Friday 29 November 2013

7 Habits We can Learn From a Shaolin Monk For Healthy Living Today

Living like a Shaolin Monk gives us a fascinating insight into how we can live  a longer, healthier life with more vitality even in the midst of our urban modern life. Many of us look at a Shaolin Monk's life and think it's extreme but think of a Shaolin Monk like an Olympic champion, working hard everyday to remain at the peak of their health and fitness so they can achieve their end goal of enlightenment.

1) Make your health your priority

Yesterday a student came to me with back pain so bad, he found it difficult to stand up straight. He told me that he couldn't work or do anything because he was so overcome with pain. I massaged his pain to alleviate the worse of it then I guided him through a Qigong sequence. At the end of our session, his pain was almost completely gone. I asked him what had triggered the pain, and he told me he hadn't had time to do any training for many months.

Remember that your health is the most important thing there is. Without health you can't work or look after your family. Make it a priority. Shaolin Monks never skip a workout.

 2) The Power Of Commitment

Before embarking on their training, a Shaolin Monk makes a vow in front of their community. Being healthy requires a lifestyle changes and a way of approaching life in a more holistic way. Think of what you want to achieve, how much time you can give to achieve this goal, and make an inner commitment to strengthen your resolve.

3) Everyday day life is Zen

When a Shaolin Monk eats they do eating meditation,  when they walk they do walking meditation. Staying focused on the path leads to unshakeable peace. So next time you're in the supermarket do shopping meditation.

 4) Be moderate in eating and drinking

Through training, your body will naturally reject unhealthy foods and crave healthy foods. Shaolin Monks think of food as medicine, only eating and drinking what they really need.

5) Quantity counts more than quality

When a Shaolin Monk trains they train with their heart - mind first then their body. Better to train for ten minutes like this than an hour of unfocused training

6) It is our bad habits that cause us trouble, not reality

Whenever a negative emotion arises, a Shaolin Monk welcomes it as a gift so that they can progress on their path. We tend to cling to our worries, circling them round and round in our mind like a marble.  But the truth is that by doing this we are only adding to our problem.

7) The peaceful heart is always here

A Shaolin Monks way is to peace is through their training and meditation. Whatever yours is, make sure you give yourself time to renew yourself on a daily basis and get in touch with the peace that is always within you.

For more information on the graded path to Shaolin please visit

Thursday 28 November 2013

Favourite Five this Friday - November 29

Can you believe there's now less than a month until Christmas? How is your planning and organisation going for the festive season?

As you'd imagine, with our 4 kids under 8, things get very exciting and more than a little bit crazy around here .... but I guess that's kind of in keeping with how these last few weeks have been too!

This past week though has been a little bit calmer for me with no Fitness, Food and Style trips away from home ... but nevertheless the days have flown past in a blur of busy.

How have you kept up with the busy of your week?

The very best news I received this week, was that our Vision Crusaders captain, Klaus Bartosch, is now in remission after some very intense chemo treatment for an aggressive Leukaemia. Woohoo, Klaus! Such awesome news ... which leads me straight into the recap of my favourite five things this Friday!

1. A number of the Vision Crusaders cyclists have shaved their heads in respect and honour of our team captain. This week, to salute Klaus and the team, I made the chop. No, not shaved ... as that would have been much too drastic for my kids ... but this is the shortest my hair has been for years! You like it? ;)

Any money raised from my "chop for a cure" will be going straight to my RTCC Adelaide starting tomorrow. It's the last of the RTCC events for 2013, and I'd like to thank my FFS readers for coming with me on this amazing journey!

2. This week I focused on building and maintaining core strength with a 7 day Plank Challenge ! Did you plank? Make sure you tag your pics to #ffsplanks for some awesome giveaways. Here are the kids and I hard at it in our pyjamas the other night before going to bed. 

Mini planks challenge

3. The warmer weather really inspires me to break out an exercise sweat and there's something so energising about running. I've teamed with The Athlete's Foot this week to bring you 20 tips to have you jogging like a pro in no time. Check out the post for some pre-run, post-run and shoe fitting pointers.

The Athlete's Foot is where I get my feet fitted with Asics Gel-Kayano's

4. I know that I'm so blessed with all of the opportunities and experiences that Fitness, Food and Style is bringing me and I give thanks daily. It really is my passion though, and I can assure you life is just amazing when you get to follow your dreams!

Live with passion

5. One of the things I find quick and easy in the morning for breakfast are my smoothies on the go. A tasty - and super quick -  way to enjoy the goodness of berries is by whipping up a quick smoothie. Don't forget to add some greens AND a scoop of 180 Nutrition Protein power for added nutrients and energy. Delicious!

180 Nutrition raspberry green smoothie

Another fantastic week done and dusted! Now tell me, what have you been up to these past 7 days?

much love and friendship
xx Dani

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Rave Reviews with 180 Nutrition

I am delighted to once again offer the opportunity for FFS readers to taste-test some of the products I am given and that I use and love.

