Sunday 30 December 2012

Planks challenge starts 1st-31st January 2013

Just a quick post to let you all know we are ready to rock and roll with our Planks January 2013 challenge!!! In fact, you can tag all your pics to #planksjan2013 to show us what types of planks you are doing and how long. On a serious note, I do not want us to take this challenge to the extreme of the plank rave that happened a couple of years ago. Seriously. This isn't a challenge where you plank outside the comfort of your home, gym or safe area eg: the park or the beach. I want to express that safety is key here and the aim of this challenge is to strengthen our core, move our body daily and of course tone our arms, abs and whatever other muscles want to join the party!!!

As you know this challenge is aligned to your existing exercise program (like the squats challenge we did in December) so please don't think you will have fab abs after 31 days by just planking!


You need to incorporate a regular exercise program and eat 80-90% healthy. Easy right? Yes! Well no. Sometimes life gets hectic and you forget to prepare your meals in advance so you grab whatever is in reach. You skip a workout because you feel tired or you've had a hard day. These are just the challenges we face as human beings and you know what? It's okay. As long as we don't fall into a lazy pattern (and I can tell you, I have been there on the couch lazing away!) so that's why I am here to help you! If you need a bit of motivation and inspiration, I am here for you. In return your support and comments make it so much more enjoyable for me, to do what I am doing.

So! Back to the planks challenge!! You excited???? I AM!!!! Here is what I posted on Facebook and Instagram a couple of days ago....

Planks challenge 2013

Okay, here is the G. O straight from my challenges tab so you can make comments directly on that page if you don't find this one handy;

PLANKS CHALLENGE ~ 1st to 31st January 2013

Let me start off by saying we won't be doing any extravagant planking pics like the whole rave a few years ago. This is all about strengthening our core, overall fitness and most importantly safety. I take no responsibility for any injuries caused during this challenge. Please seek your Doctors okay before commencing any type of exercises.

I will post various planking styles per week for easy, medium and difficult levels. You choose what your preference is. These pictures may be of me, other friends, fitness professionals and random google peeps. Everyone can hashtag their pics or ideas to #planksjan2013 so we can all learn and get ideas.


The daily planks from the 1st to 31st January 2013, will be:

3 x 1 minute

Ties in beautifully with the 31 days in January right?

It's your choice whether you spread these 3 sets out throughout the day or do them in a row. 


Left hand side plank 30 seconds
Right hand side plank 30 seconds

Side plank

That's one set completed out of 3 for the day. You have another two sets to do either back to back or throughout your day eg: as part of your normal fitness routine or first thing in the morning! Up to you.

Also feel free to plank longer, I may even increase the 30 secs planks to 40 secs in week 2 and so on. I'm not a huge fan of planking myself but 2013 is all about me getting out of my comfort zone. What about you???

Let me know your thoughts and I hope I have made it simple enough, as I don't like complicated things. I follow the KISS principle (keep it simple sweetie).

Planks very much everyone!!! XxDani

Monday 24 December 2012

Merry Christmas 2012 ~ squat challenge ends

Hello all, just a quick post to wish you all a wonderful Christmas, may you enjoy this day with your family and friends.

Merry Christmas from all of us

Here are the past few days of our squats challenge, which officially ends today. It has been sensational and I am so grateful for all those that participated even if you were not able to share your pictures. I really appreciate all your comments here, on Instagram and Facebook etc... YOU ROCK!!!

Squats challenge

NB: there are some poses where I have just made it on time for the camera to say SNAP! So please ignore my kneeling positions as THESE ARE NOT SQUATS. I have a wall squat pictured above showing you that your knees should not go past your toes and your butt just goes back in a seating position.

Be safe, be Merry and don't over indulge like me!!!! I am hopeless when it comes to food around this time of year. So I look forward to another challenge with you next month.

BTW what's a Christmas squat challenge without a squat with the big fella himself!!! YAY!! I did it, 25 squats per day for the last 25 days GRAND TOTAL of 625 squats!!! Can't forget the additional 200 I did, so I officially did 825 squats. WOO HOO!!!!

For my results come check them out on my Facebook or Instagram page, there you will also see the ab fab challenge coming soon in January. Do you like to plank??? If so, come follow me.

