Wednesday 23 February 2011

Ask The Shifu - Part 2

How to train with ill-health or injury
Q: A doctor told me that my shoulder injury is fully healed but I still have pain and stiffness, what would you recommend I do?
A: Injuries usually take about 100 days to recover but this doesn't mean you don't do anything for 100 days. Stretching and practicing the Qigong from my "The Way Of Qigong Volume 1, 2 or 3" will help your body to recover properly. The only Qigong that wouldn't be suitable is Qigong for Lower or Upper Body as this would be too hard for your injuries. As the stiffness starts to ease, you can start to slowly factor in doing some push-ups and squats. But you need to be careful and listen to your body. Don't be too impatient to start training again. If your joints feel pain then this means you are doing something incorrectly and you should stop.
Q: Is it okay to go straight into Qigong without a warm up?
A: Maybe you don't need to do a body warm up but you need to do a mind warm up because you need to make sure your mind is there so that you have quality in your practice.
Q: You train so hard, how do you remain injury free?
A: The first thing is, Shaolin Temple training means I know my body very well. The training is my meditation so I don't zone out, I am always awake and aware when I'm training. But most importantly, I do Qigong and I use the massage brush after I've finished. This brush doesn't just make my body strong, it also helps to make my blood and Qi flow and move and work properly. I know many Western people are sceptical about self-massage but I would say, try it and make up your mind. You can't look from the outside and make a judgement. Massage is an important part of my training. Self-massage has a long history in the Shaolin Temple. If you do self-massage, this means it's difficult to get an injury.
Q: I want to lose weight, how often should I train and which DVD can I use?
A: It depends on how much desire you have to lose. The first thing is, write down your plan: I will train for one hour three times a week. Do Qigong on one day and Kung Fu on another day. I would recommend training six times a week for the first eight weeks to really lose. Use your willpower to make you take action. Then after, make your action become a habit so that you no longer need willpower. Will power runs out but habit can't.
Q: I am 51 years old, female and have palindromic rheumatism and fibromyalgia. This has made me overweight and completely unfit. What can I do?
A: Firstly I can only give you very general advice as I can’t see you, and I trust you are taking advice from your doctor too. Many patients find exercise an essential part of arthritis treatment. Physical therapy can help patients cope with pain and disability caused by arthritis. Because there is no cure for arthritis, the focus of treatment is on disease management. If you are completely unfit then a good way to start is doing a regular Qi Gong workout – my DVDs show you how to stretch, do a form, and also a self-massage. Combine this with walking and over time your body you’ll be able to do more aerobic exercise. Age is no obstacle to fitness, and Qigong will help you to balance your mind and body and work your way towards your goal of health and happiness. This will be the key for you to get healthy in mind, body and spirit. Don't make too high a target, don't think about losing weight, just do exercise and focus on making your body happy. You need to control your diet and give yourself no choice. You have to eat breakfast, this is very important, try to eat frequently but less, eat six times a day rather than three times a day.
Q: I have bought your Qi Gong Level 1 DVD and have been trying to practice it but I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and Sciatica in my back so it is very difficult to perform the exercises. I was wondering if you could recommend any form of Qigong that someone who is unwell would be able to do, or some gentle exercises.
A: My suggestion would be to do some stretching then do one or two of the sequences from The Eight Treasures but not the whole form. Mix some of these movements with the sitting Qigong and always finish by doing the Instant Health Massage. I teach how to do this massage in Qi Gong Volume 2. You may find it easier to do the Qigong from this DVD, as it is a sitting Qigong that can be done from a cushion or a chair. Once again, I would suggest starting with some gentle stretching, do a few sequences from the form then finish off with The Shaolin Energy Massage. I think that despite your health issues, it’s important to keep moving and Qigong done on a daily basis may help to alleviate some of your pain. As you start to gain energy you can do a little more of the form and keep increasing it day-by-day, step-by-step.

Monday 21 February 2011

Why Is The Installation Of Water Filters Essential For Your Home?

