Wednesday 30 September 2009

Stay Healthy Grilled Salmon and Green Sides


Hi Readers!!!

Do you want to try this absolutely easy to make meal power packed with all the protein, omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants that your body needs. Fire up the outdoor gas grill to medium/high heat and let's get cooking a Stay Healthy Meal!!!

Stay Healthy Grilled Salmon and Green Sides
Nice Cut of Salmon (a portion will be the size of your palm)
Fresh Rosemary
Garlic Cloves
Fresh Basil

Place the Salmon onto a piece of heavy duty foil creating sides to hold any juices and spices. Squeeze fresh lemon juice over the fish. Finely chop 2-3 garlic cloves and sprinkle on top, strip the fresh basil and sprinkle over the fish, followed with the fresh chopped basil leaves. If you do not have fresh rosemary and basil, feel free to use jarred spice. Carefully place your foiled creation onto the prepared grill and cook for 20-25 minutes.

The Greens
1lb Brussel Sprouts
1 to 2 tbsp REAL butter or Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Parmesan Cheese (very light dusting)

In a large pot, bring water to a boil. Wash and drain brussel sprouts. Carefully pour into boiling water and let cook until fork tender, about 10 minutes. Drain off the water, and add the 1-2 tbsp real butter, or olive oil and lightly dust with Parmesan cheese. Stir and set aside.

Spinach Apple Salad
Fresh baby spinach leaves
1 Fuji apple diced
1 handful crumbled walnuts
1 handful Craisins (dried cranberries)
2 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Balsamic Vinegar to your liking
Dried Oregano Leaves
Dried Sweet Basil Leaves
Ground Thyme
Ground Sage

In a large bowl place the baby spinach leaves, add chopped apple, handful of crumbled walnuts, and Craisins. In a separate cup stir together Olive Oil, balsamic vinegar, oregano, basil, thyme and sage. Pour dressing over the salad and toss until all ingredients are well coated.

Now create a beautiful plate filled with color, texture, and fabulous tastes that you will feel good eating, and satisfied that you MADE THIS. Dinner just does not get any better....Let me know how it turned out!!!

Stay Healthy!!!
Darla Benfield, LCPT, LCMT

Thursday 24 September 2009

Human Growth Hormone Supplements - The Facts

By Bethany Jordin

HGH supplements are one of the latest craze today in the
field of health and supplementation. With all the talk about
HGH supplements, let us discuss the facts and separate them
from the fiction that's been going around about HGH products
in the market.

There are of course literally hundreds of websites marketing
and selling HGH supplements. It is a huge niche market. As
you would expect, every company claims to have the best
product that out-performs all of the others. But is it true?

So how to sort out the jokers from the good guys; the good
product from the bad; those that really do work, from those
that really don't? There are some crooks out there who will
sell you a harmless but ineffective placebo because they
make more profit that way. But how can you recognize and
avoid them? One way of spotting the rogues is by the
exaggerated claims that they make about their product. So
let's have a look at a few of these wild claims and see if
any of them hold any water.

Claim: That HGH supplements add up to 8.8% of genuine extra
muscle tone, and that you will also lose 14.4% of your body
without having to do any physical exercise or having to
go on a calorie controlled diet. Our response: The figures
used in this claim are taken from research done by Dr Rudman
in 1990. Whilst the figures themselves are true, his
methodology was to use injections of HGH. The supplemental
product making this claim is in capsule format. Capsules
deliver a significantly smaller dose of HGH than do
injections, and therefore any comparison is invalid.
Capsules can, and do work, but it is over a longer duration,
by slow build up.

Claim: Our pill/powder/spray contains the real human growth
hormone. Fact: First, know that HGH is a prescription drug.
If you put real HGH in significant amounts, it will no
longer be considered a supplement, but a drug. A drug can
only be sold with prescription, so technically it is illegal
to market them without it. Most websites market HGH
supplements that either contain homeopathic amounts of HGH -
meaning really minute amounts (up to 2 micrograms), or HGH
boosters/releasers which contain ingredients that stimulate
the natural production of HGH in the brain.

