Friday 24 September 2010

Want To Build Muscle? Focus On The Right Muscle Building Diet

By Robert Harvard

When most people begin muscle building, they typically focus
on the exercises necessary to build muscle and reduce
body fat. However, the bodybuilding diet is the most
important aspect of the entire process. Without a proper
diet, those muscles you've worked so hard to build will be
covered over with a layer of fat, which goes against
everything a bodybuilder tries to do.

A bodybuilding diet isn't difficult to keep up, it just
takes a little discipline and know how. With a few tips and
a lot of self control, you could be well on your way to the
physique you've only dreamed about.

Split Up Your Meals

As we grew up, our parents usually taught us to eat three
meals a day. Those meals were to contain the four food
groups and they were generally large enough to keep us
satiated until the next meal came around. However, the more
you eat in one sitting, the more your body has to work to
digest it. Health experts now tell us to split up our meals
into four to six smaller meals, eaten throughout the day.
This, too, is what the bodybuilding diet entails. By
splitting up your meals into four to six smaller, more
manageable, meals each day, our metabolisms speed up,
enabling us to burn more fat than ever before.

Stay Away From Processed Food

When you begin your bodybuilding diet, you want to refrain
from anything that uses processed flour. Experienced
bodybuilders will tell you to stay to the outside perimeter
of the supermarket, where the dairy, meat, fruit, veggies
and bread are located. They will tell you to stay away from
the inside aisles of the supermarket, where all the chips,
and other processed foods are located. The simplest way to
keep to your bodybuilding diet is to tell yourself to keep
it natural. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and stay
away from anything laden with sugar; as this will turn into
fat in the long run.

Water, Water, Water

It can't be said enough. When beginning any bodybuilding
diet, you can't refrain from drinking lots of water. Water
flushes the fat and toxins from our body and also helps us
in fighting disease and illness. After all, we are seventy
percent water so we need to drink plenty of water if we hope
to stay healthy. A good rule is to drink a glass of water
before each meal, during each meal and once between meals.
This will keep you plenty hydrated and that's important,
especially when it comes to your bodybuilding diet.

If you stick to the above tips and work hard, you could
become a bodybuilder in no time. Remember, being a
bodybuilder doesn't just mean having big muscles, it also
means having low body fat. While working out will give you
the muscles you want, it's the bodybuilding diet that will
strip you of that fat so that those muscles, and all your
hard work, will finally be revealed.

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Monday 20 September 2010

Some Super Diet Shake Recipes To Lose Weight

Nothing can be quite as delicious and satisfying as a great diet shake.
Here are five tried-and-true diet shake recipes. Give them a whirl
in your blender:

Strawberry-Orange-Banana Diet Shake Recipes
• Some orange juice – about 2 cups or so
• Some sliced bananas – 1 or 2
• Some strawberries -- a cup or so
• Some ice – about a cup
• A container of strawberry-banana low fat yogurt

Mandarin-Mango Diet Shake Recipes
• Some mandarin orange pieces – 2 cans or so
• Some cut up mangoes – 2 mangos is about right
• Some ice – about a cup
• Protein supplements from the nutrition store—follow the label directions
• A container of mango-flavored low fat yogurt

Berry Berry Special Diet Shake Recipes
• Some cranberry juice – about half a cup
• Some apple juice -- about half a cup
• Some strawberries
• Some blueberries
• Some raspberries
• A banana
• A container of strawberry or blueberry low fat yogurt

Banana-Chocolate-Vanilla Diet Shake Recipes
• A cut up frozen banana
• A teaspoon of vanilla
• A cup of skim milk
• A teaspoonful of Splenda
• A teaspoonful of cocoa powder
• A container of low fat yogurt—plain or vanilla

Coffee-Mocha Diet Shake Recipes

• One teaspoon instant coffee
• One teaspoon cocoa powder
• One teaspoon of Splenda
• Ice
• A container of vanilla or plain low fat yogurt
• A powder protein supplement if you like

Regardless of which of the diet shake recipes you are making, the procedure is the same. Just pop all the ingredients into your blender and turn it on. Run the blender until the shake is the desired consistency, pour into a beautiful glass, and enjoy your homemade, healthy, nutrient-dense, diet shake recipes. Not only will it help with your weight loss; it taste delicious.Enjoy!