I was lucky enough to discover 180 Nutrition (come say hi on their Facebook page from FFS) last year and I am totally in love with their range! I'm such an advocate of their product that I became an affiliate partner and can offer my readers an exclusive 10% discount off the entire range of their products.

When a discount is involved there's no better excuse to try a product and here's the promo code you'll need to secure the deal 264464.

The 4 lucky Rave Review team members who have been chosen to road test 180 Nutrition for a couple of weeks are:

1. Talia - Black Hill, Victoria
2. Skye - Junee, NSW
3. Adrian - Canberra, ACT
4. Antoinette - Southport, QLD

If you wonder why I love 180 Nutrition so much and recommend it so highly, it's because you'll find me using constantly! It is such a versatile product I can use it for everything - my pre and post workout drink, smoothies, baking, the works!!!! They also have THE most amazing protein bars for those handbag snacks that we need and rely on when we are on the go!

I understand that not everyone will like the taste or texture as it's unlike other protein powders which include synthetic fillers and artificial sweeteners. It doesn't dissolve completely but I love that about it! The fact that I can feel the texture of chia seeds, almond meal, sesame seeds etc..... as I am drinking it makes me happy as I know it's all completely natural and full of goodness!!!!

180 Nutrition Protein Superfood is unlike anything on the market today as it is 100% natural. Completely. You'll find nothing in it but the highest quality whey protein isolate and ingredients which are nutrient dense, chemical free, raw and home grown.
This really does make 180 a unique protein supplement experience - you’ll feel the difference. For more information and also to check out these sensational Paleo gentlemen Guy and Stu, click on the 180 linkEnjoy ... and don't forget I now have this amazing offer to all FFS readers 

Purchase any 180 Nutrition product via my link and receive a 10% discount!!! 
Simply use promo code 264464

180 Nutrition the most natural protein powder you will ever taste

How cool is that?

Much love and friendship,

Advantages of Online Nail Technician Courses

Becoming a nail expert is not a basic or straight forward assignment. On the other hand however, turning into a nail craftsman or specialist is agreeable and fun in spite of the fact that it could be unpredictable. One must be decently trained and should study distinctive styles in the event that they need to turn into an exceptional nail craftsman. There are numerous programs on the net that offer an extensive variety of courses in regards to nail courses.

One may ask, are online nail expert courses enough? Is your objective to turn into a master in your field? Will these online courses give better comprehension and expertise in one's specialty? Can it even make a nail tech surely turn into an expert? These are only a percentage of the inquiries that one may experience when selecting or captivating a nail tech course on the web.
In today's focused time, making the right instructive choices can mean a huge contrast in your and your family's future. Acquiring nail courses online will help harden one's standing as a qualified nail professional. Online nail courses are sought after. You could be your own supervisor as an enrolled nail tech. You can take a shot at your own particular hours, and you can work in somebody's salon or you can open your own.

One of the profits by consuming an online nail specialist course is that one can do and carry it anyplace they need. What's more obviously, studying in the home is dependably an in addition to. You can relax and unwind your style a tad. You don't dependably must be legitimately prepared the same way any other person in a classroom must be on the grounds that regardless of the fact that you are in the midst of some recreation or wherever it is you may be, inside a spot, or close to the beach, and whatever you are wearing, be it your night robe or a robe, you can even now study and get a charge out of the craft of outlining nails.

An alternate entrancing profit of enlisting in a nail tech course from home is the way that you can go at your own pace. You don't need to stress over getting abandoned and that takes a ton of weight off. There is no compelling reason to pack simply to get up to speed and get prepared for a test, on the grounds that with most online nail specialist courses, you are not getting your permit, yet unfolding your learning and aptitudes as it comes to different sorts of nail configuration. You get to set your own calendar and truly get a handle on and comprehend the data of the course. You can don't hesitate to make inquiries to educators through their messages or through the site's gathering.

Practice as much as you can; so provided that you are not kidding about stretching your abilities and learning in an expert way and building a gainful nail vocation, get yourself prepared and enlisted in online nail courses.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

My 20 top tips for pounding the pavement like a pro!

Jogging can be such an exhilarating form of exercise. Not much beats the rush of pushing your body to the limits, pounding the pavement and knowing you've got your heartbeat up to full notch! It's inexpensive, portable and can be done solo or with others - winning, I'd say!

Super comfortable Gel-Kayano 20s make me jump for joy!

You'll probably remember last month, that I went and got fitted for a pair of the new Gel-Kayano 20s  - a range exclusively released through the Athlete's Foot - and since then I have not looked back. Without a doubt these would have to be the most comfortable shoes I've ever trained in and because I consider purchasing a decent running shoe to be an investment in my health, they've proven themselves time and time again in the month or so I've had them.

But really, getting into running is actually a bit more complicated than just pulling on your ASICS and getting out there. There are certain things that you should take into consideration when preparing to take-up jogging as your exercise of choice. There are also some things to keep in mind while you jog as well as some important things to remember to do after your running workout.

Top 20 running tips

Whether you're new to the jogging scene, or a long-time runner, it's always good to refresh on some key points and check this out ...  the Fitness, Food and Style Top 20 tips for Running.

