Tuesday 31 May 2011

Recovery Day….


YES….I am a RECOVERY girl….I believe in the healing powers of rest, sleep and the fabulous benefits this has on my body.  In fact, I know that my lean gains are made during this very important time and I will not deny myself…so another way I maintain my 47 year young physique is to get plenty of rest and when my body is screaming for a recovery day…I LISTEN.  What does that mean…sitting on the couch watching & wasting precious hours in front of the TV eating crap…hell to the NO.  What it does mean is I do not plan a workout for me and if I do…it is active recovery….possibly a walk or even a stretch program in the studio in between clients.  It is also a fabulous time for me to catch up on paperwork, writing programs and the to-dos that are always there.  It also means that I stay true to my 5/6 small meals per day and using my palm size portion philosophy.  I will not be burning as many calories today, so my portions will remain a bit smaller, but very frequent…full of lean protein, fibers, antioxidants, and fabulous healthy fats.  This is very important for me as well being a woman at 47…meaning the healthy fats, especially flaxseeds, which studies have proven assist with hormone balance.  Ladies you know what I am talking about…pre-menopausal symptoms can be a bear…that will be a whole other subject though.  Back to recovery…exercise brings about tissue trauma in need of repair…do not let this alarm you.  It is a good thing and the way my body builds lean mass…when I feel DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) that simply means that the muscles have been challenged & micro-tears of the soft tissue are bearing fruit.  Recovery allows for building & repair of the stressed areas and PRESTO…MUSCLE!!!!  Of course there is a difference in…YIKES…I tore my muscle and …WOW...I worked out and feeling the fitness love today.  Usual post workout soreness should last no longer than 24-48 hours.  Sometimes it is the second day after my workout that I feel the DOMS the most and then I count from there how long the recovery lasts.  I try to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep per night…very important for healthy recovery and in general.  Sometimes taking a rest or recovery day is hard because I LOVE to workout everyday…however…I know that it is counterproductive to over-train.  Not allowing my body to rest will set me up for chronic injury, disturbed sleep, burnout, decreased immunity, and so many things that do not say Stay Healthy.  Fitness is all about balance and being obsessive about my exercise to the point where my life & health are negatively affected is NOT a good thing.  So today I rest and allow my body to grow beautiful muscle and to regenerate so that my next workout I feel ready to challenge myself…it is like going on a mini-vacation for the day and coming back home to my comfort zone…my studio and me!  Oh another personal share…..I DO NOT WATCH TV….well, rarely…I am not kidding…and DEFINITELY NO TV IN THE BEDROOM…Big NO NO...I will let you think about that;)

My Workout of the Day: RECOVERY Active Rest

My Nutrition of the Day:
Coffee, one cup
1-Early Morning shake (small)
2-Mid Morning Shake (more like a meal)
3-Egg Whites on Sprouted Bread
4-Protein Balls & Sweet Potato
5-Spinach Apple Cran Salad w/Walnuts & Grilled Fish
6-Protein Pudding (maybe..depends on time of meal 5)

Motivation of the Day:  Not Having the Time to Take Care of YOU IS NOT AN OPTION


Stay Healthy!

Thursday 26 May 2011

Struggling ….OH POOH!