P.S. Anybody have any other healthy shake ideas out there? Please feel
free to share them, thanks.

Thursday 16 September 2010

What's Your Excuse For Not Eating More Fruits & Vegetables?

By David Butler

Everyone is aware of the fact that fruits and veggies are
excellent for the body, due to their abundance of fiber and
disease-fighting nutrients. Mom said we should eat plenty of
them every day and we knew she was right, but did we pay any

An unpleasant visual to call up is us driving with one
finger on the steering wheel as we cram greasy French fries
and hamburgers in our mouth while washing it all down with a
chocolate shake. Although, we may not be making that pit
stop every day, we still make bad choices for convenience
like grabbing a bag of chips instead of an apple or banana.
The fruit is just as fast, but so much better for us.

If it's simple you want, why not try some watermelon,
grapes, or a cantaloupe? Fruit only needs a quick wash and
it's ready to snack on. Another example might be veggies
such as carrots or celery soaked in a light dressing.
Research has shown that we don't eat enough of the
low-calorie, wholesome broccoli and Brussels sprouts, and so
we are overweight and disease-prone. Nutritional experts
hope to wake us up to healthy eating and inspire us with
five-a-day campaigns that remind us that we should be eating
at least five servings daily of vegetables and fruits.

In the beginning, five servings per day appears like a lot.
Fruit at breakfast is a practical idea to work in one extra
serving of fruit to start the day. Fruit on cereals,
waffles, or pancakes is another idea. Apples or bananas make
great portable snacks.

Veggies are very easy to get in during the day. It's easy
and smart to have a salad for lunch. When you have lunch or
dinner out, order a sandwich made with lettuce, tomatoes and
sprouts. You can add vegetables to baked goods, or use them
as ingredients in stews and soups, and with sauces for meat.

Do you like peanut butter? Add some celery with it. Kids
especially love this snack. Toss some raisins on top as
well! Cheese and celery make a nice snack too. Sometimes
kids are reluctant to try new fruits and vegetables. But
keep giving them different kinds to try. A lot of well
meaning parents will tell their children that they must
first clean their plate of vegetables before they can even
think about dessert. The problem here is the psychology this
creates. You're basically communicating the idea that
vegetables are something unpleasant to 'get through' so you
can move onto the sweet stuff in live. Think about how
different everyone's health would be if we didn't see our
vegetables in this manner.

Carrots after you finish all of your pudding!? Juice is
another simple way to increase your fruit and vegetable
consumption. The downside of juice is that it lacks fiber.
You don't get that benefit of vegetables and fruits when you
drink them. It also kills your appetite. How many times have
you seen a child drink a large cup of juice and then refuse
to eat, claiming they aren't hungry? Juices also often have
more calories than the fruit they come from.

The benefits to your health of fruits and vegetables are
obvious. Research has shown us that people who consume the
recommended servings of fruits and vegetables a day have
about half the chance of contracting 14 different types of
adult cancers than those who don't. By eating more
fruits and vegetables you can lower the risk of heart
attack, stroke, and adult blindness.

This is information that everybody should know;
nevertheless, we can come up with millions of excuses for
not eating properly. One excuse that people use is that it
costs a lot to eat healthy, and other people say that it
just takes too much time to prepare healthy foods. What
excuse keeps you from eating the way you know you should?