1. Warm your muscles up for at least 5 minutes before jogging. Brisk walking and/or stretches should ensure you are ready to rock and roll!

2. Shorter steps landing on the middle part of your foot is less likely to cause an injury that longer strides landing heavily on your heel.

3. Steady, combo breathing through both your nose and mouth will give you higher oxygen levels than just breathing through your nose alone.

4. Wearing old or worn out running shoes is an invitation to injury. It's the internal cushioning more than the tread that you have to look out for and as a rule of thumb you should replace running shoes around the 500km mark or every 3-6 months. I'll definitely be returning to the Athlete's Foot for another pair of Gel Kayano 20s at replacement time, because I'm yet to have a shoe that's come close to the cushioning and support of these.

5. If you are a beginner - or even recovering from illness - alternate jogging with some brisk walking. You can decrease the walking time and ramp up the running time as your fitness builds.

6. Mix it up with personal challenges - these can be in the form of distances or times. Maybe even a new route to keep things interesting.

7. Ladies, look after the girls by investing in a good quality sports bra. Jogging should not mean jiggling ;)

8. If your workout time means running in early light or on dusk, be sure to wear light colour tops or something hi-vis and fluro to be easily seen by traffic.

9. Try to limit your water intake during the 30 minutes before running. Having a belly full of liquid can be uncomfortable and lead to cramping. That said, be sure to take a water bottle with you.

10. Don't feel obliged to run every day of the week - having a break day and jogging 6 days out of 7 is actually recommended by exercise experts.

11. Remember that safety is important: carry a mobile phone, don't listen to music so loud that you are unaware of your surroundings and when possible jog in well lit and populated areas.

12. When you're a beginning jogger, the first few weeks will be the toughest. Embrace it! You'll find it does get easier!

13. Did you know the effect that running has on your mind and body is thought to be addictive? Start and you won't stop ;)

14. If you're looking at running as a fat-burning exercise, you'll be pleased to know that it burns 28% more fat than cycling! Yet another great reason to pull on those trainers and get moving today!

15. Bonus points if you have access to a treadmill. On days where you can't get outside into the fresh air, treadmill running is just as good for you.

16. When going to purchase a new pair of running shoes, make sure you take the socks with you that you intend on wearing. It's likely that your feet are slightly different sizes so buy a pair that is most comfortable for the 'bigger' foot.

17. Be sure of your new running shoe purchase by taking your current pair with you so an easy comparison can be made about feel - cushioning and comfort - without having to rely on how you think the old ones feel. Good running shoes represent an investment, so you'll want the best possible pair in your price range. The Kayano 20s have been worth every cent of the outlay.

18. Don't be too hard on yourself about your running - although pushing yourself is great, running for personal exercise is not a competition or race. Listen to your body and enjoy it!

19. You've warmed up, you've run like a champ so don't forget to cool down at the end! Stretching your muscles after exercise is often overlooked but so very important!

20. If you're thinking of taking up running, but are yet to start, remember to get the all clear from your doctor. You could also consider seeking the advice of a professional to help organise a suitable running schedule to get you going.

If you're a keen runner, what tips or advice could you add to the list above? I'd love to hear your suggestions and feedback in the comments.

Happy jogging!

Much love and friendship

xx Dani

Easy Recipes for a Healthy Diet to Lose Weight

Wondering how to lose weight while being on a healthy diet? Well, losing weight isn't a quick or easy process, but a few simple weight loss tips can be a big help along the way. Increase the intake of protein, fibre, and healthy carbs, which boost the metabolism. Not sure how to work these calorie-burning ingredients into the daily menu, start with these recipes that can be made in very less time.

Recipes for the weight loss diet plan:

Broccoli and Feta Omelet with Toast: An easy breakfast recipe that will packs a punch with a satisfied yet energized feeling. The broccoli provides filling fibre and the protein-loaded eggs curb appetite and will help stave off the fhunger pangs.

Salmon Noodle Bowl: The meal offers a bounty of nutritious and metabolism-boosting ingredients. The salmon and avocado are rich in healthy fats, whereas noodles and veggetables are high in fibre to provide essential vitamins and minerals.

Chocolate-Dipped Banana Bites: The bananas in this dessert are a rich source of resistant starch, a type of healthy carbohydrate that burn calories. As an added bonus, this semisweet chocolate desert contains healthy fats to further rev the body metabolism.

Honey Grapefruit with Banana: While trying to trim down or stay slim, one cannot go wrong with the tangy tropical fruit salad. This salad is perfect for breakfast or as a colourful side dish at brunch as grapefruit is one of the best foods for weight loss. It has a high water concentration and the juice also prevents overeating.

White Bean and Herb Hummus with Crudités: Whip up a batch of flavourful, fibre-rich hummus in your own kitchen with lemon, olive oil, chives and white beans. Add assorted raw vegetables like broccoli to get more fibre and fat-burning resistant starch from this wholesome snack.