By Kevin Jackson

Water is vital to sustain life. Did you know that nearly two
thirds of your body weight is composed of water? And this is
what makes drinking of water important, about 8 to 10
glasses of it everyday. But drinking just about any type
isn't enough - one should make sure it's pure and clean.
It's what makes the use of water filters very essential for
your home.

Local or municipal water treatment services can't always put
in check outbreak of contaminants in water that make it to
your faucet. For many developing countries, consumption of
contaminated or impure tap water is the cause of certain
epidemic diseases. Some if these waterborne diseases are:
diarrhea, cholera, typhoid, dysentery, amoebiasis, etc. Left
untreated, your life can be in great danger.

Other than waterborne diseases due to bacteria, sometimes
poisons can make their way into your drinking water. They
are insecticides, chlorine, and chlorine's by-products. Some
poisonous metals may also be present, like aluminum, lead,
mercury, and others. These metals are known to cause certain
cancers, including colon and rectal cancers. Simply imagine
the amount of toxic materials you ingest drinking 8-10
glasses of tap water daily!

Drinking pure and clean water is essential for everyone,
especially for growing children. They need it for the proper
development of their immune systems. Definitely, there are
plenty of vital roles water plays for our normal well-being.
It regulates our temperature. It facilitates transport of
nutrients to the cells. It helps in the disposal of waste
materials in the body. The list simply goes on and on.

Bottled water isn't really a convenient replacement for tap
water. Have you ever wondered why bottled water is
expensive? No, it's not because of the clean water it
contains, but because of the bottling, shipping and
promotion. Then there's also the impact these plastic
containers leave on the environment. They take up precious
landfill space. They leak some toxic chemicals into the
groundwater. And they live for hundreds of years before they

Boiling water is, undeniably, an effective way to provide
your family with something safe for drinking. It's a great
way of killing off any bacteria present. But, just like
bottled ones, it's not a convenient solution. Your monthly
utility bills may swell. While it takes only some minutes to
roll boil water, the cost of using electricity or gas for
your stove can add up tremendously.

A more practical approach is to use water filters for your
home. There are two major forms of filters: installed in the
faucet or installed in the plumbing. Something you install
in the faucet is definitely more affordable. However,
replacement of parts is necessary regularly. Something you
install in the plumbing, on the other hand, may be costlier.
But replacement of parts is done only once in a while.

Different water filters use different filtration systems.
When choosing which one is the best for your home, have your
tap water tested first. This will reveal which contaminants
may be present. A carbon filter is best used when organic
chemicals, chloroform, pesticide and others are present. On
the other hand, reverse-osmosis is best used for the
presence of organic elements like iron, lead and others.

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Monday 14 February 2011

5 Steps To A Super Immune System

By Jim Strongly

1. Improve your diet

You'll want lots of fruits and vegetables. These contain
the antioxidants that you want for your body to fight free

Eat lots of fish and flaxseed. These contain the good fat
that you want to eat: omega-3 fats. Omega-3 fats are the
healthy kind of fats. These will help your immune support.

Reduce your intake of sugary foods. Studies have shown that
sugar negatively impacts your immune system.

And finally, don't forget to drink plenty of water. But you
don't want sugary drinks. Sugary drinks will decrease your
immune support.

2. Get moderate exercise for immune support

Moderate exercise helps yours T cells. You should shoot for
moderate exercise 3 to 4 times a week for immune support.

Vigorous exercise such as running could potentially harm your
immune system. In fact, runners are more susceptible to
illnesses such as the flu.

3. Reduce stress levels for immune support

If you're stressing you're hurting your immunity. Relax.
People who are stressed have heart attacks. I'm sure this
is a road that you don't want to go down.

Reducing stress is simple. And it will positively increase
your immune support. To decrease your stress try to
meditate, yoga, or deep breathing.

4. Sleep and hygiene

Doctors have been telling us for years now that in order
to avoid colds and other illnesses the number one thing we
can do is wash our hands. It doesn't seem like we have been
following what the doctors have told us.