Me and My Blogging Area
YES…I have days like these.  I am not some un-human human…that sounds funny.  Sometimes people think that I am some super human never struggling, never burned out, never unmotivated, never eat a cookie, never tired woman of a woman, super trainer…WRONG.  I mean really, really???  Let me just say for the record…I am struggling today.  In fact, it was hard to get up this morning and I thought…crap, am I coming down with a cold…a bit of a scratchy throat…and just BLAH…YES really BLAH.  I was motivated by hubby this morning to drag my bootie to the ARC trainer and I originally had it set for a 30 minute strength run...and what the heck was I thinking…one of the hardest programs on the thing…it was a love hate relationship with my ARC…and I stopped at the 20 minute mark.  YES…the damn thing defeated me, or did it?  Let me think…what I did was the BEST that I could with what I had today…so I was not defeated…but ACCOMPLISHED.  I did continue into an arm/core/stretch program for an additional 20 minutes.  This was not going to be the day for interval training…NO WAY.  I am having one of those days where everything seems a bit overwhelming, and I am working on a specific goal right now and part of me just wants to say…do I have to?  Why does there always have to be something to do...My personal share: I am an A1 personality type and sometimes this can get in the way of putting on the reigns and STOPPING…letting my brain take a breather, letting all the THINGS in life just be for awhile, but the biggest for me is the thoughts that continue to go through my head…this now, that next, then on to the next thing..and OMG I forgot about that, and on and on and on…OK Darla…STOP already.  It is this kind of thinking that can get in the way of living a healthy life.  It is this kind of thinking that does not allow acceptance of who I am at this moment in time….well…today I am recognizing that I am struggling with being tired, working on this specific goal, and utilizing my time wisely and efficiently.  Seeing me for who I am helps put my life into balance, perspective and even acceptance.  So, today I am tired and struggling …and THAT IS OK.  Taking it a bit further, I will still do the BEST that I can with what I can give today in all areas of my life.  I did my BEST workout…YES…it was my BEST given how I feel today. I will apply my BEST self in working on my goal today…and that is OK. If my body is yelling for a nap…then that is OK.  The things will be there for me when I wake up…but I remember that through it all, balance in exercise, eating healthy, emotional, and spiritual living is key for my happiness & health.  So, yes…I am just like you and I am sure you can relate to some of the things that I have shared…Do I feel like finding a fabulous hammock in the sunshine and rocking my cares away for the afternoon…OH YEAH…sounds good to me and why not the whole year…now that is stretching it…but I am sure you know what I am talking about.  Reeling myself back in… I do have a plan, I do have a goal…and by writing this Blog…I have just motivated myself to get my backside in gear and get to it.  The beautiful thing that I realize is I do not have to do it all today…I will take what is my priority and work on that the BEST I can with what I have to offer today….and that is OK…struggling, well…I feel better now.

My Workout of the Day:

Arc Trainer strength mode 20 minutes
Bodywork repeated 3x
Low rows 30lbs @ 20 reps
Biceps curls 12lbs @ 15 reps
Modified smith triceps press 15lbs on bar @ 15 reps
Body Ball abs 20 reps


My Meal 2
My Nutrition of the Day:
Coffee, gave me NO perk
1-Post-workout shake
2-Sweet potato & Egg Whites
3-Protein Balls (May issue Natural Muscle Magazine)
4-Grilled Veggies & Shredded Crock Chicken Breast
5-Protein Pudding

47 Years Young


Monday 23 May 2011

Behaving Myself….


YES….I am behaving myself.  Do I think about being naughty…YES…YIKES…what the heck am I saying on this Blog.  What I mean and if you have been following, I listed a Bummer Report last time to let you know my neck was flared up…so what does that mean…staying lower body and cardio until I am feeling better.  Well, today I was feeling better and did I think about doing those negative pull ups….YES…however, I need to honor my body and know that I will pay for not listening.  I have become so in tune to the communication between my muscles and me that to push myself in a way to not build but to break down…IS NOT THE WAY TO GO.  I am a new modified ME….sometimes when days are good, it is difficult for me to put on the reigns…..the trainer in me says…Darla…listen to what the discomfort is telling you and YES, you are feeling better today, but give it a few more to really be able to handle the demands of the physical work and most important…to continue to build my body in a progressive positive way.  I teach this to my clients all the time, and what kind of trainer would I be if I did not honor the same philosophy for myself.  I walk the talk in fitness, nutrition and taking care of my injury.  Balance is key to maintaining the physique I wear today.  So, rest is just as important as the exercise…so I AM BEHAVING MYSELF.  I flew into my workout with a passion and completed an awesome ARC trainer workout for 45 minutes and a leg workout using my step bench and sand bags….I FEEL ACCOMPLISHED!!!!  I also look at things this way…when I do get back to my upper body…it will respond even more with the small break and rest.  I am a muscle confusion girl and working out my muscles in different ways all the time is what I LOVE to do….so for a few more days, I will focus on my lower body, and hitting the cardio hard.  Legs absolutely are killers anyway with the large muscle groups involved…talk about burn baby burn…and give myself 10 more…sometimes, I do not know how I do it…but I persevere…I am determined…I LOVE a challenge…and will never give up.  My attitude makes me who I am as well….I have come through quite a physical journey and will take the TLC when I need, but at the same time…does that mean STOP for me….ABSOLUTELY NOT…it just means…Change it up Darla…for now.  I will get back to my normal in a few….