Spiced Green Tea Smoothie: Green tea is one of the top fat-burning foods due to a metabolism-boosting compound known as EGCG. So, the rich smoothie flavoured with spices, lime and agave nectar gives nutritional benefits of green tea.

Dark Chocolate and Oat Clusters: Desserts can help burn fat too especially when the desert is made with oatmeal and dark chocolate. Oatmeal contains 1.7 grams of resistant starch and the dark chocolate is full of healthy fats to help curb cravings. Peanut butter, which holds the clusters together provide satiating protein resulting in a guilt-free sweet treat.

Banana and Almond Butter Toast: The bananas and whole-grain bread are high in resistant starch that boost metabolism, while the almond butter adds hunger-curbing protein and healthy unsaturated fats.

Banana Nut Oatmeal: Get all of the flavour with fewer calories as both oatmeal and banana are powerhouses for appetite-suppressing resistant starch. Additionally, the walnuts provide heart-healthy fats.

Super-foods build bones, prevent chronic diseases, improve eyesight and also keeps the mind sharp. But the good news is that these foods can also help you have a healthy diet to lose weight and stay slim.

Losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight in the long term can be tough. There are plenty of small yet powerful ways to avoid common dieting difficulties by developing a healthier relationship with food and achieving lasting weight loss success.

Author Bio:

Amelia Smith is a shopping addict! Loves to talk about ways to stay fit, provide weight loss tips and share the quirky fashion side with her friends!

Monday 25 November 2013

Fitness Transformation Tuesday with Donnie Hodge

Today's transformation makes me smile. It's people like Donnie that are making a difference to other peoples lives and not only his. Donnie decided to make a change in his life and along the way changed a lot of other lives as well.

It's amazing how you can change the simple things that end up making such a big impact. Donnie lead by example and today his parents too are living a much healthier lifestyle.

You look fantastic Donnie!!!

Here is his story;

  • I am 23 years old. April 14 was when I first started my journey to living a healthier lifestyle. I started off working out but not taking it to serious. I was still eating unhealthy foods. So I said I'm going to do a 2 week detox. I juiced for 2 weeks and only did light cardio. Once I grab hold of my eating I started going to the farmers market every weeks to buy my fruits and vegetables. I began to workout 5 times a week, working a new body part every day. Once I started getting into better shape I applied for my personal training certification. So I began to train other people and workout with them at the same time. So not only helping myself I was helping others. I started turning 5 times a week into 3 times a day for a 6 day period. My body started to form into what I wanted it to look like. I started training my friends and we all shared results together. My journey started in april and it still continues I'm still not where I want to be. So I'm going to keep working hard.
  • As a kid I ate hamburgers, pizza, all the fast food. White castle used to be one of my favorite things to eat. I used to eat a whole pan of meatloaf. As a young adult I ate hamburgers, pizza even more fast food because I was working and I can pay for it. So food was never a problem to get. What changed for me was I stopped eating late at nights. I don't eat after 7pm now. If i do its a piece of fruit only because I just left the gym or working out. I juice in the mornings and that consists of spinach, cucumbers, green apples, and maybe another fruit. I eat my heavier meals around 4pm. That will consist of a type of protein, maybe a tuna sandwich, fish, chicken breast. My third meal will consist of more vegetables and fruits. I dont eat any candy, I don't drink any alcohol, no red meat, no cake, no juice, I only drink water and juice that was prepared by me.
  • I used to play basketball, baseball, and football. I lost interest in them and now I am a boxer. I watch baseball, basketball, football, tennis, golf, boxing, and volleyball.
  • What makes me smile is when my clients say they already feel healthier. When a client says they are sore but they want more. What really puts a smile on my face is when a client says they can fit in a pair of jeans that they have been trying to fit in for a while. My passion in life is to help people reach there goals in life. My passion is to inspire people to look how they always wanted to but they didn't have any guidance.
  • My Great Grandmother died of a heart attack. My Grandmother died of a heart attack. I said I will be dammed if my Mother or Father died of a heart attack. I said to myself if I can get in the best shape of my life and document everything., I can help people around me live a healthier lifestyle. So one day I stayed up thinking of a plan on how to get healthier. I already had an athletic background I just was using my abilities. I was partying every weekend sometimes starting on thursdays and ending on sundays. I looked at some old photos of myself and I thought about what happened. I started boxing may 18 but I was still partying, smoking and drinking. I found out the hard way, those things dont go together. I couldn't breath some days I felt like I was going to die. So I had to stop. If I really wanted to pursue a boxing career I had to stop. I had to not only stop for me, I had to stop for my family. Being the youngest in our family, I had to lead by example. Once I started being healthy the whole family jumped on board. Since my change, my mother changed and she has lost 53 pounds and my father has lost 33 pounds.
  • I will win the golden gloves championship for New York state come this January. I am looking to open my own gym by the end of next year. A place where it is very affordable for people and they can still get a great workout. I am also looking forward to winning other boxing tournaments to help build my resume as an amateur boxer. I am also looking forward to competing in a physique contests in the summer.
  • It's not easy but what in life is. Being healthy builds confidence, you're not as tired, you start to become a motivator not by choice. You start to get a hold of your life. Food controls you whether you think it or not. It controls how long you live, it controls the people around you, it controls how much energy you will have to do in your daily task. The healthier you are, the better your day will become. Every time I look at how far I have come, I just smile.