Get your sleep. Another thing doctors been telling us for
years that eight hours of sleep is what we need.

5. Try some herbs and supplements for immune support

Some good supplements to try out are vitamin C, astralagus,
echinacea, and elderberry. The reason I say try is because these
supplements have different effects on different people. But
a lot of people swear by these as a way to boost your immune

Recently, doctors have been touting the benefits of another
supplement known as glutathione. Glutathione is the body's
number one antioxidant. So anyway you can boost this will
definitely help your immune support.

If you follow these simple five steps, you will find that
you have boosted your immune support, just like that!

Learn more about ( Immune
Vitamins. Stop by Max Immune Vitamins' site where you can
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Monday 7 February 2011

Why Protein Is An Essential Part Of Any Diet

By Jim Duffy

You see them in all kinds of magazines. You hear people talking about them around the water cooler at work. There are hundreds of fad diets out there, and guess what? None of them work. Oh sure, you may lose a bit of weight, but more often than not, that weight is just going to come back, with a few additional pounds for good measure. The most sensible way to lose weight is to just eat properly. It is easy to follow a healthy, well-balanced diet, and there are all kinds of great-tasting foods that you can incorporate into a healthy diet.

An essential part of any diet is protein. Protein is necessary for survival, provides a natural source of energy and helps to build strong muscles. Our hair and skin are made from protein, and it is a nutrient for all of the cells in our bodies. Not enough protein in the diet can lead to a number of serious health issues and can add complications to existing health conditions. But as important as it is to have enough protein in our diets, too much may actually do more harm than good.

The body needs a certain amount of protein. According to the American Heart Association, protein should make up 35 percent of our daily caloric intake. If the body does not get the protein it needs, it will send signals to the brain that it is hungry, which is not good for dieters, because they will want to eat all the time. Eating snacks that are rich in protein or using protein supplements will help to suppress your appetite, which is essential for losing weight and maintaining your weight loss.

How Much Protein Do You Need in Your Diet?

We need different amounts of protein at different stages of our lives. For example, babies need quite a bit of protein, about 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. But an adult bodybuilder only needs as much as 1.6 grams. The best way to figure out how much protein you should be getting in your diet is to follow this formula:

The first thing you need to do is convert your body weight from pounds to kilograms. Just divide your body weight in pounds by 2.2. Take the resulting number and divide it by one of the following numbers:

- .4 if you are inactive

- .5-.8 if you are somewhat active, such as a 30 minute workout, three times per week

- .8-1 if you are very active, such as working out 30 to 60 minutes at least four times each week

If you are a healthy person in general and have some knowledge about nutrition, you should be able to come up with a healthy diet plan on your own. It is important to remember that before beginning any type of diet, you should consult your physician first. There may be conditions that you have that require you to have certain foods in your diet. You can also speak with a nutritionist or a dietitian.

If you are going to start a diet, a healthy plan includes 50 percent carbohydrates, 35 percent proteins and 15 percent fats. Although many of today's popular diets recommend eating fewer carbohydrates, it is important that some are included in everyone's diet, but they do need to be the right kinds of carbohydrates. For example, simple carbohydrates digest quickly and cause huge surges by raising blood sugar levels. Complex carbohydrates are what you need in your diet. These carbohydrates are slower to digest and do not negatively affect blood sugar levels.

Eating Healthy and Using Protein Supplements

When you eat snacks that are high in protein, you will not have the urge to have more snacks later on. You will feel more satisfied and not feel the urge to eat unnecessarily. Some high-protein snacks that are great for diets and taste great are:

- 2 cups of popcorn with trail mix

- cup of fiber-rich cereal, mixed with non-fat Greek yogurt

- 1 ounce of baked potato chips with two tablespoons of bean dip

Another great-tasting snack that is extremely high in protein is milk. Non-fat is best for dieters, and low-fat chocolate milk is great too. It has all the same nutrients as white milk not much more fat and calories. It is delicious, and not only will you get the protein that you need, you can also satisfy your sweet tooth in a healthy way. Some people suggest drinking low-fat milk, while other studies say that whole-fat milk is best for diets. Speak to your physician or nutritionist for more information.

