Saturday 21 January 2012

The Miracle Cure!

Today I am going to tell you about a true miracle cure. It affects so many aspects of your personal health that it is simply amazing. It is the #1 treatment for the relief of fatigue, it lowers your risk of death by 23%, and it is even effective at weight loss. But I am just getting started. Consider these facts:

  • A one-hour treatment just 3 times per week has been shown to reduce the pain and disability caused by osteoarthritis of the knee by 47%
  • In elderly patients it reduced the progression of dementia and Alzheimer’s by 50%
  • In combination with lifestyle changes, it reduced the frequency of Type 2 diabetes in at-risk patients by 58%
  • Post-menopausal women who had this treatment just 4 hours per week reduced their risk of hip fracture by 41% and reduced their anxiety levels by 48%
  • In people suffering from depression, a low dose reduced their depression by 30% and as the dose increased, their depression was reduced by 47%
  • Just 30 minutes of the treatment each day reduces the risk of heart disease in women by 50%
  • It is more effective than stents in reducing reoccurrence of blocked arteries, 70% for stents vs. 88% for those who used this treatment

What is this absolute miracle cure? It is…


Yes, I have blogged on this so many times that you may have grown tired of hearing about it, but the truth is that regular exercise has been shown to be as effective as most of the drugs on the market for reducing pain, anxiety, depression, fatigue, diabetes, and heart disease. It is also effective at weight loss AND it is fun with very few side effects (unless you overdo it).

Just 30 minutes of activity each day for adults and 60 minutes of activity each day for children has been shown to produce these results, which is a significant impact on overall health. The effect is greatest for formerly sedentary individuals. Sitting all day has been shown to be one of the greatest health risks we currently face! Obesity is a risk factor for many diseases; however, if an obese person is active, it actually ameliorates many of the negative effects of obesity. The greatest risk factor for death in the human population is low cardiorespiratory fitness.

I really hope that this helps you to think of exercise in a whole new way! It’s Saturday—great day for a bike ride or hike with your dogs, which is exactly what I’m getting ready to do. Ciao!

YouTube Video at:

~Lori Dotson, CPT, CPFT, PES, BA, MS
President and Trainer, DotsoFit, LLC

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