    Instagram @unfinished_product_fit twitter: _upfitness
    Facebook Upfitness

Sunday 24 November 2013

An update ... it's almost the end of an amazing journey

If you've been following my Ride To Conquer Cancer journey this year, you'll understand the mixed bag of emotions I have now as the final ride, in Adelaide, looms.

A chance meeting with Klaus Bartosch in March this year saw me (back then a non-cyclist) thrown right into the Vision Crusaders. This mob have turned out to be more of a family than a team, what a bunch of amazing, dedicated and crazy riders they are - all pedalling for a dream - a cure for cancer!

So very much has happened since our first ride in Brisbane. Who knew that the first ride of our Grand Slam attempt (aka to complete all 6 rides, a feat never done before) would also be the start of an amazing journey with rollercoaster highs and lows.

The very thrill of Sir Richard Branson responding to our global campaign to secure his support was undoubtedly a high point for me, as has been the raising of tens of thousands of dollars for cancer research by the Vision Crusader team,  all donated to medical institutions in each state. Fantastic!!

This has been challenging on all members of the team but one person, our Vision Crusaders' captain, Klaus, has been hit harder than most.

Ironically, only days before the Sydney ride, Klaus was hospitalised to begin treatment for Acute Leukaemia. I bet you can imagine how pumped the team was to turn on an awesome ride in support of the man who was meant to be there with us to raise funds to cure the disease he was now fighting. We were riding to cure cancer, and to cure Klaus.

He WAS with us though, we carried Klaus's jersey, wrote his name on our arms and kept him updated over social media. It was a huge weekend - physically and emotionally. But, as a team we rode our hearts out.

Klaus is now home from hospital, still receiving outpatient treatment, but without hair. As a mark of support a number of the guys from the team have also shaved their heads .... but truthfully I have to say some rock the chrome-dome better than others ;)

To be honest, I'm not a bald kind of chick, and I know my 4 kids would be terrified if I shaved mine all off. They'd panic about me being unwell and the youngest babes just would not understand. But I truly wanted to help and show my support .... so this is the plunge that I took. Check out the before and after - it's not shiny, bald and smooth but it's a drastic cut for me!

Fitness Food And Style cuts her hair for a good cause

I haven't had hair this short in years, but after a few days now I'm almost used to it and calling it "my get ready for summer" do!

To help with some fundraising for my last RTCC in Adelaide, I'm hoping the hair chop can bring in some dollars. The statistics around cancer are frightening - 1 from every 3 Australians are likely to suffer - and all profits from the RTCC events in Australia go directly to research facilities in the host city. If you can spare a donation in support of my disappearing hair you can get further details here.

Other than that, if you like popcorn and a good movie and are into The Hunger Games, this coming Thursday night I'll be hosting a fundraising night and would love to see you there if you're a Melbournite :)

Where: Kino Cinemas, 45 Collins St, Melbourne
When: Thursday 28th November 2013 at 6pm
Price: $25 per person (email for tickets)

The Vision Crusaders have been a huge part of my 2013 and I'm thankful to be able to count all of them as friends. Each one of them has an inspirational story and will be part of my life forever.

Tell me, who inspires you to push yourself further than you dreamed possible?

Much love and friendship

xx Dani

Thursday 21 November 2013

Bowtrol Colon Cleanser Is Now Available with an Extra Bottle and Additional Bonus Offer

Natural colon cleanser Bowtrol is designed to help people restore digestive balance and eliminate every type of symptom caused by digestive disorder. The product is currently available with an extra bottle and other gifts for every order.
The Bowtrol colon cleanser is manufactured by the Natural Products Association. The company ha been in business for the past few years and is globally recognized in the health and beauty industry. Bowtrol is one of their safe yet effective treatments to resolve digestive disorders. This amazing formula has helped millions of people with its natural cleansing mechanism.

The product is also backed by clinical trials and approved by health experts. Bowtrol is celebrating its success by offering useful bonuses to its customers. Now with every order, consumers can get an extra bottle along with free membership to the online weight management club and a special E-book on weight loss tips. now offers Extra 2 Month Supply of Bowtrol Colon Cleanser. Click Here to Visit Official Website of Bowtrol.

Certain factors like aging, traveling, stress, unhealthy lifestyle and dieting can disturb the digestive function. An improvement in lifestyle can make digestive health better. A moderate exercise on a daily basis, consuming healthy and well-balanced diet will help improve overall health. What if a colon cleanser is combined with a healthy life style? Definitely it will make the digestive system to function at its best which leads to the natural restoration of digestive balance.

Research shows that Probiotics or friendly bacteria have some positive impact on the digestive health which results a boost in the immune system. This is why, Bowtrol is made with 9 billion probiotic cells to support a healthy digestive system and resolve every type of digestive disorder. It relieves constipation, stops occasional bloating and gas and stimulates energy levels to reduce weight.