Motivation of The Day:  There is ALWAYS a WAY….Remember that

My Workout of the Day:

ARC Trainer: 45 minutes
NO NO This Week!
Body Work: repeated cycle 3x
Squats holding 10lb sandbag @ 50 reps
Bench Cross over Step ups to Drop Lunges @ 20 reps/leg
Reverse Lunge on Bench 10lb sandbag @ 20 reps/leg
Low squat step bench walk on 20 reps per lead leg

My Nutrition of the Day:

Coffee, one cup
1-Post-workout shake
2-Powered Up Oats
3-Bday Splurge with My Son (Bean appetizer on Croustini & 2 drinks)
4-Spinach Salad & Protein Ball
5-Protein Pudding

Check out this Fabulous Grilled Mahi Mahi & Sweet Corn we made for dinner the other night in less than 30 minutes....the corn took about 15 minutes to grill in the husk...the fish grilled in about 10 minutes!!!!
Grilled Mahi Mahi in less than 10 minutes!
Grilled Sweet Corn in the Husk in 15 Minutes!




Thursday 19 May 2011

I am Responsible for MY HEALTH in this Relationship


I am Responsible for MY HEALTH
The alarm goes off at 6am and my hubby hits the snooze button…..more than once.  I am an early riser and when an alarm goes off…my feet easily hit the floor and head for the coffee pot.  The intentions are always there to get in an early couple workout prior to starting the workday and many times it is talked about the night before, planned for, etc…but it has become a hit or miss thing.  Would it be easy to stay in the cozy warmth of my bed….of course…and especially with my fabulous hubby trying to keep the cuddle on for just 5 more minutes…then 5 more minutes….it becomes a game of jump and run to escape….lol.  He knows how I am…he sees my discipline, my determination, and my morning energy that takes me into my world of LOVING my morning workout.  Do I get pissed off because he is not honoring our planned workout together….NO…do I not work out because he is not doing it with me…NO….I AM RESPONSIBLE FOR MY HEALTH….No IFS, ANDS, or BUTS….it is up to me to take care of this body.  I absolutely cherish my hubby and realize that he is an afternoon energy person and even into the night energy person.  That man can get his sweat on at 10pm…OH MY NO…not me.  The beauty about being in a healthy relationship is seeing the differences in each other, and accepting who we are as individuals….and MOST IMPORTANT…taking care of our health for ourselves and for each other.  So, off I go to do my thing while he stays in bed and gets some more sleep time and recovery.  This topic is very important and key to being a healthy person in my relationship….physically and emotionally.  I will not blame my husband if I do not get that workout in, am unhealthy, out of shape, unhappy, overweight, eating like shit or all of the above….REALLY…would it be his fault…Hell to the NO.  I would have to look at myself square in the mirror…YES…it is me who is responsible for MY HEALTH.  I have seen many of couple get wrapped up in the blame game….he or she is cooking unhealthy this or that and I have to eat it, they are not walking with me, working out with me…and the list goes on and on…OK…listen…STOP THE EXCUSES to not take care of yourself already.  Everybody has their own brain & body…we CHOOSE to be who we are regardless of who we are with.  I believe in taking care of this body for me, my life, this life….I have only one life with no rewinds…and I am going to be the BEST me until my time is finished.  NOW…this is healthy…and you know what….my husband tells me that I motivate him and he admires the woman that I am because of how I LOVE myself.  YES, we both benefit from living healthy, eating healthy, being active…and if that workout comes together once in awhile in the morning…that is our bonus.  Do I depend on it…NEVER…It is Up to ME to keep on keeping on the Stay Healthy Life.

Motivation of the Day:  Take Responsibility for Your Health

My Fav Cardio & Great for My Body..Arc Trainer!!!
My Workout of the Day: (my neck is aggravated:/  so staying away from upper body)
ARC trainer for 45 minutes

Bodywork: hi -rep legs  for 1 set (Yes, I took small breaks…this was HARD)
Leg extensions 25lbs @ 100 reps
Hamstring curls 25lbs @ 100reps
Body ball to the wall Squats 100reps
Pelvic tilts lying on the floor 100 reps

Nutrition of the Day:
Coffee, one ½ cup…I was tired..went to bed late :/
1-Post workout shake
2-Powered Up Steel Cut Oats
3-Egg whites on Sprouted Bread
Dinner is Ready to Go!!! Pre-prepped and in Bags...Grill and Serve!
4-Protein Ball (vanilla cinnamon raisin..YUM) & fruit
5-Grilled Mahi Mahi with Grilled Squash & Steamed Artichokes 
6-Protein Pudding

Bummer Report: My neck is aggravated so will focus my workouts on cardio & lower body until I feel better....so I am making the BEST out of the situation...ALWAYS POSITIVE & ICE IS VERY NICE!!!

