train.

Mind- Body Fitness

Sometimes a person can look strong but this doesn’t mean they’re healthy. Body builders may be inflexible and internally weak. Yoga practioners may be flexible but ask him or her to perform a martial art’s kick and they have no power or speed. This is one of the reasons why there are so many different Shaolin exercises and forms. We work with our whole body and our bodywork has an affect on our mind.

We mix different kinds of training together to make our mind and body connect and work together. We want our stamina and flexibility to work together and our power and speed to work together. At the Shaolin Temple we build up our fitness level from our health not the other way round. Fitness is much more than good stamina.

Peaceful Monks

Sometimes a person may not look strong but they look healthy because of their skin and eyes and when they talk their mind is calm. I have witnessed many Buddhist monks like that. There is something about them, which makes a person feel calm when they are in their presence. Health means that they have a peaceful mind and their internal organs work well. 

Fitness from the inside out

The world of Western traditional physical exercise emphasizes the need for cardiovascular and strength training but they are increasingly beginning to realise that for true fitness we also need to practise stretching and Qigong. Health and fitness usually mean two different things but for optimum fitness and true health we need to bring the two together and join them in a union.

Once you have a healthy body this means you have the foundation to be able to get fit. Fitness doesn’t mean you can run ten kilometers or you can lift very heavy weights, fitness means you have good stamina, you are flexible and your reaction time is very swift.

Suggested Training Plan – How To Start

It is not necessary to be a Shaolin martial artist to run through this training plan below but it is suitable for any martial artist.

1) Run for twenty minutes to make your body hot.
2) Raise each knee a hundred times to loosen your muscles.
3) Stretch your legs and hips.
4) Practise the five fundamental Shaolin kicks.
5) Do some push ups to train your upper body.
6) Traditional punches to stretch out the muscles.
Repeat 2) – 6) three times.

Once you have finished this training we can do some traditional forms or if you are a Thai boxer or kick boxer then you can shadow box and kick different combinations to make your mind and body work together. Do a workout from one of my workout or bootcamp DVDs. 

If you don’t like training outside and you train in the gym or in your home then at the beginning of your training session you can skip or ride a bicycle instead of going for a run. The important thing is to make your body hot.


After we have gone through this training plan, we finish our training with Qigong. At the Shaolin Temple we never do fitness training alone but always balance it out with the practice Qigong to enhance the power of our external training and balance our Yin and Yang. Qigong helps us to feel peaceful, concentrated, positive and focused.

The Power Of Qi

Many athletes especially long distance runners and cyclists know that it is their mind as much as their body that gets them through the race. Once their mind has given up then they too will give up and they won’t be able to continue and complete or win the race.

But even though they understand the power of their mind, they don’t understand the power of Qi. This is why they end up retiring when they are in their thirties. They don’t look after their internal organs. Shaolin Monks do which is why their training deepens as they get older.           

Effortless effort

When I look at someone who is truly fit, everything they do looks easy. They are very flexible because when they run they tell their body to keep light and positive. When they punch or kick, they tell themselves to relax and use their body more. When they lift weights, they know exactly which muscle they need to use and which muscle they don’t need to use. When they practise Qigong they know when they need to inhale and when they need to exhale. They focus on what they need to focus on and this gives them confidence and power. They understand that if their mind is strong then their body is strong and if their body is strong then their mind is strong. It’s not possible to separate the two out.

A Zen Koan

Martial artists have always used both; they have always used the breath because it is the link between the mind and body. They have always focused on the present moment because it is the only moment when we can be truly alive. This is why – in the past –Masters sometimes used shock tactics or said Koans in an attempt to awaken their student to what life really is. 

What is the sound of one hand clapping?

If we try to understand with our intellect then we’ll never understand and if we try to do martial arts with our intellect we shall also never understand. 
Only when we have cultivated strong willpower and let go of our mind can we move to hard training to build up our stamina level and create from out of ourselves a warrior’s mind and body.