Again, Merry Christmas to you and your family. Have a beautiful day!!!

Xx Dani

New Year's Resolutions are not just for New Year's

This is just a reminder that it is never too late to start over. This is the time of year that people feel especially sad, or even depressed, because they've spent too much money on gifts or they've gained extra weight from too many parties. And New Year's has always been the time of year that people have made resolutions to “start over,” to begin saving again, to pay off those credit cards, to lose the extra 20 pounds, or to finally get into shape.
I think it is great that New Year's inspires such activity in people. However, this is something you can begin anytime. How about today? Start your new training program right now. Begin writing that novel you've always wanted to write. Look for a new job. Or stem the bleeding from your wallet. The time is NOW. Don't put off until tomorrow, what you can begin TODAY.
But most importantly, don't be afraid. Have faith in yourself and your own abilities. Don't worry about what others might think or say. It is YOUR decision to try something new. I am not proposing recklessness, but I do believe we control our own destiny. We cannot blame others for our own mistakes (no, not mistakes, let’s just call them choices) and it is within our own power to change what we don’t like about ourselves or our situation. I am going to leave you with a couple of quotes by Albert Einstein that I find particularly appropriate and I hope you feel the same:
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Strive not to be a success, but rather to be of value.
Enjoy your New Year's celebration. But don't forget that you can change your life ANY day of the year!

Sunday 23 December 2012

Fitness Food And Style 2012 HIghlights!!!

Hello all, I thought I would give you a quick snapshot of our year......

January Enjoying the summer holidays!!!

Summer Days 2012

Our 4 beautiful angels

And somehow we decided to buy a beach house in Lorne and build a pool at our place!!! Someone would think we had won the lotto!! What were we thinking!!!!!

Looking outside our window....

Pool renovations

Looking up towards our once upon a time courtyard!!!

Courtyard GONE!!!

February School started for Noah again this time in Grade 1 and Oscar is officially a Kinda boy! Both girls at home with me so it was great to have just the girls at home with me throughout the day.

March My big 38th birthday (my Dad turned 65!) and heaps of beach house renovations going on and excavation works for our pool at home. The house is a mess! But I am still smiling :-)

Happy 38th Birthday Daniela Stevens

April With an Easter long weekend this month, Adrian was busy down the beach house renovating whilst I was managing the 4 kids at home. Busy days, weeks and months ahead....

May My beautiful mother Mirjana turned 64th and went on her 3 month holiday to Serbia in June to visit our entire family and to be with her Mum AKA my Baba who is 86!!!

Mother and Daughter

June Hey! You should know what happens from here on in, it's all here on my blog :-) but this month is one of my biggest highlights as I officially launch Fitness Food And Style on blogspot....

Fitness Food And Style blogspot

I also created a Facebook page and my face goes out there in the world wide web as Daniela Stevens Creative Director of Fitness Food And Style

Dani Stevens

July I start a 6 week Transformation Challenge and document what I eat and the exercise program I follow.

Transformation Challenge

August Two birthday celebrations, our first born Noah turned 7

Skylanders birthday party

and baby Zali had her 1st birthday.

1st birthday party baby pink

Within the last week of the 6 week transformation challenge I too pick up the pace and do a mini ab challenge to see if I can motivate myself and YOU to eat healthy and eliminate sugar within 12 days.

I also start to train for my first ever fun run, I am not a runner so this has been very challenging for me.

Run Ballarat

Sept I reach 60,000 page views on my blog and my readers, followers on Facebook start growing. I got a bit excited!!! I am so grateful that you are all enjoying my blog and fitness, food and style journey xx

Fitness Food And Style reaches 60,000 page views

Oct Busy birthday month again with 2 parties and I officially completed my first ever fun run and take a picture with Olympic champion Steve Moneghetti

Steve Moneghetti and Dani Stevens

My sweet darling Mietta turns 3 and has a star party!!!

3 little tin can cakes 

and finally we celebrate my darling husbands birthday

Nov Our pool project is slowly coming to an end, I participate in a yoga challenge for the month and realise how much love and passion I have for this particular movement and we celebrate Oscar's 5th birthday and have a pirate party!!!