Another way that you can get the protein you need in your diet without having to eat a lot is by using protein supplements. There are a number of varieties available, and many come in pre-mixed drinks, which are portable and can be taken along anywhere. Some of the more popular protein supplements include:

Protein Powders - These are the most versatile of all of the protein supplements. They come in a variety of delicious flavors, including chocolate, vanilla, berry and fruit punch, and can be used to make great-tasting smoothies and shakes. They are also available in flavorless forms and can be added to just about any recipe.

Liquid Proteins - Liquid protein supplements are very popular because they are often available in a ready-to-drink form. One of the more popular liquid protein supplements on the market today is Profect, by Protica. This little shot provides 25 grams of protein per 2.9 fluid ounces of serving and only contains 100 calories. Profect is low in calories, carbohydrates and fats, and it comes in a number of delicious flavors, including Blue Raspberry, Fresh Citrus Berry, Grapefruit-Mango and Cool Melon Splash.

Protein Bars - These are delicious, protein-packed snacks that can also serve as meal replacements. Protein bars come in a number of flavors, including chocolate, and often have nuts and other great-tasting ingredients.

Protica Research (Protica, Inc.) specializes in the development of Capsulized Foods. Protica manufactures IsoMetric, Pediagro, Fruitasia and over 100 other brands, including Medicare-approved, whey protein supplements for weight loss surgery patients. You can learn more at

Sunday 6 February 2011

What's Your Goal?

Do you want to improve your health and wellness ? Maximize your martial arts? Control your weight? Turn back the clock? Identify the areas you want to improve and let me guide you on the right path. Using the correct combination of my DVDs and resources will deliver your desired results. Shaolin Martial Arts challenges us and helps us to reach the full potential in ourselves that we only dreamt of before. Using the powerful life energy that exists inside our body, we can make ourselves healthy and balanced.

Health and Wellness

The Western focus on exercise has mainly been on making the body look beautiful through weight and cardio training. But this is starting to change. On the Oprah Winfrey show, Dr. Oz said, "If you want to be healthy and live to 100, do Qigong." How can Shaolin Monks train all their lives, while remaining free of injury and looking younger than their years? How can they be beaten with bricks or sticks and not feel any pain? 

The answer is a magical combination of Qigong and Kung Fu. Qigong strengthens the immune system, rejuvenates the internal organs and protects and prevents premature effects of ageing. The Qigong Massage enhances the power of Qigong, helping the Qi and blood to flow properly, while strengthening the bones and keeping the skin soft and supple.

The wearing of Jade helps to banish the harmful effects of the environment. Just as a tree can purify the air, jade has healing powers; helping to purify the body and protect us against the harmful effects of computers, mobile phones or negative energy. It acts as a gentle reminder to us that we are Urban Shaolin Warriors. This means we take time to step back, relax and rejuvenate. Living in the moment is a powerful skill that helps us to be successful in everything we do.

Shifu Yan Lei recommends:

Lose Weight
There are many workout plans that claim to be able to help you lose weight in two weeks, eight weeks or twelve weeks but what about after that time?  How many exercise bikes have been bought then discarded? How many gym memberships not used? 

 The Shaolin Approach is to quit relying on willpower. Willpower is like petrol. It quickly runs out.  But when willpower transforms into habit, you can slim down effortlessly and get your body into great shape.

Any workout programme will help you lose weight. The trick is to find something you enjoy. If you enjoy it, you will stick with it, and it will become a habit. Keep it simple. Don't think too much. I love Kung Fu so I do Kung Fu but if I loved ballet I'd do ballet.

