Tuesday 20 November 2012

DotsoFit Health and Fitness is now available in Paperback and Kindle at Createspace.com and Amazon.com.

A superb collection of 75 of the most popular posts from the DotsoFit Health and Fitness Blog, revised, updated, and referenced to serve as a resource to the reader.

DotsoFit Health and Fitness contains the following chapters:

Do What You Love, Love What You Do! My Story…

A Lesson on Goal-Setting
Fitness Logs Help You Stay on Track
The Power of Music
What Did You Do Today?
It’s Not Like You’re Training for a Marathon (Unless You Are)
Fav Runs
How Do You Measure Success?

Women, You Might Need a Check-Up
Has My Wife Gone Mad?
Youth are at Higher Risk for Dehydration
Cold-Weather Safety
Do You Worship the Sun?
Runner’s Runs
Iron-Deficiency Anemia in Female Distance Runners
Can Happiness Lower Blood Sugar in Type 2 Diabetics?
What is Juvenile Diabetes and is it Curable?
Type 1 Diabetes and Depression
Herbs for Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes
Physical Activity Sharpens the Mind

Fitting in Fitness When Your Kids Are Young
When to Stretch: Before or After Exercise?
Proper Push-Ups
What is Self-Myofascial Release and Why Should I Do It?
Yoga to Reduce Stress
Soccer for Everyone
Video Games for Fitness
Backward Walking?
Strut Your Stuff for Better Buns

What is an Integrated Training Program?
The PROS—Progression, Regularity, Overload, and Specificity
How Do I Know if I’m Overtraining?
Balance Training in Athletic Performance Enhancement
Incorporate Strength Training into Your Fitness Routine
Regular Strength Training Improves Health
What’s the One Rep Max?
How Many Repetitions Should I Do?
Benefits of Exercising in a Proprioceptively-Enriched Environment
Barefoot Running
Simple Marathon Training
Plyometric Training
Speed, Agility, and Quickness Training

Cycling after Knee Injury
Overuse Injuries from Running
Dealing with Chronic Pain from Sports Injuries
Causes of Athletic Foot Injuries

Carbs are Not the Enemy! (And Fats aren’t Either!)
Foods that Help You Reduce Stress
Dangers of a Chronic High-Protein Diet
How Much Protein Do I Need?
Don't Skip the Mushrooms
One Shouldn't Feel Guilty about Eating Dark Chocolate
Foods that Reduce Pain and Inflammation
One More Reason to Enjoy Cherry Pie
All Olive Oil is Not the Same
Food Cravings and Mood
The Truth about Carbohydrate Loading

Can you be Fit and Fat?
Weight Loss is Simply about Calories in vs. Calories Out
Methods of Determining Your Daily Caloric Needs
How to Use Your Calculated RMR to Help You Lose Weight
How Important is Scale Weight?
Taking a Lesson from the European Playbook
Boost your Metabolism by Reducing your Stress
Running Sheds the Pounds
Four Tips to Burn More Calories During Exercise
Work Out Harder to Increase Your Metabolism
Women and Weight
Which Hormones Contribute to Female Weight Gain?
Lap Band Surgery: Yes, No, Maybe?

Live Life to the Fullest!
The Secret Behind “The Secret”
Finding Happiness
Searching for the Fountain of Youth
New Year's Resolutions are not just for New Year's

This is the story of a mother's experiences and struggles the three years following her daughter's diagnosis with type 1 (or juvenile) diabetes. Written in a narrative format, this book retells actual events and reveals the author's personal feelings of guilt and helplessness and how it affected, and ultimately changed, her life.

Paperback: Click to Buy 

Kindle: Click to Buy

Dimension Jumpers by Kaitlin Taylor (2010) Science fiction/fantasy novel based on string theory. This Young Adult book, written by a 12-year-old with juvenile (type 1) diabetes, serves as inspiration to all who are afflicted with chronic disease.

PaperbackClick to Buy

Kindle: Click to Buy