Pirate party

Dec Finally we wrap up the year with no more birthdays (except for the main man JC). Kids break up from school and kinda. I run a #xmas25squats challenge here, on Instagram and Facebook which is going off!!!!!

I also clock over 100,000 pages views and have 2,000 plus followers on Facebook and on Instagram. Life is beautiful xxx I love you all

Squats challenge #xmas25squats

Well I do hope you can share with me your highlights of 2012 and I soooo look forward to a great 2013 with you all!!!!

Merry Christmas and yes see you here on the big day as I will be sharing my final squat with you and some Chrissy photos. Stay tuned!!!

Xx Dani

Thursday 20 December 2012

The Holidays, Hormones, and Happiness

Lots of changes this year with the family and how this Mom/Trainer will be spending the Christmas Holiday…all good, but different.  It feels weird for me having to adjust to the changes in life and not just for the holidays, but with my hormones.  Thanksgiving month was the start of struggle with marked and increased changes to that which I can only attribute to transitioning into another part of womanhood…OH MY!  I mean really…all at the same time…during the holidays…really, really??? 

I was already having a bit of a time adjusting to the changes occurring with how the holidays would have to be split up as a Mom of adult kids that have their own new agendas…bitter sweet happiness…but still a big adjustment.  Mixed in with the throws of hot flashes, high anxiety, other personal changes,  irritability due to sleep deprivation, just not feeling like ME…GEEZ…the pumpkin seeds just are not cutting the mustard anymore…lol…and for heaven’s sake watermelon season is long gone.  I am so blessed to have such a supportive husband through this journey and  hats off to all the other husbands out there that are understanding and do not take personal all the goings on of menopausal issues…GOLD STARS!

I am such a faith person and celebrate what Christmas means to me as a woman of God, but let me tell you, I have had to have more than a few one on one conversations over  the last two months.  Life can feel overwhelming when hormonal changes are occurring and YES…although I am usually springing about happy as a clam during the cherished holiday season…it just has not felt the same this year.  I understand that it is probably the combo of everything happening at the same time, but YIKEE.  It is even more awkward that I can’t even offer up a good explanation for feeling high anxiety…I already have an A1 personality type anyway which probably does not help.  On top of that, what the heck happened to my energy, stamina, and everything else that felt like Darla…I mean come on now…this is a double REALLY, REALLY?

OK…I am sharing some very personal things right now and please do not confuse it for complaining…I am letting you know that I, just like you,  go through life, experience what every woman of a young, fit almost 50 can go through and it can SUCK.  YES…I said it…some days, it really sucks to not feel like ME…my plug has been pulled right out of the wall and I am holding onto the cord going OK…now what?  You know me…I do not let things get the best of me…so more research was in order and a trip to the doctor.  I have worked with many women who experience peri-menopause and menopause symptoms and although I suspected that this was indeed the culprit invading my inner body space, I needed to rule out the possibilities of medical issues not related.  Believe me, I would have hit the floor with a positive pregnancy test…love babies, love my children, am a grandmother…but that would have definitely sent me to the peri-menopausal special place for TLC.  Whew…negative…let’s move on and off that subject. 

The beautiful thing about life is that we all experience different things when it comes to reaching menopause…some sail through without a scratch, while others, and that would include me, do not necessarily care for the changes that are happening through the process.  So, through my research, I am  giving a natural herb blend menopausal support supplement a try and am hopeful for a positive result after reading the reviews,  understanding each herb independently and the possible benefits/negatives to the body.  The next few months will tell me if I need to take a different direction, but I will keep a positive outlook and in conjunction with the transdermal hormone creams that I use now, what do I have to lose.  I will let you know how it goes a couple of months into my herbal therapy.