Bowtrol colon cleanser is tried and tested in clinical trials and is administered by health experts as safe and effective product. According to recent clinical studies, it has been proven to safely relieve constipation. Over 50,000 consumers have gotten positive results while using this formula and shared their success stories on the official website. This simple addition to the routine life can really help to eliminate year’s long health problems associated with digestive disorders. Bowtrol colon cleanse is currently available with extra bottle and additional gifts offer. With every order, consumers can get useful weight loss tips to help them regain their slim body.

Visit read more information and details on bowtrol colon cleansing reviews, how it works, its uses, side effects and where to buy

About Natural Herbalz is online natural herbal remedies and vitamins review store for men's health, women's health, beauty & skin care and weight loss supplements!

PR from:

Favourite Five this Friday - November 22

Wow! Another week gone already, and what a jam-packed 7 days it has been! From a triathlon up at sunny Hamilton Island, to a Birthday Boy turning 6 and tropic-cool Hawaiian themed party to match. Just non stop, but I'm loving it!

A huge highlight of my week was heading to Hamilton Island - for the first time ever to the amazing FujiFilm sponsored triathlon (it was my 3rd time on the Island. Last time I was there Adrian asked me to marry him! So romantic). I am totally inspired to do a triathlon myself now, so watch out Hamilton Island 2014 - I'll be back ;)

Here's a snapshot of the busy Fitness, Food and Style week that's been ...

1. Lucky enough this week to spend some time chatting with legendary ironman, Ky Hurst. He's a superfit athlete, who makes it look just so effortless! And a great fellow too!

Ky Hurst is an Australian swimmer and ironman

2. Beach-perfect lunch is something as simple as a wrap stuffed full of healthy protein and greens. Fresh and delicious .... and ... yes, that's a sneaky fruit muffin treat that you can spy in this picture too!

Healthy salad roll lunch on Whitehaven beach

3. The absolute highlight of my week was celebrating our Oscar's 6th birthday with a fantastically fun Hawaiian themed party. Check out the blog post from yesterday to see how I pulled it all together in under 6 hours. Healthy food, fun games and grass skirts ... aloha!

Hawaiian birthday party theme 

4. There are many times when the easiest option ever would be to give up. STOP! Don't do it! The greatest rewards come from persistence and pushing through. I love this inspirational image and shared it on Instagram this week as a reminder to all of you ... and me!

5. Please indulge me this fangirl moment as I share with you my opportunity to meet and interview the supremely gorgeous Lindy Klim. What a gracious and stylish woman she is and so completely down to earth too! Keep an eye out for the upcoming feature on her and her business.

Lindy Klim former model and fashion entrepreneur 
Wow, there you have it ... another whirlwind of a week! Funny thing is I can't see it slowing down for a while yet! 

Please, let me know how your week's been ... what exciting things has life dished up for you?

Until next Friday, take care!

Much love and friendship

xx Dani

sleeping during pregnancy

sleeping pregnant

Expectant parents know that it'll be harder to get a good night's sleep after their little one arrives, but who would have guessed that catching enough ZZZs during pregnancy could be so difficult?
Actually, you may sleep more than usual during the first trimester of your pregnancy. It's normal to feel tired as your body works to protect and nurture the developing baby. The placenta (the organ that nourishes the fetus until birth) is just forming, your body is making more blood, and your heart is pumping faster.
It's usually later in pregnancy that most women have trouble getting enough deep, uninterrupted sleep.

Why Sleeping Can Be Difficult

The first and most pressing reason behind sleep problems during pregnancy is the increasing size of the fetus, which can make it hard to find a comfortable sleeping position. If you've always been a back or stomach sleeper, you might have trouble getting used to sleeping on your side (as doctors recommend). Also, shifting around in bed becomes more difficult as the pregnancy progresses and your size increases.
Other common physical symptoms may interfere with sleep as well:
  • the frequent urge to pee: Your kidneys are working harder to filter the increased volume of blood (30% to 50% more than you had before pregnancy) moving through your body, and this filtering process results in more urine. Also, as your baby grows and the uterus gets bigger, the pressure on your bladder increases. This means more trips to the bathroom, day and night. The number of nighttime trips may be greater if your baby is particularly active at night.
  • increased heart rate: Your heart rate increases during pregnancy to pump more blood, and as more of your blood supply goes to the uterus, your heart will be working harder to send sufficient blood to the rest of your body.
  • shortness of breath: At first, your breathing may be affected by the increase in pregnancy hormones, which will cause you to breathe in more deeply. This might make you feel as if you're working harder to get air. Later on, breathing can feel more difficult as your enlarging uterus takes up more space, resulting in pressure against your diaphragm (the muscle just below your lungs).
  • leg cramps and backaches: Pains in your legs or back are caused in part by the extra weight you're carrying. During pregnancy, the body also produces a hormone called relaxin, which helps prepare it for childbirth. One of the effects of relaxin is the loosening of ligaments throughout the body, making pregnant women less stable and more prone to injury, especially in their backs.
  • heartburn and constipation: Many women experience heartburn, which occurs when the stomach contents reflux back up into the esophagus. During pregnancy, the entire digestive system slows down and food tends to remain in the stomach and intestines longer, which may cause heartburn or constipation. These can both get worse later on in the pregnancy when the growing uterus presses on the stomach or the large intestine.
Your sleep problems might have other causes as well. Many pregnant women report that their dreams become more vivid than usual, and some even experience nightmares.
Stress can interfere with sleep, too. Maybe you're worried about your baby's health, anxious about your abilities as a parent, or feeling nervous about the delivery itself. All of these feelings are normal, but they might keep you (and your partner) up at night.