Thanks Rehana 4 the FAB Bday Outfit


Tuesday 17 May 2011

My Grocery Store Score


Before I dive into what is on my mind today….I want to say a BIG thank you for my first two donations toward the Blog!!!!  This is so exciting and like I shared before…the small steps WILL become the BIG steps and eventually I can see this Blog becoming the source of motivation for many people to take that very necessary step to adapt a Stay Healthy Life…all for the price of a SHAKE…ABSOLUTELY FABULOUS…goose bump FABULOUS!!! I will share that when I receive enough donations, the first item that will be purchased to update the Blog…an HD camera so I can make better videos for you.  It is so exciting to receive your feedback and know that my life is making a difference in yours….such a reward.  OK…moving on to what I want to talk about today….GROCERY SHOPPING….first off, not my favorite thing to do….a BIG BUT here….the way that I shop makes all the difference in the world because it eliminates having to do it all the time.  I buy my healthy foods in bulk, package and freeze.  A new farmer’s style market grocery just opened near me and OH MY…what deals did I find.  You will see on the video.  All I have to say, it is NOT TRUE when I hear these excuses…”that eating healthy is more expensive and so I can’t afford to do that”….”I save more money eating my lean frozen cuisine, lean budget, micro health”…or whatever name that CRAP is called…OH MY…soap box Darla is off again.  Other things I hear…”the label says it is good for me”…oh “it is organic”…”it is gluten free”….”it is fat free”…”this drink has no calories, so OK”…STOP IT already…all this is just marketing hype to STEAL your money.  Let me share that shopping healthy, cooking healthy, and eating healthy is how I maintain my body…that is that.   I have a monthly budget for groceries and I come in under that number many times….I scour the papers for deals, clip coupons, and do whatever it takes to eat healthy on a budget.  All of us are in a jacked up economy right now, but for shit sakes, it can’t be an excuse to eat unhealthy….hell to the NO on that.  Buying in bulk is key to my saving money and making sure I have my healthy food for my meals….I make no excuses…that is how I do it.  It literally takes only 10 minutes to throw 8 chicken breasts into my crock and let it self-cook….I do nothing…I am not tending a stove, basting, or anything…I put it in, leave, come back and the FOOD IS DONE.  I prepare all my bulk items this way…as I have shared…my steel cut oats, my brown rice.  My eggs I do prepare on the stovetop…this takes 20 minutes….really, no biggie.  What I am hitting home about is this…IT IS NOT MORE EXPENSIVE to eat healthy foods.  It DOES NOT take more time to prepare healthy foods….in fact you can have that all done ahead of time.  I SAVE MONEY buying & cooking healthy foods…..when I have my food at home…I do not need to go out to a restaurant and put lord knows what in my face….YUCK.  I enjoy the fact that I have selected the fabulous meats, fruits, veggies, and anything else Stay Healthy to nourish this body.  I enjoy preparing simple healthy meals, and the convenience of having everything at my fingertips in the fridge or my cooler.    I have just posted 2 additional pages on the Blog…an About Me and My Published Recipes…I hope that you have checked them out.  As donations keep coming and allowing me more time with you, I will add more and more....My challenge to you today….get out your budget and for one month, add up how much money you spent going out to eat, vending machines, coffees, fast foods…anything like that and get an eye opening experience of OH MY...and THEN…I challenge you for one month to get familiar with your local grocery adds and clip a few coupons & follow my example for shopping…then last compare those two months and YOU LET ME KNOW which is a better deal financially and MOST IMPORTANT…for your HEALTH. 