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Monday 13 September 2010

The Prevention And Treatment Of Swimmer's Ear Infections

By Sophia Baker

Otitis externa is the medical term for swimmer's ear, and
occurs when an infection develops in the outer ear and the
ear canal skin. The difference between swimmer's ear and an
inner ear infection (otitis media) is that congestion, a
runny nose, and other cold symptoms will generally be
present when a person has an inner ear infection. When water
becomes lodged in the ear canal following bathing,
showering, or swimming, swimmer's ear can occur. When water
begins to irritate the canal within your ear, an infection
can develop because of fungal or bacterial growth.

Although never contagious, such an infection is much like
those that happen after a bite or laceration of the skin.
Over-the-counter ear drops may be purchased to lessen the
possibility of contracting swimmer's ear, or you may make
the drops yourself by combining like amounts of rubbing
alcohol and white vinegar. As soon as you have finished
swimming, simply put five to ten drops in both ears,
allowing the drops to remain several minutes inside the ear
before emptying them out on to a Kleenex.

The alcohol portion of the treatment immediately removes
moisture, and the vinegar destroys any harmful toxins. This
is to be used as a preventative measure and not as a
treatment for infections. Other measures to take to reduce
the risk of swimmer's ear include drying ears thoroughly
when water has gotten into them, staying out of polluted
water when swimming, and keeping foreign objects out of the
ear canal.

Some signs of swimmer's ear are itching in or around the
ear; hearing difficulties; discomfort in the ear if you
press on certain parts of the ear, like the flap covering
the ear canal or when you pull on the ear; and discomfort in
the area on your face surrounding the ear. Discomfort in
just one ear can also indicate that you have swimmer's ear.

A discharge that's yellowish-green in color may also emerge
from the ear canal. It's very important to see a doctor
immediately if you notice the signs of swimmer's ear in your
child, particularly if discharge is present. While a rare
occurrence, it's possible that an untreated instance of
swimmer's ear can spread and ultimately effect the bone or
cartilage surrounding the ear. The pain of swimmer's ear may
be alleviated by placing a warm cloth or a heating pad on
the ear or by taking acetaminophen.

Should the infection be advanced and the ear canal be
swollen, the doctor will probably give you a prescription
for antibiotic-steroid drops. Such steroids ease the
suffering and help the irritated skin to get well, while the
antibiotic eliminates fungus or bacteria. Your physician
might put a wick in the child's ear if there is significant
swelling of the ear canal; a wick is a bit of sponge or
cotton which helps the drops to penetrate down to the ear
canal. The drops are generally used for somewhere between
five to ten days and the child must not go swimming or get
any water in the ear during the treatment.

Things to watch for after swimmer's ear treatment include
stiffness in the neck, fever or dizziness, continual
drainage or discharge from the ear canal, and persistent ear
pain; should any of these issues occur, be sure to contact
your doctor to discuss further options.

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Monday 6 September 2010

A Muscle Building Diet - The Top 3 Components

By Stephen "the Body" Jones

There are 3 major things that go into a diet for those
wishing to build muscles: protein, carbohydrates and water.
Here are a few ideas on how to arrange your diet to include
the most necessary building blocks for muscles.

As we all know, water is required for life and some do not
take into consideration the effects on the muscles it has. A
doctor would recommend for a healthy adult to drink at least
64 ounces of water a day. If a person were to exercise more
than a half hour daily, it would be suggested that a minimum
of another 16 ounces be taken in to replace the lost fluids
from exercise.

Carbohydrates are off limits in many diets. But if you are
trying to build up muscles, they are have an essential
function. For someone who has a 2,000 calorie a day diet,
half of this should be from carbohydrates. If your diet is
more than 2,000 calories a day, the carbohydrate intake has
to be elevated as well so the energy required for exercise
is available and the muscles can be built up.

Your carbohydrate intake should be from foods like fruit,
potatoes and vegetables, and avoid sources that include
added sugars like fruit juices and sports drinks. The added
sugars will offer short bursts of energy and also normally
add fat that the body does not need. Your healthy
carbohydrates should come from bread, green vegetables,
colorful fruits and almost any type of noodle or pasta.