Finding a Good Sleeping Position

Early in your pregnancy, try to get into the habit of sleeping on your side. Lying on your side with your knees bent is likely to be the most comfortable position as your pregnancy progresses. It also makes your heart's job easier because it keeps the baby's weight from applying pressure to the large vein (called the inferior vena cava) that carries blood back to the heart from your feet and legs.
Some doctors specifically recommend that pregnant women sleep on the left side. Because your liver is on the right side of your abdomen, lying on your left side helps keep the uterus off that large organ. Sleeping on the left side also improves circulation to the heart and allows for the best blood flow to the fetus, uterus, and kidneys. Ask what your doctor recommends — in most cases, lying on either side should do the trick and help take some pressure off your back.
But don't drive yourself crazy worrying that you might roll over onto your back during the night. Shifting positions is a natural part of sleeping that you can't control. Most likely, during the third trimester of your pregnancy, your body won't shift into the back-sleeping position anyway because it will be too uncomfortable.
If you do shift onto your back and the baby's weight presses on your inferior vena cava, the discomfort will probably wake you up. See what your doctor recommends about this; he or she may suggest that you use a pillow to keep yourself propped up on one side.
Try experimenting with pillows to discover a comfortable sleeping position. Some women find that it helps to place a pillow under their abdomen or between their legs. Also, using a bunched-up pillow or rolled-up blanket at the small of your back may help to relieve some pressure. In fact, you'll see many "pregnancy pillows" on the market. If you're thinking about buying one, talk with your doctor first about which might work for you.

Tips for Sleeping Success

Although they might seem appealing when you're feeling desperate to get some ZZZs, remember that over-the-counter sleep aids, including herbal remedies, are not recommended for pregnant women. Instead, these tips may safely improve your chances of getting a good night's sleep:
  • Cut out caffeinated drinks like soda, coffee, and tea from your diet as much as possible. Restrict any intake of them to the morning or early afternoon.
  • Avoid drinking a lot of fluids or eating a full meal within a few hours of going to bed at night. (But make sure that you also get plenty of nutrients and liquids throughout the day.) Some women find it helpful to eat more at breakfast and lunch and then have a smaller dinner. If nausea is keeping you up, try eating a few crackers before you go to bed.
  • Get into a routine of going to bed and waking up at the same time each day.
  • Avoid rigorous exercise right before you go to bed. Instead, do something relaxing, like soaking in a warm bath for 15 minutes or having a warm, caffeine-free drink, such as milk with honey or a cup of herbal tea.
  • If a leg cramp awakens you, it may help to press your feet hard against the wall or to stand on the leg. Also, make sure that you're getting enough calcium in your diet, which can help reduce leg cramps.
  • Take a class in yoga or learn other relaxation techniques to help you unwind after a busy day. (Be sure to discuss any new activity or fitness regimen with your doctor first.)
  • If fear and anxiety are keeping you awake, consider enrolling in a childbirth or parenting class. More knowledge and the company of other pregnant women may help to ease the fears that are keeping you awake at night.

When You Can't Sleep

Of course, there are bound to be times when you just can't sleep. Instead of tossing and turning, worrying that you're not asleep, and counting the hours until your alarm clock will go off, get up and do something: read a book, listen to music, watch TV, catch up on letters or email, or pursue some other activity you enjoy. Eventually, you'll probably feel tired enough to get back to sleep.
And if possible, take short naps (30 to 60 minutes) during the day to make up for lost sleep. It won't be long before your baby will be setting the sleep rules in your house, so you might as well get used to sleeping in spurts!

Reviewed by: Larissa Hirsch, MD

Wednesday 20 November 2013

The Positive Power of Corporate Health and Wellness

Studies have shown the positive benefits of implementing corporate wellness programs, and Pacific Power Renewables in Auburn California has jumped on the band wagon of health for their employees in a BIG way! When CEO, Dan Powell contacted me to run the kick-off fitness challenge for Pacific Power, I was more than happy to oblige and over-the-top excited to be a part of bringing health into their work place in a fun, interactive way.  This was not going to be about anything generic, but I wanted to reach out to each individual employee and provide realistic goals and ideas on how to adapt a healthy lifestyle.  The PPR Ten-Week Fitness Challenge was going to run right through the holiday season…now talk about being serious…I was all in and motivated to MOTIVATE them!  Check out what Dan Powell, CEO Pacific Power Renewables had to say:


“When we first considered this fitness challenge, it was meant to be a general health improvement program.  It wasn’t about insurance premiums or anything else, we just care about our little family here and wanted them to be healthier.  We hoped a residual benefit would be some team building and bonding. We originally expected about a 50% participation level and about a 50% attrition rate from there. We were surprised that we originally had over 95% participation and only two people have dropped out.  On the flip side of that, we’ve had people from related companies, family members, etc. who’ve wanted to take part after we started. 