Motivation of the Day: Shop the Perimeter of the Grocery Store for Healthy Finds and Avoid the Aisles

Squats...One of my FAVORITES
My Workout of the Day:
ARC trainer for long distance: 45 minutes
Body work cycle ~ repeated 2x
Squats holding 15lb weight 50reps
Neg pull ups 8 reps
Lunges holding 15lb weight 20 each leg
Biceps curls 15lbs @ 12 reps per arm
Modified Smith Leg Press 50lb on bar 50 reps

My Nutrition of the Day: (watch the video)
Coffee, one cup please...I needed it;)
1-Pre-workout shake (I piece of fruit & scoop of whey)
2-Post-workout shake (fruit, whey, prune juice, fiber cereal, almonds, yogurt)
3-Sweet Potato & Egg Whites
4-Protein Ball with raisins
5-Spinach taco salad (Tues Taco night with Family)
6-Protein Pudding



Friday 13 May 2011



WOW….what a whirlwind day so far…already 2pm and in between clients.  OK…I am officially 47 years young as of yesterday and just to let you know the conversation during my birthday dessert with hubby…how I am now in my late forties.  Hmmmm….let me ponder, how do I feel about that, is that a compliment for crying out loud?  IT DEFINITLEY WAS!!! Breaking that down further…we also talked about how good it feels to be 47 and 50, and be in the BEST shape of our lives.  Really, my chronological age is 47 but my physiological age is 20 something…YES…it is true.  According to my fabulous blood screens, vitals, etc….I am a woman in my 20s…I say WHOOP WHOOP….bring on the BIRTHDAYS!!!!!  Getting me back on track for today’s topic….VOTE FOR ME!!! What am I talking about now….every year the local network prepares the “BEST OF” for several categories and Personal Trainers is included.  YIKES…my entry was confirmed late and there are only 9 DAYS LEFT TO VOTE and leave a fabulous comment using the link at the top of this blog. I hope that I have been a very positive part in your life so far with motivation and sharing what I do through fitness and nutrition to maintain my physique.  I appreciate all your comments, emails, and questions and read absolutely everything that comes to me.  If I am able to reach even one person to adapt a healthy life, then I have done good….reaching hundreds and millions, I have persevered and done even BETTER.  Sharing my Stay Healthy life with you is my passion and gift….I hope that you are enjoying.  So…on this Blog today, I am asking for you to cast a vote for me as BEST PERSONAL TRAINER and if you are inspired to leave a comment…that would be so appreciated!!!!  I have included my workout for today….I kicked my butt….check it out!  One more time….VOTE FOR ME!

Motivation for the Day: The difference between GOOD and GREAT is a little extra effort                              

My Workout of the Day:
ARC Trainer – 45 minute (long haul SWEAT!)

Bodywork: (Watch the Video)

I repeated this series 2 x (that was enough)
Squats 8lb dumbbells @ 50 reps
Diagonal front to back hops 25 reps per leg
Lunge Backs 25 reps per leg
Round house kicks 25 reps per leg
Split lunge jumps 25 reps
Diagonal to side lunges 25 reps per leg
Jumping jacks 50 reps

My Nutrition of the Day:
Coffee, one cup
1-Pre-workout shake
2-Post-workout shake
3-Powered up steel cut oats (YUMMMM)
4-Grilled asparagus & zucchini with salmon (leftovers)
5-Spinach Salad with B/S chicken breast
6-Protein Pudding



Wednesday 11 May 2011

Are You In A Workout Rut?

You may have a great martial art's routine but  are you in  a rut? 
In order for your body to work at its optimal you need to keep surprising it. 

My 15 DVDs complement each other and keep your body surprised as they move you through traditional kung fu, hard and soft Qigong, Shaolin Tai Qi, and the fighting arts. Once you know the moves on the DVDs, you can get creative and start mixing them up to make your own workouts. 

Even if you're not working with my DVDs, your workouts still need to have elements of surprise. If you don't confuse your body, it will get lazy and reach a plateau where it's no longer burning fat as quickly as it should, and your fitness levels, flexibility and skill are no longer increasing. Here's my six top tips to how you can keep your mind and body in optimal fitness.

Please note these tips are not for beginners but for those who already have a solid martial arts or workout schedule.

 1) Switch Your Workouts

Do bag work one day, Qigong the next, traditional kung fu the next, Shaolin Bootcamp the next, Shaolin Workout,  just sprinting,  just jogging. Don't rule out canceling the cardio for one workout and going through the 36 movements in Rou Quan. These movements work your muscles and mind and elevate your heart rate in a relaxed way. I think of this form as  food for my kung fu.

2) Change Your Focus

Sometimes focus on doing the movements perfectly, other times just get yourself through the workout. Focus on flexibility one day then Qi  the next, focus on power one day then speed.