Claim: The FDA approves the HGH used in their product. Our
response: This is incorrect. The FDA does not get involved
in any way, shape, or form, with the health food supplement
industry, of which HGH supplements are a part. This lack of
regulation is one of the reasons that there are so many
different supplemental products on the market, but in truth,
none of them can be FDA approved. If they say they are, they

So are there supplements worth taking? Although this article
outlines some of the points to be careful about when buying
HGH supplements, it does not deny the fact that many HGH
products sold by reliable websites are actually effective.
It is only a matter of choosing the right website to trust,
and staying away from sellers who make false claims just to
make a sale.

HGH supplements are worth taking if you choose the right
brand and company to buy from. As with all supplements it is
advisable to consult your professional health care provider
before adding HGH supplements to your lifestyle.

Bethany Jordin is an Information Technology professional and
aspiring writer who focuses on topics relating to herbal
supplementation. For more on the benefits and safety of
supplements visit (

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Tuesday 15 September 2009

Omega Muffins Featured in Natural Muscle Magazine!!!

Hi Readers.....

I just wanted to share the news that the fabulous Omega Muffins are featured in the October issue of Natural Muscle Magazine. Celebrate with me by making a batch today and spread the Stay Healthy Lifestyle!!!!


Stay Healthy!!!

Thursday 10 September 2009

Stay Healthy Pizza.....It's Pizza Time and It's OHHHH So GOOD!!!!


Hi Readers.....Just let me share that I am so excited to create and get these recipes to you. Join me being creative in the kitchen and knowing that there is no such thing as a mistake or perfection when letting yourself experience the touch, smell, and best of ALL...the taste of healthy food. I enjoy putting on fun music and singing away while I put together my is just too short not to, and if you have a significant other to have a cooking party with....all the better:) So grab your ingredients, put on some music, and have fun with me in the kitchen.....let's go!!!!

Stay Healthy Pizza!!!

The Do Ahead Stuff.....

1 Seasoned and Grilled Boneless/Skinless Chicken Breast ( I marinate mine in Yoshida Gourmet Sauce, sprinkle with rosemary, sage, thyme, basil, bay leaves, and crushed red pepper and cook in a covered skillet and adding enough water to steam it during cooking process about 20 min)....If you are in a hurry, you can purchase seasoned boneless/skinless grilled chicken already cooked and ready to go.

1 or 2 whole roasted garlic cloves ( prepare by removing skin, cutting off tips to expose garlic, drizzle with olive oil making sure every clove is covered and even rub the oil into every inch of the clove, place face down in a muffin tin, cover in foil and bake at 350 oven for 30-35 minutes)...If you are in a hurry, purchase jarred minced garlic

Preheat oven to 350 or 400 (depends on oven)


2 Tandori Naan whole grain flat (bread native to India)....this makes a fabulous crust!!!

1 or 2 roasted garlic cloves, precooked as above or jarred

Pasta sauce (your fav in a jar )...I add crushed red pepper, basil, and bay leaf flakes to mine

1 bag shredded Italian blend cheese (optional)

Fresh Spinach Leaves (A bag of baby spinach salad works great)

1 boneless/skinless chicken breast, precooked as above or packaged, chopped

Red and yellow bell pepper (chop and grill on stove top in olive oil only until a bit roasted)

1 bag Sun Dried tomatoes

Fresh chopped green onion

Fresh chopped red onion

Jalapenos (optional)....I love to add a kick to mine

Let's Layer!!!

Place 2 Nan breads on your clean counter top, rub garlic clove into the bread until well covered, spread an even amount of sauce over each bread (I like a light to medium sauce coverage), sprinkle lightly with cheese blend or NONE at ALL (your call), cover the breads with spinach leaves (do not be shy...they shrink up), sprinkle each bread with cooked chicken breast, add grilled chopped peppers, add sun dried tomatoes (I love lots of these), sprinkle on the fresh green onion (do not be shy...they shrink up too), add fresh chopped red onions, and if you want the kick...add the jalapenos.

Bake directly on your oven rack in preheated oven for about 20 them about 15 minutes into the cooking process as not to burn the crust. Remove and let sit for about 5 minutes. Take your time and really savor the flavor of your creation.......

Stay Healthy!!!!