Now not even halfway through it, we have noticed a significant improvement in energy levels.  People seem happier, healthier, and are working together as a team to plan meals, exercise, even just daily walks.  We’ve all been having a lot of fun with it.  It’s a competition but a friendly one.


Our program was designed to have individual prizes for the greatest weight loss as well as group prizes for aggregate weight loss.  As well, we wanted to keep people motivated, so we offered individual awards for each significant milestone; running shoes, water bottles, exercise balls etc. 


Only partway through our 10 week “fitness challenge”, we are declaring it an enormous success.  I attribute that to the following key factors:

1)  We hired a professional trainer in Darla Leal.  She assessed each person, set realistic goals and supported them throughout in uniquely individual ways.

2)  People here were on the verge of making these kind of life changes, they just lacked the motivation. 

3)  We went into this full bore, big prizes, professional trainer constant attention and motivation.


I have heard some touching stories come out of this.  People have made significant changes to their lives and we’re so glad we started this.  We’re having Darla give us a healthy cooking workshop in a couple weeks and people are really psyched about that.  Thank you for all your hard work Darla.  This has been fun!” Dan Powell (CEO Pacific Power Renewables Inc.)
Corporate wellness incentive plans are a great way to get employees started in a corporate health and wellness program.  Pacific Power has covered all bases with individual, group, and recognition awards throughout the program and the employees are definitely motivated.  I have seen excitement build over the weeks of working with each employee as weight has been lost, inches reduced, and overall health improved, but more than that, I have observed an improved mental outlook and happier person.


“I had been working out and eating somewhat healthy for months, but not losing the weight like I used to.  Darla offered lots of ways to make small changes that have really made a difference.  I’m finally on my journey in the right direction again!” Jennifer Goodwin


Most people spend more hours at work than anywhere else in addition to the time they spend commuting each day.  Taking that into consideration, it is easy to see why maintaining a healthy work and life balance has become increasingly important.  It is the caring employer that recognizes a corporate wellness program as an important tool to establish this balance.  The common goal of a workplace wellness program is to promote the well-being of the employees, employers and organization in general.  It is within such positive work environment that the morale is boosted overall, productivity is increased, and absenteeism is reduced as only a few benefits of a corporate wellness program.


“Darla is a very energetic, encouraging REAL trainer.  She listens to what your needs are and helps you find ways of success for your lifestyle.  Your encouragement and guidance got me started on the road to better health.  I am excited about losing weight and becoming healthier.  I am finding inner strength that I didn't realize I had and am now learning to control my weight instead of my weight controlling me.”Sarah Modgling

The bottom line is that Pacific Power Renewables has taken advantage of the benefits of corporate
wellness and has made it a goal to implement a program sooner than later, and not waiting until employees are stressed, sick or applying to other jobs.  I am touched each week by the care of the management and the response of the employees and have had the privilege to be a part of something very special within Pacific Power.  They have definitely set the bar high for other companies to follow suit in implementing a health and wellness program.  They realize that a healthy employee is a happy employee.

“I have really enjoyed this opportunity to work with Darla, and learn how to incorporate better, healthier choices into my life. Being accountable to another person has made it easier to stick to the program and keep up with my daily journal. Her enthusiasm is contagious and keeps me motivated to take my fitness to the next level.”

“Thank you so much for the nutrition work shop on Friday - it was a blast! The camaraderie that has developed from this program is really awesome!!”  Gina Herum
Stay Healthy Nutrition Workshop


Healthy Pizza Workshop
Another important and visible element of a corporate wellness program is setting up a fitness facility where employees can work-out.  Pacific Power Renewables has also answered that call and I have had the pleasure to conduct an interactive group exercise class as an intro to their new workout area.  This is definitely an added perk, free of cost, convenient and an investment that this company is willing to make for the health of their employees.  In addition to the fitness facility, Pacific Power has provided a Nutrition Workshop where I was able to teach not only the importance of eating healthy, but gave them a hands-on experience of cooking and tasting healthy foods.   When an organization invests in the health of their employees, the benefit is truly for the employer and employee as the quality of the workplace and the work through productivity and satisfaction are greatly improved in addition to overall health benefits for all.  Hats off to Pacific Power Renewables for making corporate health a priority!


It is time for all companies, large or small, to invest in the importance of health within their corporate environment.  I would be happy to consult with you to make this happen and I look forward to hearing from you.  Starting with a “Fun Fitness Challenge” to motivate and get people fired up for the program is a great start.  Give me a call today and StayHealthy!



Me with CEO Dan Powell and wife Karen
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