3) Make sure you do aerobic and anaerobic

 When you jog make sure it's aerobic. When you do kung fu make sure it's anaerobic. Do one 5k run a week.

4) Stop making excuses

Don't use the excuse of having no time. If you only have twenty minutes then do anaerobic interval training. You can take a 20 minute segment from one of my kung fu DVDs or run intervals and mix this with squats and press ups.

5) Use your own body to build muscle

Muscle burns fat by increasing the metabolism but Shaolin martial artists usually use their own body to build muscle. To build upper arm strength, do Qigong press ups as well as regular press ups. When you do regular press ups, change where your hands are in relation to your body.

6) Work your body from the inside out and the outside in.

Never forget to do Qigong. Even if you're pushed for time, do ten minutes to cool down after your workout. Our life is increasingly fast-paced and stressful. Qigong reduces cortisol, balances the hormones, regulates the blood pressure, and un-blocks stress. You will find that regular Qigong not only increases your energy levels but also your fitness level too.  

If you like this blog post you can sign up to my newsletter. As well as my monthly training tips direct into your inbox, you get access to more than a year's worth of archive newsletters. As well as DVDs, meditation aids are available so that not only your workout is a meditation but your life.

Monday 9 May 2011

Do You Enjoy My Blog…Offer Me a Shake......

Well….there I go again…not holding back and coming right out with it. I absolutely enjoy blogging and sharing my journey of how I maintain my physique through what I eat and what I do for workouts. Imagine having fabulous conversation with someone you have met for the first time at a quaint coffee shop, or eatery….what happens….what would YOU like to drink? Oh, I will get that….Right On….the dialogue, the content, and the experience was worth the price of a drink. I have been there myself and actually did not want the time to be over….LET’S KEEP GOING…THIS IS GOOD STUFF! My three or five dollars was a great investment for valuable information. I hope that is what I am bringing to you and touching you in that kind of way. I would absolutely LOVE to be able to dedicate even more time to video, especially food pieces for every meal, more motivational exercises, and of course write to you, but my time is also dictated by what I passionately do for a living as a personal trainer/consultant. This means my love for preparing the Blog may not be daily…which is a bummer. It is really fun to prepare the content, the videos and I am absolutely loving your feedback, great comments, emails…all of it is FABULOUS….and I enjoy being available. I have come up with the idea of an “Offer me a Shake” donation button in order to start building on the ability to work more for YOU. This is how I think….a little bit goes along way….3 dollars here, 5 dollars there and if enough of my followers LIKE the Blog and donate a protein shake… BOOM….this Blog could really take off and become a fabulous outlet for me and GREAT motivation for YOU. The cost of getting healthy and Staying Healthy has reached crazy heights and lots of time unaffordable for so many….I think this is wrong. I believe in making adapting a healthy lifestyle for all people possible and affordable. I also offer this to my clients that I train personally in my studio….My passion is to help as many people as I can to reach a quality of life that says I AM A HEALTHY PERSON. My love to help, to encourage, to motivate, and to celebrate every step that YOU take to getting healthy is the purpose of my sharing my life through my Blog. So, now you know what the whole blender is about….and how to use the cute little icon I chose. Let’s see what we can do together to build this Blog into me being able to spend more time with you….which would be FABULOUS….because I love to write, love to cook, and love to eat as I have shared, and you being able to benefit in a BIG way through exercise samples, cooking demos, recipes, workout plans, nutrition plans…and everything that I share about myself that will MOTIVATE you to adapt a Stay Healthy Life….All for a Shake;)

Motivation of the Day: Good Health and Happiness Walk This Life Together….Are YOU there?

My Workout for the Day:

ARC trainer for 30 minutes: (still sluggish)

Body ball work (Watch the video)

My Meal 2...BOMB GOOD!
My Nutrition for the Day:
Coffee, one cup
1-Post workout shake
2-Sweet potato and egg whites
3-Protein ball & 1 orange
4-Spinach Salad & grilled Albacore tuna patty
5-Protein Pudding

Splurge Report: Mother’s Day... my daughter Hope prepared a fabulous brunch! On the menu…Pasta with fresh mozzarella & basil, Fancy finger sandwiches, & Rosemary Scones with Lemon Glaze, Fruit Skewers (hubby prepared these) . YES….I TRIED EVERYTHING!!!! I have included a personal share of my day!
Fabulous Future Chef & Daughter!

My Mother's Day Brunch!