What a subject to write about during the holidays, but HERE IT IS…out of my control, happening right now, and Merry Christmas Darla…ho ho  ho.  One of my fabulous clients shared “look at it this way…you will be able to wear white pants now”.  I had to laugh…she was right…love my clients.  As much as I motivate them, there are days that they motivate me without their even knowing it.  I say, I really enjoy my strong coffee in the morning right now too…especially after a night of visits from the” flash club”.  This is a part of my life that I have no control over, except for the introduction of herbal supplements, but that truly does not change that I am changing.  Acceptance of again, the New Modified Me, feels like it needs to repeat itself through my menopausal journey.  Technically, I will not be in true menopause until I have not had a cycle for a year…WHAT???  Ughhh…so, I can be out and about in my new WHITE PANTS and still be surprised…OH FA LA LA LA LA…JOY JOY JOY JOY. 

Honestly, it can feel unfair, but I have experienced all kinds of unfairness in my life, AND all circumstances have been used to grow me in a positive way to be a BETTER, STRONGER, and even MORE FAITHFUL person.  So, I will look upon this part of my life in the same way, and I CHOOSE TO BE HAPPY.  In fact, I am HAPPY and have so much to be thankful for with my health, meeting the man I can truly say I LOVE and understand fully what that means and feels like, my children, family, friends, clients, and even the fact that I have a roof over my head and a warm bed to sleep in…more than HAPPY…I am humbled and thankful.  So, when the overwhelming Life is Bigger than ME Menopausal Monster tries to creep into the crevices of my mind and body, I will try really hard to concentrate on all the things positive in my life.  This is in fact a journey that will require patience and TLC, and I know that some days will be more challenging than others, but I also realize that even this experience will enable me to help others, and through that, I will be blessed. 

From My Family to Yours

Thanks for stopping by my Blog, hope you enjoy the content, and if you have not become a follower yet, I would love to see your face on my friend's list.  If you are inspired, LIKE my entry, leave a comment and I look forward to responding! 
Have a FABULOUS weekend and upcoming holiday week!
Dedicated to my Always Supportive Hubby, Don
Stay Healthy!

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Sunday 16 December 2012

Have you done ALL your Christmas shopping?

WELL HELLO THERE!!! I can't believe how quick this week has flown!!!!

I wanted to touch base real quick to say hi, all is fabulous here and eating relatively well however really starting to indulge too many times!!! BAD right? Yeah yeah I  know it's Christmas and all that, but seriously why do I typically go so over the top when it is the silly season? Oh yes! That's right because I love a challenge to get me back on track. So I look forward to doing one with you all in the New Year.

Would you believe I just did our Christmas shopping today? Finalised the rest of the Christmas cards that I hope reach my beautiful friends and family this week!! Very slack this year, so much happening with all these projects and managing our peeps.

The squat challenge is going sensational and loving all the pictures being tagged to #xmas25squats.

Have a look at some them!!! Celeste is being cheeky with her mini skirt pose and such a great example, mother of 5 children!! Sarah is one lean and strong Mama and so inspirational, Anita is making it fun with her little man and Meg is in Sydney for a couple of days and managed to squat infront of the Opera House. Love you guys xxx

These 3 are my favourites a 40th dress up "popstars" party

Xmas family lunch get together....

And tick tock squats

You guys are truly inspirational!!! Thanks for keeping fitness fun and participating in this challenge!

Here's my squat for today as I was vacuuming all the pine needles off the floor!

Squats challenge 

Even though I have been indulging in crapola eg: chocolate, chips, over eating etc... I have been eating relatively clean.

This morning's brunch was spinach, feta scrambled eggs

Scrambled eggs

Followed by the delicious 180 Nutrition coconut "green" smoothie and some fruit and yogurt.

Green smoothie

Dinner was a quick one with a store bought roasted chicken served with sautéed garlic brocollini.

Okay, keep those squat pics coming!!! Here are my other ones for the past few days for those not on Instagram or Facebook.....

Squats challenge #xmas25squats

Until we meet again......

Xx Dani

Tuesday 11 December 2012

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas

Yes, we ♥ LOVE Christmas. Love the vibe, the festivities, the meaning behind the whole tradition and that special day when our Saviour was born. Without getting too religious on you, we teach our children that there is a Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. That you must love one another, be kind, honest, charitable, truthful, have self worth and respect, be obedient (especially to your parents, as the birds are watching and reporting back to Santa. So you don't want a sack of spuds under the tree this year, do you kids?) anyways, you know the drill. I hope and pray with these morals and standards, it builds a solid foundation for them to make the right choices each and every time they step out of our home.