Some Natural Remedies For Ear Nose And Throat Ailments

By Anne Jansen

Ear nose throat illnesses are the most common ailments that
are reported each year. Most of the trips to the doctor's
office are about ear nose throat worries. The common
ailments ENT physicians treat are nosebleeds, ear
infections, sleep apnea, sinusitis, allergies, and
tonsillitis. Although there is no substitute for a visit to
the doctor's office, natural cures you can try at home
can give you fast relief.

Drinking a great deal of water and other fluids like fruit
juices can help loosen congestion. Warm herbal teas - such
as chamomile tea (for sore throat), thyme tea (natural
expectorant), peppermint tea (natural decongestant), and
aniseed and holy basil tea (for express cough relief) - also
give express relief from ear nose throat ailments.

Steer clear of alcohol and caffeinated beverages during ear
nose throat ailments. They only make your dehydration worse.

Chicken soup is not only for the soul, it is also for your
colds and cough. It is efficient in relieving cold and flu
symptoms. It acts as an anti-inflammatory and it accelerates
the movement of mucus to help lighten congestion.

If you have a sore throat, gargling warm water with a half
teaspoon of salt
can temporarily relieve the pain. Add
antibacterial action by adding essential oils such as lemon,
bergamot and tea tree to your warm salt water gargle.

Inhaling aromatherapy steam during sinusitis attack can help
unclog your airways. Adding essential oils such as anise,
peppermint, or eucalyptus to the steam inhalation offers
anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antibacterial properties
to your aromatherapy steam.

One of the best herbal medicines in the kitchen is garlic.
Its antimicrobial properties are truly efficient in curing
ear nose throat complaints, such as laryngitis and ear

Many can attest the effectiveness of herbal home remedies
for common ear nose throat health conditions. However, they
are best used as preventive measures only. Use home cures
during the first stages of the problems. Remember, don't
ignore symptoms when they persist. Make it a point to see an
ENT doctor if the complaints seem to continue on for several
days or more than usual and if you feel that they have aggravated.

For problems concerning ( snoring,
only trust qualified ( ENT
specialists. This article,
Natural Home Remedies To Treat Common Ear Nose Throat
Problems is available for free reprint.

Friday 3 December 2010

Improve Your Energy And Endurance With Liquid Oxygen

By Tracy Woods

A liquid oxygen supplement can boost your endurance and
energy levels. Most of these supplements are made with
water, sodium bicarbonate, electrolytes, potassium chloride,
and various other compounds. They not only improve
endurance, but they help with headaches, jet-lag, hangovers,
altitude sickness, and fatigue.

Studies have revealed that a healthy person only gets half
the amount of oxygen needed to enjoy life to the maximum.
Living in an environment that is oxygen deficient starves
body cells of nutrients. This prevents the flushing out of
waste and toxins which causes the blood to become poisoned
and dirty.

The human body is an incredible piece of machinery. In
addition to its numerous functions, it can also eliminate
dangerous organisms. The white blood cells fight off disease
by feeding super-oxide to the damaged cells. Super-oxide works
the same as nascent oxygen. This boost enables new white
cells to form and they instantly join the battle against the

If used as a supplement, oxygen continually helps the growth
of these vital new white cells in order to keep the body
energetic, healthy, and strong. When the oxygen is bottled,
stabilized oxygen is used to prevent the oxygen from being
released until it is needed. This is accomplished by the use
of compounds made of oxygen atoms that work as buffers.

Stress can be reduced by taking an oxygen supplement. When
we are stressed, breathing becomes shallow and fast. This
only accentuates the problem because the body is deprived of
oxygen. Additional oxygen will normalize the heart rate and
have an overall calming effect.

You can also use liquid oxygen as a nasal spray, inhaler,
mouthwash, gargle, and as a colon cleanser. Boost your pets'
energy levels and immune systems by adding it to their
drinking water. You can prevent bacteria from tainting your
fruit and vegetables by spraying them. Apply on indoor
plants to keep them healthy and fresh.

Improve your physical endurance and energy this month with
stabilized oxygen. Get the details this month in our best
( oxygen supplements website.