Once you've found the workout you enjoy, do Qigong at least three times a week. Qigong is an important factor in weight loss because it helps to balance the hormones. An increase in cortisol for example, can mean that no matter how hard you work out, you will always have belly fat. But liposuction isn't necessary. Just do Qigong. If you find the slow movements boring then do Qigong For Upper Body and alternate this with Lower Body. This will give your internal organs a workout while toning your muscles at the same time. 
Shifu Yan Lei recommends:
Turn back The Clock

I don't think it's true that you are as old as you feel, I think you are as old as your body feels! So make it feel good. People who do Qigong have higher levels of an enzyme that protects cells against the build-up of a highly toxic free radical, which can cause ageing.

If you're new to Qigong then start with The Eight Treasures. Once you've learnt this, do some movements from The Qigong For Upper Body and Qigong For Lower Body. Yes, it's tough but it will strengthen your bones and help prevent osteoporosis. It's especially important to do these Qigong's if you're not doing any weight bearing exercise.

 Wear jade. Chinese Jade Jewelry has been used by the Chinese for many thousands of years. We believe that Chinese Jade has the power to bring longevity, good health and peace of mind into our life.
Shifu Yan Lei recommends:
All of the Qigong DVDS but if you don't have much time then:

Maximize Your Martial Arts

Thousands of years ago, Warrior monks spent their time in the mountains studying nature and seeing how they could maximize their martial arts. Usually when something becomes old it is put in the bin, but the Shaolin training has grown in value because it contains something of great value. It is a valuable jewel that has been passed down to us by our great Chinese masters. The jewel is right here; we just need to start the training so that we can discover the jewel for ourselves.

 My Shaolin DVDs will transform your mind and body into the mind and body of a Shaolin Warrior, and I teach you how to do this step by step
 Shifu Yan Lei recommends

Tuesday 1 February 2011

How To Nip A Problem In The Bud

I have many bad character traits but one thing I'm grateful to my masters for teaching me is simplicity. Maybe I'm a little stupid but I don't think over and over again in the way I've noticed many of my Western students do. They run their problems round and round their mind like marbles.

Shantideva said:

“If you can solve your problem, Then what is the need for worrying? If you cannot solve it, Then what is the use of worrying?”

This quote is very powerful because it moves us away from worry and inaction and gets us to the root of what we need to do.
What is it that is making you anxious or worried?
Can you do something to change it?
If the answer is yes then do it.
If the answer is no then you need to find a way to accept it.
This is the end of the story.
You don't need to think about this problem anymore.
Move on.
 If you find it hard to move on then this Chinese proverb is for you:

塞翁失馬焉知非福 (Saiweng Shima, Yanzhi Feifu). The Old Man Who Lost His Horse

During the Han Dynasty—in the third century B.C.—an old man living on China’s border one day lost his horse. His neighbors all said what terrible luck that was, and sympathized with the old man. But Sai Weng said: “Maybe losing my horse is not a bad thing after all.”

The next day the old man’s horse returned, together with a beautiful female horse alongside him. All the neighbors said: “What great luck!” But the old man responded: “Maybe this is not such good luck after all.”

The old man had a strong young son. The boy fell in love with the new horse and rode her every day. One day the new horse got spooked by a wild animal and threw the boy from her back. He broke his leg very badly and was permanently crippled.

All Sai Weng’s neighbors said: “What a tragedy, your strong son will never walk without pain again.” But the old man again said: “Maybe this is not such a bad thing after all.”

And so it went that when the New Year came, the emperor’s army passed through the border region and recruited all able young men to fight in the frontier war. Because the old man’s son was crippled he could not fight and was left in the village to farm with his father. Sai Weng said to his neighbors: “You see, it all turned out okay in the end. Being thrown from the horse and breaking his leg saved my son from fighting in the war and almost certain death. So it was in the end a lucky thing after all.”

Whenever a bad thing happens in China, someone will say “Sai Weng Shi Ma” (Remember “The Old Man Who Lost His Horse”) to remind themselves and others that bad things have a silver lining.