So here are our 4 little darlings, our first ever Christmas last year as a family of 6......

Christmas 2011

WOW? Really? They're all mine? Sheesh! How lucky are we? Truly blessed with our 2+2 combo! Thanks to the man upstairs, really, I love you!!!

So we have been decorating and marking down the days until Christmas. Here is what you will find around our place....

1. The countdown Christmas tree

2. Christmas fairy

3. Christmas soldiers 

4. Christmas angels

We have been busy doing plenty of Christmas crafts, here's just a couple. Sparkly mini pegs and a garland in the making!

Christmas crafts sparkly mini pegs and garland

We just used last years Christmas cards and cut them into circles, stuck them together in between the coloured twine and whalla! Mini pegs, paste glue, sprinkle sparkles and you're done! It will bring some bling to your pressie tags!

Ohhh how can I forget about the magical Christmas tree Noah selected all by himself?!!!

Fresh Christmas trees

He did such a great job and so did the kids decorating it. Here is the before shot and I will make sure I take an after shot and post ASAP.....

Ok, so a short and sweet post. It's all happening so I look forward to filling you in with more later gator! Leave me a comment about what is going on around your place and all the fun stuff leading up to Christmas?

Xx Dani

PS: Day 10 & 11 #xmas25challenge. Did you do your squats today?

Sunday 9 December 2012

#Xmas25Squats Challenge is going off on Instagram and Twitter

How is everyone? All great here.

We had a sensational week, with Kinda finishing off for Oscar last Thursday so it was sad to see his last day ever as a Kinda kid but really excited for him to go to Prep next year. Which reminds me..... Mietta is going back to the same Kinda next year, so the tears weren't too bad. It will be good to have a few hours of Zali and Mama time while the other 3 are off to school and kinda. Gosh the years are going past really quick, next post will be me crying at their wedding!!! 

Nutrition has been great and my Fit Yummy Mummy workouts too. Who's doing the Xmas holiday hottie challenge with me? It's one of my fave challenges throughout the year and ends with a BANG!!! Having said that, I LOVE the FYM New Years Transformation Challenge as well, getting us back on track and focused on fitness and healthy eating.  

Which reminds me who's loving the 180 Nutrition protein powder? I would love your feedback as it's the best protein powder I have ever tasted to date and it's jam packed with all the natural ingredients with no synthetic fillers, preservatives, additives etc... Jump on this link or on my right hand side tab and go buy the sample packs and give it a try! You won't regret it!!!

Well, I am have been blow away from everyone!!!! Just check out some of these fantastic women....

Incorporating their squats with their morning workouts, on their way out for dinner and in the park

Some got really pumped and did weight lifting squats!!! Esther you are my hero!!! Lovely Meg is always creative, waiting for her tradesman to finish off work inside while she works outside! Of course the Bootcamp crew out in Buninyong and the lovely Anita swinging her little boy in the park!!! I love it!

I was super impressed with everyones creative hash tagging pics, even the Hidden Warrior crew managed a quick pic before their ice bath!!! Well done girls!!!

Seriously this 25 squats per day challenge has really spread across the globe!! From LA to Moscow, NYC, England, Mexico, Norway, South Africa, India, Hong Kong and back to our shores here in Australia. I LOVE IT!!! I love you all!! I also know there are plenty of others participating but unable to post pics, to you too I extend a BIG thank you for joining us!!!! Leave us a comment with how you are going. 

For those missing my pics by the off chance, here's me these last 6 days!!! So just in case you don't know where or when to incorporate your squats, here's some more ideas :-)

Shower squats
Jump squats
Cuddle squats
WE ALL squat (while waiting for Dad to pack the car)
Beach squats
Pool squats

So COME and JOIN us!!! Be creative and lets have some fun!! My most favourite and fun person doing this challenge with me is the lovely Meg. Just check out her doing squats brushing her teeth in the bathroom... 

Folding the washing.....

And working it with her dumb bells!!!  YOU GO GIRL!!!! Rocking it and you'll have buns of steel by the end of the challenge.

Looking forward to seeing more of your squats ideas!!!!

Xx Dani