My Daughter..The Master Chef...Thanks Babe!
New Lounge from My Hubby xoxo
Thanks Mom 4 the Love of Cooking

I LOVE my Family & Thanks for such a Beautiful Mom's Day!



Friday 6 May 2011

Put A Fork In It..........

Motivation of the Day: In order to Succeed…try try Again, and Again and Again

I LOVE My Medicine Ball!
That is how I am feeling today…I would like to put a fork in this hormone headache…POOH! Really, this thing wants to hang on after having my coffee….caffeine is a vasoconstrictor & actually helps with pain relief…but not today….hard workout….still hanging on….OMG…OK…taking some NSAIDS. YES, I am human and have to resort to some OTC pain relief today. That is off my chest and on to the topic of forking. What do I mean by that…..OK…a bit more off my chest…I love to have my windows open on beautiful days to feel the fresh breeze blowing in…and today that is REALLY NEEDED…but THAT SEAL SOUNDING DOG that lives next door can ring the bells off a ship for crying out loud. Whew…I think this headache is really sensitive to seals…lol. YES…a bit of frustration coupled with cramps, seal song dogs, and a headache…sorry GUYS…I am sure the ladies understand. To top it off, my camera shut down mid video…REALLY…OK…laughing now. Can I say, one of those days…YIKES… Let me get back on track. NOW…the FORK thing…I ALWAYS order salad dressing on the side and if I want to use it, I DIP MY FORK IN IT, and then grab all the beautiful veggies and protein to enjoy with my meal. I am able to enjoy going out with my family & friends at any restaurant and order the way I LIKE IT. I am buying it so I order what I want. I hear so many excuses about how hard it is to eat healthy when eating out….OK…that is CRAP. Sorry, I am a say-it-like-it-is GIRL. How I eat is a choice….How you eat is a choice…anywhere, anytime, anyhow. It does not matter where I am, I decide what I put in my face, and how much I put in my face…and that is that. I maintain my physique by making smart choices and I CHOOSE to order lots of salads when I am out and PUT A FORK IN the dressing…if I even go there. Lots of times I choose not to….but if it strikes me…I Fork It. Eating out takes discipline and I have lots of that, and I also enjoy how eating healthy makes me feel…so really it is not a big deal for me to order healthy…as I have shared before…it is like breathing to me…my lifestyle. Truly though…how hard is it to say…PUT THE DRESSING ON THE SIDE. Why order a salad where the greens and yummy things are literally bathing in cream and fat…YUCK. Literally, I have seen salads so covered in the dressing that it is a slippery mess…not a food turn on in my book. I have talked with many a server, and they do not mind taking my order, and in fact, they usually have questions to ask me during our brief dialogue. It is great fun. Please do not think that you will offend someone by ordering YOUR food the way YOU want it. They are doing a job…you are paying them….got it! If they make the food extra special…a nice tip is in order. Speaking of tips and now that I am clear on my eating out salad strategy…..other things I do when I am out…first up…order a BIG GLASS OF WATER & drink often, I keep my paws out of the bread, chips, nuts, or any snacking junk sitting at the table, enjoy conversation, eat slowly and PUT A FORK IN IT;)

My Workout of the Day: Watch the Video
ARC trainer: 30 minutes

Bodywork: repeated this cycle 3 x
Tube squats 50 reps
Tube shoulder pulses 30 reps
Pivot front back lunges 25 reps per leg
Leg extensions 25lbs @ 25 reps
Hamstring curls 25lbs @ 25 reps
Medicine ball toss~fronts/ups/figure 8 @ 20 reps per move

My Nutrition of the Day:

A Beautiful Birthday Gift from my FAB client VICKI!!! Love ya & YUM!
 Coffee, 2 cups (hoping for headache relief…NOT)

1-Pre-workout shake
2-Post-workout shake
3-Egg Whites with mustard on Sprouted Bread
4-Fresh Strawberries and Protein Ball
5-Grilled Asparagus/Zucchini & Salmon (YUM!!!)
6-Protein Pudding made with ripe banana

Check out my Cinco De Mayo dinner ~ Crock spiced brown rice, topped with crock shredded spicy chicken, non-fat plain yogurt for the sour cream, fresh avocado and sliced tomatoes!!!

My Next Submission to Natural Muscle Magazine for the June Issue

Thanks for Supporting the Stay Healthy Life!