Your last half of daily caloric intake should come from
proteins. Some foods that are considered the healthiest
means of getting your intake includes baked chicken or
turkey as well as salmon or tuna in water. Do not take in
any fried foods, since they offer additional fats that you
do not need and this could cause fatigue of the muscles.

Since muscles have to break down and then rebuild, each of
these 3 components are needed in a diet. They can be changed
as needed due to special diet requirements or medical
conditions. However, if you do have a medical condition it
is best to consult your doctor before starting any diet.

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Thursday 2 September 2010

5 Cheap & Effective Ways to Boost Your Immune System

By Harvey Green

How to boost immune system response, is on many minds these
days. It can make the difference between illness and
wellness. You body is constantly fighting off invasions from
many sources. This protection mechanism keeps your entire
body working properly. When it is not properly functioning,
you may be subject to many illnesses. There are a lot of
methods to help the body's defenses. Here are just a few.

Proper intake

Everything that you take into your body will affect your
defenses. Good things in, will equate to good things out.
Eat plenty of vegetables and fruits. Substitute good fats
and oils for bad. Do not eat too many meat items. Limit your
salt intake. Try to maintain an overall healthy lifestyle.

Nothing is more important than your water intake. Your
natural defenses cannot perform well without this liquid. It
also makes it possible to digest and metabolize your food.
Drink water often. Drink it throughout your day. You may
think that tea, soda, and coffee count toward your daily
water intake. They do not. In fact, they can take away from
it. They have a diuretic action on the body. This removes
water and minerals from you. Many of these are vital
electrolytes, like potassium and magnesium.

Healthy tea

Green tea has received a lot of attention in the press.
White tea is also becoming popular. Both contain many
important antioxidants that keep your defense in top gear.
Tea acts similar to an antibiotic. It helps to prevent
bacteria form attacking tissue. It may decrease your risk of
some kinds of cancers. It may also be of benefit to those
with rheumatoid arthritis. Although white tea is supposed to
be more effective, green tea has many benefits, too.

Echinacea therapy

Echinacea is frequently used for infections and flu. The
action of echinacea is on a cellular level. It stimulates
cells that are responsible for fighting infection. It also
helps to produce chemicals that stimulate the healing
process. You can take echinacea in liquid or capsules. It is
usually take for two to three weeks at a time. It is best to
take it with food, also. This may help to eliminate an


Garlic oil and garlic have a positive effect on your
fighting cells. When they attack, they secret enzymes that
can cause inflammation. Asthma and rheumatoid arthritis are
examples. Garlic secretes chemicals that act against this
inflammation. Allergy problems may be helped this way. The
inflammation of other conditions may also be reduced.

Olive leaf

Olive leaf extract is used to help your body's defenses. It
aids cells with its chemical secretions. It also provides
many important antioxidant enzymes. It is supposed to act
similar to an antibiotic. It may also possess antiviral and
anti-fungal properties, too.

If you find yourself getting under the weather a lot, then
you may need to start
boosting your immune system. Try some
immune system supplements. Chances are, you will notice the
difference in a few of weeks.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Stay Healthy Recipe and Article

Hi Readers....

I hope you are doing well, getting healthy and Staying Healthy!!! The September issue of Natural Muscle Magazine is now available so please check out page 40 for another Stay Healthy recipe. All the tools are given to you and it is YOU that needs to love yourself enough to take advantage of the gifts I am providing to you. My desire is to reach out and help as many people as I can get healthy and Stay Healthy!!! Today is a new day and always the RIGHT time to START taking control of your life and being the BEST YOU for a LIFETIME. Also included in this Blog post is my recent article about truly LOVING yourself. It is not to offend, but to open your eyes and realize the importance of your health. Take good care and Stay Healthy!!!
The Links:
Stay Healthy!!!
Darla Benfield, LCPT, LCMT